package org.openedit.entermedia.scanner; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.ConvertInstructions; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.ConvertResult; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.MediaCreator; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import org.openedit.util.DateStorageUtil; import; import; import com.openedit.util.Exec; import com.openedit.util.ExecResult; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; public class ExiftoolMetadataExtractor extends MetadataExtractor { private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExiftoolMetadataExtractor.class); protected MediaCreator fieldExifToolThumbCreator; protected Exec fieldExec; protected Set fieldTextFields; public Set getTextFields() { if (fieldTextFields == null) { fieldTextFields = new HashSet(); fieldTextFields.add("LensID"); fieldTextFields.add("ShutterSpeed"); fieldTextFields.add("FocalLength"); } return fieldTextFields; } public void setTextFields(Set inTextFields) { fieldTextFields = inTextFields; } public MediaCreator getExifToolThumbCreator() { return fieldExifToolThumbCreator; } public void setExifToolThumbCreator(MediaCreator inExifToolThumbCreator) { fieldExifToolThumbCreator = inExifToolThumbCreator; } /** * synchronized because ExifTool is not thread safe */ public synchronized boolean extractData(MediaArchive inArchive, ContentItem inputFile, Asset inAsset) { String[] supportedTypes = new String[] {"audio", "video", "image", "document"}; String type = PathUtilities.extractPageType(inputFile.getName()); if (type != null) { String mediatype = inArchive.getMediaRenderType(type); if (!Arrays.asList(supportedTypes).contains(mediatype)) { return false; } } try { PropertyDetails details = inArchive.getAssetPropertyDetails(); ArrayList<String> base = new ArrayList<String>(); ContentItem etConfig = inArchive.getPageManager().getRepository().getStub(inArchive.getCatalogHome() + "/configuration/exiftool.conf"); if( etConfig.exists() ) { base.add("-config"); base.add(etConfig.getAbsolutePath()); } base.add("-S"); base.add("-d"); base.add("\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\""); //yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss base.add(inputFile.getAbsolutePath()); ArrayList<String> comm= new ArrayList(base); comm.add("-n"); ExecResult result = getExec().runExec("exiftool", comm, true); if( !result.isRunOk()) { String error = result.getStandardError();"error " + error); return false; } String numberinfo = result.getStandardOut(); if( numberinfo == null) {"Exiftool found " + inAsset.getSourcePath() + " returned null" ); } else { log.debug("Exiftool found " + inAsset.getSourcePath() + " returned " + numberinfo.length() ); } boolean foundtext = parseNumericValues(inAsset, details, numberinfo); if( foundtext ) { //Run it again ExecResult resulttext = getExec().runExec("exiftool", base, true); if( !resulttext.isRunOk()) { String error = resulttext.getStandardError();"error " + error); return false; } String textinfo = resulttext.getStandardOut(); parseTextValues(inAsset, details, textinfo); } } catch (Exception e1) { log.error("Could not read metada from asset: " + inAsset.getSourcePath() + e1,e1); } extractThumb(inArchive, inputFile, inAsset); return true; } protected boolean parseNumericValues(Asset inAsset, PropertyDetails details, String numberinfo) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\w+):\\s+(.+)"); //clean whitespace TODO: handle lower/mixed case boolean foundtextvalues = false; if (numberinfo != null) { String[] numbers = numberinfo.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { Matcher m = p.matcher(numbers[i]); if(!m.find()) { continue; } String key =; String value =; if(key == null || value == null) { continue; } if("ImageSize".equals(key)) { try { String[] dims = value.split("x"); String width = dims[0]; String height = dims[1]; //width & heights can have decimals if converted from vectors, e.g., SVGs if (width.contains(".")){//round off to the nearest integer Float fwidth = Float.parseFloat(width); width = String.valueOf(fwidth.intValue()); } if (height.contains(".")){ Float fheight = Float.parseFloat(height); height = String.valueOf(fheight.intValue()); } inAsset.setProperty("width",width); inAsset.setProperty("height",height); } catch( Exception e ) { log.warn("Could not parse ImageSize string: " + value); } } else if( "MaxPageSizeW".equals(key)) { if( inAsset.get("width") == null) { float wide = Float.parseFloat(value ); wide = wide * 72f; inAsset.setProperty("width", String.valueOf(Math.round(wide ) ) ); } } else if( "MaxPageSizeH".equals(key)) { if( inAsset.get("height") == null) { float height = Float.parseFloat( value ); height = height * 72f; inAsset.setProperty("height", String.valueOf(Math.round( height) )); } } else if("Duration".equals(key) || "SendDuration".equals(key)) { try { inAsset.setProperty("duration", value); value = processDuration(value); inAsset.setProperty("length", value); } catch( Exception e ) { log.warn("Could not parse file length: " + value); } } // else if("Subject".equals(key)) // { // String[] kwords = value.split(","); // for( String kword : kwords ) // { // inAsset.addKeyword(kword.trim()); // } // } else if("FileType".equals(key)) { if( inAsset.getProperty("fileformat") == null) { inAsset.setProperty("fileformat", value.toLowerCase() ); } } else if("Subject".equals(key) || "Keyword".equals(key) || "Keywords".equals(key)) { String[] kwords = value.split(","); for( String kword : kwords ) { inAsset.addKeyword(kword.trim()); } } else if("VideoFrameRate".equals(key)) { inAsset.setProperty("framerate", roundFrameRate(value) ); } else if("ColorSpace".equals(key)) { if( "65535".equals(value)) { //not valid continue; } inAsset.setProperty("colorspace", value ); } else if( "GPSLatitude".equals(key) ) { inAsset.setProperty("position_lat", value ); } else if( "GPSLongitude".equals(key) ) { inAsset.setProperty("position_lng", value ); } else if( getTextFields().contains(key)) { foundtextvalues = true; } else { PropertyDetail property = details.getDetailByExternalId(key); if(property == null) { continue; } else if(property.isDate()) { //Date dateValue = externalFormat.parse(value); //value = value + " -0000"; //added offset of 0 since that seems to be the default //TODO: Should we clean up dates on their way in? Right now it uses a close format but not the perfect format value = DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().checkFormat(value); inAsset.setProperty(property.getId(), value ); } else if(property.isList() || property.isDataType("number")) { m = p.matcher(numbers[i]); if(m.find()) { inAsset.setProperty(property.getId(),; } } else { inAsset.setProperty(property.getId(), value); } } } } return foundtextvalues; } protected void parseTextValues(Asset inAsset, PropertyDetails details, String numberinfo) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\w+):\\s+(.+)"); //clean whitespace if (numberinfo != null) { String[] numbers = numberinfo.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { Matcher m = p.matcher(numbers[i]); if(!m.find()) { continue; } String key =; String value =; if(key == null || value == null || !getTextFields().contains(key)) { continue; } PropertyDetail property = details.getDetailByExternalId(key); if(property == null) { continue; } inAsset.setProperty(property.getId(), value); } } } protected String processDuration(String value) { if( value.contains("s") ) { value = value.split("\\.")[0]; } else { String[] parts = value.split(":"); double total = 0; for(int j = 0; j < parts.length; j++) { total += Math.pow(60, parts.length - 1 - j) * Double.parseDouble(parts[j]); } value = String.valueOf(Math.round( total ) ); } return value; } protected void extractThumb(MediaArchive inArchive, ContentItem inInputFile, Asset inAsset) { if( !getExifToolThumbCreator().canReadIn(inArchive, inAsset.getFileFormat()) ) { return; } //TODO: Increase this for INDD with larger Page thumbnails Page def = inArchive.getPageManager().getPage( "/" + inArchive.getCatalogId() + "/downloads/preview/large/image.jpg"); Map all = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iterator = def.getPageSettings().getAllProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PageProperty type = (PageProperty); all.put(type.getName(), type.getValue()); } ConvertInstructions ins = getExifToolThumbCreator().createInstructions(all, inArchive, "jpg", inAsset.getSourcePath()); getExifToolThumbCreator().populateOutputPath(inArchive, ins); String path = ins.getOutputPath(); Page thumb = inArchive.getPageManager().getPage(path); if( !thumb.exists() || thumb.length() == 0 ) { ConvertResult res = getExifToolThumbCreator().convert(inArchive, inAsset, thumb, ins); if( res.isOk()) { if( !"generated".equals( inAsset.get("previewstatus") ) ) { inAsset.setProperty("previewstatus", "exif"); } } } } public Exec getExec() { return fieldExec; } public void setExec(Exec exec) { fieldExec = exec; } protected String roundFrameRate(String val) { if (val==null||EMPTY_STRING.equals(val.trim())) return EMPTY_STRING; BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(val); result = result.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); return result.toString(); } }