package org.openedit.entermedia.generators; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.ConvertInstructions; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.MediaCreator; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import com.openedit.ModuleManager; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.generators.FileGenerator; import com.openedit.generators.Output; import; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; /** * This generator generates original asset documents from an MediaArchive * based on paths of the form * <tt>.../<var>assetid</var>/<var>filename.ext</var></tt>. * * @author Eric Galluzzo */ public class ConvertGenerator extends FileGenerator { //private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConvertGenerator.class); protected ModuleManager fieldModuleManager; public ModuleManager getModuleManager() { return fieldModuleManager; } public void setModuleManager(ModuleManager inModuleManager) { fieldModuleManager = inModuleManager; } public void generate(WebPageRequest inReq, Page inPage, Output inOut) throws OpenEditException { //TODO: Revamp all API to use ContentItem instead of Page String catalogid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); MediaArchive archive = (MediaArchive) getModuleManager().getBean(catalogid, "mediaArchive"); String sourcePath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); if (sourcePath == null) { sourcePath = archive.getSourcePathForPage(inReq); } String outputype = PathUtilities.extractPageType(inPage.getPath()); if( outputype == null ) { return; } outputype = outputype.toLowerCase(); String name = inPage.getName(); if( name.startsWith("image") && name.length() > 10 && name.contains("x")) { //see if there is a with and height? String size = name.substring(5,name.length() - outputype.length() - 1 ); int cutoff= size.indexOf("x"); String width = size.substring(0,cutoff); String height = size.substring(cutoff + 1,size.length()); inReq.setRequestParameter("prefwidth", width); inReq.setRequestParameter("prefheight", height); } //TODO: Use hard coded path lookups for these based on media type? //We use the output extension so that we don't have look up the original input file to find the actual type MediaCreator creator = archive.getCreatorManager().getMediaCreatorByOutputFormat(outputype); if( creator == null ) { return; } //convert is not null because this generator would not be called with invalid path .jpg or .mp3 only ConvertInstructions inStructions = creator.createInstructions(inReq, archive, outputype, sourcePath); if( inStructions == null ) { return; } creator.populateOutputPath(archive, inStructions); ContentItem stub = getPageManager().getRepository().getStub(inStructions.getOutputPath()); Page output = null; boolean existed = stub.exists(); if( existed ) { output = new Page() //SPEED UP { public boolean isHtml() { return false;} }; output.setPageSettings(inPage.getPageSettings()); output.setContentItem(stub); } else { output = getPageManager().getPage(inStructions.getOutputPath()); //mp3 and other types } if( !existed || output.getContentItem().getLength() == 0 ) { //TODO: Return the quick embeded jpg thumbnails then queue up the larger thumbs for later //synchronized (this) //{ output = creator.createOutput(archive,inStructions);//archive.getCreatorManager().createOutput( inStructions); //} //make sure we hide thumbs that are not ready } // getDefaultImage(inType, archive.getCatalogId()); if (output == null) { String missingImage = inReq.getContentProperty("missingimagepath"); if(missingImage == null) { String themeprefix = (String) inReq.findValue("themeprefix"); missingImage = themeprefix + "/images/missing150.jpg"; //would a 404 be better? } Page missing = archive.getPageManager().getPage(missingImage); //File temp = new File(missing.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); super.generate(inReq, missing, inOut); } else { WebPageRequest copy = inReq.copy(output); copy.putProtectedPageValue("content", output); super.generate(copy, output, inOut); if (inStructions.getMaxScaledSize() == null && !inStructions.isWatermark() && inStructions.getOutputExtension() == null) { archive.logDownload(sourcePath, "success", inReq.getUser()); } } } }