package org.openedit.modules.spreadsheet; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.openedit.entermedia.util.ImportFile; import org.openedit.xml.XmlFile; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; public class SpreadSheet { protected List fieldRows; protected List fieldColumns; protected Row fieldHeader; protected String fieldId; protected List fieldColorRules; public List getColorRules() { if (fieldColorRules == null) { fieldColorRules = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = getXmlFile().getElements("colorrule"); iterator.hasNext();) { Element ruleElement = (Element); ColorRule rule = new ColorRule(); rule.setColor(ruleElement.attributeValue("color")); rule.setContains(ruleElement.attributeValue("contains")); rule.setRow(Boolean.parseBoolean(ruleElement.attributeValue("row"))); fieldColorRules.add(rule); } } return fieldColorRules; } public String pickColor(String inString) { for (Iterator iterator = getColorRules().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ColorRule rule = (ColorRule); if (rule.matches(inString)) { return rule.getColor(); } } return null; } public String pickColorForRow(Row inRow) { for (Iterator iterator = getColorRules().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ColorRule rule = (ColorRule); if (rule.matches(inRow)) { return rule.getColor(); } } return null; } public String getPath() { return getXmlFile().getPath(); } public String getName() { return PathUtilities.extractFileName(getPath()); } protected XmlFile fieldXmlFile; public List getRows(int inStarting) { return getRows().subList(inStarting, getRows().size()); } public void clear() { fieldRows = null; fieldHeader = null; fieldColumns = null; } public List getRows() { if (fieldRows == null) { fieldRows = new ArrayList(); int rowid = 1; for (Iterator iterator = getXmlFile().getElements("row"); iterator.hasNext();) { Element row = (Element); Row arow = new Row(); arow.setData(row); arow.setLabel(String.valueOf(rowid)); rowid++; fieldRows.add(arow); } //pad out empty rows int max = 30 - fieldRows.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { Row arow = addRowTo( getXmlFile().getRoot()); fieldRows.add(arow); } checkColumns(); } return fieldRows; } public Row addRow(int inNear) { Element data = getXmlFile().getRoot().addElement("row"); Row therow = new Row(); therow.setData(data); return therow; } public void setValue( String inRowId, String inCellId, String inValue) { Row row = getRow( inRowId); row.setValue(inCellId, inValue); //Element row = getXmlFile().getElementById(inRowId); //Element cell = row.elementByID(inCellId); //cell.setText(inValue); //System.out.println(inRowId + " " + inCellId + " " + inValue); } public Row getRow(String inRowId) { List rows = getRows(); for (Iterator iterator = rows.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); if(row.getId().equals(inRowId)) { return row; } } return null; } public XmlFile getXmlFile() { return fieldXmlFile; } public void setXmlFile(XmlFile inXmlFile) { fieldXmlFile = inXmlFile; } public List getColumns() { if (fieldColumns == null) { fieldColumns = new ArrayList(); //pad out empty rows Element columns = getXmlFile().getRoot().element("columns"); if( columns == null) { columns = getXmlFile().getRoot().addElement("columns"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { addColumn(columns); } } for (Iterator iterator = columns.elementIterator("cell"); iterator.hasNext();) { Element row = (Element); Col acol = new Col(); acol.setData(row); fieldColumns.add(acol); } relabelColumns(); } return fieldColumns; } protected void addColumn(Element columns) { char label = (char)('A' + getColumnCount()); String val = String.valueOf( label ); Element cell = columns.addElement("cell"); cell.setText(val); cell.addAttribute("ID", "col_"+ val ); } public int getColumnCount() { int count = getColumns().size(); return count; } public Row getHeader() { if( fieldHeader == null) { fieldHeader = (Row)getRows().get(0); } return fieldHeader; } public String getId() { return fieldId; } public void setId(String inId) { fieldId = inId; } public void saveRowHeight(String inRowId, String inValue) { Row row = getRow( inRowId); row.setHeight(inValue); } public void saveColumnWidth(String inColId, String inValue) { Col col = getColumn(inColId); col.setWidth(inValue); } public Col getColumn(String inColId) { for (Iterator iterator = getColumns().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Col col = (Col); if( col.getId().equals(inColId)) { return col; } } return null; } public void insertColumn(int inColIndex) { //TODO: insert column into list Element data = getXmlFile().getRoot().element("columns"); List cells = new ArrayList( data.elements("cell") ); for (int i = inColIndex; i < cells.size(); i++) { //remove all the old ones Element old = (Element)cells.get(i); data.remove(old); old.setParent(null); } //add in new one Element cell = data.addElement("cell"); //cell.addAttribute("id", String.valueOf( incrementCounter() )); //add in old ones again for (int i = inColIndex; i < cells.size(); i++) { Element old = (Element)cells.get(i); data.add(old); } fieldColumns = null; relabelColumns(); //Fix rows for (Iterator iterator = getRows().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); row.insertCol(inColIndex); } checkColumns(); clear(); } protected void relabelColumns() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub char label = 'A'; for (int i = 0; i < getColumns().size(); i++) { String val = String.valueOf( label ); Col col = (Col)getColumns().get(i); col.setText(val); col.setId("col_" + val); label = (char)(label + 1); } } protected void checkColumns() { //make sure we have enough cells for each row int cells = getHeader().getCells().size(); int col = getColumnCount(); while( cells > col) { //add a spare column Element columns = getXmlFile().getRoot().element("columns"); addColumn(columns); fieldColumns = null; col = getColumnCount(); } for (Iterator iterator = getRows().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); //only if columns not big enought already for (int j = row.getCells().size(); j < col; j++) { Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.setData(row.getData().addElement("cell")); cell.setId(row.getId() + "_" + j); row.getCells().add(cell); } } } public void insertRow(int inRowIndex) { Element data = getXmlFile().getRoot(); List rows = new ArrayList( data.elements("row") ); for (int i = inRowIndex; i < rows.size(); i++) { //remove all the old rows Element old = (Element)rows.get(i); data.remove(old); old.setParent(null); } addRowTo(data); //add in old ones again for (int i = inRowIndex; i < rows.size(); i++) { Element old = (Element)rows.get(i); data.add(old); } relabelRows(); clear(); } protected Row addRowTo(Element data) { Row arow = new Row(); arow.setData(data.addElement("row")); // //need to relabel all the rows int rowid = incrementCounter(); arow.setId(String.valueOf( rowid)); return arow; } protected void relabelRows() { for (int i = 0; i < getRows().size(); i++) { Row row = (Row)getRows().get(i); row.setLabel(String.valueOf(i)); } } //make sure you save after calling this protected synchronized int incrementCounter() { String id = getXmlFile().getRoot().attributeValue("idcounter"); if( id == null) { id = "100"; } int c = Integer.parseInt(id); c++; getXmlFile().getRoot().addAttribute("idcounter", String.valueOf(c)); return c; } public void deleteColumn(String inColId) { Element data = getXmlFile().getRoot().element("columns"); Element col = data.elementByID(inColId); if( col != null) { List cols = data.elements("cell"); int index = cols.indexOf(col); data.remove(col); relabelColumns(); if ( index > -1) { //remove all the cells for each row at that index for (Iterator iterator = getRows().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Row row = (Row); //only if columns not big enought already Element element = (Element)row.getData().elements().get(index); row.getData().remove(element); } } } clear(); } public void deleteRow(String inRowId) { Element data = getXmlFile().getRoot(); //Element row = (Element)data.selectSingleNode("//cell[@id='" + inRowId +"']"); Element row = data.elementByID(inRowId); if( row != null) { data.remove(row); } fieldRows = null; } public void importCsv(Page inPage) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ImportFile imfile = new ImportFile(); Element backup = getXmlFile().getRoot(); try { imfile.load(new BufferedReader( inPage.getReader())); Element root = DocumentHelper.createElement("sheet"); getXmlFile().setRoot(root); Element colums = root.addElement("columns"); Element row = root.addElement("row"); row.addAttribute("ID",String.valueOf(incrementCounter())); for (Iterator iterator = imfile.getHeader().getHeaderNames().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String name = (String); Element cell = row.addElement("cell"); cell.addAttribute("ID",String.valueOf(incrementCounter())); cell.setText(name); } org.openedit.entermedia.util.Row trow = null; while( (trow = imfile.getNextRow()) != null ) { row = root.addElement("row"); row.addAttribute("ID",String.valueOf(incrementCounter())); for (int i = 0; i < trow.getData().length; i++) { String value = trow.getData(i); Element cell = row.addElement("cell"); cell.addAttribute("ID",String.valueOf(incrementCounter())); cell.setText(value); } } clear(); checkColumns(); relabelColumns(); } catch( Exception ex) { throw new OpenEditException(ex); } finally { imfile.close(); } } public String getLastEditedBy() { return getXmlFile().getRoot().attributeValue("lastedited"); } public void setLastEditedBy(String inLastEditedBy) { getXmlFile().getRoot().addAttribute("lastedited", inLastEditedBy); } public String getLastEdit() { Date edited = new Date( getXmlFile().getLastModified() ); return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(edited); } public int getWidth() { int total = 0; for (Iterator iterator = getColumns().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Col col = (Col); total = total + col.getWidth(); } return total; } public void addColorRule(ColorRule inColorRule) { Element element = getXmlFile().getRoot().addElement("colorrule"); element.addAttribute("color", inColorRule.getColor()); element.addAttribute("contains", inColorRule.getContains()); element.addAttribute("row", Boolean.toString(inColorRule.isRow())); getColorRules().add(inColorRule); } public void addColorRule(String inColor, String inContains) { ColorRule rule = new ColorRule(); rule.setColor(inColor); rule.setContains(inContains); addColorRule(rule); } public void removeRule(String inContains) { Element root = getXmlFile().getRoot(); for (Iterator iterator = root.elementIterator("colorrule"); iterator.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); if (element.attributeValue("contains").equals(inContains)) { iterator.remove(); } } for (Iterator iterator = getColorRules().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ColorRule rule = (ColorRule); if (rule.getContains().equals(inContains)) { iterator.remove(); } } } }