package; import fj.F; import fj.Function; import fj.Monoid; import fj.P; import fj.P2; import; /** * A {@link Getter} can be seen as a glorified get method between a type S and a type A. * * A {@link Getter} is also a valid {@link Fold} * * @param <S> the source of a {@link Getter} * @param <A> the target of a {@link Getter} */ public abstract class Getter<S, A> { Getter() { super(); } /** get the target of a {@link Getter} */ public abstract A get(S s); /** join two {@link Getter} with the same target */ public final <S1> Getter<Either<S, S1>, A> sum(final Getter<S1, A> other) { return getter(e -> e.either(this::get, other::get)); } /** pair two disjoint {@link Getter} */ public final <S1, A1> Getter<P2<S, S1>, P2<A, A1>> product(final Getter<S1, A1> other) { return getter(p2 -> P.p(this.get(p2._1()), other.get(p2._2()))); } public final <B> Getter<P2<S, B>, P2<A, B>> first() { return getter(p -> P.p(this.get(p._1()), p._2())); } public final <B> Getter<P2<B, S>, P2<B, A>> second() { return getter(p -> P.p(p._1(), this.get(p._2()))); } /*************************************************************/ /** Compose methods between a {@link Getter} and another Optics */ /*************************************************************/ /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link Fold} */ public final <B> Fold<S, B> composeFold(final Fold<A, B> other) { return asFold().composeFold(other); } /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link Getter} */ public final <B> Getter<S, B> composeGetter(final Getter<A, B> other) { return getter(s -> other.get(get(s))); } /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link POptional} */ public final <B, C, D> Fold<S, C> composeOptional(final POptional<A, B, C, D> other) { return asFold().composeOptional(other); } /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link PPrism} */ public final <B, C, D> Fold<S, C> composePrism(final PPrism<A, B, C, D> other) { return asFold().composePrism(other); } /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link PLens} */ public final <B, C, D> Getter<S, C> composeLens(final PLens<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeGetter(other.asGetter()); } /** compose a {@link Getter} with a {@link PIso} */ public final <B, C, D> Getter<S, C> composeIso(final PIso<A, B, C, D> other) { return composeGetter(other.asGetter()); } /******************************************************************/ /** Transformation methods to view a {@link Getter} as another Optics */ /******************************************************************/ /** view a {@link Getter} with a {@link Fold} */ public final Fold<S, A> asFold() { return new Fold<S, A>() { @Override public <B> F<S, B> foldMap(final Monoid<B> m, final F<A, B> f) { return s -> f.f(get(s)); } }; } public static <A> Getter<A, A> id() { return PIso.<A, A> pId().asGetter(); } public static <A> Getter<Either<A, A>, A> codiagonal() { return getter(e -> e.either(Function.identity(), Function.identity())); } public static <S, A> Getter<S, A> getter(final F<S, A> get) { return new Getter<S, A>() { @Override public A get(final S s) { return get.f(s); } }; } }