package org.openedit.entermedia.creator; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.Data; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import com.openedit.hittracker.DataHitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; import; import; public class ConversionUtil { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConversionUtil.class); public static final String DECIMAL_FORMAT = "#.00"; public static final String NOTHING_FOUND = "Not Converted"; protected SearcherManager fieldSearcherManager; public SearcherManager getSearcherManager() { return fieldSearcherManager; } public void setSearcherManager(SearcherManager inSearcherManager) { fieldSearcherManager = inSearcherManager; } protected HitTracker getParameterData(String inCatalogId, String inPresetId) throws Exception{ SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher cpsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "convertpreset"); Searcher pdsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "presetdata"); Searcher ppsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "presetparameter"); Data cpdata = (Data) cpsearcher.searchById(inPresetId); String guid = cpdata.get("guid"); Data pddata = (Data) pdsearcher.searchById(guid); if( pddata == null) { return null; } String pdata = pddata.getId(); SearchQuery sq = ppsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("parameterdata", pdata); HitTracker hits =; return hits; } public boolean canCrop(String inCatalogId, String inPresetId, String inAssetId) throws Exception{"canCrop "+inCatalogId+", "+inPresetId+", "+inAssetId); boolean canCrop = false; Dimension cropDimension = getConvertPresetDimension(inCatalogId,inPresetId); log.debug("Crop Dimension: "+cropDimension); if (cropDimension!=null && cropDimension.getHeight()!=0 && cropDimension.getWidth()!=0){ // Dimension inputDimension = getConvertPresetDimension(inCatalogId,"cropinput");//this needs to be in convertpreset table! // log.debug("Preset Input Dimension: "+inputDimension); // if (inputDimension!=null && inputDimension.getHeight()!=0 && inputDimension.getWidth()!=0){ // Asset asset = (Asset) getSearcherManager().getData(inCatalogId, "asset", inAssetId); // double assetwidth = asset.get("width") != null ? (double) Integer.parseInt(asset.get("width")) : 0d; // double assetheight = asset.get("height") != null ? (double) Integer.parseInt(asset.get("height")) : 0d; // log.debug("Asset dimension: "+assetwidth+", "+assetheight); // if (assetwidth != 0 && assetheight != 0){ // //input w x h // double inputwidth = inputDimension.getWidth(); // double inputheight = inputDimension.getHeight(); // log.debug("input dimension: "+inputwidth+" x "+inputheight); // //crop w x h // double cropwidth = cropDimension.getWidth(); // double cropheight = cropDimension.getHeight(); // log.debug("crop dimension: "+cropwidth+" x "+cropheight); // //calculate cropinput for particular asset; does best fit // double bestfitwidth = 0; // double bestfitheight = 0; // double factorwidth = assetwidth / inputwidth; // double factorheight = assetheight / inputheight; // log.debug("factor dimension: "+factorwidth+" x "+factorheight); // if (factorwidth > factorheight){ // bestfitwidth = assetwidth / factorwidth; // bestfitheight = assetheight / factorwidth; // } else { // bestfitwidth = assetwidth / factorheight; // bestfitheight = assetheight / factorheight; // } // log.debug("best-fit dimension: "+bestfitwidth+" x "+bestfitheight); // //now have calculated cropinput dimension and crop dimension // canCrop = (cropwidth <= bestfitwidth && cropheight <= bestfitheight); // } // } //use asset dimension instead of standardized input dimension Asset asset = (Asset) getSearcherManager().getData(inCatalogId, "asset", inAssetId); //error check dimensions double assetwidth = 0.0d; try{ String num = asset.get("width"); if (num!=null) num = num.trim(); assetwidth = (double) Integer.parseInt(num); }catch (Exception e){ log.warn("Exception caught parsing asset width, assetid="+asset.getId()+", width="+asset.get("width")+", defaulting value to 0"); } double assetheight = 0.0d; try{ String num = asset.get("height"); if (num!=null) num = num.trim(); assetheight = (double) Integer.parseInt(num); }catch (Exception e){ log.warn("Exception caught parsing asset height, assetid="+asset.getId()+", height="+asset.get("height")+", defaulting value to 0"); } double cropwidth = cropDimension.getWidth(); double cropheight = cropDimension.getHeight(); canCrop = (cropwidth <= assetwidth && cropheight <= assetheight); }"Can image be cropped? "+canCrop); return canCrop; } public Dimension getConvertPresetDimension(String inCatalogId, String inPresetId) throws Exception { Dimension dimension = new Dimension(); double width = 0d; double height = 0d; HitTracker hits = getParameterData(inCatalogId,inPresetId); if( hits == null) { return null; } Iterator<?> itr = hits.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()){ Data data = (Data); if ("prefwidth".equals(data.get("name")) && data.get("value")!=null) { try { width = Double.parseDouble(data.get("value")); }catch (Exception e){} } else if ("prefheight".equals(data.get("name")) && data.get("value")!=null) { try { height = Double.parseDouble(data.get("value")); }catch (Exception e){} } } dimension.setSize(width,height); return dimension; } public String getConvertPresetAspectRatio(String inCatalogId, String inPresetId) throws Exception { Dimension dimension = getConvertPresetDimension(inCatalogId, inPresetId); if( dimension == null) { return null; } return getConvertPresetAspectRatio(dimension); } public String getConvertPresetAspectRatio(Dimension inDimension){ if( inDimension == null) { return null; } double height = inDimension.getHeight(); double width = inDimension.getWidth(); if (height > 0 && width > 0){ DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(DECIMAL_FORMAT); return format.format(width / height) + ":1"; } return null; } public String getConvertPresetParameter(String inCatalogId, String inPresetId, String inParameter) throws Exception{ HitTracker hits = getParameterData(inCatalogId,inPresetId); if( hits == null) { return null; } Iterator<?> itr = hits.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()){ Data data = (Data); if (inParameter.equals(data.get("name")) && data.get("value")!=null) { return data.get("value"); } } return null; } public String getConversionStatus(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String inPresetId) throws Exception { String status = NOTHING_FOUND; SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher ctsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "conversiontask"); Searcher cssearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "convertstatus"); SearchQuery sq = ctsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("presetid", inPresetId).append("assetid",inAssetId); sq.addSortBy("id"); HitTracker hits =; if(hits.size() > 0){ Data hit = hits.get(0); Data data2 = (Data) cssearcher.searchById(hit.get("status")); status = data2.getName(); return status; } Asset asset = (Asset) sm.getData(inCatalogId, "asset", inAssetId); if(doesExist(inCatalogId, inAssetId, asset.getSourcePath(), inPresetId)){ Data data2 = (Data) cssearcher.searchById("complete"); if(data2 != null){ return data2.getName(); } return "Complete"; } return status; } public boolean isConvertPresetReady(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String sourcepath, String inPresetId) throws Exception{ boolean isOk = false; SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); if(doesConvertedFileExist(inCatalogId, sourcepath, inPresetId)){ return true; } Searcher ctsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "conversiontask"); SearchQuery sq = ctsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("presetid", inPresetId).append("assetid",inAssetId); sq.addSortBy("id"); HitTracker hits =; Iterator<?> itr = hits.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()){ Data data = (Data); String str = data.get("status"); isOk = ("complete".equals(str)); } return isOk; } public boolean doesConvertedFileExist(String inCatalogId, String sourcepath, String inPresetId) { PageManager pm = (PageManager) getSearcherManager().getModuleManager().getBean("pageManager"); Data preset = getSearcherManager().getData(inCatalogId, "convertpreset", inPresetId); String outputfile = preset.get("outputfile"); Page outputpage = pm.getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + inCatalogId + "/generated/" + sourcepath + "/" + outputfile); return outputpage.exists(); } public HitTracker getUnprocessedFatwireConvertPresetList(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String inOmitPresetId) throws Exception { HitTracker hits = new DataHitTracker(); SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher ctsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "conversiontask"); HitTracker all = getFatwireConvertPresetList(inCatalogId,inAssetId); Iterator<?> itr = all.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()){ Data data = (Data); String presetId = data.getId(); if (presetId.equals(inOmitPresetId)){ continue; } SearchQuery query = ctsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("presetid", presetId).append("assetid",inAssetId); HitTracker hits2 =; if (hits2.size() == 0){//nothing on conversion list so include in hits hits.add(data); } } return hits; } public HitTracker getProcessedFatwireConvertPresetList(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String inIncludePresetId) throws Exception { HitTracker hits = new DataHitTracker(); SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher ctsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "conversiontask"); HitTracker all = getFatwireConvertPresetList(inCatalogId,inAssetId); Iterator<?> itr = all.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()){ Data data = (Data); String presetId = data.getId(); if (presetId.equals(inIncludePresetId)){ hits.add(data); continue; } SearchQuery query = ctsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("presetid", presetId).append("assetid",inAssetId); HitTracker hits2 =; if (hits2.size() != 0){//at least one found in conversion list so include in hits hits.add(data); } } return hits; } public HitTracker getActivePresetList(String inCatalogId, String mediatype) throws Exception { SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Collection both = new ArrayList(); both.add("all"); both.add(mediatype); HitTracker all = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "convertpreset").query().match("display", "true").orgroup("inputtype", both).sort("ordering").search(); return all; } public HitTracker getFatwireConvertPresetList(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId) throws Exception { SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher cpsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "convertpreset"); SearchQuery query = cpsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("publishtofatwire","true"); query.addSortBy("ordering"); HitTracker hits =; return hits; } public HitTracker getFatwirePublishQueueList(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String inPresetId) throws Exception{ SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher pdsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "publishdestination"); Data data = (Data) pdsearcher.searchByField("name", "Fatwire"); if (data!=null){//np check Searcher pqsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "publishqueue"); SearchQuery query = pqsearcher.createSearchQuery().append("presetid", inPresetId).append("assetid",inAssetId).append("publishdestination",data.getId()); query.addSortBy("id"); HitTracker hits =; return hits; } return null; } public boolean doesExist(String inCatalogId, String inAssetId, String assetSourcePath, String inPresetId){ SearcherManager sm = getSearcherManager(); Searcher ctsearcher = sm.getSearcher(inCatalogId, "conversiontask"); SearchQuery q = ctsearcher.createSearchQuery(); q.addExact("presetid", inPresetId); q.addExact("assetid", inAssetId); HitTracker hits =; if(hits.size() > 0){ return true; } return doesConvertedFileExist(inCatalogId, assetSourcePath, inPresetId); } }