package fj; import static fj.F1Functions.dimap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static fj.Function.*; import static fj.Semigroup.semigroupDef; import static fj.Unit.unit; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * A monoid abstraction to be defined across types of the given type argument. Implementations must * follow the monoidal laws: * <ul> * <li><em>Left Identity</em>; forall x. sum(zero(), x) == x</li> * <li><em>Right Identity</em>; forall x. sum(x, zero()) == x</li> * <li><em>Associativity</em>; forall x y z. sum(sum(x, y), z) == sum(x, sum(y, z))</li> * </ul> * * @version %build.number% */ public final class Monoid<A> { private final Definition<A> def; /** * Primitives functions of Monoid: minimal definition and overridable methods. */ public interface Definition<A> extends Semigroup.Definition<A> { A empty(); default A sum(F0<Stream<A>> as) { return as.f().foldLeft(this::append, empty()); } @Override default A sum(A a, F0<Stream<A>> as) { return sum(() -> Stream.cons(a, as)); } default A multiply(int n, A a) { return (n <= 0) ? empty() : Semigroup.Definition.super.multiply1p(n - 1, a); } @Override default A multiply1p(int n, A a) { return n == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? append(a, multiply(n, a)) : multiply(n + 1, a); } default Definition<A> dual() { return new Definition<A>(){ @Override public A empty() { return Definition.this.empty(); } @Override public A append(A a1, A a2) { return Definition.this.append(a2, a1); } @Override public A multiply(int n, A a) { return Definition.this.multiply(n, a); } @Override public Definition<A> dual() { return Definition.this; } }; } } /** * Primitives functions of Monoid: alternative minimal definition and overridable methods. */ public interface AltDefinition<A> extends Definition<A> { @Override F<A, A> prepend(A a); @Override default A append(A a1, A a2) { return prepend(a1).f(a2); } } private Monoid(Definition<A> def) { this.def = def; } /** * Composes this monoid with another. */ public <B> Monoid<P2<A,B>>compose(Monoid<B> m) { return compose(m, P2.__1(), P2.__2(), P::p); } /** * Returns a semigroup projection of this monoid. * * @return A semigroup projection of this monoid. */ public Semigroup<A> semigroup() { return semigroupDef(def); } /** * Maps the given functions across this monoid as an invariant functor. * * @param f The covariant map. * @param g The contra-variant map. * @return A new monoid. */ public <B> Monoid<B> xmap(final F<A, B> f, final F<B, A> g) { Monoid.Definition<A> def = this.def; B zero = f.f(def.empty()); return monoidDef(new Definition<B>() { @Override public B empty() { return zero; } @Override public B append(B a1, B a2) { return f.f(def.append(g.f(a1), g.f(a2))); } @Override public F<B, B> prepend(B b) { return dimap(def.prepend(g.f(b)), g, f); } @Override public B multiply(int n, B b) { return f.f(def.multiply(n , g.f(b))); } @Override public B sum(F0<Stream<B>> as) { return f.f(def.sum(() -> as.f().map(g))); } }); } public <B, C> Monoid<C> compose(Monoid<B> mb, final F<C, A> a, final F<C, B> b, final F2<A, B, C> c) { Definition<A> maDef = this.def; Definition<B> mbDef = mb.def; C empty = c.f(maDef.empty(), mbDef.empty()); return monoidDef(new Definition<C>() { @Override public C empty() { return empty; } @Override public C append(C c1, C c2) { return c.f(maDef.append(a.f(c1), a.f(c2)), mbDef.append(b.f(c1), b.f(c2))); } @Override public F<C, C> prepend(C c1) { F<A, A> prependA = maDef.prepend(a.f(c1)); F<B, B> prependB = mbDef.prepend(b.f(c1)); return c2 -> c.f(prependA.f(a.f(c2)), prependB.f(b.f(c2))); } @Override public C multiply(int n, C c1) { return c.f(maDef.multiply(n, a.f(c1)), mbDef.multiply(n, b.f(c1))); } @Override public C sum(F0<Stream<C>> cs) { return c.f(maDef.sum(() -> cs.f().map(a)), mbDef.sum(() -> cs.f().map(b))); } }); } /** * Sums the two given arguments. * * @param a1 A value to sum with another. * @param a2 A value to sum with another. * @return The of the two given arguments. */ public A sum(final A a1, final A a2) { return def.append(a1, a2); } /** * Returns a function that sums the given value according to this monoid. * * @param a1 The value to sum. * @return A function that sums the given value according to this monoid. */ public F<A, A> sum(final A a1) { return def.prepend(a1); } /** * Returns a function that sums according to this monoid. * * @return A function that sums according to this monoid. */ public F<A, F<A, A>> sum() { return def::prepend; } /** * The zero value for this monoid. * * @return The zero value for this monoid. */ public A zero() { return def.empty(); } /** * Returns a value summed <code>n</code> times (<code>a + a + ... + a</code>). * The default definition uses peasant multiplication, exploiting * associativity to only require `O(log n)` uses of * {@link #sum(Object, Object)}. * * @param n multiplier * @param a the value to be reapeatly summed * @return {@code a} summed {@code n} times. If {@code n <= 0}, returns * {@code zero()} */ public A multiply(final int n, final A a) { return def.multiply(n, a); } /** * Sums the given values with right-fold. * * @param as The values to sum. * @return The sum of the given values. */ public A sumRight(final List<A> as) { return as.foldRight(def::append, def.empty()); } /** * Sums the given values with right-fold. * * @param as The values to sum. * @return The sum of the given values. */ public A sumRight(final Stream<A> as) { return as.foldRight1(def::append, def.empty()); } /** * Sums the given values with left-fold. * * @param as The values to sum. * @return The sum of the given values. */ public A sumLeft(final List<A> as) { return as.foldLeft(def::append, def.empty()); } /** * Sums the given values with left-fold. * * @param as The values to sum. * @return The sum of the given values. */ public A sumLeft(final Stream<A> as) { return def.sum(() -> as); } /** * Returns a function that sums the given values with left-fold. * * @return a function that sums the given values with left-fold. */ public F<List<A>, A> sumLeft() { return this::sumLeft; } /** * Returns a function that sums the given values with right-fold. * * @return a function that sums the given values with right-fold. */ public F<List<A>, A> sumRight() { return this::sumRight; } /** * Returns a function that sums the given values with left-fold. * * @return a function that sums the given values with left-fold. */ public F<Stream<A>, A> sumLeftS() { return this::sumLeft; } /** * Intersperses the given value between each two elements of the iterable, and sums the result. * * @param as An iterable of values to sum. * @param a The value to intersperse between values of the given iterable. * @return The sum of the given values and the interspersed value. */ public A join(final Iterable<A> as, final A a) { final Stream<A> s = iterableStream(as); F<A, A> prependA = def.prepend(a); return s.isEmpty() ? def.empty() : s.foldLeft1((a1, a2) -> def.append(a1, prependA.f(a2))); } /** * Swaps the arguments when summing. */ public Monoid<A> dual() { return monoidDef(def.dual()); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given definition, which must follow the monoidal * laws. * * @param def The definition for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoidDef(Definition<A> def) { return new Monoid<>(def); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given definition, which must follow the monoidal * laws. * * @param def The definition for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoidDef(AltDefinition<A> def) { return new Monoid<>(def); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given semigroup definition and zero value, which must follow the monoidal laws. * * @param s The semigroup definition for the monoid. * @param zero The zero for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoidDef(final Semigroup.Definition<A> s, final A zero) { return new Monoid<>(new Monoid.Definition<A>() { @Override public A empty() { return zero; } @Override public A sum(F0<Stream<A>> as) { return s.sum(zero, as); } @Override public A sum(A a, F0<Stream<A>> as) { return s.sum(a, as); } @Override public A multiply(int n, A a) { return (n <= 0) ? zero : s.multiply1p(n - 1, a); } @Override public A multiply1p(int n, A a) { return s.multiply1p(n, a); } @Override public A append(A a1, A a2) { return s.append(a1, a2); } @Override public F<A, A> prepend(A a) { return s.prepend(a); } }); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given semigroup definition and zero value, which must follow the monoidal laws. * * @param s The semigroup definition for the monoid. * @param zero The zero for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoidDef(final Semigroup.AltDefinition<A> s, final A zero) { return monoidDef((Semigroup.Definition<A>) s, zero); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given sum function and zero value, which must follow the monoidal * laws. * Java 8+ users: use {@link #monoidDef(Semigroup.Definition, Object)} instead. * * @param sum The sum function for the monoid. * @param zero The zero for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoid(final F<A, F<A, A>> sum, final A zero) { return new Monoid<>(new AltDefinition<A>() { @Override public F<A, A> prepend(A a) { return sum.f(a); } @Override public A empty() { return zero; } }); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given sum function and zero value, which must follow the monoidal * laws. * * Java 8+ users: use {@link #monoidDef(Semigroup.Definition, Object)} instead. * * @param sum The sum function for the monoid. * @param zero The zero for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ public static <A> Monoid<A> monoid(final F2<A, A, A> sum, final A zero) { return new Monoid<>(new Definition<A>() { @Override public A empty() { return zero; } @Override public A append(A a1, A a2) { return sum.f(a1, a2); } }); } /** * Constructs a monoid from the given semigroup and zero value, which must follow the monoidal laws. * @deprecated since 4.7. Use {@link #monoidDef(Semigroup.Definition, Object)} or {@link Semigroup#monoid(Object)} instead. * * @param s The semigroup for the monoid. * @param zero The zero for the monoid. * @return A monoid instance that uses the given sun function and zero value. */ @Deprecated public static <A> Monoid<A> monoid(final Semigroup<A> s, final A zero) { return s.monoid(zero); } /** * A monoid that adds integers. */ public static final Monoid<Integer> intAdditionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Integer>() { @Override public Integer empty() { return 0; } @Override public Integer append(Integer a1, Integer a2) { return a1 + a2; } @Override public Integer multiply(int n, Integer i) { return n <= 0 ? 0 : n * i; } }); /** * A monoid that multiplies integers. */ public static final Monoid<Integer> intMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Integer>() { @Override public Integer empty() { return 1; } @Override public Integer append(Integer i1, Integer i2) { return i1 * i2; } @Override public Integer sum(F0<Stream<Integer>> as) { int x = 1; for (Stream<Integer> xs = as.f(); x != 0 && !xs.isEmpty(); xs = xs.tail()._1()) { x *= xs.head(); } return x; } @Override public Integer multiply(int n, Integer integer) { return n <= 0 ? 1 : (int) StrictMath.pow(integer.doubleValue(), n); } }); /** * @deprecated Since 4.7. Due to rounding errors, addition of doubles does not comply with monoid laws */ @Deprecated public static final Monoid<Double> doubleAdditionMonoid = monoidDef((d1, d2) -> d1 + d2, 0.0); /** * @deprecated Since 4.7. Due to rounding errors, multiplication of doubles does not comply with monoid laws */ @Deprecated public static final Monoid<Double> doubleMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef((d1, d2) -> d1 * d2, 1.0); /** * A monoid that adds big integers. */ public static final Monoid<BigInteger> bigintAdditionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<BigInteger>() { @Override public BigInteger empty() { return BigInteger.ZERO; } @Override public BigInteger append(BigInteger a1, BigInteger a2) { return a1.add(a2); } @Override public BigInteger multiply(int n, BigInteger a) { return n <= 0 ? BigInteger.ZERO : a.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)); } }); /** * A monoid that multiplies big integers. */ public static final Monoid<BigInteger> bigintMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<BigInteger>() { @Override public BigInteger empty() { return BigInteger.ONE; } @Override public BigInteger append(BigInteger a1, BigInteger a2) { return a1.multiply(a2); } @Override public BigInteger multiply(int n, BigInteger a) { return n <= 0 ? BigInteger.ONE : a.pow(n); } }); /** * A monoid that adds big decimals. */ public static final Monoid<BigDecimal> bigdecimalAdditionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<BigDecimal>() { @Override public BigDecimal empty() { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } @Override public BigDecimal append(BigDecimal a1, BigDecimal a2) { return a1.add(a2); } @Override public BigDecimal multiply(int n, BigDecimal a) { return n <= 0 ? BigDecimal.ZERO : a.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(n)); } }); /** * A monoid that multiplies big decimals. */ public static final Monoid<BigDecimal> bigdecimalMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<BigDecimal>() { @Override public BigDecimal empty() { return BigDecimal.ONE; } @Override public BigDecimal append(BigDecimal a1, BigDecimal a2) { return a1.multiply(a2); } @Override public BigDecimal multiply(int n, BigDecimal decimal) { return n <= 0 ? BigDecimal.ONE : decimal.pow(n); } }); /** * A monoid that adds natural numbers. */ public static final Monoid<Natural> naturalAdditionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Natural>() { @Override public Natural empty() { return Natural.ZERO; } @Override public Natural append(Natural a1, Natural a2) { return a1.add(a2); } @Override public Natural multiply(int n, Natural a) { return natural(n).map(positiveN -> a.multiply(positiveN)).orSome(Natural.ZERO); } }); /** * A monoid that multiplies natural numbers. */ public static final Monoid<Natural> naturalMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Natural>() { @Override public Natural empty() { return Natural.ONE; } @Override public Natural append(Natural a1, Natural a2) { return a1.multiply(a2); } }); /** * A monoid that adds longs. */ public static final Monoid<Long> longAdditionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Long>() { @Override public Long empty() { return 0L; } @Override public Long append(Long a1, Long a2) { return a1 + a2; } @Override public Long multiply(int n, Long a) { return n <= 0 ? 0L : n * a; } }); /** * A monoid that multiplies longs. */ public static final Monoid<Long> longMultiplicationMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Long>() { @Override public Long empty() { return 1L; } @Override public Long append(Long i1, Long i2) { return i1 * i2; } @Override public Long sum(F0<Stream<Long>> as) { long x = 1L; for (Stream<Long> xs = as.f(); x != 0L && !xs.isEmpty(); xs = xs.tail()._1()) { x *= xs.head(); } return x; } @Override public Long multiply(int n, Long l) { return n <= 0 ? 1L : (long) StrictMath.pow(l.doubleValue(), n); } }); /** * A monoid that ORs booleans. */ public static final Monoid<Boolean> disjunctionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean empty() { return false; } @Override public Boolean append(Boolean a1, Boolean a2) { return a1 | a2; } @Override public Boolean sum(F0<Stream<Boolean>> as) { return as.f().filter(identity()).isNotEmpty(); } @Override public Boolean multiply(int n, Boolean a) { return n <= 0 ? false : a; } }); /** * A monoid that XORs booleans. */ public static final Monoid<Boolean> exclusiveDisjunctionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean empty() { return false; } @Override public Boolean append(Boolean a1, Boolean a2) { return a1 ^ a2; } @Override public Boolean multiply(int n, Boolean a) { return a && (n == 1); } }); /** * A monoid that ANDs booleans. */ public static final Monoid<Boolean> conjunctionMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean empty() { return true; } @Override public Boolean append(Boolean a1, Boolean a2) { return a1 & a2; } @Override public Boolean multiply(int n, Boolean a) { return a; } @Override public Boolean sum(F0<Stream<Boolean>> as) { return as.f().filter(a -> !a).isEmpty(); } }); /** * A monoid that appends strings. */ public static final Monoid<String> stringMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<String>() { @Override public String empty() { return ""; } @Override public String append(String a1, String a2) { return a1.concat(a2); } @Override public String sum(F0<Stream<String>> as) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); as.f().foreachDoEffect(sb::append); return sb.toString(); } }); /** * A monoid that appends string buffers. */ public static final Monoid<StringBuffer> stringBufferMonoid = monoidDef((s1, s2) -> new StringBuffer(s1).append(s2), new StringBuffer(0)); /** * A monoid that appends string builders. */ public static final Monoid<StringBuilder> stringBuilderMonoid = monoidDef((s1, s2) -> new StringBuilder(s1).append(s2), new StringBuilder(0)); /** * A monoid for functions. * * @param mb The monoid for the function codomain. * @return A monoid for functions. */ public static <A, B> Monoid<F<A, B>> functionMonoid(final Monoid<B> mb) { Definition<B> mbDef = mb.def; return monoidDef(new Definition<F<A, B>>() { @Override public F<A, B> empty() { return __ -> mbDef.empty(); } @Override public F<A, B> append(F<A, B> a1, F<A, B> a2) { return a -> mbDef.append(a1.f(a), a2.f(a)); } }); } /** * A monoid for lists. * * @return A monoid for lists. */ public static <A> Monoid<List<A>> listMonoid() { return monoidDef(new Definition<List<A>>() { @Override public List<A> empty() { return nil(); } @Override public List<A> append(List<A> a1, List<A> a2) { return a1.append(a2); } @Override public List<A> sum(F0<Stream<List<A>>> as) { return as.f().map(DList::listDList).foldLeft(DList::append, DList.<A>nil()).run(); } }); } /** * A monoid for options. * @deprecated since 4.7. Use {@link #firstOptionMonoid()}. * * @return A monoid for options. */ @Deprecated public static <A> Monoid<Option<A>> optionMonoid() { return firstOptionMonoid(); } /** * A monoid for options that take the first available value. * * @return A monoid for options that take the first available value. */ public static <A> Monoid<Option<A>> firstOptionMonoid() { return monoidDef(new Definition<Option<A>>() { @Override public Option<A> empty() { return none(); } @Override public Option<A> append(Option<A> a1, Option<A> a2) { return a1.orElse(a2); } @Override public F<Option<A>, Option<A>> prepend(Option<A> a1) { return a1.isSome() ? __ -> a1 : identity(); } @Override public Option<A> multiply(int n, Option<A> as) { return as; } @Override public Option<A> sum(F0<Stream<Option<A>>> as) { return as.f().filter(Option.isSome_()).orHead(Option::none); } }); } /** * A monoid for options that take the last available value. * * @return A monoid for options that take the last available value. */ public static <A> Monoid<Option<A>> lastOptionMonoid() { return monoidDef(new Definition<Option<A>>() { @Override public Option<A> empty() { return none(); } @Override public Option<A> append(Option<A> a1, Option<A> a2) { return a2.orElse(a1); } @Override public F<Option<A>, Option<A>> prepend(Option<A> a1) { return a1.isNone() ? identity() : a2 -> a2.orElse(a1); } @Override public Option<A> multiply(int n, Option<A> as) { return as; } }); } /** * A monoid for streams. * * @return A monoid for streams. */ public static <A> Monoid<Stream<A>> streamMonoid() { return monoidDef(new Definition<Stream<A>>() { @Override public Stream<A> empty() { return Stream.nil(); } @Override public Stream<A> append(Stream<A> a1, Stream<A> a2) { return a1.append(a2); } @Override public Stream<A> sum(F0<Stream<Stream<A>>> as) { return Stream.join(as.f()); } }); } /** * A monoid for arrays. * * @return A monoid for arrays. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <A> Monoid<Array<A>> arrayMonoid() { return monoidDef(new Definition<Array<A>>() { @Override public Array<A> empty() { return Array.empty(); } @Override public Array<A> append(Array<A> a1, Array<A> a2) { return a1.append(a2); } }); } /** * A monoid for IO values. */ public static <A> Monoid<IO<A>> ioMonoid(final Monoid<A> ma) { Definition<A> maDef = ma.def; return monoidDef(new Definition<IO<A>>() { @Override public IO<A> empty() { return () -> maDef.empty(); } @Override public IO<A> append(IO<A> a1, IO<A> a2) { return () -> maDef.append(,; } }); } /** * A monoid for the maximum of two integers. */ public static final Monoid<Integer> intMaxMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Integer>() { @Override public Integer empty() { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } @Override public Integer append(Integer a1, Integer a2) { return Math.max(a1, a2); } @Override public Integer multiply(int n, Integer a) { return a; } }); /** * A monoid for the minimum of two integers. */ public static final Monoid<Integer> intMinMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Integer>() { @Override public Integer empty() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public Integer append(Integer a1, Integer a2) { return Math.min(a1, a2); } @Override public Integer multiply(int n, Integer a) { return a; } }); /** * A monoid for the Unit value. */ public static final Monoid<Unit> unitMonoid = monoidDef(new Definition<Unit>() { @Override public Unit empty() { return unit(); } @Override public Unit append(Unit a1, Unit a2) { return unit(); } }); /** * A monoid for sets. * * @param o An order for set elements. * @return A monoid for sets whose elements have the given order. */ public static <A> Monoid<Set<A>> setMonoid(final Ord<A> o) { return monoidDef(new Definition<Set<A>>() { @Override public Set<A> empty() { return Set.empty(o); } @Override public Set<A> append(Set<A> a1, Set<A> a2) { return a1.union(a2); } }); } /** * A monoid for the maximum of elements with ordering o. * @deprecated since 4.7. Use {@link Ord#maxMonoid(Object)} * * @param o An ordering of elements. * @param zero The minimum element. */ @Deprecated public static <A> Monoid<A> ordMaxMonoid(final Ord<A> o, final A zero) { return o.maxMonoid(zero); } }