package org.openedit.entermedia.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import org.openedit.repository.filesystem.FileItem; import org.openedit.util.WindowsUtil; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import; import com.openedit.util.FileUtils; import com.openedit.util.XmlUtil; import com.openedit.util.ZipUtil; public class SyncFileDownloader { public static final String DIR = "dir"; public static final String FILE = "file"; public static final String PATH = "path"; public static final String DATE = "date"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SyncFileDownloader.class); protected HttpClient fieldHttpClient; protected File fieldRoot; protected String fieldUsername; protected String fieldPassword; protected XmlUtil fieldXmlUtils; protected ZipUtil fieldZipUtils; protected WindowsUtil fieldWindowsUtil; protected FileUtils fieldFileUtils; protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected String fieldLastChecked; protected String fieldServerUrl; //http://localhost protected String fieldSyncPath; //depend if this is data or files protected String fieldLoginPath = "/entermedia/services/rest/login.xml"; protected String fieldDownloadPath = "/entermedia/services/rest/"; public String getDownloadPath() { return fieldDownloadPath; } public void setDownloadPath(String inDownloadPath) { fieldDownloadPath = inDownloadPath; } public String getLoginPath() { return fieldLoginPath; } public void setLoginPath(String inLoginPath) { fieldLoginPath = inLoginPath; } public String getLastChecked() { return fieldLastChecked; } public void setLastChecked(String inLastChecked) { fieldLastChecked = inLastChecked; } public String fieldListXml = "/entermedia/tools/sync/listfiles.xml"; public String getListXml() { return fieldListXml; } public void setListXml(String inListXml) { fieldListXml = inListXml; } public Element listRemoteChanges(String inRemotePath) { String path = getServerUrl() + getListXml(); PostMethod postMethod = createPostMethod(path); if( getLastChecked() != null) { postMethod.addParameter("since",getLastChecked() ); } postMethod.addParameter("syncpath", inRemotePath); // client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(0); int statusCode1 = executePostMethod(postMethod); // postMethod.releaseConnection(); //Is this needed? Element remotelist = xmlElementFromPost(postMethod); return remotelist; } protected int executePostMethod(PostMethod postMethod) { int statusCode1 = 0; String error = null; try { statusCode1 = getHttpClient().executeMethod(postMethod); if( statusCode1 != 200) { error = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsString(); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new OpenEditException(ex); } if( statusCode1 != 200) { throw new OpenEditException(postMethod + " error: " + statusCode1 + " " + error); } return statusCode1; } protected PostMethod createPostMethod(String inUrl) { PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(inUrl); //postMethod.addParameter( "relative", "" + isRelativeSync() ); // String md5 = getCookieEncryption().getPasswordMd5(getPassword()); // String value = getUsername() + "md542" + md5; // postMethod.addParameter("entermedia.key",value); // postMethod.addParameter("accountname", getUsername()); // postMethod.addParameter("password", getPassword()); for (Iterator iterator = getZipUtils().getExcludes().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String exclude = (String); postMethod.addParameter("exclude", exclude); } return postMethod; } protected boolean isDirectory(Element remotefile) { return DIR.equalsIgnoreCase(remotefile.getName()); } protected void unzip(InputStream in) throws IOException { File local = getFile(getSyncPath()); // String localPath = resolveLocalPath( element.attributeValue( PATH ) ); // long dateStamp = Long.parseLong( dated ) * 1000; // File file = getFile( localPath ); // // getZipUtils().unzip(in, local, getSyncPath().substring(1)); } /** * We reset the time stamps on all downloaded files just to be sure for next * time * * @param inRemote * @throws ParseException */ protected void resetTimeStamps(Map inRemote) throws ParseException { for (Iterator iterator = inRemote.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); if (isDirectory(element)) { continue; } String dated = element.attributeValue(DATE); String localPath = element.attributeValue(PATH); long dateStamp = Long.parseLong(dated) * 1000; //zero millisecond File file = getFile(localPath); if (!file.setLastModified(dateStamp)) { log.error("Failed to reset timestamp on file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Reset timestamp on " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } protected File getFile(String inLocalPath) { ContentItem item = getPageManager().getRepository().getStub(inLocalPath); //This is temporary until we can redo the ZipUtil to only use ContentItems FileItem file = (FileItem) item; return file.getFile(); } public HttpClient getHttpClient() { if (fieldHttpClient == null) { fieldHttpClient = new HttpClient(); } return fieldHttpClient; } public XmlUtil getXmlUtils() { if (fieldXmlUtils == null) { fieldXmlUtils = new XmlUtil(); } return fieldXmlUtils; } public ZipUtil getZipUtils() { if (fieldZipUtils == null) { fieldZipUtils = new ZipUtil(); if (getRoot() == null) { throw new OpenEditException("ZipUtil root cannot be null."); } fieldZipUtils.setRoot(getRoot()); fieldZipUtils.setPageManager(getPageManager()); } return fieldZipUtils; } protected Element xmlElementFromPost(PostMethod postMethod) { try { InputStream body = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(body, "UTF-8"); Element root = getXmlUtils().getXml(reader, "UTF-8"); return root; } catch ( Exception ex) { throw new OpenEditException(ex); } } public String getSyncPath() { return fieldSyncPath; } public void setSyncPath(String localPath) { fieldSyncPath = localPath; } public void addExclude(String inPattern) { getZipUtils().addExclude(inPattern); } public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager inPageManager) { fieldPageManager = inPageManager; } public FileUtils getFileUtils() { if (fieldFileUtils == null) { fieldFileUtils = new FileUtils(); } return fieldFileUtils; } public WindowsUtil getWindowsUtil() { if (fieldWindowsUtil == null) { fieldWindowsUtil = new WindowsUtil(); fieldWindowsUtil.setRoot(getRoot()); } return fieldWindowsUtil; } public String getUsername() { return fieldUsername; } public void setUsername(String inUsername) { fieldUsername = inUsername; } public String getPassword() { return fieldPassword; } public void setPassword(String inPassword) { fieldPassword = inPassword; } public String getServerUrl() { return fieldServerUrl; } public void setServerUrl(String url) { if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) { url = "http://" + url; } if (url.endsWith("/")) { url = url.substring(0,url.length()-1); } fieldServerUrl = url; } public File getRoot() { return fieldRoot; } public void setRoot(File inRoot) { fieldRoot = inRoot; } protected void downloadAllFiles(Map inRemote) throws Exception { if ( inRemote.size() == 0 ) { return; } String url = getServerUrl(); //"posting here:" + url); url += getDownloadPath(); PostMethod postMethod = createPostMethod( url ); //TODO: We should adhere to the URL limit of 255 characters if possible. // This is working fine server to server, but it may not work if we have // to pass through a proxy or a firewall. // Some ideas to get around this: // 1. Download ~10 files at a time // 2. Send the directory as an independent parameter so that it is not being // repeated for every file. // 3. If we start downloading 10 at a time, we could mutlti-thread the download // and have this method launch 10 threads downloading 10 at a time. // 4. We could also send the download file list as an XML file attachment for ( Iterator iterator = inRemote.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Element file = (Element); String path = file.attributeValue( PATH ); postMethod.addParameter( FILE, path ); } // Not sure if this is efficient or not // client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(0); int statusCode1 = executePostMethod( postMethod ); if ( statusCode1 == 200 ) { InputStream in = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); unzip( in ); in.close(); //TODO: find out if this is necessary resetTimeStamps( inRemote ); } else { log.error( "SyncToServer returned status: " + statusCode1 ); } } //This should setup the cookie public boolean login() { PostMethod method = new PostMethod(getServerUrl() + getLoginPath() ); method.addParameter(new NameValuePair("accountname", getUsername())); method.addParameter(new NameValuePair("password", getPassword())); int statusCode =0; try { statusCode = getHttpClient().executeMethod(method); } catch (HttpException e) { throw new OpenEditException(e); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return statusCode == 200; } }