package; import fj.Equal; import fj.F; import fj.F1Functions; import fj.Hash; import fj.Ord; import fj.P; import fj.P2; import fj.P3; import fj.Show; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import static fj.Function.compose; import static fj.Function.flip; import static fj.P.p; import static; import static; /** * An immutable, in-memory map, backed by a red-black tree. */ public final class TreeMap<K, V> implements Iterable<P2<K, V>> { private final Set<P2<K, Option<V>>> tree; private TreeMap(final Set<P2<K, Option<V>>> tree) { this.tree = tree; } private static <K, V> Ord<P2<K, V>> ord(final Ord<K> keyOrd) { return keyOrd.contramap(P2.__1()); } /** * Constructs an empty tree map. * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @return an empty TreeMap with the given key order. */ public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> empty(final Ord<K> keyOrd) { return new TreeMap<>(Set.empty(TreeMap.ord(keyOrd))); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return Equal.equals0(TreeMap.class, this, other, () -> Equal.treeMapEqual(Equal.anyEqual(), Equal.anyEqual())); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Hash.treeMapHash(Hash.<K>anyHash(), Hash.<V>anyHash()).hash(this); } @Override public String toString() { return Show.treeMapShow(Show.<K>anyShow(), Show.<V>anyShow()).showS(this); } /** * Constructs a tree map from the given elements. * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param p2s The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return a TreeMap with the given elements. */ @SafeVarargs public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> treeMap(final Ord<K> keyOrd, final P2<K, V>... p2s) { return arrayTreeMap(keyOrd, p2s); } /** * Constructs a tree map from the given elements. * * @deprecated As of release 4.5, use {@link #iterableTreeMap(Ord, Iterable)} * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param list The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return a TreeMap with the given elements. */ @Deprecated public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> treeMap(final Ord<K> keyOrd, final List<P2<K, V>> list) { return iterableTreeMap(keyOrd, list); } /** * Constructs a tree map from the given elements. * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param it The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return A TreeMap with the given elements. */ public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> iterableTreeMap(final Ord<K> keyOrd, final Iterable<P2<K, V>> it) { TreeMap<K, V> tm = empty(keyOrd); for (final P2<K, V> p2 : it) { tm = tm.set(p2._1(), p2._2()); } return tm; } /** * Constructs a tree map from the given elements. * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param it The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return A TreeMap with the given elements. */ public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> iteratorTreeMap(final Ord<K> keyOrd, final Iterator<P2<K, V>> it) { return iterableTreeMap(keyOrd, () -> it); } /** * Constructs a tree map from the given elements. * * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param ps The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return A TreeMap with the given elements. */ @SafeVarargs public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> arrayTreeMap(final Ord<K> keyOrd, final P2<K, V> { return iterableTreeMap(keyOrd, Array.array(ps)); } /** * Returns a potential value that the given key maps to. * * @param k The key to look up in the tree map. * @return A potential value for the given key. */ public Option<V> get(final K k) { return tree.lookup(p(k, Option.none())).bind(P2::_2); } /** * Inserts the given key and value association into the tree map. * If the given key is already mapped to a value, the old value is replaced with the given one. * * @param k The key to insert. * @param v The value to insert. * @return A new tree map with the given value mapped to the given key. */ public TreeMap<K, V> set(final K k, final V v) { return new TreeMap<>(tree.insert(p(k, Option.some(v)))); } /** * Deletes the entry in the tree map that corresponds to the given key. * * @param k The key to delete from this tree map. * @return A new tree map with the entry corresponding to the given key removed. */ public TreeMap<K, V> delete(final K k) { return new TreeMap<>(tree.delete(p(k, Option.none()))); } /** * Returns the number of entries in this tree map. * * @return The number of entries in this tree map. */ public int size() { return tree.size(); } /** * Determines if this tree map has any entries. * * @return <code>true</code> if this tree map has no entries, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return tree.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns all values in this tree map. * * @return All values in this tree map. */ public List<V> values() { return iterableList(join(tree.toList().map(compose(IterableW.wrap(), P2.__2())))); } /** * Returns all keys in this tree map. * * @return All keys in this tree map. */ public List<K> keys() { return tree.toList().map(P2.__1()); } /** * Determines if the given key value exists in this tree map. * * @param k The key value to look for in this tree map. * @return <code>true</code> if this tree map contains the given key, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean contains(final K k) { return tree.member(p(k, Option.none())); } /** * Returns an iterator for this map's key-value pairs. * This method exists to permit the use in a <code>for</code>-each loop. * * @return A iterator for this map's key-value pairs. */ public Iterator<P2<K, V>> iterator() { return join(tree.toStream().map(P2.map2_(IterableW.wrap()) ).map(P2.tuple(compose(, P.p2())))).iterator(); } /** * A mutable map projection of this tree map. * * @return A new mutable map isomorphic to this tree map. */ public Map<K, V> toMutableMap() { final F<K, P2<K, Option<V>>> fakePair = k -> p(k, Option.none()); final Comparator<K> comparator = tree.ord().contramap(fakePair).toComparator(); final Map<K, V> m = new java.util.TreeMap<>(comparator); for (final P2<K, V> e : this) { m.put(e._1(), e._2()); } return m; } public Stream<P2<K, V>> toStream() { return tree.toStream().map(p -> p.map2(o -> o.some())); } public Stream<P2<K, V>> toStreamReverse() { return tree.toStreamReverse().map(p -> p.map2(o -> o.some())); } public List<P2<K, V>> toList() { return tree.toList().map(p -> p.map2(o -> o.some())); } public List<P2<K, V>> toListReverse() { return tree.toListReverse().map(p -> p.map2(o -> o.some())); } /** * An immutable projection of the given mutable map. * * @param ord An order for the map's keys. * @param m A mutable map to project to an immutable one. * @return A new immutable tree map isomorphic to the given mutable map. */ public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> fromMutableMap(final Ord<K> ord, final Map<K, V> m) { TreeMap<K, V> t = empty(ord); for (final Map.Entry<K, V> e : m.entrySet()) { t = t.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return t; } /** * Returns a first-class version of the get method for this TreeMap. * * @return a functional representation of this TreeMap. */ public F<K, Option<V>> get() { return this::get; } /** * Modifies the value for the given key, if present, by applying the given function to it. * * @param k The key for the value to modify. * @param f A function with which to modify the value. * @return A new tree map with the value for the given key transformed by the given function, * paired with True if the map was modified, otherwise False. */ public P2<Boolean, TreeMap<K, V>> update(final K k, final F<V, V> f) { final P2<Boolean, Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>> up = tree.update(p(k, Option.none()), compose(P2.tuple(P.p2()), P2.map2_(Option.<V, V>map().f(f)))); return p(up._1(), new TreeMap<>(up._2())); } /** * Modifies the value for the given key, if present, by applying the given function to it, or * inserts the given value if the key is not present. * * @param k The key for the value to modify. * @param f A function with which to modify the value. * @param v A value to associate with the given key if the key is not already present. * @return A new tree map with the value for the given key transformed by the given function. */ public TreeMap<K, V> update(final K k, final F<V, V> f, final V v) { final P2<Boolean, TreeMap<K, V>> up = update(k, f); return up._1() ? up._2() : set(k, v); } /** * Splits this TreeMap at the given key. Returns a triple of: * <ul> * <li>A set containing all the values of this map associated with keys less than the given key.</li> * <li>An option of a value mapped to the given key, if it exists in this map, otherwise None. * <li>A set containing all the values of this map associated with keys greater than the given key.</li> * </ul> * * @param k A key at which to split this map. * @return Two sets and an optional value, where all elements in the first set are mapped to keys less than the given * key in this map, all the elements in the second set are mapped to keys greater than the given key, * and the optional value is the value associated with the given key if present, otherwise None. */ public P3<Set<V>, Option<V>, Set<V>> split(Ord<V> ord, final K k) { final F<Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Set<V>> getSome = F1Functions.mapSet(F1Functions.o(Option.fromSome(), P2.__2()), ord); return tree.split(p(k, Option.none())).map1(getSome).map3(getSome) .map2(F1Functions.o(Option.join(), F1Functions.mapOption(P2.__2()))); } /** * Internal construction of a TreeMap from the given set. * @param ord An order for the keys of the tree map. * @param s The elements to construct the tree map with. * @return a TreeMap with the given elements. */ private static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> treeMap(Ord<K> ord, Set<P2<K, Option<V>>> s) { TreeMap<K, V> empty = TreeMap.empty(ord); TreeMap<K, V> tree = s.toList().foldLeft((tm, p2) -> { Option<V> opt = p2._2(); if (opt.isSome()) { return tm.set(p2._1(), opt.some()); } return tm; }, empty); return tree; } /** * Splits this TreeMap at the given key. Returns a triple of: * <ul> * <li>A tree map containing all the values of this map associated with keys less than the given key.</li> * <li>An option of a value mapped to the given key, if it exists in this map, otherwise None. * <li>A tree map containing all the values of this map associated with keys greater than the given key.</li> * </ul> * * @param k A key at which to split this map. * @return Two tree maps and an optional value, where all keys in the first tree map are mapped * to keys less than the given key in this map, all the keys in the second tree map are mapped * to keys greater than the given key, and the optional value is the value associated with the * given key if present, otherwise None. */ public P3<TreeMap<K, V>, Option<V>, TreeMap<K, V>> splitLookup(final K k) { P3<Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Option<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>> p3 = tree.split(p(k, get(k))); Ord<K> o = tree.ord().contramap(k2 -> p(k2, Option.none())); return p(treeMap(o, p3._1()), get(k), treeMap(o, p3._3())); } /** * Maps the given function across the values of this TreeMap. * * @param f A function to apply to the values of this TreeMap. * @return A new TreeMap with the values transformed by the given function. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <W> TreeMap<K, W> map(final F<V, W> f) { final F<P2<K, Option<V>>, P2<K, Option<W>>> g = compose(p2 -> p(p2._1(), p2._2()), P2.map2_(F1Functions.mapOption(f))); final F<K, P2<K, Option<V>>> coord = flip(P.<K, Option<V>>p2()).f(Option.none()); final Ord<K> o = tree.ord().contramap(coord); return new TreeMap<>(, g)); } /** * Returns the minimum (key, value) pair in the tree if the tree is not empty. */ public Option<P2<K, V>> min() { return tree.min().map(p -> p(p._1(), p._2().some())); } /** * Returns the minimum key in the tree if the tree is not empty. */ public Option<K> minKey() { return tree.min().map(P2::_1); } /** * Returns the maximum (key, value) pair in the tree if the tree is not empty. */ public Option<P2<K, V>> max() { return tree.max().map(p -> p(p._1(), p._2().some())); } /** * Returns the maximum key in the tree if the tree is not empty. */ public Option<K> maxKey() { return tree.max().map(P2::_1); } /** * The expression <code>t1.union(t2)</code> takes the left-biased union of <code>t1</code> * and <code>t2</code>. It prefers <code>t1</code> when duplicate keys are encountered. * * @param t2 The other tree we wish to combine with this one * @return The combined TreeMap */ public TreeMap<K, V> union(TreeMap<K, V> t2) { // TODO This could be implemented more efficiently using "hedge union" TreeMap<K, V> result = t2; for(P2<K,V> p : this) { result = result.set(p._1(), p._2()); } return result; } /** * The expression <code>t1.union(t2)</code> takes the left-biased union of <code>t1</code> * and <code>t2</code>. It prefers <code>t1</code> when duplicate keys are encountered. * * @param t2 The other list/set of pairs we wish to combine with this one * @return The combined TreeMap */ public TreeMap<K, V> union(Iterable<P2<K, V>> t2) { TreeMap<K, V> result = this; for(P2<K,V> p : t2) { if(!this.contains(p._1())) { result = result.set(p._1(), p._2()); } } return result; } }