package fj; import static fj.Function.*; import static fj.P.weakMemo; import static; import*; import; import; /** * A product-2. * * @version %build.number% */ public abstract class P2<A, B> { /** * Access the first element of the product. * * @return The first element of the product. */ public abstract A _1(); /** * Access the second element of the product. * * @return The second element of the product. */ public abstract B _2(); @Override public final boolean equals(Object other) { return Equal.equals0(P2.class, this, other, () -> Equal.p2Equal(Equal.anyEqual(), Equal.anyEqual())); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return Hash.p2Hash(Hash.<A>anyHash(), Hash.<B>anyHash()).hash(this); } /** * Swaps the elements around in this product. * * @return A new product-2 with the elements swapped. */ public final P2<B, A> swap() { return P.lazy(P2.this::_2, P2.this::_1); } /** * Map the first element of the product. * * @param f The function to map with. * @return A product with the given function applied. */ public final <X> P2<X, B> map1(final F<A, X> f) { P2<A, B> self = this; return P.lazy(() -> f.f(self._1()), self::_2); } /** * Map the second element of the product. * * @param f The function to map with. * @return A product with the given function applied. */ public final <X> P2<A, X> map2(final F<B, X> f) { return P.lazy(P2.this::_1, () -> f.f(P2.this._2())); } /** * Split this product between two argument functions and combine their output. * * @param f A function that will map the first element of this product. * @param g A function that will map the second element of this product. * @return A new product with the first function applied to the second element * and the second function applied to the second element. */ public final <C, D> P2<C, D> split(final F<A, C> f, final F<B, D> g) { final F<P2<A, D>, P2<C, D>> ff = map1_(f); final F<P2<A, B>, P2<A, D>> gg = map2_(g); return compose(ff, gg).f(this); } /** * Duplicates this product on the first element, and maps the given function across the duplicate (Comonad pattern). * * @param k A function to map over the duplicated product. * @return A new product with the result of the given function applied to this product as the first element, * and with the second element intact. */ public final <C> P2<C, B> cobind(final F<P2<A, B>, C> k) { P2<A, B> self = this; return P.lazy(() -> k.f(self), self::_2); } /** * Duplicates this product into the first element (Comonad pattern). * * @return A new product with this product in its first element and with the second element intact. */ public final P2<P2<A, B>, B> duplicate() { final F<P2<A, B>, P2<A, B>> id = identity(); return cobind(id); } /** * Replaces the first element of this product with the given value. * * @param c The value with which to replace the first element of this product. * @return A new product with the first element replaced with the given value. */ public final <C> P2<C, B> inject(final C c) { final F<P2<A, B>, C> co = constant(c); return cobind(co); } /** * Applies a list of comonadic functions to this product, returning a list of values. * * @param fs A list of functions to apply to this product. * @return A list of the results of applying the given list of functions to this product. */ public final <C> List<C> sequenceW(final List<F<P2<A, B>, C>> fs) { List.Buffer<C> cs = List.Buffer.empty(); for (final F<P2<A, B>, C> f : fs) cs = cs.snoc(f.f(this)); return cs.toList(); } public final <C> List<P2<A, C>> traverseList(final F<B, List<C>> f) { return f.f(_2()).map(x -> P.p(_1(), x)); } public final <C> Stream<P2<A, C>> traverseStream(final F<B, Stream<C>> f) { return f.f(_2()).map(x -> P.p(_1(), x)); } public final <C> IO<P2<A, C>> traverseIO(final F<B, IO<C>> f) { return, x -> P.p(_1(), x)); } public final <C> Option<P2<A, C>> traverseOption(final F<B, Option<C>> f) { return f.f(_2()).map(x -> P.p(_1(), x)); } public final <C, X> Either<X, P2<A, C>> traverseEither(final F<B, Either<X, C>> f) { return f.f(_2()).right().map(x -> P.p(_1(), x)); } /** * Applies a stream of comonadic functions to this product, returning a stream of values. * * @param fs A stream of functions to apply to this product. * @return A stream of the results of applying the given stream of functions to this product. */ public final <C> Stream<C> sequenceW(final Stream<F<P2<A, B>, C>> fs) { return fs.isEmpty() ? Stream.nil() : Stream.cons(fs.head().f(this), () -> sequenceW(fs.tail()._1())); } /** * Returns the 1-product projection over the first element. * * @return the 1-product projection over the first element. */ public final P1<A> _1_() { return F1Functions.lazy(P2.<A, B>__1()).f(this); } /** * Returns the 1-product projection over the second element. * * @return the 1-product projection over the second element. */ public final P1<B> _2_() { return F1Functions.lazy(P2.<A, B>__2()).f(this); } /** * Provides a memoising P2 that remembers its values. * * @return A P2 that calls this P2 once for any given element and remembers the value for subsequent calls. */ public final P2<A, B> memo() { P2<A, B> self = this; return new P2<A, B>() { private final P1<A> a = weakMemo(self::_1); private final P1<B> b = weakMemo(self::_2); public A _1() { return a._1(); } public B _2() { return b._1(); } }; } /** * A first-class version of the split function. * * @param f A function that will map the first element of the given product. * @param g A function that will map the second element of the given product. * @return A function that splits a given product between the two given functions and combines their output. */ public static <A, B, C, D> F<P2<A, B>, P2<C, D>> split_(final F<A, C> f, final F<B, D> g) { return p -> p.split(f, g); } /** * Promotes a function so that it maps the first element of a product. * * @param f The function to promote. * @return The given function, promoted to map the first element of products. */ public static <A, B, X> F<P2<A, B>, P2<X, B>> map1_(final F<A, X> f) { return p -> p.map1(f); } /** * Promotes a function so that it maps the second element of a product. * * @param f The function to promote. * @return The given function, promoted to map the second element of products. */ public static <A, B, X> F<P2<A, B>, P2<A, X>> map2_(final F<B, X> f) { return p -> p.map2(f); } /** * Sends the given input value to both argument functions and combines their output. * * @param f A function to receive an input value. * @param g A function to receive an input value. * @param b An input value to send to both functions. * @return The product of the two functions applied to the input value. */ public static <B, C, D> P2<C, D> fanout(final F<B, C> f, final F<B, D> g, final B b) { return join(P.<B, B>p2()).f(b).split(f, g); } /** * Maps the given function across both the elements of the given product. * * @param f A function to map over a product. * @param p A product over which to map. * @return A new product with the given function applied to both elements. */ public static <A, B> P2<B, B> map(final F<A, B> f, final P2<A, A> p) { return p.split(f, f); } /** * Returns a curried form of {@link #swap()}. * * @return A curried form of {@link #swap()}. */ public static <A, B> F<P2<A, B>, P2<B, A>> swap_() { return P2::swap; } /** * Returns a function that returns the first element of a product. * * @return A function that returns the first element of a product. */ public static <A, B> F<P2<A, B>, A> __1() { return P2::_1; } /** * Returns a function that returns the second element of a product. * * @return A function that returns the second element of a product. */ public static <A, B> F<P2<A, B>, B> __2() { return P2::_2; } /** * Transforms a curried function of arity-2 to a function of a product-2 * * @param f a curried function of arity-2 to transform into a function of a product-2 * @return The function, transformed to operate on on a product-2 */ public static <A, B, C> F<P2<A, B>, C> tuple(final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { return p -> f.f(p._1()).f(p._2()); } /** * Transforms an uncurried function of arity-2 to a function of a product-2 * * @param f an uncurried function of arity-2 to transform into a function of a product-2 * @return The function, transformed to operate on on a product-2 */ public static <A, B, C> F<P2<A, B>, C> tuple(final F2<A, B, C> f) { return tuple(curry(f)); } /** * Transforms a function of a product-2 to an uncurried function or arity-2. * * @param f A function of a product-2 to transform into an uncurried function. * @return The function, transformed to an uncurried function of arity-2. */ public static <A, B, C> F2<A, B, C> untuple(final F<P2<A, B>, C> f) { return (a, b) -> f.f(P.p(a, b)); } @Override public final String toString() { return Show.p2Show(Show.<A>anyShow(), Show.<B>anyShow()).showS(this); } /** * Optic factory methods for a P2 */ public static final class Optic { private Optic() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Polyomorphic lens targeted on _1. */ public static <A, B, C> PLens<P2<A, B>, P2<C, B>, A, C> _1p() { return pLens(__1(), a -> p2 -> P.p(a, p2._2())); } /** * Monomorphic lens targeted on _1. */ public static <A, B> Lens<P2<A, B>, A> _1() { return new Lens<>(_1p()); } /** * Polyomorphic lens targeted on _2. */ public static <A, B, C> PLens<P2<A, B>, P2<A, C>, B, C> _2p() { return pLens(__2(), b -> p2 -> P.p(p2._1(), b)); } /** * Monomorphic lens targeted on _1. */ public static <A, B> Lens<P2<A, B>, B> _2() { return new Lens<>(_2p()); } } }