package fj.test; import fj.F; import fj.Function; import fj.Ord; import fj.P2; import fj.Unit; import fj.control.Trampoline; import; import; import; import fj.function.Effect1; import static fj.Bottom.error; import static fj.Function.curry; import static fj.Function.flip; import static fj.Monoid.intAdditionMonoid; import static fj.Ord.intOrd; import static fj.P.lazy; import static fj.P2.__1; import static fj.control.Trampoline.pure; import static fj.control.Trampoline.suspend; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.lang.Math.min; /** * <p> A generator for values of the type of the given type parameter (<code>A</code>). Generation * of a value accepts a general 'size' argument (integer), a {@link Rand random generator} and * returns an {@link Option optional value} of the type parameter. Several generators are provided, * allowing various forms of composition of generators. </p> <p> A user typically creates an {@link * Arbitrary arbitrary} to return a generator using the 'combinator methods' below. For example, * suppose a <code>class Person</code>: <pre> class Person { final int age; final String name; final boolean male; Person(final int age, final String name, final boolean male) { this.age = age; = name; this.male = male; } } </pre> * </p> <p> In a case like this one, a user may create a generator over <code>Person</code> by * invoking the {@link #bind(F)} methods — in this case, {@link #bind(Gen , Gen , F)} the one * that takes two generator arguments}, since the class has one more than two fields (the bind * method is invoked on a generator adding the extra one to the count as they are composed). The * class fields are of types for which there exist generators (on {@link Gen} so those can be * used to compose a generator for <code>Person</code>: </p> <pre> static Gen<Person> personArbitrary() { return arbInteger.bind(arbString(), arbBoolean(), // compose the generators {int age => {String name => {boolean male => new Person(age, name, male)}}}; } </pre> * <p/> * The example above uses Java 7 closure syntax. Here is the same example using objects instead: <pre> static Gen<Person> personArbitrary() { return arbInteger.bind(arbString, arbBoolean, // compose the generators new F<Integer, F<String, F<Boolean, Person>>>() { public F<String, F<Boolean, Person>> f(final Integer age) { return new F<String, F<Boolean, Person>>() { public F<Boolean, Person> f(final String name) { return new F<Boolean, Person>() { public Person f(final Boolean male) { return new Person(age, name, male); } }; } }; } }); } </pre> * * @version %build.number% */ public final class Gen<A> { private final F<Integer, F<Rand, A>> f; private Gen(final F<Integer, F<Rand, A>> f) { this.f = f; } /** * Applies the given size and random generator to produce a value. * * @param i The size to use to produce the value. * @param r The random generator to use to produce the value.. * @return A generated value. */ public A gen(final int i, final Rand r) { return f.f(i).f(r); } /** * Maps the given function across this generator. * * @param f The function to map across this generator. * @return A new generator after applying the mapping function. */ public <B> Gen<B> map(final F<A, B> f) { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> f.f(gen(i, r))); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values that meet the given predicate. * * @param f The predicate to meet for the values produced by the generator. * @return A generator that produces values that meet the given predicate. */ public Gen<A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) { return gen(curry((i, r) -> { A a; do { a = gen(i, r); } while(!f.f(a)); return a; })); } /** * Executes a side-effect for each generated result using the given arguments. * * @param i The size to generate the result to apply the side-effect to. * @param r The random generator to generate the result to apply the side-effect to. * @param f The side-effect to execute on the generated value. * @return The unit value. */ public Unit foreach(final Integer i, final Rand r, final F<A, Unit> f) { return f.f(this.f.f(i).f(r)); } /** * Executes a side-effect for each generated result using the given arguments. * * @param i The size to generate the result to apply the side-effect to. * @param r The random generator to generate the result to apply the side-effect to. * @param f The side-effect to execute on the generated value. */ public void foreachDoEffect(final Integer i, final Rand r, final Effect1<A> f) { f.f(this.f.f(i).f(r)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator to produce a new generator. * * @param f The function to bind across this generator. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B> Gen<B> bind(final F<A, Gen<B>> f) { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> f.f(gen(i, r)).f.f(i).f(r)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generator to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generator. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C> Gen<C> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { return gb.apply(map(f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D> Gen<D> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final F<A, F<B, F<C, D>>> f) { return gc.apply(bind(gb, f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D, E> Gen<E> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final Gen<D> gd, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, E>>>> f) { return gd.apply(bind(gb, gc, f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across. * @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D, E, F$> Gen<F$> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final Gen<D> gd, final Gen<E> ge, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F$>>>>> f) { return ge.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across. * @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across. * @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D, E, F$, G> Gen<G> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final Gen<D> gd, final Gen<E> ge, final Gen<F$> gf, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, G>>>>>> f) { return gf.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across. * @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across. * @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across. * @param gg The seventh generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> Gen<H> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final Gen<D> gd, final Gen<E> ge, final Gen<F$> gf, final Gen<G> gg, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>>>> f) { return gg.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, gf, f)); } /** * Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new * generator. * * @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across. * @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across. * @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across. * @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across. * @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across. * @param gg The seventh generator to bind the given function across. * @param gh The eighth generator to bind the given function across. * @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators. * @return A new generator after binding the given function. */ public <B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I> Gen<I> bind(final Gen<B> gb, final Gen<C> gc, final Gen<D> gd, final Gen<E> ge, final Gen<F$> gf, final Gen<G> gg, final Gen<H> gh, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>>>>> f) { return gh.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, gf, gg, f)); } /** * Function application within this generator to produce a new generator. * * @param gf The generator over the function to apply to this generator. * @return A new generator after function application. */ public <B> Gen<B> apply(final Gen<F<A, B>> gf) { return gf.bind(f1 -> map(f1)); } /** * Resizes this generator with the given size. * * @param s The new size of the generator. * @return A new generator that uses the given size. */ public Gen<A> resize(final int s) { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> f.f(s).f(r)); } /** * Returns a generator that uses the given function. * * @param f The function to use for this generator. * @return A new generator that uses the given function. */ public static <A> Gen<A> gen(final F<Integer, F<Rand, A>> f) { return new Gen<>(f); } /** * Sequence the given generators through a {@link #bind(F)} operation. * * @param gs The generators to sequence. * @return A generator of lists after sequencing the given generators. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> sequence(final List<Gen<A>> gs) { return gen(i -> r -> -> g.gen(i, r))); } /** * Sequences the given generator the given number of times through a {@link #bind(F)} operation. * * @param n The number of times to sequence the given generator. * @param g The generator sequence. * @return A generator of lists after sequencing the given generator. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> sequenceN(final int n, final Gen<A> g) { return sequence(replicate(n, g)); } /** * Constructs a generator that can access its construction arguments — size and random * generator. * * @param f The function that constructs the generator with its arguments. * @return A new generator. */ public static <A> Gen<A> parameterised(final F<Integer, F<Rand, Gen<A>>> f) { return new Gen<>(curry((i, r) -> f.f(i).f(r).gen(i, r))); } /** * Constructs a generator that can access its size construction arguments. * * @param f The function that constructs the generator with its size argument. * @return A new generator. */ public static <A> Gen<A> sized(final F<Integer, Gen<A>> f) { return parameterised(flip(Function.constant(f))); } /** * Returns a generator that always produces the given value. * * @param a The value to always produce. * @return A generator that always produces the given value. */ public static <A> Gen<A> value(final A a) { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> a); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive). * * @param from The value for the generator to produce values from. * @param to The value for the generator to produce values from. * @return A generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive). */ public static Gen<Integer> choose(final int from, final int to) { final int f = min(from, to); final int t = max(from, to); return parameterised(curry((i, r) -> value(r.choose(f, t)))); } public static Gen<Long> choose(final long from, final long to) { final long f = min(from, to); final long t = max(from, to); return parameterised(i -> r -> value(r.choose(f, t))); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive). * * @param from The value for the generator to produce values from. * @param to The value for the generator to produce values from. * @return A generator that produces v */ public static Gen<Double> choose(final double from, final double to) { final double f = min(from, to); final double t = max(from, to); return parameterised(i -> r -> value(r.choose(f, t))); } /** * Returns a generator that never returns a value. * * @return A generator that never returns a value. */ public static <A> Gen<A> fail() { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> { throw error("Failing generator"); }); } /** * Joins the generator of generators through a {@link #bind(F)} operation. * * @param g The generator of generators to join. * @return A new generator after joining the given generator. */ public static <A> Gen<A> join(final Gen<Gen<A>> g) { return g.bind(Function.identity()); } /** * Returns a generator that uses values from the given frequency and generator pairs. The returned * generator will produce values from the generator in a pair with a higher frequency than a lower * frequency generator. * * @param gs The pairs of frequency and generator from which to return values in the returned * generator. * @return A new generator that uses the given pairs of frequency and generator. */ public static <A> Gen<A> frequency(final List<P2<Integer, Gen<A>>> gs) { final class Pick { Gen<A> pick(final int n, final List<P2<Integer, Gen<A>>> gs) { if(gs.isEmpty()) return fail(); else { final int k = gs.head()._1(); return n <= k ? gs.head()._2() : pick(n - k, gs.tail()); } } } final F<P2<Integer, Gen<A>>, Integer> f = __1(); return choose(1, intAdditionMonoid.sumLeft( -> new Pick().pick(i, gs)); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values from the given frequency and value pairs. The returned * generator will produce the value with a higher frequency than a lower one. * * @param as The pairs of frequency and value from which to produce values. * @return A new generator that uses the given pairs of frequency and value. */ public static <A> Gen<A> elemFrequency(final List<P2<Integer, A>> as) { return frequency( -> p.map2(Gen::value))); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values from the given arguments. * * @param as The values that the returned generator may produce. * @return A generator that produces values from the given arguments. */ @SafeVarargs public static <A> Gen<A> elements(final A... as) { return array(as).isEmpty() ? : choose(0, as.length - 1).map(i -> as[i]); } /** * Returns a generator that produces values from one of the given generators on subsequent * requests. * * @param gs The list of generators to produce a value from. * @return A generator that produces values from one of the given generators on subsequent * requests. */ public static <A> Gen<A> oneOf(final List<Gen<A>> gs) { return gs.isEmpty() ? : choose(0, gs.length() - 1).bind(gs::index); } /** * Returns a generator of lists whose values come from the given generator. * * @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator. * @param x An adjuster of size to apply to the given generator when producing values. * @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> listOf(final Gen<A> g, final int x) { return sized(size -> choose(x, max(x, size)).bind(n -> sequenceN(n, g))); } public static <A> Gen<List<A>> listOfSorted(final Gen<A> g, final int x, Ord<A> ord) { return listOf(g, x).map(l -> l.sort(ord)); } /** * Returns a generator of lists whose values come from the given generator. * * @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator. * @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> listOf(final Gen<A> g) { return listOf(g, 0); } /** * Returns a generator of non empty lists whose values come from the given generator. * * @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator. * @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> listOf1(final Gen<A> g) { return listOf(g, 1); } /** * Returns a generator that picks one element from the given list. If the given list is empty, then the * returned generator will never produce a value. * * @param as The list from which to pick an element. * @return A generator that picks an element from the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<A> pickOne(List<A> as) { // This is the fastest of the four; functionally, any of them would do return wordOf(1, as).map(List::head); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. If * the given number is less than zero or greater than the length of the given list, then the * returned generator will never produce a value. * <p> * Note: pick is synonymous with combinationOf * * @deprecated As of release 4.6, use {@link #combinationOf} * * @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list. * @param as The list from which to pick elements. * @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. */ @Deprecated public static <A> Gen<List<A>> pick(int n, List<A> as) { return combinationOf(n, as); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. The selection is * a combination without replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list will always contain its elements in the same order</li> * <li>An element will never be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * <p> * If the given number is less than zero or greater than the length of the given list, then the * returned generator will never produce a value. * * @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list. * @param as The list from which to pick elements. * @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> combinationOf(int n, List<A> as) { int aLength = as.length(); return ((n >= 0) && (n <= aLength)) ? parameterised(s -> r -> { final class Tramp { // Picks elements in constant stack space private Trampoline<List<A>> tramp(List<A> remainAs, int remainN, int remainALength) { return suspend(lazy(() -> (remainN == 0) ? // We have picked N elements; stop pure(nil()) : // For M remaining elements of which N will be picked, pick remainAs.head() with probability N/M (r.choose(0, remainALength - 1) < remainN) ? tramp(remainAs.tail(), remainN - 1, remainALength - 1) .map(pickedTail -> cons(remainAs.head(), pickedTail)) : tramp(remainAs.tail(), remainN, remainALength - 1))); } } return value(new Tramp().tramp(as, n, aLength).run()); }) : fail(); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. The selection is * a combination with replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list will always contain its elements in the same order</li> * <li>Each element may be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * <p> * If the given number is less than zero, then the returned generator will never produce a value. Note that, * with replacement, the given number may be larger than the length of the given list. * * @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list. * @param as The list from which to pick elements. * @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> selectionOf(int n, List<A> as) { Array<A> aArr = as.toArray(); return (n >= 0) ? pick(indexWord(n, aArr.length()).map(indexes -> indexes.sort(intOrd)), aArr) : fail(); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. The selection is * a permutation without replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list may contain its elements in any order</li> * <li>An element will never be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * <p> * If the given number is less than zero or greater than the length of the given list, then the * returned generator will never produce a value. * * @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list. * @param as The list from which to pick elements. * @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> permutationOf(int n, List<A> as) { return parameterised(s -> r -> combinationOf(n, as).map(combination -> { // Shuffle combination using the Fisher-Yates algorithm Array<A> aArr = combination.toArray(); int length = aArr.length(); for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; --i) { int j = r.choose(0, i); A tmp = aArr.get(i); aArr.set(i, aArr.get(j)); aArr.set(j, tmp); } return aArr.toList(); })); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. The selection is * a permutation with replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list may contain its elements in any order</li> * <li>Each element may be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * <p> * If the given number is less than zero, then the returned generator will never produce a value. Note that, * with replacement, the given number may be larger than the length of the given list. * * @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list. * @param as The list from which to pick elements. * @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> wordOf(int n, List<A> as) { Array<A> aArr = as.toArray(); return (n >= 0) ? pick(indexWord(n, aArr.length()), aArr) : fail(); } private static Gen<List<Integer>> indexWord(int n, int m) { return sequenceN(n, choose(0, m - 1)); } private static <A> Gen<List<A>> pick(Gen<List<Integer>> indexesGen, Array<A> as) { return -> indexes.foldLeft((acc, index) -> cons(as.get(index), acc), List.<A>nil()).reverse()); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. * <p> * Note: someOf is synonymous with someCombinationOf * * @deprecated As of release 4.6, use {@link #someCombinationOf} * * @param as The list from which to pick values. * @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. */ @Deprecated public static <A> Gen<List<A>> someOf(List<A> as) { return someCombinationOf(as); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. The selection is * a combination without replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list will always contain its elements in the same order</li> * <li>An element will never be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * * @param as The list from which to pick values. * @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> someCombinationOf(List<A> as) { return choose(0, as.length()).bind(n -> combinationOf(n, as)); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. The selection is * a combination with replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list will always contain its elements in the same order</li> * <li>Each element may be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * * @param maxLength The maximum length of a generated list * @param as The list from which to pick values. * @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> someSelectionOf(int maxLength, List<A> as) { return choose(0, maxLength).bind(n -> selectionOf(n, as)); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. The selection is * a permutation without replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list may contain its elements in any order</li> * <li>An element will never be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * * @param as The list from which to pick values. * @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> somePermutationOf(List<A> as) { return choose(0, as.length()).bind(n -> permutationOf(n, as)); } /** * Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. The selection is * a permutation with replacement of elements from the given list, i.e. * <ul> * <li>For any given selection, a generated list may contain its elements in any order</li> * <li>Each element may be picked more than once</li> * </ul> * * @param maxLength The maximum length of a generated list * @param as The list from which to pick values. * @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list. */ public static <A> Gen<List<A>> someWordOf(int maxLength, List<A> as) { return choose(0, maxLength).bind(n -> wordOf(n, as)); } /** * Promotes the given function to a generator for functions. * * @param f The function to promote to a generator of functions. * @return A generator for functions. */ public static <A, B> Gen<F<A, B>> promote(final F<A, Gen<B>> f) { return new Gen<>(i -> r -> a -> f.f(a).f.f(i).f(r)); } }