package; import fj.F; import fj.P; import fj.control.Trampoline; import java.util.Iterator; import static; /** * Difference List. It converts left associative appends into right associative ones to improve performance. * * @version %build.number% */ public final class DList<A> { private final F<List<A>,Trampoline<List<A>>> appendFn; private DList(final F<List<A>,Trampoline<List<A>>> appendFn) { this.appendFn = appendFn; } /** * Creates a DList from the function * * For alternatives functions to create a DList: * @see #iterableDList * @see #iteratorDList * @see #arrayDList */ public static <A> DList<A> dlist(final F<List<A>,Trampoline<List<A>>> f) { return new DList<>(f); } /** * Creates a DList from a List */ public static <A> DList<A> listDList(final List<A> a) { return dlist((List<A> tail) -> Trampoline.pure(a.append(tail))); } /** * Creates a DList from an Iterable */ public static <A> DList<A> iterableDList(final Iterable<A> it) { return listDList(iterableList(it)); } /** * Creates a DList from an Iterator */ public static <A> DList<A> iteratorDList(final Iterator<A> it) { return iterableDList(() -> it); } /** * Creates a DList from an array */ @SafeVarargs public static <A> DList<A> arrayDList(final { return listDList(List.list(as)); } /** * Concatenates all the internal Lists together that are held in * the DList's lambda's state to produce a List. * This is what converts the appending operation from left associative to right associative, * giving DList it's speed. * @return the final List */ public List<A> run() { return appendFn.f(List.nil()).run(); } /** * Converts the DList to a standard java.util.List. */ public java.util.List<A> toJavaList() { return run().toJavaList(); } /** * A empty DList. * @param <A> * @return a empty DList. */ public static <A> DList<A> nil() { return new DList<>(Trampoline.pure()); } /** * Produces a DList with one element. * @param <A> * @param a the element in the DList. * @return a DList with one element. */ public static <A> DList<A> single(A a) { return new DList<>((List<A> tail) -> Trampoline.pure(tail.cons(a))); } /** * Prepends a single element on the DList to produce a new DList. * @param a the element to append. * @return the new DList. */ public DList<A> cons(A a) { return single(a).append(this); } /** * Appends a single element on the end of the DList to produce a new DList. * @param a the element to append. * @return the new DList. */ public DList<A> snoc(A a) { return this.append(single(a)); } /** * Appends two DLists together to produce a new DList. * @param other the other DList to append on the end of this one. * @return the new DList. */ public DList<A> append(DList<A> other) { return new DList<>(kleisliTrampCompose(this.appendFn, other.appendFn)); } private static <A,B,C> F<A,Trampoline<C>> kleisliTrampCompose(F<B,Trampoline<C>> bc, F<A,Trampoline<B>> ab) { return (A a) -> ab.f(a).bind((B b) -> Trampoline.suspend(P.lazy(() -> bc.f(b)))); } }