package org.openedit.entermedia.modules; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.entermedia.error.EmailErrorHandler; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.ConvertStatus; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.util.DateStorageUtil; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import; import; import com.openedit.users.Group; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.users.filesystem.FileSystemGroup; public class MediaArchiveModule extends BaseMediaModule { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MediaArchiveModule.class); protected EmailErrorHandler fieldEmailErrorHandler; //protected FileUpload fieldFileUpload; public MediaArchiveModule() { } public void createThumbAndMedium(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); archive.getCreatorManager().run(true, true, false, false, archive.getAssetSearcher().getAllHits()); } public void voteUp(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); if (sourcepath != null) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset asset = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(sourcepath); String vote = asset.getProperty("voteup"); int val = 1; if (vote != null) { val = Integer.parseInt(vote); val++; } asset.setProperty("voteup", String.valueOf(val)); archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); inReq.putPageValue("cell", asset); } } public void voteDown(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); if (sourcepath != null) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset asset = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(sourcepath); String vote = asset.getProperty("votedown"); int val = -1; if (vote != null) { val = Integer.parseInt(vote); val--; } asset.setProperty("votedown", String.valueOf(val)); archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); inReq.putPageValue("cell", asset); } } public void createNewAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { User user = inReq.getUser(); String catalogid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); if (user.hasPermission("archive.register")) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Category defaultcat = archive.getCategoryArchive().getCategory(catalogid); if (defaultcat == null) { defaultcat = archive.getCategoryArchive().getRootCategory(); } String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); PropertyDetails details = archive.getAssetPropertyDetails(); Asset asset = (Asset) inReq.getPageValue("asset"); asset.addCategory(defaultcat); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { String field = fields[i]; String value = inReq.getRequestParameter(field + ".value"); PropertyDetail detail = details.getDetail(field); if (detail != null) { if (value != null) { if (detail.isDataType("date")) { // try the date format from the picker DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); //TODO: Pass in the format from the picker try { Date date = dateFormat.parse(value); String newval = DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().formatForStorage(date); value = newval; } catch (ParseException e) { // We'll ignore this and hope it gets handled // down the line via the detail object formater. } } asset.setProperty(field, value); } else { asset.removeProperty(field); } } } archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putPageValue("saved", "true"); } else { throw new OpenEditException("No permissions to complete this action"); } } public void convertData(WebPageRequest inPageRequest) throws Exception { boolean forced = Boolean.parseBoolean(inPageRequest.findValue("forced")); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inPageRequest); ConvertStatus errorlog = archive.convertCatalog(inPageRequest.getUser(), forced); if (inPageRequest != null) { inPageRequest.removeSessionValue("store"); inPageRequest.putPageValue("exception-report", errorlog.getLog()); } inPageRequest.putPageValue("logs", errorlog.getLog()); } public void reindex(WebPageRequest inPageRequest) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inPageRequest); archive.reindexAll(); archive.getCategoryArchive().reloadCategories(); } public void clearSearchIndex(WebPageRequest inPageRequest) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inPageRequest); archive.getAssetSearcher().clearIndex(); } public EmailErrorHandler getEmailErrorHandler() { return fieldEmailErrorHandler; } public void setEmailErrorHandler(EmailErrorHandler fieldEmailErrorHandler) { this.fieldEmailErrorHandler = fieldEmailErrorHandler; } public void toggleProperty(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { User user = inReq.getUser(); if (user != null) { String id = inReq.getRequestParameter("propertyid"); if (id == null) { id = inReq.getRequestParameter("id"); } if (id != null) { boolean has = user.hasProperty(id); if (has) { user.remove(id); } else { user.put(id, String.valueOf(has)); } getUserManager().saveUser(user); } } } public void createLogin(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { User user = inReq.getUser(); if (user == null) { // only do this if we're not logged in.. // sales people get nothing // assetion people get everything PageAction cAcction = inReq.getCurrentAction(); String username = cAcction.getConfig().getChildValue("username"); if (username == null) { username = inReq.getRequestParameter("username"); } if (username != null) { String groupid = cAcction.getConfig().getChildValue("group"); String virtual = inReq.findValue("virtualuser"); if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(virtual)) { user = getUserManager().getUser(username); } if (user == null) { user = getUserManager().createGuestUser(username, null, groupid);"Creating virtual user " + username); } String includerecords = cAcction.getConfig().getChildValue("limitrecords"); if (includerecords != null) { // excluderecords:PII_site:false // user.put("includerecords", ); String val = inReq.getRequestParameter(includerecords); if (val != null) { Group tmpGroup = new FileSystemGroup(); tmpGroup.addPermission("limitrecords:" + includerecords + ":" + val); user.addGroup(tmpGroup); // TODO: Keep this from // saving } else { log.error("No value passed in for " + includerecords); } } // <username>ExternalUser</username> // <group>externalusers</group> // <includerecords>customernumber</includerecords> if (!user.isVirtual()) { AdminModule umodule = (AdminModule) getModule("Admin"); umodule.savePasswordAsCookie(user, inReq); } } inReq.putPageValue("user", user); inReq.putSessionValue("user", user); inReq.removeSessionValue("catalogTree"); // to reload it getMediaArchive(inReq); // To reload the MediaArchive object } } /** * Requires catalog on the URL and sourcepath * @param inReq * @throws OpenEditException */ /* public void uploadAsset( WebPageRequest inReq ) throws OpenEditException { UploadRequest map = getFileUpload().parseArguments(inReq); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); if ( map == null || map.getUploadItems().size() == 0) {"no assets found, reloading page"); return; } long utime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // String temppath = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/temp/" + inReq.getUserName() + "/tmp" + utime + "_" + map.getFirstItem().getName(); // map.saveFirstFileAs(temppath, inReq.getUser()); List unzipped = map.unzipFiles(false); inReq.putPageValue("uploadrequest", map); if( map.getFirstItem() != null) { Page first = map.getFirstItem().getSavedPage(); inReq.putPageValue("firstfilepath", first.getPath()); } inReq.putPageValue("unzippedfiles", unzipped); inReq.putPageValue("pageManager", getPageManager()); } */ // public FileUpload getFileUpload() // { // return fieldFileUpload; // } // // public void setFileUpload(FileUpload fileUpload) // { // fieldFileUpload = fileUpload; // } /** * This must be called as a path-action * @param inReq * @throws Exception */ public void forceDownload(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { if( inReq.getResponse() != null) { String embedded = inReq.findValue("embedded"); if( !Boolean.parseBoolean(embedded)) { Page content = inReq.getContentPage(); String filename = content.getName(); //filename = URLEncoder.encode(filename,content.getCharacterEncoding()); filename = filename.replace(";", ""); inReq.getResponse().setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\""); } } } }