package org.openedit.entermedia.creator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.Data; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import; import; import; import; import com.openedit.util.Exec; import com.openedit.util.ExecResult; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; public abstract class BaseCreator implements MediaCreator { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseCreator.class); protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected String fieldWaterMarkPath; protected Exec fieldExec; protected Collection fieldPreProcessors; protected Boolean fieldOnWindows; public Page createOutput(MediaArchive inArchive, ConvertInstructions inStructions) { String sourcePath = inStructions.getAssetSourcePath(); Page converted = getPageManager().getPage(inStructions.getOutputPath()); if (inStructions.isForce() || !converted.exists() || converted.getContentItem().getLength() == 0) { //We need to load up the asset right away Asset asset = inArchive.getAssetBySourcePath(sourcePath); if (asset == null) { asset = createAsset(inArchive , sourcePath); //virtual assets } if(asset == null){ asset = createAsset(inArchive, inStructions.getInputPath()); } if (asset == null) { return null; } // converted.getParentFile().mkdirs(); //This should be in the sourcepath that already exists // try // { // converted.createNewFile(); // // keep two people from converting // } // catch (IOException e) // { // throw new OpenEditException(e); // } //The output formats might need to use helpers to get it working ConvertResult ok = convert(inArchive, asset, converted, inStructions); if (!ok.isOk()) { //should already be logged missing original? log.error("Convert failed " + asset.getSourcePath() + " for " + getClass().getName()); return null; } } // if (inStructions.isWatermark()) // { // String generatedDirPath = "/" + inArchive.getCatalogId() + "/assets/images/generated/"; // String watermarkPath = generatedDirPath + inStructions.createWatermarkPath(sourcePath); // // return makeWaterMark(inStructions, converted, watermarkPath); // } // else // { return getPageManager().getPage(converted.getPath()); // } } public ConvertInstructions createInstructions(WebPageRequest inReq, MediaArchive inArchive, String inOutputType, String inSourcePath) { Map all = new HashMap(); //TODO: Get parent ones as well for (Iterator iterator = inReq.getContentPage().getPageSettings().getAllProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PageProperty type = (PageProperty); all.put(type.getName(), type.getValue()); } //; all.putAll( inReq.getPageMap()); //these could be objects all.putAll( inReq.getParameterMap() ); return createInstructions(all, inArchive, inOutputType, inSourcePath); } /** public ConvertInstructions createInstructions(Page inDef, MediaArchive inArchive, String inOutputType, String inSourcePath) { Map all = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iterator = inDef.getPageSettings().getAllProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PageProperty type = (PageProperty); all.put(type.getName(), type.getValue()); } return createInstructions(all, inArchive, inOutputType, inSourcePath); } */ /** * Returns an object that has the output path set on it * @param inReq * @param inArchive * @param inPage * @param inSourcePath Should be passed in with the results of $asset.getSourcePathToAttachment("image|video") * @return */ public ConvertInstructions createInstructions(Map inCreateProperties, MediaArchive inArchive, String inOutputType, String inSourcePath) { ConvertInstructions inStructions = new ConvertInstructions(); inStructions.setAssetSourcePath(inSourcePath); inStructions.setOutputExtension(inOutputType); //Maybe this is too much stuff? for (Iterator iterator = inCreateProperties.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key =; Object value = inCreateProperties.get(key); if( value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean) { inStructions.addProperty(key, String.valueOf(value)); } } populateParameters(inArchive, inStructions); //populateOutputPath(inArchive,inStructions); return inStructions; } protected void populateParameters(MediaArchive inArchive, ConvertInstructions inStructions) { String presetdataid = inStructions.get("presetdataid"); //Load up the parameter data if( presetdataid != null ) { Searcher paramsearcher = inArchive.getSearcherManager().getSearcher(inArchive.getCatalogId(), "presetparameter" ); Collection params = paramsearcher.fieldSearch("parameterdata",presetdataid,"id"); if( params.size() > 0 ) { inStructions.setParameters(params); } } } public String getWaterMarkPath(String inThemePrefix) { if (fieldWaterMarkPath == null) { Page water = getPageManager().getPage(inThemePrefix + "/images/watermark.png"); fieldWaterMarkPath = water.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath(); // Strings for performance } return fieldWaterMarkPath; } public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager inPageManager) { fieldPageManager = inPageManager; } protected boolean runExec(String inCommandName, List<String> inCom) throws OpenEditException { ExecResult result = getExec().runExec(inCommandName, inCom); return result.isRunOk(); } public boolean hasPreprocessor() { return fieldPreProcessors != null && fieldPreProcessors.size() > 0; } public Collection getPreProcessors() { if (fieldPreProcessors == null) { fieldPreProcessors = new ArrayList(); } return fieldPreProcessors; } public void addPreProcessor(MediaCreator inCreator) { getPreProcessors().add(inCreator); } public void setPreProcessors(Collection inPreProcessors) { fieldPreProcessors = inPreProcessors; } protected MediaCreator getPreProcessor(MediaArchive inArchive, String ext) { if( fieldPreProcessors != null) { //Loop over the children and find a match for (Iterator iterator = getPreProcessors().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { MediaCreator type = (MediaCreator); if( type.canReadIn(inArchive, ext) ) return type; } } return null; } protected boolean canPreProcess(MediaArchive inArchive, String inInput) { for (Iterator iterator = getPreProcessors().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { MediaCreator type = (MediaCreator); if( type.canReadIn(inArchive, inInput)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * For this to work, inSourcePath needs to have an extention, i.e. * newassets/admin/118/picture.jpg * @param inStructions * @param inSourcePath * @return */ protected Asset createAsset(MediaArchive inArchive, String inSourcePath) { String extension = PathUtilities.extractPageType(inSourcePath); if (extension != null) { Asset asset = new Asset(); //throw away asset.setCatalogId(inArchive.getCatalogId()); // asset.setId(inArchive.getAssetArchive().nextAssetNumber()); asset.setSourcePath(inSourcePath); extension = extension.toLowerCase(); asset.setProperty("fileformat", extension); // inArchive.saveAsset(asset, null); return asset; } return null; } public Exec getExec() { return fieldExec; } public void setExec(Exec exec) { fieldExec = exec; } public boolean isOnWindows() { return getOnWindows().booleanValue(); } public Boolean getOnWindows() { if (fieldOnWindows == null) { if (System.getProperty("").toUpperCase().contains("WINDOWS")) { fieldOnWindows = Boolean.TRUE; } else { fieldOnWindows = Boolean.FALSE; } } return fieldOnWindows; } protected void createFallBackContent(Page inRealContent, Page inXConf) { //instead of copying, create magic xconf String temp = inXConf.getPath(); int index = temp.lastIndexOf("."); if(index != -1) { temp = temp.substring(0, index); temp= temp + ".xconf"; } PageSettings xconf = getPageManager().getPageSettingsManager().getPageSettings(temp); PageProperty fallback = new PageProperty("fallbackcontentpath"); fallback.setValue(inRealContent.getPath()); xconf.putProperty(fallback); getPageManager().getPageSettingsManager().saveSetting(xconf); getPageManager().clearCache(inXConf); } public ConvertResult updateStatus(MediaArchive inArchive,Data inTask, Asset inAsset,ConvertInstructions inStructions ) { ConvertResult status = new ConvertResult(); status.setComplete(true); status.setOk(true); return status; } @Override public String populateOutputPath(MediaArchive inArchive, ConvertInstructions inStructions, Data inPreset) { StringBuffer outputpage = new StringBuffer(); outputpage.append("/WEB-INF/data/" ); outputpage.append(inArchive.getCatalogId()); outputpage.append("/generated/" ); outputpage.append(inStructions.getAssetSourcePath() ); outputpage.append("/" ); String output = inPreset.get("outputfile"); int pagenumber = inStructions.getPageNumber(); if( pagenumber > 1 ) { String name = PathUtilities.extractPageName(output); String ext = PathUtilities.extractPageType(output); output = name + "page" + pagenumber + "." + ext; } outputpage.append(output); return outputpage.toString(); } }