package; import fj.Monoid; import fj.F; /** * Determines how the elements of a tree are measured and how measures are summed. Consists of a monoid and a * measuring function. Different instances of this class will result in different behaviours for the tree. */ public final class Measured<V, A> { private final Monoid<V> m; private final F<A, V> measure; private Measured(final Monoid<V> m, final F<A, V> measure) { this.m = m; this.measure = measure; } public static <V, A> Measured<V, A> measured(final Monoid<V> m, final F<A, V> measure) { return new Measured<>(m, measure); } /** * Returns the monoid used to sum measures. * * @return the monoid used to sum measures. */ public Monoid<V> monoid() { return m; } /** * Returns the measuring function. * * @return the measuring function. */ public F<A, V> measure() { return measure; } /** * Measures a given element. * * @param a An element to measure. * @return the element's measurement. */ public V measure(final A a) { return measure.f(a); } /** * Sums the given measurements with the monoid. * * @param a A measurement to add to another. * @param b A measurement to add to another. * @return The sum of the two measurements. */ public V sum(final V a, final V b) { return m.sum(a, b); } /** * Returns the identity measurement for the monoid. * * @return the identity measurement for the monoid. */ public V zero() { return; } /** * A measured instance for nodes. * * @return A measured instance for nodes. */ public Measured<V, Node<V, A>> nodeMeasured() { return new Measured<>(m, Node::measure); } /** * A measured instance for digits. * * @return A measured instance for digits. */ public Measured<V, Digit<V, A>> digitMeasured() { return new Measured<>(m, Digit::measure); } }