package org.openedit.entermedia.links; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.CategoryArchive; import; import; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.util.RequestUtils; import com.openedit.webui.tree.BaseTreeModel; public class CatalogWebTreeModel extends BaseTreeModel { protected User fieldUser; protected Set fieldHiddenCatalogs; protected Set fieldLimitToCatalogs; protected CategoryArchive fieldCatalogArchive; protected SearchFilter fieldSearchFilter; protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected String fieldCatalogId; protected RequestUtils fieldRequestUtils; protected Category fieldRoot; public RequestUtils getRequestUtils() { return fieldRequestUtils; } public void setRequestUtils(RequestUtils inRequestUtils) { fieldRequestUtils = inRequestUtils; } public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager inPageManager) { fieldPageManager = inPageManager; } public CatalogWebTreeModel() { setRoot(null); } /** * @deprecated Use the list children method since it is faster */ public Object getChild(Object inParent, int index) { return listChildren(inParent).get(index); } public List listChildren(Object inParent) { if (inParent == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } Category parent = (Category) inParent; List ok = new ArrayList(parent.getChildren().size()); for (Iterator iter = parent.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // If this is slow then we might consider only checking the top // cache the results in a cache map Category cat = (Category); if (okToAdd(cat)) { ok.add(cat); } } return ok; } protected boolean okToAdd(Category inCat) { if (inCat.getParentCategory() == null) { return true; } if (getHiddenCatalogs().contains(inCat.getId())) { return false; } if( getSearchFilter().hasExcludedCategory(inCat.getId()) ) { return false; } if (getLimitToCatalogs().size() > 0) { // Only worry about including these catalogs for (Iterator iterator = getLimitToCatalogs().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Category okid = (Category); if (inCat.getId().equals(okid.getId()) || okid.hasParent(inCat.getId())) { return true; } } // This could be slow for (Iterator iterator = getLimitToCatalogs().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Category okid = (Category); if (inCat.hasParent(okid.getId())) { return true; } } // None found so cancel if at same level as included one for (Iterator iterator = getLimitToCatalogs().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Category okid = (Category); if (inCat.getLevel() == okid.getLevel()) { return false; } } // index/photo2/stuff1 nostuff return true; } return true; } public Set getHiddenCatalogs() { if (fieldHiddenCatalogs == null) { limitList(); } return fieldHiddenCatalogs; } public Set getLimitToCatalogs() { if (fieldLimitToCatalogs == null) { limitList(); } return fieldLimitToCatalogs; } protected void limitList() { // look over this users permissions and see if there is a limit fieldHiddenCatalogs = new HashSet(); fieldLimitToCatalogs = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iterator = getSearchFilter().listAllFilters().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String perm = (String); if (perm.startsWith("limittocategory:")) { String catid = perm.substring("limittocategory:".length()); Category cat = getCatalogArchive().getCategory(catid); if (cat != null) { fieldLimitToCatalogs.add(cat); } } // This is old way to do it else if (perm.startsWith("hidecategory:")) // Aways exclude it { String catid = perm.substring("hidecategory:".length()); fieldHiddenCatalogs.add(catid); } else if (perm.startsWith("hidecatalog:")) // Aways exclude it { String catid = perm.substring("hidecatalog:".length()); fieldHiddenCatalogs.add(catid); } else if (perm.startsWith("backgroundcatalog:")) // Aways exclude it { String catid = perm.substring("backgroundcatalog:".length()); fieldHiddenCatalogs.add(catid); } } } public List getChildren(Object inParent) { return listChildren(inParent); } public List getChildrenInRows(Object inParent, int inColCount) { // Now break up the page into rows by dividing the count they wanted List children = getChildren(inParent); double rowscount = (double) children.size() / (double) inColCount; List rows = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) { int start = i * inColCount; int end = i * inColCount + inColCount; List sublist = children.subList(start, Math.min(children.size(), end)); rows.add(sublist); } return rows; } public int getChildCount(Object inParent) { return listChildren(inParent).size(); } public int getIndexOfChild(Object inParent, Object inChild) { return listChildren(inParent).indexOf(inChild); } public boolean isLeaf(Object inNode) { return !((Category) inNode).hasChildren(); } public void setRoot(Category inCategory) { fieldRoot = inCategory; } public Object getRoot() { if (fieldRoot == null) return getCatalogArchive().getRootCategory(); else return fieldRoot; } public String getId(Object inNode) { if (inNode == null) { return null; } return ((Category) inNode).getId(); } public Object getParent(Object inNode) { Category child = (Category) inNode; return child.getParentCategory(); } public User getUser() { return fieldUser; } public void setUser(User inUser) { fieldUser = inUser; } public Category getRootCatalog() { return getCatalogArchive().getRootCategory(); } public Object getChildById(String inId) { return findNodeById(getRoot(), inId); } public Object findNodeById(Object inRoot, String inId) { String test = getId(inRoot); if (test.equals(inId)) { return inRoot; } for (Iterator iterator = getChildren(inRoot).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Object child =; child = findNodeById(child, inId); if (child != null) { return child; } } return null; } public CategoryArchive getCatalogArchive() { return fieldCatalogArchive; } public void setCatalogArchive(CategoryArchive inCatalogArchive) { fieldCatalogArchive = inCatalogArchive; } public SearchFilter getSearchFilter() { return fieldSearchFilter; } public void setSearchFilter(SearchFilter inSearchFilter) { fieldSearchFilter = inSearchFilter; } public String getCatalogId() { return fieldCatalogId; } public void setCatalogId(String inCatalogId) { fieldCatalogId = inCatalogId; } }