package org.openedit.entermedia.modules; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.Data; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.EnterMedia; import org.openedit.profile.UserProfile; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.ListHitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; import com.openedit.hittracker.Term; import; import; /** * @deprecated API has been moved to SavedQueryModule * @author cburkey * */ public class MultiSearchModule extends BaseMediaModule { protected SearcherManager fieldSearcherManager; protected SearchQueryArchive fieldSearchQueryArchive; public SearchQueryArchive getSearchQueryArchive() { return fieldSearchQueryArchive; } public void setSearchQueryArchive(SearchQueryArchive inSearchQueryArchive) { fieldSearchQueryArchive = inSearchQueryArchive; } private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MultiSearchModule.class); public SearcherManager getSearcherManager() { return fieldSearcherManager; } public void setSearcherManager(SearcherManager inSearcherManager) { fieldSearcherManager = inSearcherManager; } public String loadApplicationId(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); inReq.putPageValue("applicationid", applicationid); inReq.putPageValue("apphome", "/" + applicationid); String prefix = inReq.getContentProperty("themeprefix"); inReq.putPageValue("themeprefix", prefix); return applicationid; } public SearchQuery loadQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String queryid = inReq.getRequestParameter("queryid"); if (queryid == null) { queryid = inReq.findValue("queryid"); // "mostrecent" ? } String applicationid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); if(applicationid == null){ applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); } if (applicationid == null) { applicationid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); } SearchQuery query = getSearchQueryArchive().loadQuery(applicationid, "asset", queryid, inReq.getUser()); if (query != null) { String sessionid = applicationid + "_" + queryid + "_query"; // inReq.putSessionValue(queryid + "_query", query); inReq.putSessionValue("currentquery", query); inReq.putSessionValue(sessionid, query); inReq.putPageValue("query", query); } return query; } public SearchQuery saveQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String id = inReq.getRequestParameter("queryid"); String name = inReq.getRequestParameter("name"); String description = inReq.getRequestParameter("description"); if (id == null) { id = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()); } String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); if (applicationid == null) { applicationid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); } SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); if (query != null) { query.setName(name); query.setDescription(description); getSearchQueryArchive().saveQuery(applicationid, query, id, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putSessionValue("currentquery", query); inReq.putPageValue("query", query); } return query; } public void loadLastQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { loadCurrentQuery(inReq); } public void addCatalog(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); String addcatalog = inReq.getRequestParameter("addcatalogid"); if (addcatalog != null) { if( "addall".equals(addcatalog)) { //loop all catalogs UserProfile settings = inReq.getUserProfile(); query.setCatalogs(new ArrayList()); for (Iterator iterator = settings.getCatalogs().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Data cat = (Data); query.addCatalog(cat.getId()); } } else { query.addCatalog(addcatalog); } } String removecatalog = inReq.getRequestParameter("removecatalogid"); if (removecatalog != null) { if( "removeall".equals(removecatalog)) { query.setCatalogs(new ArrayList()); } else { query.removeCatalog(removecatalog); } } String appid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); getSearchQueryArchive().saveQuery(appid, query, inReq.getUserName() + "-mostrecent", inReq.getUser()); } public void addTerm(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); if (catalogid == null) { catalogid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); } String fieldid = inReq.getRequestParameter("fieldid"); String viewname = inReq.getRequestParameter("view"); String searchtype = "asset"; Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogid, searchtype); PropertyDetail detail = searcher.getDetailForView(viewname, fieldid, inReq.getUser()); if (detail != null) { // detail.setSearchType(searchtype); //This should not be needed query.addMatches(detail); } else { log.error("Term not found " + searchtype + "/" + fieldid); } } public void removeTerm(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); String termid = inReq.getRequestParameter("termid"); query.removeTerm(termid); } public void updateQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String[] terms = inReq.getRequestParameters("termid"); String[] operation = inReq.getRequestParameters("operation"); SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); if (query == null || terms == null) { return; } Map counters = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { Term term = query.getTermByTermId(terms[i]); if (term == null) { continue; } PropertyDetail detail = term.getDetail(); String[] values = inReq.getRequestParameters(detail.getId() + ".value"); int index = -1; if (counters.get(detail.getId()) != null) { index = ((Integer) counters.get(detail.getId())).intValue(); } index++; String val = null; if (values != null && values.length > index) { val = values[index]; } // term.setValue(val); query.setProperty(term.getId(), val); term.addParameter("op", operation[i]); counters.put(detail.getId(), new Integer(index)); if (operation[i].equals("is")) { String[] requestParams = inReq.getRequestParameters(detail.getId() + ".additionals"); if (requestParams != null) { String[] additionalInputs = requestParams[index].split(","); for (int j = 0; j < additionalInputs.length; j++) { String paramid = detail.getId() + "." + additionalInputs[j]; String inputid = term.getId() + "." + additionalInputs[j]; String additional = inReq.getRequestParameters(paramid)[index]; query.setProperty(inputid, additional); } } } } //; } public SearchQuery loadCurrentQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); String hitssessionid = inReq.getRequestParameter("hitssessionid"); SearchQuery query = null; if(hitssessionid != null){ HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) inReq.getSessionValue(hitssessionid); query = hits.getSearchQuery(); } if(query == null){ query = (SearchQuery) inReq.getSessionValue("currentquery"); } try { if (query == null) {"No query in session - loading most recent"); query = getSearchQueryArchive().loadQuery(applicationid, "asset", inReq.getUserName() + "-mostrecent", inReq.getUser()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } if (query == null) { query = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "asset").createSearchQuery(); query.setDescription("Last edited query for user " + inReq.getUserName()); query.setId(inReq.getUserName() + "-mostrecent"); query.setName("Current query"); } if (query != null) { inReq.putSessionValue("currentquery", query); inReq.putPageValue("query", query); } return query; } public HitTracker runCurrentQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); String catalogid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); String searchType = inReq.getRequestParameter("searchtype"); String[] catalogs = new String[query.getCatalogs().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < catalogs.length; i++) { catalogs[i] = String.valueOf(query.getCatalogs().get(i)); } inReq.setRequestParameter("catalogid", catalogs); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogid, searchType); HitTracker hittracker = searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, query); return hittracker; } public HitTracker loadHits(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); if (catalogid != null) {// for a sub searcher String searchType = inReq.getRequestParameter("searchtype"); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogid, searchType); String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); return searcher.loadHits(inReq, hitsname); } catalogid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); String searchType = inReq.getRequestParameter("searchtype"); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogid, searchType); String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); if (hitsname == null) { hitsname = "hits"; } HitTracker hittracker = searcher.loadHits(inReq, hitsname); inReq.putPageValue(hitsname + catalogid, hittracker); inReq.putPageValue("hits", hittracker); return hittracker; } public void showAll(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); CompositeSearcher searcher = (CompositeSearcher)getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "compositeLucene"); SearchQuery q = searcher.createSearchQuery(); q.addMatches("description","*"); UserProfile settings = inReq.getUserProfile(); if( settings != null ) { String catid = null; if( settings.getLastCatalog() != null ) { catid = settings.getLastCatalog().getId(); } else if( settings.getCatalogs().size() > 0) { Data cat = (Data)settings.getCatalogs().get(0); catid = cat.getId(); } inReq.setRequestParameter("catalogid", catid); } HitTracker hits = searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, q); // save off this as the most recent if (hits != null) { hits.setDataSource(applicationid + "/search/multicatsearch/multiresults"); getSearchQueryArchive().saveQuery(applicationid, hits.getSearchQuery(), inReq.getUserName() + "-mostrecent", inReq.getUser()); inReq.putSessionValue("currentquery", hits.getSearchQuery()); } inReq.putPageValue("searcher", searcher); } public void multiSearch(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); CompositeSearcher searcher = (CompositeSearcher)getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "compositeLucene"); SearchQuery inQuery = searcher.addStandardSearchTerms(inReq); HitTracker hits = null; if( inQuery != null) { Term term = inQuery.getTermByDetailId("description"); if( term != null && "*".equals(term.getValue())) { inQuery.removeTerm(term); //will be ignored by the search query inQuery.setProperty("description", "*"); inQuery.addMatches("category", "index"); } hits = searcher.cachedSearch(inReq,inQuery); //HitTracker hits = searcher.fieldSearch(inReq); if (hits == null) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(inReq.getRequestParameter("reload"))) { SearchQuery q = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); q.setCatalogId(applicationid); hits = searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, q); } } } if( hits == null) { hits = searcher.loadHits(inReq); } // save off this as the most recent if (hits != null) { hits.setDataSource(applicationid + "/search/multicatsearch/multiresults"); getSearchQueryArchive().saveQuery(applicationid, hits.getSearchQuery(), inReq.getUserName() + "-mostrecent", inReq.getUser()); inReq.putSessionValue("currentquery", hits.getSearchQuery()); } inReq.putPageValue("searcher", searcher); } public void search(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); CompositeSearcher searcher = (CompositeSearcher)getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "compositeLucene"); SearchQuery inQuery = searcher.addStandardSearchTerms(inReq); HitTracker hits = null; if( inQuery != null) { hits =,inQuery); } inReq.putPageValue("searcher", searcher); } public void loadSavedQueryList(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { // This is bad/slow/called all the time. TODO: We should just maintain // an XML file with the list of saved queries HitTracker hits = new ListHitTracker(); String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); List queries = getSearchQueryArchive().loadSavedQueryList(applicationid, "compositeLucene", inReq.getUser()); for (Iterator iterator = queries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SearchQuery query = (SearchQuery); if (!query.getId().contains("recent")) { //; hits.add(query); } } String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); if (hitsname == null) { hitsname = "hits"; } inReq.putPageValue(hitsname, hits); } protected String getCatalogId(WebPageRequest inReq) { String catid = inReq.getContentProperty("catalogid"); if (catid == null) { catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); } if (catid == null) { catid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); } return catid; } public void clearCurrentQuery(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { SearchQuery query = loadCurrentQuery(inReq); query.getTerms().clear(); } public void loadAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); String assetid = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); EnterMedia matt = getEnterMedia(inReq); Asset prod = matt.getAsset(catalogid, assetid); inReq.putPageValue("asset", prod); inReq.putPageValue("matt", matt); } public void createNewCatalog(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String catname = inReq.getRequestParameter("name"); String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("appcatalogid"); // String foldername = inReq.findValue("foldername"); // String appfolder = null; // if(foldername == null) // { // appfolder= catname; // // appfolder = PathUtilities.extractId(appfolder, true); // // if (!appfolder.startsWith("/")) // { // appfolder = "/" + appfolder; // } // if (!appfolder.endsWith("/")) // { // appfolder = appfolder + "/"; // } // appfolder = appfolder.toLowerCase(); // } // else // { // appfolder = foldername; // } // if(!appfolder.endsWith("/")) // { // appfolder = appfolder + "/"; // } // String prefix = inReq.findValue("appfolderprefix"); // if (prefix == null) // { // prefix = ""; // } Page app = getPageManager().getPage("/" + catalogid + "/_site.xconf"); PageProperty prop = new PageProperty("fallbackdirectory"); prop.setValue(inReq.findValue("fallbackfolder")); app.getPageSettings().putProperty(prop); PageProperty catid = new PageProperty("catalogid"); // String catalogid = appfolder; // catalogid = catalogid.replace("/", ""); // String appid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); // catalogid = appid + "/catalogs/" + catalogid; catid.setValue(catalogid); app.getPageSettings().putProperty(catid); getPageManager().saveSettings(app); // Add to catalog Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher("system", "catalog"); Data row = searcher.createNewData(); row.setId(catalogid); row.setProperty("name", catname); searcher.saveData(row, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putPageValue("catalog", row); // String id = appid + "usersettings" + inReq.getUserName(); // inReq.removeSessionValue(id); } public Map loadMultiViews(WebPageRequest inReq) { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); Searcher viewSearcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "views"); String[] catalogids = inReq.getRequestParameters("catalogid"); //Performance problem, only support the top 4 catalogs if( catalogids.length > 4) { String[] copies = new String[4]; System.arraycopy(catalogids, 0, copies, 0, 4); catalogids = copies; } Map allViews = ListOrderedMap.decorate(new HashMap()); HitTracker views = viewSearcher.getAllHits(); for (Iterator iterator = views.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Object view = (Object); String viewid = views.getValue(view, "id"); Map alldetails = ListOrderedMap.decorate(new HashMap()); for (int i = 0; i < catalogids.length; i++) { Searcher assetSearcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogids[i], "asset"); List details = assetSearcher.getDetailsForView(viewid, inReq.getUser()); if( details != null) { for (Iterator iterator2 = details.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); if (!alldetails.containsKey(detail.getId())) { alldetails.put(detail.getId(), detail); } } } } allViews.put(view, alldetails); } inReq.putPageValue("allviews", allViews); return allViews; } public void deleteCatalog(WebPageRequest inReq) { String applicationid = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("deletecatalogid"); if (catalogid == null) { log.warn("No catalog to remove"); return; } Searcher catalogs = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(applicationid, "catalogs"); Data element = (Data) catalogs.searchById(catalogid); if (element == null) { return; } catalogs.delete(element, inReq.getUser()); Page storedir = getPageManager().getPage("/" + catalogid); if (storedir.exists()) { getPageManager().removePage(storedir); } String id = applicationid + "usersettings" + inReq.getUserName(); inReq.removeSessionValue(id); } }