package fj; import fj.control.parallel.Promise; import*; /** * Created by MarkPerry on 22/01/2015. */ public abstract class F2W<A, B, C> implements F2<A, B, C> { /** * Partial application. * * @param a The <code>A</code> to which to apply this function. * @return The function partially applied to the given argument. */ public final F1W<B, C> f(final A a) { return F1W.lift(F2Functions.f(this, a)); } /** * Curries this wrapped function to a wrapped function of arity-1 that returns another wrapped function. * * @return a wrapped function of arity-1 that returns another wrapped function. */ public final F1W<A, F<B, C>> curry() { return F1W.lift(F2Functions.curry(this)); } /** * Flips the arguments of this function. * * @return A new function with the arguments of this function flipped. */ public final F2W<B, A, C> flip() { return lift(F2Functions.flip(this)); } /** * Uncurries this function to a function on tuples. * * @return A new function that calls this function with the elements of a given tuple. */ public final F1W<P2<A, B>, C> tuple() { return F1W.lift(F2Functions.tuple(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Arrays. * * @return This function promoted to transform Arrays. */ public final F2W<Array<A>, Array<B>, Array<C>> arrayM() { return lift(F2Functions.arrayM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Promises. * * @return This function promoted to transform Promises. */ public final F2W<Promise<A>, Promise<B>, Promise<C>> promiseM() { return lift(F2Functions.promiseM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Iterables. * * @return This function promoted to transform Iterables. */ public final F2W<Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, IterableW<C>> iterableM() { return lift(F2Functions.iterableM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Lists. * * @return This function promoted to transform Lists. */ public final F2W<List<A>, List<B>, List<C>> listM() { return lift(F2Functions.listM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on non-empty lists. * * @return This function promoted to transform non-empty lists. */ public final F2W<NonEmptyList<A>, NonEmptyList<B>, NonEmptyList<C>> nelM() { return lift(F2Functions.nelM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Options. * * @return This function promoted to transform Options. */ public final F2W<Option<A>, Option<B>, Option<C>> optionM() { return lift(F2Functions.optionM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Sets. * * @param o An ordering for the result of the promoted function. * @return This function promoted to transform Sets. */ public final F2W<Set<A>, Set<B>, Set<C>> setM(final Ord<C> o) { return lift(F2Functions.setM(this, o)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Streams. * * @return This function promoted to transform Streams. */ public final F2W<Stream<A>, Stream<B>, Stream<C>> streamM() { return lift(F2Functions.streamM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to a function on Trees. * * @return This function promoted to transform Trees. */ public final F2W<Tree<A>, Tree<B>, Tree<C>> treeM() { return lift(F2Functions.treeM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two arrays, applying the function lock-step over both Arrays. * * @return A function that zips two arrays with this function. */ public final F2W<Array<A>, Array<B>, Array<C>> zipArrayM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipArrayM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two iterables, applying the function lock-step over both iterables. * * @return A function that zips two iterables with this function. */ public final F2W<Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<C>> zipIterableM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipIterableM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two lists, applying the function lock-step over both lists. * * @return A function that zips two lists with this function. */ public final F2W<List<A>, List<B>, List<C>> zipListM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipListM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two streams, applying the function lock-step over both streams. * * @return A function that zips two streams with this function. */ public final F2W<Stream<A>, Stream<B>, Stream<C>> zipStreamM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipStreamM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two non-empty lists, applying the function lock-step over both lists. * * @return A function that zips two non-empty lists with this function. */ public final F2W<NonEmptyList<A>, NonEmptyList<B>, NonEmptyList<C>> zipNelM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipNelM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two sets, applying the function lock-step over both sets. * * @param o An ordering for the resulting set. * @return A function that zips two sets with this function. */ public final F2W<Set<A>, Set<B>, Set<C>> zipSetM(final Ord<C> o) { return lift(F2Functions.zipSetM(this, o)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two trees, applying the function lock-step over both trees. * The structure of the resulting tree is the structural intersection of the two trees. * * @return A function that zips two trees with this function. */ public final F2W<Tree<A>, Tree<B>, Tree<C>> zipTreeM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipTreeM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two zippers, applying the function lock-step over both zippers in both directions. * The structure of the resulting zipper is the structural intersection of the two zippers. * * @return A function that zips two zippers with this function. */ public final F2W<Zipper<A>, Zipper<B>, Zipper<C>> zipZipperM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipZipperM(this)); } /** * Promotes this function to zip two TreeZippers, applying the function lock-step over both zippers in all directions. * The structure of the resulting TreeZipper is the structural intersection of the two TreeZippers. * * @return A function that zips two TreeZippers with this function. */ public final F2W<TreeZipper<A>, TreeZipper<B>, TreeZipper<C>> zipTreeZipperM() { return lift(F2Functions.zipTreeZipperM(this)); } public final <Z> F2W<Z, B, C> contramapFirst(F<Z, A> f) { return lift(F2Functions.contramapFirst(this, f)); } public final <Z> F2W<A, Z, C> contramapSecond(F<Z, B> f) { return lift(F2Functions.contramapSecond(this, f)); } public final <X, Y> F2W<X, Y, C> contramap(F<X, A> f, F<Y, B> g) { return lift(F2Functions.contramap(this, f, g)); } public final <Z> F2W<A, B, Z> map(F<C, Z> f) { return lift(, f)); } public static class F2WFunc<A, B, C> extends F2W<A, B, C> { final F2<A, B, C> func; public F2WFunc(F2<A, B, C> f) { func = f; } @Override public final C f(A a, B b) { return func.f(a, b); } } /** * Lifts the function into the fully featured function wrapper */ public static <A, B, C> F2W<A, B, C> lift(final F2<A, B, C> f) { return new F2WFunc<>(f); } }