package; import fj.*; import; import; import; import static fj.Monoid.intAdditionMonoid; import static fj.Monoid.intMaxMonoid; import static; /** * Provides 2-3 finger trees, a functional representation of persistent sequences supporting access to the ends in * amortized O(1) time. Concatenation and splitting time is O(log n) in the size of the smaller piece. * A general purpose data structure that can serve as a sequence, priority queue, search tree, priority search queue * and more. * <p/> * This class serves as a datastructure construction kit, rather than a datastructure in its own right. By supplying * a monoid, a measurement function, insertion, deletion, and so forth, any purely functional datastructure can be * emulated. See {@link Seq} for an example. * <p/> * Based on "Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure", by Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson. * * @param <V> The monoidal type with which to annotate nodes. * @param <A> The type of the tree's elements. */ public abstract class FingerTree<V, A> { private final Measured<V, A> m; /** * Folds the tree to the right with the given function and the given initial element. * * @param f A function with which to fold the tree. * @param z An initial element to apply to the fold. * @return A reduction of this tree by applying the given function, associating to the right. */ public abstract <B> B foldRight(final F<A, F<B, B>> f, final B z); public final <B> B foldRight(final F2<A, B, B> f, final B z) { return foldRight(F2Functions.curry(f), z); } /** * Folds the tree to the right with the given function. * * @param f A function with which to fold the tree. * @return A reduction of this tree by applying the given function, associating to the right. */ public abstract A reduceRight(final F<A, F<A, A>> f); /** * Folds the tree to the left with the given function and the given initial element. * * @param f A function with which to fold the tree. * @param z An initial element to apply to the fold. * @return A reduction of this tree by applying the given function, associating to the left. */ public abstract <B> B foldLeft(final F<B, F<A, B>> f, final B z); public final <B> B foldLeft(final F2<B, A, B> f, final B z) { return foldLeft(F2Functions.curry(f), z); } /** * Folds the tree to the left with the given function. * * @param f A function with which to fold the tree. * @return A reduction of this tree by applying the given function, associating to the right. */ public abstract A reduceLeft(final F<A, F<A, A>> f); /** * Maps the given function across this tree, measuring with the given Measured instance. * * @param f A function to map across the values of this tree. * @param m A measuring with which to annotate the tree. * @return A new tree with the same structure as this tree, with each element transformed by the given function, * and nodes annotated according to the given measuring. */ public abstract <B> FingerTree<V, B> map(final F<A, B> f, final Measured<V, B> m); public final <B> FingerTree<V, A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) { FingerTree<V, A> tree = new Empty<>(m); return foldLeft((acc, a) -> f.f(a) ? acc.snoc(a) : acc, tree); } /** * Returns the sum of this tree's annotations. * * @return the sum of this tree's annotations. */ public abstract V measure(); /** * Indicates whether this tree is empty. * * @return true if this tree is the empty tree, otherwise false. */ public final boolean isEmpty() { return this instanceof Empty; } public final Measured<V, A> measured() { return m; } /** * Provides pattern matching on trees. This is the Church encoding of the FingerTree datatype. * * @param empty The function to apply to this empty tree. * @param single A function to apply if this tree contains a single element. * @param deep A function to apply if this tree contains more than one element. * @return The result of the function that matches this tree structurally, applied to this tree. */ public abstract <B> B match(final F<Empty<V, A>, B> empty, final F<Single<V, A>, B> single, final F<Deep<V, A>, B> deep); FingerTree(final Measured<V, A> m) { this.m = m; } /** * Constructs a Measured instance for the element type, given a monoid and a measuring function. * * @param monoid A monoid for the measures. * @param measure A function with which to measure element values. * @return A Measured instance for the given element type, that uses the given monoid and measuring function. */ public static <V, A> Measured<V, A> measured(final Monoid<V> monoid, final F<A, V> measure) { return Measured.measured(monoid, measure); } /** * Returns a builder of trees and tree components that annotates them using the given Measured instance. * * @param m A Measured instance with which to annotate trees, digits, and nodes. * @return A builder of trees and tree components that annotates them using the given Measured instance. */ public static <V, A> MakeTree<V, A> mkTree(final Measured<V, A> m) { return new MakeTree<>(m); } /** * Adds the given element to this tree as the first element. * * @param a The element to add to the front of this tree. * @return A new tree with the given element at the front. */ public abstract FingerTree<V, A> cons(final A a); /** * Adds the given element to this tree as the last element. * * @param a The element to add to the end of this tree. * @return A new tree with the given element at the end. */ public abstract FingerTree<V, A> snoc(final A a); /** * The first element of this tree. This is an O(1) operation. * * @return The first element if this tree is nonempty, otherwise throws an error. */ public abstract A head(); public final Option<A> headOption() { return isEmpty() ? Option.none() : Option.some(head()); } /** * Performs a reduction on this finger tree using the given arguments. * * @param nil The value to return if this finger tree is empty. * @param cons The function to apply to the head and tail of this finger tree if it is not empty. * @return A reduction on this finger tree. */ public final <B> B uncons(B nil, F2<A, FingerTree<V, A>, B> cons) { return isEmpty() ? nil : cons.f(head(), tail()); } /** * The last element of this tree. This is an O(1) operation. * * @return The last element if this tree is nonempty, otherwise throws an error. */ public abstract A last(); /** * The tree without the first element. This is an O(1) operation. * * @return The tree without the first element if this tree is nonempty, otherwise throws an error. */ public abstract FingerTree<V, A> tail(); /** * The tree without the last element. This is an O(1) operation. * * @return The tree without the last element if this tree is nonempty, otherwise throws an error. */ public abstract FingerTree<V, A> init(); /** * Appends one finger tree to another. * * @param t A finger tree to append to this one. * @return A new finger tree which is a concatenation of this tree and the given tree. */ public abstract FingerTree<V, A> append(final FingerTree<V, A> t); /** * Splits this tree into a pair of subtrees at the point where the given predicate, based on the measure, * changes from <code>false</code> to <code>true</code>. This is a O(log(n)) operation. * * @return Pair: the subtree containing elements before the point where <code>pred</code> first holds and the subtree * containing element at and after the point where <code>pred</code> first holds. Empty if <code>pred</code> never holds. */ public final P2<FingerTree<V, A>, FingerTree<V, A>> split(final F<V, Boolean> predicate) { if (!isEmpty() && predicate.f(measure())) { final P3<FingerTree<V, A>, A, FingerTree<V, A>> lxr = split1(predicate); return P.p(lxr._1(), lxr._3().cons(lxr._2())); } else { return P.p(this, mkTree(m).empty()); } } /** * Like <code>split</code>, but returns the element where <code>pred</code> first holds separately. * * Throws an error if the tree is empty. */ public final P3<FingerTree<V, A>, A, FingerTree<V, A>> split1(final F<V, Boolean> predicate) { return split1(predicate, measured().zero()); } abstract P3<FingerTree<V, A>, A, FingerTree<V, A>> split1(final F<V, Boolean> predicate, final V acc); public abstract P2<Integer, A> lookup(final F<V, Integer> o, final int i); public abstract int length(); public static <A> FingerTree<Integer, A> emptyIntAddition() { return empty(intAdditionMonoid, Function.constant(1)); } /** * Creates an empty finger tree with elements of type A and node annotations * of type V. * * @param m A monoid to combine node annotations * @param f Function to convert node element to annotation. * @return An empty finger tree. */ public static <V, A> FingerTree<V, A> empty(Monoid<V> m, F<A, V> f) { return FingerTree.mkTree(measured(m, f)).empty(); } /** * Returns a finger tree which combines the integer node annotations with the * maximum function. A priority queue with integer priorities. */ public static <A> FingerTree<Integer, P2<Integer, A>> emptyIntMax() { return empty(intMaxMonoid, (P2<Integer, A> p) -> p._1()); } public abstract Stream<A> toStream(); }