package; import fj.F; import fj.F3; import fj.F4; import fj.F5; import fj.F6; import fj.F7; import fj.Function; import fj.Monoid; import fj.P; import fj.P1; import fj.Semigroup; import fj.control.Trampoline; import fj.control.parallel.Promise; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A {@link PTraversal} can be seen as a {@link POptional} generalised to 0 to n targets where n can be infinite. * * {@link PTraversal} stands for Polymorphic Traversal as it set and modify methods change a type `A` to `B` and `S` to `T`. * {@link Traversal} is a {@link PTraversal} restricted to monomoprhic updates. * * @param <S> the source of a {@link PTraversal} * @param <T> the modified source of a {@link PTraversal} * @param <A> the target of a {@link PTraversal} * @param <B> the modified target of a {@link PTraversal} */ public abstract class PTraversal<S, T, A, B> { /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract <C> F<S, F<C, T>> modifyFunctionF(F<A, F<C, B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract <L> F<S, Either<L, T>> modifyEitherF(F<A, Either<L, B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, IO<T>> modifyIOF(F<A, IO<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, Trampoline<T>> modifyTrampolineF(F<A, Trampoline<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, Promise<T>> modifyPromiseF(F<A, Promise<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, List<T>> modifyListF(F<A, List<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, Option<T>> modifyOptionF(F<A, Option<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, Stream<T>> modifyStreamF(F<A, Stream<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, P1<T>> modifyP1F(F<A, P1<B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract <E> F<S, Validation<E, T>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> s, F<A, Validation<E, B>> f); /** * modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with an Applicative function */ public abstract F<S, V2<T>> modifyV2F(F<A, V2<B>> f); /** map each target to a {@link Monoid} and combine the results */ public abstract <M> F<S, M> foldMap(Monoid<M> monoid, F<A, M> f); /** combine all targets using a target's {@link Monoid} */ public final F<S, A> fold(final Monoid<A> m) { return foldMap(m, Function.identity()); } /** get all the targets of a {@link PTraversal} */ public final List<A> getAll(final S s) { return foldMap(Monoid.listMonoid(), List::single).f(s); } /** find the first target of a {@link PTraversal} matching the predicate */ public final F<S, Option<A>> find(final F<A, Boolean> p) { return foldMap(Monoid.firstOptionMonoid(), a -> p.f(a) ? Option.some(a) : Option.none()); } /** get the first target of a {@link PTraversal} */ public final Option<A> headOption(final S s) { return find(Function.constant(Boolean.TRUE)).f(s); } /** check if at least one target satisfies the predicate */ public final F<S, Boolean> exist(final F<A, Boolean> p) { return foldMap(Monoid.disjunctionMonoid, p); } /** check if all targets satisfy the predicate */ public final F<S, Boolean> all(final F<A, Boolean> p) { return foldMap(Monoid.conjunctionMonoid, p); } /** modify polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with a function */ public final F<S, T> modify(final F<A, B> f) { return s -> this.modifyP1F(a -> P.p(f.f(a))).f(s)._1(); } /** set polymorphically the target of a {@link PTraversal} with a value */ public final F<S, T> set(final B b) { return modify(Function.constant(b)); } /** join two {@link PTraversal} with the same target */ public final <S1, T1> PTraversal<Either<S, S1>, Either<T, T1>, A, B> sum(final PTraversal<S1, T1, A, B> other) { final PTraversal<S, T, A, B> self = this; return new PTraversal<Either<S, S1>, Either<T, T1>, A, B>() { @Override public <C> F<Either<S, S1>, F<C, Either<T, T1>>> modifyFunctionF(final F<A, F<C, B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> Function.compose(Either.left_(), self.modifyFunctionF(f).f(s)), s1 -> Function.compose(Either.right_(), other.modifyFunctionF(f).f(s1)) ); } @Override public <L> F<Either<S, S1>, Either<L, Either<T, T1>>> modifyEitherF(final F<A, Either<L, B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyEitherF(f).f(s).right().map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyEitherF(f).f(s1).right().map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, IO<Either<T, T1>>> modifyIOF(final F<A, IO<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s ->, Either.left_()), s1 ->, Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, Trampoline<Either<T, T1>>> modifyTrampolineF(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyTrampolineF(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyTrampolineF(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, Promise<Either<T, T1>>> modifyPromiseF(final F<A, Promise<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyPromiseF(f).f(s).fmap(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyPromiseF(f).f(s1).fmap(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, List<Either<T, T1>>> modifyListF(final F<A, List<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyListF(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyListF(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, Option<Either<T, T1>>> modifyOptionF(final F<A, Option<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyOptionF(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyOptionF(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, Stream<Either<T, T1>>> modifyStreamF(final F<A, Stream<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyStreamF(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyStreamF(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, P1<Either<T, T1>>> modifyP1F(final F<A, P1<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyP1F(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyP1F(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S1>, V2<Either<T, T1>>> modifyV2F(final F<A, V2<B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyV2F(f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyV2F(f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public <E> F<Either<S, S1>, Validation<E, Either<T, T1>>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> se, final F<A, Validation<E, B>> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( s -> self.modifyValidationF(se, f).f(s).map(Either.left_()), s1 -> other.modifyValidationF(se, f).f(s1).map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public <M> F<Either<S, S1>, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<A, M> f) { return ss1 -> ss1.either( self.foldMap(monoid, f), other.foldMap(monoid, f) ); } }; } /****************************************************************/ /** Compose methods between a {@link PTraversal} and another Optics */ /****************************************************************/ /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link Fold} */ public final <C> Fold<S, C> composeFold(final Fold<A, C> other) { return asFold().composeFold(other); } // /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link Getter} */ public final <C> Fold<S, C> composeFold(final Getter<A, C> other) { return asFold().composeGetter(other); } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link PSetter} */ public final <C, D> PSetter<S, T, C, D> composeSetter(final PSetter<A, B, C, D> other) { return asSetter().composeSetter(other); } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link PTraversal} */ public final <C, D> PTraversal<S, T, C, D> composeTraversal(final PTraversal<A, B, C, D> other) { final PTraversal<S, T, A, B> self = this; return new PTraversal<S, T, C, D>() { @Override public <G> F<S, F<G, T>> modifyFunctionF(final F<C, F<G, D>> f) { return self.modifyFunctionF(other.modifyFunctionF(f)); } @Override public <L> F<S, Either<L, T>> modifyEitherF(final F<C, Either<L, D>> f) { return self.modifyEitherF(other.modifyEitherF(f)); } @Override public F<S, IO<T>> modifyIOF(final F<C, IO<D>> f) { return self.modifyIOF(other.modifyIOF(f)); } @Override public F<S, Trampoline<T>> modifyTrampolineF(final F<C, Trampoline<D>> f) { return self.modifyTrampolineF(other.modifyTrampolineF(f)); } @Override public F<S, Promise<T>> modifyPromiseF(final F<C, Promise<D>> f) { return self.modifyPromiseF(other.modifyPromiseF(f)); } @Override public F<S, List<T>> modifyListF(final F<C, List<D>> f) { return self.modifyListF(other.modifyListF(f)); } @Override public F<S, Option<T>> modifyOptionF(final F<C, Option<D>> f) { return self.modifyOptionF(other.modifyOptionF(f)); } @Override public F<S, Stream<T>> modifyStreamF(final F<C, Stream<D>> f) { return self.modifyStreamF(other.modifyStreamF(f)); } @Override public F<S, P1<T>> modifyP1F(final F<C, P1<D>> f) { return self.modifyP1F(other.modifyP1F(f)); } @Override public <E> F<S, Validation<E, T>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> s, final F<C, Validation<E, D>> f) { return self.modifyValidationF(s, other.modifyValidationF(s, f)); } @Override public F<S, V2<T>> modifyV2F(final F<C, V2<D>> f) { return self.modifyV2F(other.modifyV2F(f)); } @Override public <M> F<S, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<C, M> f) { return self.foldMap(monoid, other.foldMap(monoid, f)); } }; } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link POptional} */ public final <C, D> PTraversal<S, T, C, D> composeOptional(final POptional<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeTraversal(other.asTraversal()); } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link PPrism} */ public final <C, D> PTraversal<S, T, C, D> composePrism(final PPrism<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeTraversal(other.asTraversal()); } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link PLens} */ public final <C, D> PTraversal<S, T, C, D> composeLens(final PLens<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeTraversal(other.asTraversal()); } /** compose a {@link PTraversal} with a {@link PIso} */ public final <C, D> PTraversal<S, T, C, D> composeIso(final PIso<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeTraversal(other.asTraversal()); } /**********************************************************************/ /** Transformation methods to view a {@link PTraversal} as another Optics */ /**********************************************************************/ /** view a {@link PTraversal} as a {@link Fold} */ public final Fold<S, A> asFold() { return new Fold<S, A>() { @Override public <M> F<S, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<A, M> f) { return PTraversal.this.foldMap(monoid, f); } }; } /** view a {@link PTraversal} as a {@link PSetter} */ public PSetter<S, T, A, B> asSetter() { return PSetter.pSetter(this::modify); } public static <S, T> PTraversal<S, T, S, T> pId() { return PIso.<S, T> pId().asTraversal(); } public static <S, T> PTraversal<Either<S, S>, Either<T, T>, S, T> pCodiagonal() { return new PTraversal<Either<S, S>, Either<T, T>, S, T>() { @Override public <C> F<Either<S, S>, F<C, Either<T, T>>> modifyFunctionF(final F<S, F<C, T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( f1 -> Function.compose(Either.left_(), f1), f1 -> Function.compose(Either.right_(), f1) ); } @Override public <L> F<Either<S, S>, Either<L, Either<T, T>>> modifyEitherF(final F<S, Either<L, T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( e -> e.right().map(Either.left_()), e -> e.right().map(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, IO<Either<T, T>>> modifyIOF(final F<S, IO<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( io ->, Either.left_()), io ->, Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, Trampoline<Either<T, T>>> modifyTrampolineF(final F<S, Trampoline<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( t ->, t -> ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, Promise<Either<T, T>>> modifyPromiseF(final F<S, Promise<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( p -> p.fmap(Either.left_()), p -> p.fmap(Either.right_()) ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, List<Either<T, T>>> modifyListF(final F<S, List<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( l ->, l -> ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, Option<Either<T, T>>> modifyOptionF(final F<S, Option<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( o ->, o -> ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, Stream<Either<T, T>>> modifyStreamF(final F<S, Stream<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( stream ->, stream -> ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, P1<Either<T, T>>> modifyP1F(final F<S, P1<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( p1 ->, p1 -> ); } @Override public F<Either<S, S>, V2<Either<T, T>>> modifyV2F(final F<S, V2<T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( v2 ->, v2 -> ); } @Override public <E> F<Either<S, S>, Validation<E, Either<T, T>>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> se, final F<S, Validation<E, T>> f) { return s -> s.bimap(f, f).either( v ->, v -> ); } @Override public <M> F<Either<S, S>, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<S, M> f) { return s -> s.either(f, f); } }; } public static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> pTraversal(final F<S, A> get1, final F<S, A> get2, final F3<B, B, S, T> set) { return new PTraversal<S, T, A, B>() { @Override public <C> F<S, F<C, T>> modifyFunctionF(final F<A, F<C, B>> f) { return s -> Function.apply(Function.compose(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s), f.f(get1.f(s))), f.f(get2.f(s))); } @Override public <L> F<S, Either<L, T>> modifyEitherF(final F<A, Either<L, B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).right().apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).right().<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, IO<T>> modifyIOF(final F<A, IO<B>> f) { return s -> IOFunctions.apply(f.f(get2.f(s)), IOFunctions.<B, F<B, T>> map(f.f(get1.f(s)), b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, Trampoline<T>> modifyTrampolineF(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, Promise<T>> modifyPromiseF(final F<A, Promise<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> fmap(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, List<T>> modifyListF(final F<A, List<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, Option<T>> modifyOptionF(final F<A, Option<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, Stream<T>> modifyStreamF(final F<A, Stream<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, P1<T>> modifyP1F(final F<A, P1<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public F<S, V2<T>> modifyV2F(final F<A, V2<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).apply(f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public <E> F<S, Validation<E, T>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> se, final F<A, Validation<E, B>> f) { return s -> f.f(get2.f(s)).accumapply(se, f.f(get1.f(s)).<F<B, T>> map(b1 -> b2 -> set.f(b1, b2, s))); } @Override public <M> F<S, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<A, M> f) { return s -> monoid.sum(f.f(get1.f(s)), f.f(get2.f(s))); } }; } public static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> pTraversal(final F<S, A> get1, final F<S, A> get2, final F<S, A> get3, final F4<B, B, B, S, T> set) { return fromCurried(pTraversal(get1, get2, (b1, b2, s) -> b3 -> set.f(b1, b2, b3, s)), get3); } public static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> pTraversal(final F<S, A> get1, final F<S, A> get2, final F<S, A> get3, final F<S, A> get4, final F5<B, B, B, B, S, T> set) { return fromCurried(pTraversal(get1, get2, get3, (b1, b2, b3, s) -> b4 -> set.f(b1, b2, b3, b4, s)), get4); } public static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> pTraversal(final F<S, A> get1, final F<S, A> get2, final F<S, A> get3, final F<S, A> get4, final F<S, A> get5, final F6<B, B, B, B, B, S, T> set) { return fromCurried(pTraversal(get1, get2, get3, get4, (b1, b2, b3, b4, s) -> b5 -> set.f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, s)), get5); } public static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> pTraversal(final F<S, A> get1, final F<S, A> get2, final F<S, A> get3, final F<S, A> get4, final F<S, A> get5, final F<S, A> get6, final F7<B, B, B, B, B, B, S, T> set) { return fromCurried( pTraversal(get1, get2, get3, get4, get5, (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, s) -> b6 -> set.f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, s)), get6); } private static <S, T, A, B> PTraversal<S, T, A, B> fromCurried(final PTraversal<S, F<B, T>, A, B> curriedTraversal, final F<S, A> lastGet) { return new PTraversal<S, T, A, B>() { @Override public <C> F<S, F<C, T>> modifyFunctionF(final F<A, F<C, B>> f) { return s -> Function.apply(curriedTraversal.modifyFunctionF(f).f(s), f.f(lastGet.f(s))); } @Override public <L> F<S, Either<L, T>> modifyEitherF(final F<A, Either<L, B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).right().apply(curriedTraversal.modifyEitherF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, IO<T>> modifyIOF(final F<A, IO<B>> f) { return s -> IOFunctions.apply(f.f(lastGet.f(s)), curriedTraversal.modifyIOF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, Trampoline<T>> modifyTrampolineF(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyTrampolineF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, Promise<T>> modifyPromiseF(final F<A, Promise<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyPromiseF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, List<T>> modifyListF(final F<A, List<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyListF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, Option<T>> modifyOptionF(final F<A, Option<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyOptionF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, Stream<T>> modifyStreamF(final F<A, Stream<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyStreamF(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, P1<T>> modifyP1F(final F<A, P1<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyP1F(f).f(s)); } @Override public F<S, V2<T>> modifyV2F(final F<A, V2<B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).apply(curriedTraversal.modifyV2F(f).f(s)); } @Override public <E> F<S, Validation<E, T>> modifyValidationF(Semigroup<E> se, final F<A, Validation<E, B>> f) { return s -> f.f(lastGet.f(s)).accumapply(se, curriedTraversal.modifyValidationF(se, f).f(s)); } @Override public <M> F<S, M> foldMap(final Monoid<M> monoid, final F<A, M> f) { return s -> monoid.sum(curriedTraversal.foldMap(monoid, f).f(s), f.f(lastGet.f(s))); } }; } }