package org.openedit.entermedia.scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.entermedia.upload.FileUpload; import org.entermedia.upload.UploadRequest; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.EnterMedia; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import; import; public class UploadQueue { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UploadQueue.class); protected Queue<Upload> fieldQueue; protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected AssetImporter fieldAssetImporter; protected AssetImporter getAssetImporter() { return fieldAssetImporter; } public void setAssetImporter(AssetImporter inAssetImporter) { fieldAssetImporter = inAssetImporter; } protected PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager inPageManager) { fieldPageManager = inPageManager; } public Queue<Upload> getQueue() { if (fieldQueue == null) { fieldQueue = new LinkedList<Upload>(); } return fieldQueue; } public void add(String inApplet, Page inDestPath) { Upload up = new Upload(); up.fieldAppletName = inApplet; up.fieldDestPath = inDestPath; up.fieldSize = inDestPath.getContentItem().getLength(); up.fieldAddedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); getQueue().add(up); } public boolean isLocked(String inApplet, String inSourcePath) { expire(); for (Upload up: getQueue()) { if (up.fieldDestPath.equals(inSourcePath)) { if (!up.fieldAppletName.equals(inApplet)) { return true; } } } return false; } public void remove(String inSourcePath) { for (Upload up: getQueue()) { if (up.fieldDestPath != null && up.fieldDestPath.equals(inSourcePath)) { getQueue().remove(up); return; } } } // called before each public void expire() { // 1. Upload starts 0:00 Applet is reloaded in browser. No error is // throw on server it just hangs // 2. Browse asked for list of uploads. Starts upload again with same // hung file // 3. Server sees that applet name matches and continues else // 4. Applet got a new name. Dont let it upload this file for 5 min from // time of last non-error upload. Grabs new lock long limit = System.currentTimeMillis(); limit = limit - (1000 * 60 * 2); // maybe expire after 5 min // If they hit refresh they can check the applet name and pass that back // in List<Upload> copy = new ArrayList<Upload>(getQueue()); for (Upload up: copy) { if (up.fieldAddedTime < limit) { //check the size change if( up.fieldSize == up.fieldDestPath.getContentItem().getLength()) { getQueue().remove(up); } } } } class Upload { String fieldAppletName; long fieldAddedTime; Page fieldDestPath; long fieldSize; } public void processUpload(WebPageRequest inReq, FileUpload fileUpload, String inAppletname, EnterMedia inEntermedia) { UploadDiskFileItemFactory uploadfilefactory = new UploadDiskFileItemFactory(); String seek = inReq.getRequest().getHeader("x-seekrange"); long seekval = 0; if ( seek != null) { seekval = Long.parseLong(seek); uploadfilefactory.setSeek(seekval); } String destinationpath = inReq.getRequest().getHeader("x-destinationpath"); Page absuploaded = getPageManager().getPage(destinationpath); add(inAppletname, absuploaded); uploadfilefactory.setDestinationPath(absuploaded.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); inReq.putPageValue("uploadfilefactory", uploadfilefactory); UploadRequest map = null; String catid = null; try { map = fileUpload.parseArguments(inReq); catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("catalogid"); if( destinationpath == null ) { log.error("No destination path for upload"); return; } if (isLocked(inAppletname, destinationpath)) { // dont let them upload"Tried to upload to locked sourcepath. Retry in 5 min"); }"saving to: " + destinationpath); if (map == null || map.getUploadItems().size() == 0) { throw new OpenEditException("No upload included"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Upload Interrupted", e); return; } finally { if(map == null) { return; } String sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); Asset asset = inEntermedia.getAssetBySourcePath(catid, sourcepath); // Now check if we got the end of the expected file size. If // we did move the file over String total = inReq.getRequestParameter("totalsize"); MediaArchive archive = inEntermedia.getMediaArchive(catid); if (absuploaded.length() == Long.parseLong(total)) { asset.setProperty("importstatus", "uploaded"); String dest = "/WEB-INF/data/" + catid + "/originals/" + sourcepath; Page destination = getPageManager().getPage(dest);"Saved Asset to Originals " + dest); getPageManager().movePage(absuploaded, destination); archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); asset.setProperty("uploadprogress", String.valueOf(destination.length())); asset = getAssetImporter().getAssetUtilities().populateAsset(asset, destination.getContentItem(), archive, sourcepath, inReq.getUser()); asset.setProperty("importstatus", "imported"); archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); //archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetuploaded", inReq.getUser(), asset); archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetsuploaded", inReq.getUser(), asset); } else { log.error("Final size did not match asset"); } } } }