package org.openedit.entermedia.xmp; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.util.GenericsUtil; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import; import com.openedit.util.Exec; import com.openedit.util.ExecResult; public class XmpWriter { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XmpWriter.class); protected Exec fieldExec; public void addKeyword(String inKeyword, List<String> inComm) { inComm.add("-Subject+="+inKeyword); } public boolean writeTag(String inTag, String inValue, File inFile) { List<String> com = new ArrayList<String>(); com.add("-" + inTag + "=" + inValue); com.add(inFile.getAbsolutePath()); return runExec(com); } protected String runExecWithOutput(List<String> inCom) throws OpenEditException { ExecResult result = getExec().runExec("exiftool", inCom); return result.getStandardOut(); } protected boolean runExec(List<String> inCom) throws OpenEditException { ExecResult result = getExec().runExec("exiftool", inCom); return result.isRunOk(); } public void addSaveKeywords(List<String> inKeywords, List<String> inComm) throws Exception { for (String key: inKeywords) { addKeyword(key, inComm); } } public boolean saveMetadata(MediaArchive inArchive, Asset inAsset) throws Exception { String path = inArchive.getOriginalDocument(inAsset).getContentItem().getAbsolutePath(); List<String> comm = createCommand(inArchive); addSaveFields(inArchive, inAsset, comm); comm.add(path); boolean ok = runExec(comm); return ok; } public boolean saveKeywords(MediaArchive inArchive, Asset inAsset) throws Exception { String path = inArchive.getOriginalDocument(inAsset).getContentItem().getAbsolutePath(); List<String> comm = createCommand(inArchive); List removekeywords = new ArrayList(comm); removekeywords.add("-Subject="); //This only works on a line by itself removekeywords.add(path); boolean ok = runExec(removekeywords); if( ok ) { addSaveKeywords(inAsset.getKeywords(), comm); comm.add(path); ok = runExec(comm); } return ok; } protected List<String> createCommand(MediaArchive inArchive) { List<String> comm = GenericsUtil.createList(); Page etConfig = inArchive.getPageManager().getPage(inArchive.getCatalogHome() + "/configuration/exiftool.conf"); if( etConfig.exists() ) { comm.add("-config"); comm.add(etConfig.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); } comm.add("-overwrite_original"); comm.add("-n"); return comm; } public void addSaveFields(MediaArchive inArchive, Asset inAsset, List<String> inComm) { PropertyDetails details = inArchive.getAssetPropertyDetails(); for(Object o: details) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail) o; if(detail.getExternalId() == null || !detail.isEditable()) { continue; } String[] tags = detail.getExternalIds(); String value = inAsset.get(detail.getId()); // if( detail.getId().equals("imageorientation")) // { // value = inAsset.get("rotation"); //custom rotation. this should be set by the rotation tool? //// Searcher searcher = inArchive.getSearcherManager().getSearcher(inArchive.getCatalogId(), "imageorientation"); //// Data rotationval = (Data)searcher.searchById(value); //// value = rotationval.get("rotation"); // if( value == null ) // { // continue; //Only set the value if rotation is set // } // } addTags(tags, value, inComm); } } public void addTags(String[] inTags, String inValue, List<String> inComm) { if(inValue == null) { inValue = ""; } for (int i = 0; i < inTags.length; i++) //We need to add them all since Photoshop adds them all. { if( inTags[i].contains(":") ) //Only write back to iptc: or xmp: fields { inComm.add("-" + inTags[i] + "=" + inValue); } } } // public boolean isIndesign(File inFile) throws IOException // { // byte[] guid = new byte[16]; // InputStream in = new FileInputStream(inFile); //, 0, 16); // in.close(); // // byte[] expected = new byte[] // {0x06,0x06,(byte)0xED,(byte)0xF5, // (byte)0xD8,0x1D,0x46,(byte)0xe5, // (byte)0xBD,0x31,(byte)0xEF,(byte)0xE7, // (byte)0xFE,0x74,(byte)0xB7,0x1D}; // boolean isIndd = true; // for(int i=0;i<guid.length;i++) // { // if(guid[i] != expected[i]) // { // isIndd = false; // break; // } // } // return isIndd; // } public Exec getExec() { return fieldExec; } public void setExec(Exec exec) { fieldExec = exec; } }