package org.openedit.entermedia.modules; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.entermedia.profile.UserProfileSearcher; import org.openedit.Data; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.profile.UserProfile; import org.openedit.profile.UserProfileManager; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.users.User; public class ProfileModule extends MediaArchiveModule { protected UserProfileManager fieldUserProfileManager; public UserProfileManager getUserProfileManager() { return fieldUserProfileManager; } public void setUserProfileManager(UserProfileManager inUserProfileManager) { fieldUserProfileManager = inUserProfileManager; } public void loadUserProfileManager(WebPageRequest inReq) { inReq.putPageValue("profileManager", getUserProfileManager()); } public void reLoadUserProfile(WebPageRequest inReq) { inReq.setRequestParameter("reloadprofile", "true"); //TODO: Find a way to clear all the search session ids String catalogid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); inReq.removeSessionValue("hitsasset" + catalogid); //hitsassetmedia/catalogs/public loadUserProfile(inReq); } public UserProfile loadUserProfile(WebPageRequest inReq) { User user = inReq.getUser(); String userid = null; if( user != null && user.getId() != null && !user.getId().equals("null") && !user.isVirtual()) { userid = user.getId(); } String profilelocation = inReq.findValue("profilemanagerid");// catalogid if (profilelocation == null) { profilelocation = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); } if( profilelocation == null) { profilelocation = inReq.findValue("applicationid"); } return getUserProfileManager().loadUserProfile(inReq, profilelocation, userid); } public void moveColumn(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String source = inReq.getRequestParameter("source"); String dest = inReq.getRequestParameter("destination"); //Collection values = inReq.getUserProfile().getValues("view_assets_tableresults"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); List details = archive.getAssetSearcher().getDetailsForView("asset/resultstable",inReq.getUserProfile()); int target = details.size(); for (int i = 0; i < details.size(); i++) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail) details.get(i); if( detail.getId().equals(dest)) { target = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < details.size(); i++) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail) details.get(i); if( detail.getId().equals(source)) { details.add(target, detail); if( i > target) { i++; //there are two now } details.remove(i); break; } } Collection ids = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = details.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); ids.add(detail.getId()); } inReq.getUserProfile().setValues("view_asset_resultstable", ids); getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(inReq.getUserProfile()); } public void addRemoveColumn(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); UserProfile userProfile = inReq.getUserProfile(); String add = inReq.getRequestParameter("addcolumn"); if( add != null) { List details = archive.getAssetSearcher().getDetailsForView("asset/resultstable",userProfile); boolean exists = false; for (Iterator iterator = details.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); if( add.equals( detail.getId() ) ) { exists = true; break; } } if( !exists) { //add it Collection ids = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = details.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); ids.add(detail.getId()); } ids.add(add); userProfile.setValues("view_asset_resultstable", ids); getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(userProfile); } } String remove = inReq.getRequestParameter("removecolumn"); if( remove != null) { List details = archive.getAssetSearcher().getDetailsForView("asset/resultstable",userProfile); Collection ids = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = details.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); if( !remove.equals(detail.getId() ) ) { ids.add(detail.getId()); } } userProfile.setValues("view_asset_resultstable", ids); getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(userProfile); } } public void setView(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String view = inReq.getRequestParameter("view"); UserProfile userProfile = inReq.getUserProfile(); String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); userProfile.setValues("view_" + view.replace('/', '_'), Arrays.asList(fields));; } public void addFieldsToView(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String view = inReq.getRequestParameter("view"); UserProfile userProfile = inReq.getUserProfile(); String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); String viewkey = "view_" + view.replace('/', '_'); initList(inReq, view, userProfile, viewkey); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { userProfile.addValue(viewkey, fields[i]); }; } protected void initList(WebPageRequest inReq, String view, UserProfile userProfile, String viewkey) { String value = userProfile.get(viewkey); if( value == null) { String type = inReq.findValue("searchtype"); if( type == null) { type = "asset"; } Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(inReq.findValue("catalogid"), type); List<PropertyDetail> details = searcher.getDetailsForView(view,userProfile); userProfile.setValuesFromDetails(viewkey, details); } } public void removeFieldsFromView(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String view = inReq.getRequestParameter("view"); UserProfile userProfile = inReq.getUserProfile(); String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); String viewkey = "view_" + view.replace('/', '_'); initList(inReq, view, userProfile, viewkey); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { userProfile.removeValue(viewkey, fields[i]); }; } public void changeResultView(WebPageRequest inReq) { UserProfile userProfile = inReq.getUserProfile(); String resultview = userProfile.get("resultview"); if (resultview == null || resultview.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) { userProfile.setProperty("resultview", "gallery"); } else { userProfile.setProperty("resultview", "table"); } HitTracker hits = (HitTracker)inReq.getPageValue("hits"); if( hits == null) { hits = (HitTracker)inReq.getPageValue("albumitems"); } inReq.putPageValue("hits", hits); } public void saveValues( WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("profilesearchfilters"); if( fields != null) { UserProfile profile = inReq.getUserProfile(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { String[] values = inReq.getRequestParameters(fields[i]); List list = new ArrayList(); if( values != null) { list.addAll(Arrays.asList(values)); } profile.setValues(fields[i], list); }; } } public void savePreference(WebPageRequest inReq) { String field = inReq.getRequestParameter("profilepreference"); if( field == null) { return; } UserProfile prof = loadUserProfile(inReq); String value = inReq.getRequestParameter("profilepreference.value"); prof.setProperty(field, value); getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(prof); } public void saveProperties(WebPageRequest inReq) { String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); if(fields == null) { return; } UserProfile prof = loadUserProfile(inReq); Searcher profilesearcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(prof.getCatalogId(), "userprofile"); profilesearcher.updateData(inReq, fields, prof); getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(prof); } public void toggleUserPreference(WebPageRequest inReq) { UserProfile prof = loadUserProfile(inReq); String field = inReq.getRequestParameter("field"); if(field == null) { return; } Boolean val = Boolean.parseBoolean(prof.get(field)); if(val) { prof.setProperty(field, "false"); } else { prof.setProperty(field, "true"); } getUserProfileManager().saveUserProfile(prof); } public void saveResultPreferences(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { UserProfile pref = loadUserProfile(inReq); String[] resulttypes = inReq.getRequestParameters("resulttype"); String[] newsettings = inReq.getRequestParameters("newresultview"); String[] sortbys = inReq.getRequestParameters("sortby"); String[] hitsperpage = inReq.getRequestParameters("hitsperpage"); //View String oldresulttype = inReq.getRequestParameter("oldresulttype"); for(int i =0; i<resulttypes.length;i++) { if(newsettings != null) { pref.setResultViewPreference(resulttypes[i], newsettings[i]); } if(sortbys != null) { pref.setSortForSearchType(resulttypes[i], sortbys[i]); } if(hitsperpage != null) { int hpp = Integer.parseInt(hitsperpage[i]); pref.setHitsPerPageForSearchType(resulttypes[i], hpp); } } String sid = inReq.getRequestParameter("hitssessionid"); if( sid != null) { HitTracker hits = (HitTracker)inReq.getSessionValue(sid); if( hits != null) { String currentview = hits.getResultType(); //TODO: maybe these should all be re-loaded in velocity? hits.getSearchQuery().setSortBy(pref.getSortForSearchType(currentview)); hits.setHitsPerPage(pref.getHitsPerPageForSearchType(currentview)); hits.setIndexId(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(hits.getCatalogId(), "asset"); searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, hits.getSearchQuery()); } } } public void checkUserAccount(WebPageRequest inReq){ //This is used if we've created a user profile but an associated user account does not yet exist. boolean save = Boolean.parseBoolean(inReq.getRequestParameter("save")); if(!save){ return; } String username = inReq.getRequestParameter("userid"); if(username == null){ username = inReq.getRequestParameter("username"); } if(username == null){ username = inReq.getRequestParameter("id"); } if(username == null){ return; } String password = inReq.getRequestParameter("password"); User user = getUserManager().getUser(username); if(user == null){ user = getUserManager().createUser(username, password); } } public void updateIndex(WebPageRequest inReq){ //This is used if we've created a user profile but an associated user account does not yet exist. String username = inReq.getRequestParameter("userid"); if(username == null){ username = inReq.getRequestParameter("username"); } if(username == null){ username = inReq.getRequestParameter("id"); } if(username == null){ return; } MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); UserProfileSearcher upsearcher = (UserProfileSearcher) archive.getSearcher("userprofile"); Data up = (Data) upsearcher.searchById(username); if(up != null){ upsearcher.updateIndex(up); } } }