package; import fj.F; import fj.P2; /** {@link PIso} when S = T and A = B */ public final class Iso<S, A> extends PIso<S, S, A, A> { final PIso<S, S, A, A> pIso; public Iso(final PIso<S, S, A, A> pIso) { this.pIso = pIso; } @Override public A get(final S s) { return pIso.get(s); } @Override public S reverseGet(final A a) { return pIso.reverseGet(a); } @Override public Iso<A, S> reverse() { return new Iso<>(pIso.reverse()); } /** pair two disjoint {@link Iso} */ public <S1, A1> Iso<P2<S, S1>, P2<A, A1>> product(final Iso<S1, A1> other) { return new Iso<>(pIso.product(other.pIso)); } @Override public <C> Iso<P2<S, C>, P2<A, C>> first() { return new Iso<>(pIso.first()); } @Override public <C> Iso<P2<C, S>, P2<C, A>> second() { return new Iso<>(pIso.second()); } /**********************************************************/ /** Compose methods between an {@link Iso} and another Optics */ /**********************************************************/ /** compose an {@link Iso} with a {@link Setter} */ public <C> Setter<S, C> composeSetter(final Setter<A, C> other) { return new Setter<>(pIso.composeSetter(other.pSetter)); } /** compose an {@link Iso} with a {@link Traversal} */ public <C> Traversal<S, C> composeTraversal(final Traversal<A, C> other) { return new Traversal<>(pIso.composeTraversal(other.pTraversal)); } /** compose an {@link Iso} with a {@link Optional} */ public <C> Optional<S, C> composeOptional(final Optional<A, C> other) { return new Optional<>(pIso.composeOptional(other.pOptional)); } /** compose an {@link Iso} with a {@link Prism} */ public <C> Prism<S, C> composePrism(final Prism<A, C> other) { return new Prism<>(pIso.composePrism(other.pPrism)); } /** compose an {@link Iso} with a {@link Lens} */ public <C> Lens<S, C> composeLens(final Lens<A, C> other) { return asLens().composeLens(other); } /** compose an {@link Iso} with an {@link Iso} */ public <C> Iso<S, C> composeIso(final Iso<A, C> other) { return new Iso<>(pIso.composeIso(other.pIso)); } /****************************************************************/ /** Transformation methods to view an {@link Iso} as another Optics */ /****************************************************************/ /** view an {@link Iso} as a {@link Setter} */ @Override public Setter<S, A> asSetter() { return new Setter<>(pIso.asSetter()); } /** view an {@link Iso} as a {@link Traversal} */ @Override public Traversal<S, A> asTraversal() { return new Traversal<>(pIso.asTraversal()); } /** view an {@link Iso} as a {@link Optional} */ @Override public Optional<S, A> asOptional() { return new Optional<>(pIso.asOptional()); } /** view an {@link Iso} as a {@link Prism} */ @Override public Prism<S, A> asPrism() { return new Prism<>(pIso.asPrism()); } /** view an {@link Iso} as a {@link Lens} */ @Override public Lens<S, A> asLens() { return new Lens<>(pIso.asLens()); } /** create an {@link Iso} using a pair of functions: one to get the target and one to get the source. */ public static <S, A> Iso<S, A> iso(final F<S, A> get, final F<A, S> reverseGet) { return new Iso<>(PIso.pIso(get, reverseGet)); } /** * create an {@link Iso} between any type and itself. id is the zero element of optics composition, for all optics o of type O * (e.g. Lens, Iso, Prism, ...): * * <pre> * o composeIso == o * composeO o == o * </pre> * * (replace composeO by composeLens, composeIso, composePrism, ...) */ public static <S> Iso<S, S> id() { return new Iso<>(PIso.pId()); } }