package org.openedit.entermedia.edit; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.OpenEditRuntimeException; import com.openedit.comments.CommentArchive; import; import; import com.openedit.users.User; public class AssetEditor { protected MediaArchive fieldMediaArchive; protected Asset fieldCurrentAsset; protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected CommentArchive fieldCommentArchive; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AssetEditor.class); public Asset createAsset() { return new Asset(); } public void addToCategory(Asset inAsset, Category inCategory) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { inAsset.addCategory(inCategory); } public void deleteAsset(Asset inAsset) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { getMediaArchive().removeGeneratedImages(inAsset); getMediaArchive().getAssetArchive().deleteAsset(inAsset); getMediaArchive().getAssetSearcher().deleteFromIndex(inAsset); if (getCurrentAsset() != null && inAsset.getId().equals(getCurrentAsset().getId())) { setCurrentAsset(null); } } public Asset getAsset(String inAssetId) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Asset prod = getMediaArchive().getAsset(inAssetId); if ( prod == null) { return null; } return prod; } public Asset getCurrentAsset() { return fieldCurrentAsset; } public void setCurrentAsset(Asset inCurrentAsset) { fieldCurrentAsset = inCurrentAsset; } public Asset createAssetWithDefaults() throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Asset asset = createAsset(); String id = getMediaArchive().getAssetSearcher().nextAssetNumber(); asset.setId(id); Category cat = getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().getCategory("index"); if (cat != null) { asset.addCategory(cat); } return asset; } public Asset createAssetWithDefaults(Asset inTemplateAsset, String newId) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Asset asset = createAsset(); String id = getMediaArchive().getAssetSearcher().nextAssetNumber(); asset.setId(id); asset.setName(inTemplateAsset.getName()); return asset; } public Asset copyAsset(Asset inAsset, String inId) { Asset asset = null; if (inAsset != null) { asset = new Asset(); asset.setId(inId); asset.setCatalogId(inAsset.getCatalogId()); asset.setName(inAsset.getName()); asset.getKeywords().addAll(inAsset.getKeywords()); asset.setProperties(new HashMap(inAsset.getProperties())); } return asset; } public Asset copyAsset(Asset inAsset, String inId, String inSourcePath) { Asset asset = copyAsset(inAsset, inId); asset.setSourcePath(inSourcePath); return asset; } public MediaArchive getMediaArchive() { return fieldMediaArchive; } public void setMediaArchive(MediaArchive mediaArchive) { fieldMediaArchive = mediaArchive; } public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager pageManager) { fieldPageManager = pageManager; } public CommentArchive getCommentArchive() { return fieldCommentArchive; } public void setCommentArchive(CommentArchive commentArchive) { fieldCommentArchive = commentArchive; } public boolean makeFolderAsset(Asset inAsset, User inUser) { String oldSourcePath = inAsset.getSourcePath(); PageManager pageManager = getPageManager(); // need to figure out newsourcepath String newSourcePath = oldSourcePath; if( !newSourcePath.endsWith("/")) { newSourcePath = newSourcePath + "/"; } // inAsset.setSourcePath(newSourcePath); String dataRoot = "/WEB-INF/data/" + getMediaArchive().getCatalogId(); // Move Comments // move comments from // 1 - catalog/data/comments/oldsourcepath // 2 - web-inf/data/comments/oldsourcepath // to: web.inf/data/comments/newsourcepath CommentArchive carchive = getCommentArchive(); Collection allcomments = carchive.loadComments(getMediaArchive().getCatalogId(), oldSourcePath); allcomments.addAll(carchive.loadComments( getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() , oldSourcePath)); carchive.saveComments("/WEB-INF/data/" + getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() + "/comments/" + newSourcePath, allcomments); // Move Originals Page oldAssets = pageManager.getPage(dataRoot + "/originals/" + oldSourcePath); Page newAssets = pageManager.getPage(dataRoot + "/originals/" + newSourcePath + oldAssets.getName()); try { if (oldAssets.exists()) { Page tempLocation = pageManager.getPage(oldAssets.getPath() + ".tmp"); pageManager.movePage(oldAssets, tempLocation); pageManager.movePage(tempLocation, newAssets); } else { Page folder = pageManager.getPage(dataRoot + "/originals/" + newSourcePath ); String path = folder.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath(); new File(path).mkdirs(); } Page folder = pageManager.getPage(dataRoot + "/originals/" + newSourcePath ); if( !folder.exists() ) { throw new OpenEditException("Could not attach, originals folder may be read only"); } } finally { inAsset.setPrimaryFile(oldAssets.getName()); } inAsset.setFolder(true); getMediaArchive().saveAsset(inAsset, inUser); getMediaArchive().getAssetArchive().clearAssets(); //Save a file here for future use Page attachments = pageManager.getPage(dataRoot + "/originals/" + newSourcePath + "/attachments.txt" ); if( !attachments.exists() ) { pageManager.saveContent(attachments, inUser, "EnterMedia attachment holder","empty"); } // Don't do this if no changes were made otherwise the product gets // deleted! /* We dont use .xconf to store data files any more if (!oldSourcePath.equals(newSourcePath)) { // Remove old asset file File oldFile = new File(getMediaArchive().getRootDirectory(), "assets/" + oldSourcePath + ".xconf"); if (oldFile.exists()) { if (oldFile.delete()) { return true; } else { log.error("Could not delete parent folder."); } } else { log.error("Could not remove old product file: " + oldFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } */ //getMediaArchive(). return true; } public void fullyRemoveAsset(Asset inAsset, User inUser, boolean inKeepReleases) { //remove the releases if necessary if (!inKeepReleases) { Page releases = getPageManager().getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + inAsset.getCatalogId() + "/releases/" + inAsset.getSourcePath()); if (releases.exists()) { getPageManager().removePage(releases); } } //remove the originals folder Page originals = getPageManager().getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + inAsset.getCatalogId() + "/originals/" + inAsset.getSourcePath()); if(originals.exists()) { getPageManager().removePage(originals); } getMediaArchive().removeGeneratedImages(inAsset); //remove record deleteAsset(inAsset); //now let's get rid of everything Page data = getPageManager().getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + inAsset.getCatalogId() + "/assets/" + inAsset.getSourcePath()); if(data.exists()) { getPageManager().removePage(data); } Page xconf = getPageManager().getPage(inAsset.getCatalogId() + "/assets/" + inAsset.getSourcePath()); if(xconf.exists()) { getPageManager().removePage(xconf); } } }