package org.openedit.entermedia.modules; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.entermedia.attachments.AttachmentManager; import org.entermedia.upload.FileUpload; import org.entermedia.upload.FileUploadItem; import org.entermedia.upload.UploadRequest; import org.openedit.Data; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.CompositeAsset; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.entermedia.edit.AssetEditor; import org.openedit.entermedia.scanner.AssetImporter; import org.openedit.entermedia.scanner.PresetCreator; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.xmp.XmpWriter; import org.openedit.event.WebEventListener; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import org.openedit.repository.Repository; import org.openedit.repository.RepositoryException; import org.openedit.repository.filesystem.FileRepository; import org.openedit.util.DateStorageUtil; import org.openedit.xml.ElementData; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.WebServer; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.ListHitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; import; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; import com.openedit.util.Replacer; public class AssetEditModule extends BaseMediaModule { protected WebServer fieldWebServer; protected WebEventListener fieldWebEventListener; protected static final String CATEGORYID = "categoryid"; protected FileUpload fieldFileUpload; public AttachmentManager getAttachmentManager() { return fieldAttachmentManager; } public void setAttachmentManager(AttachmentManager fieldAttachmentManager) { this.fieldAttachmentManager = fieldAttachmentManager; } protected AssetImporter fieldAssetAssetImporter; protected AttachmentManager fieldAttachmentManager; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AssetEditModule.class); public List getUploadedPages(WebPageRequest inReq) { List pages = new ArrayList(); List unzipped = (List) inReq.getPageValue("unzippedfiles"); if(unzipped != null && unzipped.size() > 0) { pages.addAll(unzipped); } else { UploadRequest map = (UploadRequest) inReq.getPageValue("uploadrequest"); if (map != null) { List uploadItems = map.getUploadItems(); if (uploadItems != null) { for (Iterator iterator = uploadItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FileUploadItem uploadItem = (FileUploadItem); Page uploaded = uploadItem.getSavedPage(); pages.add(uploadItem.getSavedPage()); } } } } return pages; } public boolean makeFolderAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); if(asset == null) { return false; } if(asset.isFolder()) { return true; } else { getAssetEditor(inReq).makeFolderAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); getAttachmentManager().syncAttachments(inReq, getMediaArchive(inReq), asset, true); return true; } } public void writeXmpData(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { XmpWriter writer = (XmpWriter) getBeanFactory().getBean("xmpWriter"); String assetid = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); MediaArchive mediaArchive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset asset = mediaArchive.getAsset(assetid); if( asset == null ) { //log return; } boolean didSave = false; if( mediaArchive.isTagSync(asset.getFileFormat() ) ) { didSave = getXmpWriter().saveMetadata(mediaArchive, asset); } inReq.putPageValue("didSave", new Boolean(didSave)); } public AssetEditor getAssetEditor(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { MediaArchive mediaarchive = getMediaArchive(inContext); AssetEditor editor = (AssetEditor) inContext .getSessionValue("AssetEditor" + mediaarchive.getCatalogId()); if (editor == null) { editor = (AssetEditor)getModuleManager().getBean("assetEditor"); editor.setMediaArchive(mediaarchive); inContext.putSessionValue("AssetEditor" + mediaarchive.getCatalogId(), editor); } inContext.putPageValue("AssetEditor", editor); return editor; } public void copyAsset(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { Asset asset = getAsset(inContext); String originalsourcepath = asset.getSourcePath(); AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inContext); String targetName = inContext.getRequestParameter("name"); String newSourcePath; String sourceDirectory = inContext.findValue("defaultsourcedirectory"); if(sourceDirectory == null) { sourceDirectory = PathUtilities .extractDirectoryPath(originalsourcepath); if (originalsourcepath.endsWith("/")) { sourceDirectory = PathUtilities .extractDirectoryPath(sourceDirectory); } } if (sourceDirectory.endsWith("/")) { sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory.substring(0, sourceDirectory.length() - 2); } String newId = editor.getMediaArchive().getAssetSearcher() .nextAssetNumber(); boolean createAsFolder = Boolean.parseBoolean(inContext.findValue("createasfolder")); if(targetName != null) // Is this really used? Seems wrong somehow... { newSourcePath = sourceDirectory + targetName + "/"; } else { if (createAsFolder) { newSourcePath = sourceDirectory + "/" + newId; } else { newSourcePath = sourceDirectory + "/" +newId + ".data"; } } if(newSourcePath.startsWith("/")) { newSourcePath = newSourcePath.substring(1); } if (newSourcePath.equals(originalsourcepath)) { return; //can't copy to itself } Asset newasset = editor.copyAsset(asset, newId, newSourcePath); newasset.setFolder(createAsFolder); //Copy any images or folders using OE File Manager String newpath = "/WEB-INF/data/" + editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() + "/originals/" + newSourcePath + "/"; String oldpath = "/WEB-INF/data/" + editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() + "/originals/" + originalsourcepath + "/"; Page newpage = getPageManager().getPage(newpath); Page oldpage = getPageManager().getPage(oldpath); //Check for flag indicating that the image should not be copied boolean copyimage = Boolean.parseBoolean(inContext.findValue("copyimage")); if( !copyimage ) { //Remove the image reference from the xconf newasset.removeProperties(new String[] { "originalfile", "primaryfile", "fileformat", "imagefile"}); //create a blank directory getPageManager().putPage(newpage); } else { //copy the original assets directory (including the image) getPageManager().copyPage(oldpage, newpage); } newasset.setName(targetName); Collection categories = asset.getCategories(); for (Iterator iter = categories.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Category element = (Category); newasset.addCategory(element); } Page oldPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + asset.getSourcePath() + ".html"); if (oldPage.exists()) { Page newPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + newasset.getSourcePath() + ".html"); try { getPageManager().copyPage(oldPage, newPage); } catch (RepositoryException re) { throw new OpenEditException(re); } } // Remove the PDF text newasset.removeProperty("fulltext"); editor.setCurrentAsset(newasset); editor.getMediaArchive().saveAsset(newasset, inContext.getUser()); inContext.setRequestParameter("assetid", newasset.getId()); if( inContext.getRequestParameters("field") != null) { saveAssetProperties(inContext); } inContext.setRequestParameter("assetid", asset.getId()); inContext.setRequestParameter("targetsourcepath", newasset.getSourcePath()); inContext.setRequestParameter("newassetid", newasset.getId()); inContext.putPageValue("target", newasset); copyJoinData(asset, newasset); } protected void copyJoinData(Asset source, Asset target) { PropertyDetails properties = getMediaArchive(source.getCatalogId()).getAssetPropertyDetails(); List lists = properties.getDetailsByProperty("type", "textjoin"); lists.addAll(properties.getDetailsByProperty("type", "datejoin")); HashSet processed = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iterator = lists.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); String detailid = detail.getId(); if (detailid.indexOf(".") > 0) { detailid = detailid.split("\\.")[0]; } if (processed.contains(detailid)) { continue; } else { processed.add(detailid); } FilteredTracker tracker = new FilteredTracker(); tracker.setSearcher(getSearcherManager().getSearcher(detail.getCatalogId(), detailid)); tracker.filter("assetid", source.getId()); HitTracker hits = tracker.filtered(); Searcher targetSearcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(target.getCatalogId(), detailid); if (targetSearcher != null && hits != null && hits.size() > 0) { List data = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator2 = hits.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { Data sourcedata = (Data); ElementData item = null; if(sourcedata instanceof DocumentData){ item = (ElementData) targetSearcher.searchById(sourcedata.getId()); } else{ item = (ElementData) sourcedata; } if(item == null){ continue; } Data newItem = targetSearcher.createNewData(); newItem.setSourcePath(target.getSourcePath()); for (Iterator iterator3 = item.getElement().attributes().iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) { Attribute property = (Attribute); if (property.getName().equals("assetid")) { newItem.setProperty("assetid", target.getId()); } else if (!property.getName().equals("id")) { newItem.setProperty(property.getName(), property.getValue()); } } data.add(newItem); } targetSearcher.saveAllData(data, null); } } } public void saveAssetResultsEdits(WebPageRequest inRequest) throws OpenEditException { MediaArchive store = getMediaArchive(inRequest); String[] fields = inRequest.getRequestParameters("editfield"); if (fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { String key = fields[i]; String assetid = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(".")); String fieldid = key.substring(key.indexOf(".") + 1); String value = inRequest.getRequestParameter(key); Asset asset = store.getAsset(assetid); if (asset == null) { throw new OpenEditException("Asset is not found " + key); } String oldvalue = asset.getProperty(key); asset.setProperty(fieldid, value); // null check if (value != null && !value.equals(oldvalue)) { store.getAssetSearcher().saveData(asset, inRequest.getUser()); } else if (oldvalue != null && !oldvalue.equals(value)) { store.getAssetSearcher().saveData(asset, inRequest.getUser()); } } } } /** * Removes generated images (medium, thumbs, etc) for a asset. * * @param inRequest * The web request. Needs a <code>assetid</code> or * <code>sourcePath</code> request parameter. */ public void removeAssetImages(WebPageRequest inRequest) { Asset asset = getAsset(inRequest); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inRequest); archive.removeGeneratedImages(asset); } // public Data createMultiEditData(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception // { // String hitsname = inReq.getRequestParameter("multihitsname");//expects session id // if( hitsname == null) // { // return null; // } // MediaArchive store = getMediaArchive(inReq); // HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) inReq.getSessionValue(hitsname); // if( hits == null) // { // log.error("Could not find " + hitsname); // return null; // } // CompositeAsset composite = new CompositeAsset(); // for (Iterator iterator = hits.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) // { // Data target = (Data); // Asset p = null; // if( target instanceof Asset) // { // p = (Asset)target; // } // else // { // p = store.getAssetBySourcePath(target.getSourcePath()); // } // if( p != null) // { // composite.addData(p); // } // } // composite.setId("multiedit:"+hitsname); // //set request param? // inReq.setRequestParameter("assetid",composite.getId()); // inReq.putPageValue("data", composite); // inReq.putPageValue("asset", composite); // inReq.putSessionValue(composite.getId(), composite); // // return composite; // } public void selectAsset(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inContext); Object assetPageValue = inContext.getPageValue("asset"); Asset asset = null; if (assetPageValue != null && assetPageValue instanceof Asset) //it may be a CompositeAsset, which would throw an exception { asset = (Asset) assetPageValue; } if (asset == null) { String id = inContext.getRequestParameter("assetid"); if (id == null) { id = PathUtilities.extractPageName(inContext.getContentPage() .getPath()); } if (id != null) { asset = editor.getAsset(id); } } if (asset == null) { return; } editor.setCurrentAsset(asset); inContext.putPageValue("asset", asset); } public void deleteAssets(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inContext); String[] assetIds = inContext.getRequestParameters("assetid"); Asset asset; HitTracker tracker = editor.getMediaArchive().getAssetSearcher().loadHits(inContext); for (int i = 0; i < assetIds.length; i++) { if (assetIds[i].startsWith("multiedit:")) { try { CompositeAsset assets = (CompositeAsset) inContext.getSessionValue(assetIds[i]); for (Iterator iterator = assets.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { asset = (Asset); if( tracker != null) { tracker.removeSelection(asset.getId()); } Page original = editor.getMediaArchive().getOriginalDocument(asset); editor.deleteAsset(asset); String ok = inContext.getRequestParameter("deleteoriginal"); if( Boolean.parseBoolean(ok)) { getPageManager().removePage(original); } } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } else { asset = editor.getAsset(assetIds[i]); if (asset != null) { if( tracker != null) { tracker.removeSelection(asset.getId()); } Page original = editor.getMediaArchive().getOriginalDocument(asset); editor.deleteAsset(asset); String ok = inContext.getRequestParameter("deleteoriginal"); if( Boolean.parseBoolean(ok)) { getPageManager().removePage(original); } } } } } public void saveAsset(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { String saveAsNew = inContext.getRequestParameter("saveasnew"); AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inContext); Asset asset = editor.getCurrentAsset(); String newId = inContext.getRequestParameter("newassetid"); // was id changed? if (newId != null && !newId.equals(asset.getId())) { Asset newasset = editor.copyAsset(asset, newId); Collection catalogs = asset.getCategories(); for (Iterator iter = catalogs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Category element = (Category); newasset.addCategory(element); } if (saveAsNew == null || saveAsNew.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { Page oldPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + asset.getId() + ".html"); if (oldPage.exists()) { Page newPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + newasset.getId() + ".html"); try { getPageManager().movePage(oldPage, newPage); } catch (RepositoryException re) { throw new OpenEditException(re); } } editor.deleteAsset(asset); // changing asset id, and erase // the old id // editor.getMediaArchive().reindexAll(); } else { Page oldPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + asset.getId() + ".html"); if (oldPage.exists()) { Page newPage = getPageManager().getPage( editor.getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/assets/" + newasset.getId() + ".html"); try { getPageManager().copyPage(oldPage, newPage); } catch (RepositoryException re) { throw new OpenEditException(re); } } } asset = newasset; } asset.setName(inContext.getRequestParameter("name")); // asset.setDescription( inContext.getRequestParameter( "description" // ) ); editor.getMediaArchive().saveAsset(asset, inContext.getUser()); asset = editor.getAsset(asset.getId()); editor.setCurrentAsset(asset); inContext.putPageValue("asset", asset); inContext.setRequestParameter("assetid", asset.getId()); } public void addAssetValues(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); String inFieldName = inReq.getRequestParameter("fieldname"); Collection existing = asset.getValues(inFieldName); String value = inReq.getRequestParameter(inFieldName + ".value"); if( value != null ) { if( existing == null) { existing = new ArrayList(); } else { existing = new ArrayList(existing); } if( !existing.contains(value)) { existing.add(value); asset.setValues(inFieldName, existing); getMediaArchive(inReq).saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); } } } public void removeAssetValues(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); String inFieldName = inReq.getRequestParameter("fieldname"); Collection existing = asset.getValues(inFieldName); String value = inReq.getRequestParameter(inFieldName + ".value"); if( existing == null) { existing = new ArrayList(); } else { existing = new ArrayList(existing); } existing.remove(value); asset.setValues(inFieldName, existing); getMediaArchive(inReq).saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); } public void addAssetKeyword(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inReq); String key = inReq.getRequestParameter("keyword"); if (key == null) { return; } Asset asset = null; String id = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); if (id == null) { asset = editor.getCurrentAsset(); } if( asset == null ) { asset = getMediaArchive(inReq).getAsset(id,inReq); } asset.addKeywords(key); editor.getMediaArchive().saveAsset(asset,inReq.getUser()); getMediaArchive(inReq).fireMediaEvent("asset/keywordsmodified", inReq.getUser(), asset); } public void removeAssetKeyword(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { AssetEditor editor = getAssetEditor(inReq); String key = inReq.getRequestParameter("keyword"); if (key == null) { return; } Asset asset; String id = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); if (id == null) { asset = editor.getCurrentAsset(); } else { asset = getMediaArchive(inReq).getAsset(id,inReq); } asset.removeKeyword(key); editor.getMediaArchive().saveAsset(asset,inReq.getUser()); getMediaArchive(inReq).fireMediaEvent("asset/keywordsmodified", inReq.getUser(), asset); } protected XmpWriter getXmpWriter() { XmpWriter writer = (XmpWriter) getBeanFactory().getBean("xmpWriter"); return writer; } public void writeAssetKeywords( WebPageRequest inRequest ) throws Exception { String[] assetids = inRequest.getRequestParameters("assetids"); if( assetids == null) { assetids = inRequest.getRequestParameters("assetid"); } if( assetids != null) { MediaArchive mediaArchive = getMediaArchive(inRequest); for (int i = 0; i < assetids.length; i++) { Asset asset = mediaArchive.getAsset(assetids[i]); if( asset == null ) { //log return; } boolean didSave = false; if( mediaArchive.isTagSync(asset.getFileFormat() ) ) { didSave = getXmpWriter().saveKeywords(mediaArchive, asset); } inRequest.putPageValue("didSave", new Boolean(didSave)); } } } public void saveAssetProperties(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); if (fields == null) { return; } String assetid = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); //<input type="hidden" name="assetid" value="$"/> Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); archive.getAssetSearcher().saveDetails(inReq, fields, asset, assetid); } public void attachToAssetFromUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); //String basepath = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/temp/" + inReq.getUserName() + "/"; Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); List<Page> temppages = getUploadedPages(inReq); //copy the temppages in to the originals folder, but first check if this is a folder based asset if(!asset.isFolder()) { makeFolderAsset(inReq); } //move the pages String destination = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/originals/" + asset.getSourcePath(); Page dest = getPageManager().getPage(destination); if(!dest.exists()){"Could not attach file destination folder didn't exist: " + dest.getPath()); } for (Iterator<Page> iterator = temppages.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Page page = (Page); if(!page.exists()){"Could not attach file temp file doesn't exist: " + page.getPath()); } getPageManager().movePage(page, dest); } getAttachmentManager().processAttachments(archive, asset, false);//don't reprocess everything else inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); } public void replacePrimaryAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); //String basepath = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/temp/" + inReq.getUserName() + "/"; Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); List<Page> temppages = getUploadedPages(inReq); if( temppages.isEmpty() ) { throw new OpenEditException("No uploads found"); } //move the old file into the .versions folder? if(!asset.isFolder()) { makeFolderAsset(inReq); } String destination = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/originals/" + asset.getSourcePath(); //copy the temppages in to the originals folder, but first check if this is a folder based asset Page dest = getPageManager().getPage(destination); Page page = (Page) temppages.iterator().next(); if(!page.exists()){"Could not attach file temp file doesn't exist: " + page.getPath()); } dest.setProperty("makeversion","true"); getPageManager().movePage(page, dest); asset = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(asset.getSourcePath()); asset.setPrimaryFile(page.getName()); Page media = archive.getOriginalDocument(asset); updateMetadata(archive, asset, media); asset.setProperty("editstatus", "1"); asset.setProperty("importstatus", "reimported"); asset.setProperty("previewstatus", "converting"); archive.saveAsset(asset, null); inReq.setRequestParameter("assetids",new String[]{asset.getId()}); originalModified(inReq); getAttachmentManager().processAttachments(archive, asset, true);//don't reprocess everything else inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); } public void createAssetFromUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String basepath = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/temp/" + inReq.getUserName() + "/"; HitTracker hits = createAssetsFromPages(getUploadedPages(inReq),basepath,inReq); if( hits != null ) { //hits.selectAll(); //important if (hits.size() == 1 ) { String sourcepath = ((Data)hits.first()).getSourcePath(); Asset asset = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(sourcepath); inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); } else { Asset asset = archive.getAsset("multiedit:" + hits.getSessionId(),inReq); inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset ); } for (Iterator iterator = hits.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Data data = (Data); hits.addSelection(data.getId()); } inReq.putPageValue("hits", hits ); } } public void appendRecentUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { List recent = (List) inReq.getSessionValue("recent-uploads"); if(recent == null) { recent = new ArrayList(); inReq.putSessionValue("recent-uploads", recent); } Asset asset = (Asset) inReq.getPageValue("asset"); if(asset != null) { if(asset.getId()!=null && !recent.contains(asset.getId())) { recent.add(asset.getId()); } } HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) inReq.getPageValue("hits"); if(hits != null){ for (Iterator iterator = hits.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Data hit = (Data); if(hit.getId()!=null && !recent.contains(hit.getId())) { recent.add(hit.getId()); } } } } public void clearRecentUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { inReq.removeSessionValue("recent-uploads"); } public void loadRecentUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { List recent = (List) inReq.getSessionValue("recent-uploads"); if(recent == null) { return; } MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); if (archive == null) { return; } AssetSearcher searcher = archive.getAssetSearcher(); SearchQuery query = searcher.createSearchQuery(); SearchQuery allassetsquery = searcher.createSearchQuery(); for (Iterator iterator = recent.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String id = (String); allassetsquery.addExact("id", id); } allassetsquery.setAndTogether(false); query.addChildQuery(allassetsquery); searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, query); if(Boolean.parseBoolean(inReq.findValue("clearonload"))) { clearRecentUploads(inReq); } } public void createAssetsFromFile(WebPageRequest inReq) { String sourcepath = inReq.findValue("sourcepath"); String catalogid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); String unzip = inReq.findValue("unzip"); Data asset = getAssetImporter().createAssetFromExistingFile(getMediaArchive(catalogid), inReq.getUser(), Boolean.valueOf(unzip), sourcepath); if(asset == null) { return; } if( asset instanceof CompositeAsset) { asset.setId("multiedit:new"); inReq.putSessionValue(asset.getId(), asset); } inReq.setRequestParameter("id", asset.getId()); inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); } public void createAssetsFromTemp(WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); ListHitTracker tracker = new ListHitTracker(); tracker.getSearchQuery().setCatalogId(archive.getCatalogId()); String[] uploadprefixes = inReq.getRequestParameters("uploadprefix"); //String basepath = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/temp/" + inReq.getUserName() + "/"; for (int i = 0; i < uploadprefixes.length; i++) { String path = inReq.getRequestParameter(uploadprefixes[i] + "temppath"); path = path.replace("\r\n",""); path = path.replace("\n", ""); path = path.replace("\r", ""); Page page = getPageManager().getPage(path); if(!page.exists()){"Page: " + page.getPath() + " does not exist"); } readMetaData(inReq, archive,uploadprefixes[i], page, tracker); } //set the group view permissions if something was passed in findUploadTeam(inReq, archive, tracker); //TODO: Move into the loop archive.saveAssets(tracker, inReq.getUser()); String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); if (hitsname != null) { tracker.getSearchQuery().setHitsName(hitsname); } inReq.putSessionValue(tracker.getSessionId(), tracker); inReq.putPageValue(tracker.getHitsName(), tracker); List allids = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = tracker.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Asset asset = (Asset); allids.add(asset.getId()); archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetuploaded",inReq.getUser(),asset); } Asset sample = (Asset)tracker.first(); if( sample != null) { archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetsuploaded",inReq.getUser(),sample,allids); } } protected void findUploadTeam(WebPageRequest inReq, MediaArchive archive, ListHitTracker tracker) { String groupid = inReq.getRequestParameter("viewgroup"); if(groupid != null) { for (Iterator iterator = tracker.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Asset asset = (Asset); asset.setProperty("uploadteam", groupid); archive.getAssetSecurityArchive().grantGroupViewAccess(archive, groupid, asset); } } } protected HitTracker createAssetsFromPages(List<Page> inPages, String inBasepath, WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); ListHitTracker tracker = new ListHitTracker(); //tracker.getSearchQuery().setCatalogId(archive.getCatalogId()); //tracker.setSessionId("hitsasset" + archive.getCatalogId() ); // List<String> allids = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = inPages.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Page page = (Page); readMetaData(inReq, archive,"", page, tracker); } //set the group view permissions if something was passed in findUploadTeam(inReq, archive, tracker); archive.saveAssets(tracker, inReq.getUser()); // String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); // if (hitsname != null) // { // tracker.getSearchQuery().setHitsName(hitsname); // } // inReq.putSessionValue(tracker.getSessionId(), tracker); // inReq.putPageValue(hitsname, tracker); //"save hits " + hitsname + " with " + tracker.size() ); // inReq.putPageValue("uploadedassets",tracker); if( tracker.size() == 0 ) { log.error("No pages uploaded"); return null; } StringBuffer allids = new StringBuffer(); List listids = new ArrayList(); //Events are not dependable. We should probably just run the event directly for (Iterator iterator = tracker.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Asset asset = (Asset); listids.add(asset.getId()); allids.append(asset.getId()); if( iterator.hasNext() ) { allids.append(" "); } //inReq.setRequestParameter("assetid", asset.getId() ); //archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetuploaded",inReq.getUser(),asset); } SearchQuery q = archive.getAssetSearcher().createSearchQuery(); q.addOrsGroup("id", allids.toString() ); Asset sample = (Asset)tracker.first(); if( sample != null) { archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetsuploaded",inReq.getUser(),sample,listids); } HitTracker results = archive.getAssetSearcher().cachedSearch(inReq, q); results.addSelection(sample.getId()); // HitTracker selected = results.getSelectedHitracker(); // inReq.putSessionValue("selectedhitsasset" + archive.getCatalogId() , selected ); return results; } protected void readMetaData(WebPageRequest inReq, MediaArchive archive, String prefix, Page inPage, ListHitTracker output) { String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); Map vals = new HashMap(); if( fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Object val = inReq.getRequestParameter(prefix + fields[i]+ ".value"); if( val == null) { String[] array = inReq.getRequestParameters(prefix + fields[i]+ ".values"); if( array != null) { val = Arrays.asList(array); } } if( val != null) { vals.put(fields[i],val); } } } String[] categories = inReq.getRequestParameters(prefix + "categoryid"); List cats = new ArrayList(); if( categories != null) { for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { Category cat = archive.getCategory(categories[i]); if( cat != null) { cats.add(cat); } } } String catlist = inReq.getRequestParameter(prefix + "category.values"); if( catlist != null) { categories = catlist.split("\\s"); for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { Category cat = archive.getCategory(categories[i]); if( cat != null) { cats.add(cat); } } } //This is old dont use categories = inReq.getRequestParameters(prefix + "categories"); if( categories != null) { for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { Category cat = archive.getCategory(categories[i]); if( cat != null) { cats.add(cat); } } } String sourcepath = inReq.findValue(prefix + "sourcepath"); if(sourcepath == null){ sourcepath = ""; } if( sourcepath.endsWith("/")) { sourcepath = sourcepath.substring(0,sourcepath.length() - 1); } String filename = inPage.getName(); if(filename.startsWith("tmp") && filename.indexOf('_') > -1) { filename = filename.substring(filename.indexOf('_') + 1); } String assetsourcepath = sourcepath + "/" + filename; //TODO: Should we save like /a/allstuff.jpg //getPageManager().clearCache(inPage); Asset existing = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(assetsourcepath); Asset asset = new Asset(); if (existing != null) { asset.setId(archive.getAssetSearcher().nextAssetNumber()); String startpart = PathUtilities.extractPagePath(assetsourcepath); startpart = startpart + "_" + asset.getId(); String type = PathUtilities.extractPageType(assetsourcepath); if( type == null ) { assetsourcepath = startpart; } else { assetsourcepath = startpart + "." + type; } } asset.setSourcePath(assetsourcepath); Page dest = getPageManager().getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + archive.getCatalogId() + "/originals/" + assetsourcepath); // if(!inPage.exists()){ //"Could not find uploaded file: " + inPage.getPath()); // } if(!inPage.getPath().equals(dest.getPath()))//move from tmp location to final location { getPageManager().movePage(inPage, dest); } asset = getAssetImporter().getAssetUtilities().populateAsset(asset, dest.getContentItem(), archive, assetsourcepath, inReq.getUser()); for (Iterator iterator = vals.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String field = (String); Object val = vals.get(field); if( val instanceof Collection) { asset.setValues(field, (Collection)val); } else { asset.setProperty(field, (String)val); } } for (Iterator iterator = cats.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Category cat = (Category); asset.addCategory(cat); } if( asset.get("editstatus") == null ) { asset.setProperty("editstatus","1"); } //asset.setProperty("importstatus", "uploading"); if( asset.get("importstatus") == null ) { asset.setProperty("importstatus", "imported"); } if( asset.get("previewtatus") == null ) { asset.setProperty("previewtatus", "0"); } asset.setProperty("owner", inReq.getUserName()); asset.setProperty("datatype", "original"); asset.setProperty("assetaddeddate", DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().formatForStorage(new Date())); if( asset.get("assettype") == null) { Data type = archive.getDefaultAssetTypeForFile(asset.getName()); if( type != null) { asset.setProperty("assettype", type.getId()); } } output.add(asset); } public void checkHasPrimary(WebPageRequest inReq){ MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset target = getAsset(inReq); if(target.getPrimaryFile() == null){ String destination = "/WEB-INF/data" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/originals/" + target.getSourcePath(); List paths = getPageManager().getChildrenPaths(destination); if(paths.size() > 0){ for (Iterator iterator = paths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String path = (String); if(!path.contains(".versions")){ Page page = getPageManager().getPage(path); target.setPrimaryFile(page.getName()); removeAssetImages(inReq); archive.saveAsset(target, null); break; } } } } } public void selectPrimaryAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String primaryname = inReq.getRequestParameter("filename"); String imagefilename = inReq.getRequestParameter("imagefilename"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset target = getAsset(inReq); String ext = PathUtilities.extractPageType(primaryname); if (target != null) { if(ext != null) { target.setProperty("fileformat", ext.toLowerCase()); } if(primaryname != null) { target.setPrimaryFile(PathUtilities.extractFileName(primaryname)); } if(imagefilename != null) { target.setProperty("imagefile", PathUtilities.extractFileName(imagefilename)); } Page itemFile = archive.getOriginalDocument(target); // We're going to allow the metadata reader to replace this asset's properties // but we want to keep old values the reader is not going to replace updateMetadata(archive, target, itemFile); target.setProperty("previewstatus", "converting"); archive.saveAsset(target, inReq.getUser()); inReq.setRequestParameter("assetids", new String[] { target.getId() }); originalModified(inReq); } } protected void updateMetadata(MediaArchive archive, Asset target, Page itemFile) { PropertyDetails details = archive.getAssetSearcher().getPropertyDetails(); HashMap<String, String> externaldetails = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(Iterator i = details.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); if(detail.getExternalId() != null) { externaldetails.put(detail.getId(), target.get(detail.getId())); target.setProperty(detail.getId(), null); } } getAssetImporter().getAssetUtilities().getMetaDataReader().populateAsset(archive, itemFile.getContentItem(), target); for(String detail: externaldetails.keySet()) { if(target.get(detail) == null) { target.setProperty(detail, externaldetails.get(detail)); } } } public void uploadToDataDirectory(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { // Why would you want to upload to the produts root directory? UploadRequest map = (UploadRequest) inReq.getPageValue("uploadrequest"); List unzipped = (List) inReq.getPageValue("unzippedfiles"); // Final destination String assetRoot = inReq.findValue("assetrootfolder"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); for (Iterator iterator = map.getUploadItems().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FileUploadItem item = (FileUploadItem); String path = item.getSavedPage().getPath(); if (unzipped != null && unzipped.size() > 0 && path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) { continue; } getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, path,archive, false,inReq.getUser()); } if (unzipped != null) { for (Iterator iterator = unzipped.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Page page = (Page); getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, page.getPath(), archive, false,inReq.getUser()); } } } public void checkImports(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { // Why would you want to upload to the produts root directory? UploadRequest map = (UploadRequest) inReq.getPageValue("uploadrequest"); List unzipped = (List) inReq.getPageValue("unzippedfiles"); // Final destination String assetRoot = inReq.findValue("assetrootfolder"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); for (Iterator iterator = map.getUploadItems().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FileUploadItem item = (FileUploadItem); String path = item.getSavedPage().getPath(); if (unzipped != null && unzipped.size() > 0 && path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) { continue; } getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, path, archive,false, inReq.getUser()); } if (unzipped != null) { for (Iterator iterator = unzipped.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Page page = (Page); getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, page.getPath(), archive,false,inReq.getUser()); } } } public Page getAssetsPage(MediaArchive inArchive, String inSourcePath) { String prefix = inArchive.getCatalogHome() + "/assets/"; String path = prefix + inSourcePath; Page page = getPageManager().getPage(path); return page; } /** * @deprecated use Import Hot Folder script? * @param inReq */ public void importFromOriginals(WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String assetRoot = "/WEB-INF/data/" + archive.getCatalogId() + "/originals/"; importAndSearch(inReq, archive, assetRoot, assetRoot); } public void runAutoMountImport(WebPageRequest inReq) { //filterout String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("importcatalog"); String path = inReq.getRequestParameter("importpath"); if(path.endsWith("\\")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length()-1); } String foldername = null; String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if(os.contains("windows")) { foldername = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("\\")+1); } else { foldername = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String mountpath = "/WEB-INF/data/" + catid +"/originals/"+ foldername; Repository repo = getPageManager().getRepositoryManager().getRepository(mountpath); boolean addnew = false; if(repo == null) { repo = new FileRepository(); addnew = true; } String filter = inReq.findValue("filterin"); String filterout = inReq.findValue("filterout"); repo.setExternalPath(path); repo.setPath(mountpath); repo.setFilterOut(filterout); repo.setFilterIn(filter); if( addnew ) { getPageManager().getRepositoryManager().addRepository(repo); } getWebServer().saveMounts(getPageManager().getRepositoryManager().getRepositories()); String assetRoot = "/WEB-INF/data/" + catid + "/originals/"; MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); importAndSearch(inReq, archive, mountpath, assetRoot); } protected void importAndSearch(WebPageRequest inReq, MediaArchive inArchive, String mountpath, String assetRoot) { List<String> created = getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, assetRoot, inArchive,false,inReq.getUser()); SearchQuery search = inArchive.getAssetSearcher().createSearchQuery(); int max = Math.min(10000, created.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { search.addMatches("id",created.get(i)); } HitTracker lht = inArchive.getAssetSearcher().cachedSearch(inReq, search); lht.getSearchQuery().setResultType("search"); lht.getSearchQuery().setHitsName("hits"); inReq.putPageValue(lht.getHitsName(), lht); inReq.putSessionValue(lht.getSessionId(), lht); inReq.putPageValue("catalogid", inArchive.getCatalogId()); inReq.putPageValue("numrecords", new Integer(created.size())); } // public void runImport(WebPageRequest inReq) // { // MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); // String sourcePath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); // if (sourcePath == null || sourcePath.length() == 0) // { // sourcePath = "/"; // } // Page dir = getAssetsPage(archive, sourcePath); // String importType = dir.getProperty("importtype"); // // String mounts = dir.getProperty("mountsonly"); // boolean mountsonly = false; // if( mounts != null ) // { // mountsonly = Boolean.parseBoolean(mounts); // } // // String assetRoot = archive.getCatalogHome() + "/data/originals/"; // // String start = assetRoot; // if (sourcePath.length() > 1) // { // start = start + sourcePath; // } // int deletecount = 0; // List created = null; // if ("imageimportconvert".equals(importType)) // { // // Are we creating a new folder? // String newFolder = inReq.getRequestParameter("newname"); // if (newFolder != null) // { // start = start + newFolder; // } // // delete all the old assets // AssetSearcher searcher = archive.getAssetSearcher(); // SearchQuery q = searcher.createSearchQuery(); // q.addStartsWith("sourcepath", sourcePath); // HitTracker old =; // searcher.deleteFromIndex(old); // String importFilters = inReq.getRequestParameter("importextensions"); // created = getAssetImporter().processOn(assetRoot, start, importFilters, archive, mountsonly, inReq.getUser()); // // // Delete old assets not present anymore // for (Iterator iterator = old.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) // { // Document hit = (Document); // Asset p = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(hit.get("sourcepath")); // if (p != null) // { // SearchQuery sq = searcher.createSearchQuery(); // sq.addMatches("sourcepath", hit.get("sourcepath")); // HitTracker tracker =; // if (tracker.size() == 0) // { // // Asset is not in the index anymore...delete it from // // disk // archive.removeGeneratedImages(p); // archive.getAssetSearcher().delete(p, inReq.getUser()); // deletecount++; // } // // } // } // } // ListHitTracker lht = new ListHitTracker(created); // lht.getSearchQuery().setHitsName("hits"); // lht.getSearchQuery().setCatalogId(archive.getCatalogId()); // // inReq.putSessionValue(lht.getSessionId(), lht); // inReq.putPageValue(lht.getHitsName(), lht); // // inReq.putPageValue("numdeletes", deletecount); // inReq.putPageValue("numrecords", new Integer(created.size())); // } public void removeExpiredAssets(WebPageRequest inReq) { String sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameter("sourcepath"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); List removed =getAssetImporter().removeExpiredAssets(archive, sourcepath, inReq.getUser()); inReq.putPageValue("removedassets", removed); } public AssetImporter getAssetImporter() { return fieldAssetAssetImporter; } public void setAssetImporter(AssetImporter inAssetAssetImporter) { fieldAssetAssetImporter = inAssetAssetImporter; } public FileUpload getFileUpload() { return fieldFileUpload; } public void setFileUpload(FileUpload inFileUpload) { fieldFileUpload = inFileUpload; } public void redirectToGallery(WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive store = getMediaArchive(inReq); String include = inReq.findValue("includefilter"); int index = include.lastIndexOf("/"); String dir = include.substring(0, index); String redirTo = "/" + store.getCatalogId() + "/layout/assets/files/index.html?path=" + dir; inReq.redirectPermanently(redirTo); } /** * @param inReq public void encodeVideos(WebPageRequest inReq) { String hitsname = inReq.findValue("hitsname"); if (hitsname == null) { hitsname = "hits"; } HitTracker tracker = (HitTracker) inReq.getPageValue(hitsname); if (tracker == null) { return; } final MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); //queue up some video encoding. We should do this some other way for (Iterator iterator = tracker.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Object object = (Object); if (!(object instanceof Asset)) { continue; } final Asset asset = (Asset) object; String render = archive.getMediaRenderType(asset.getFileFormat()); if (!render.equals("video")) { continue; } Runnable runner = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ConvertInstructions instructions = new ConvertInstructions(); instructions.setForce(true); instructions.setInputExtension( asset.getFileFormat() ); instructions.setOutputExtension("flv"); instructions.setAssetSourcePath(asset.getSourcePath()); archive.getCreatorManager().createOutput( instructions ); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't convert video", e); } } }; // BaseTask task = new BaseTask(); // task.addAction(new RunnableAction(runner) ); // getTaskManager().addTask(task); } } */ public WebEventListener getWebEventListener() { return fieldWebEventListener; } public void setWebEventListener( WebEventListener inWebEventListener) { fieldWebEventListener = inWebEventListener; } protected Data buildDataObject( WebPageRequest inReq, PropertyDetails inDetails ) { Data data = new BaseData(); for (Iterator i = inDetails.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail detail = (PropertyDetail); String value = inReq.getRequestParameter(detail.getId()); if (value != null) { data.setProperty(detail.getId(), value); } } return data; } public void saveUsageHistory( WebPageRequest inReq ) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(archive.getCatalogId(), "usagehistory"); String[] assetids = inReq.getRequestParameters("assetid"); ArrayList<Data> newrecords = new ArrayList<Data>(); if(assetids == null) { return; } for(String assetid : assetids) { Data data = buildDataObject(inReq, searcher.getPropertyDetails()); PropertyDetail detail = searcher.getDetail("date"); if (detail != null) { data.setProperty(detail.getId(), DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().formatForStorage(new Date())); } detail = searcher.getDetail("user"); if (detail != null) { data.setProperty(detail.getId(), inReq.getUserName()); } detail = searcher.getDetail("assetid"); if(detail != null) { data.setProperty(detail.getId(), assetid); } Asset asset = archive.getAsset(assetid); data.setSourcePath(asset.getSourcePath()); searcher.saveData(data, inReq.getUser()); newrecords.add(data); } inReq.putPageValue("newrecord", newrecords); } public void loadUsageHistory( WebPageRequest inReq ) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(archive.getCatalogId(), "usagehistory"); String assetid = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); if( assetid == null) { Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); if( asset == null) { return; } assetid = asset.getId(); } if(assetid == null) { return; } HitTracker hits = searcher.fieldSearch("assetid", assetid ); inReq.putPageValue("history", hits); inReq.putPageValue("historySearcher", searcher); } public void saveSelectionProperties( WebPageRequest inReq ) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String[] assetids = inReq.getRequestParameters("assetselect_" + archive.getCatalogId()); String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); for(int i = 0; i < assetids.length; i++) { Asset asset = archive.getAsset(assetids[i]); if(asset == null) { continue; } for(int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { String value = inReq.getRequestParameter(asset.getId() + "." + fields[j] + ".value"); if (value == null) { value = inReq.getRequestParameter(fields[j] + ".value"); } asset.setProperty(fields[j], value); archive.getAssetSearcher().saveData(asset, inReq.getUser()); } } } public void fireAssetEvent( WebPageRequest inReq) { String type = inReq.getPageProperty("asseteventtype"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); archive.fireMediaEvent("asset/" + type, inReq.getUser(), asset); } public WebServer getWebServer() { return fieldWebServer; } public void setWebServer(WebServer inWebServer) { fieldWebServer = inWebServer; } public void resizedAsset(WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String width = (String)inReq.getRequestParameter("width"); String height = (String)inReq.getRequestParameter("height"); String scalex = (String)inReq.getRequestParameter("scalex"); String scaley = (String)inReq.getRequestParameter("scaley"); Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); if(scalex == null && scaley == null) { asset.setProperty("width", width); asset.setProperty("height", height); } else { float fscalex = Float.parseFloat(scalex); float fscaley = Float.parseFloat(scaley); int iwidth = Integer.parseInt(width); int iheight = Integer.parseInt(height); if(fscalex > 0) { asset.setProperty("width", Integer.toString((int)(iwidth * fscalex))); } if(fscaley > 0) { asset.setProperty("height", Integer.toString((int)(iheight * fscaley))); } } archive.saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); archive.removeGeneratedImages(asset); } public void loadAssetVotes(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { Asset asset = (Asset)inReq.getPageValue("asset"); if( asset == null) { return; } String catalogid = inReq.findValue("catalogid"); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(catalogid, "assetvotes"); if (searcher == null) { throw new OpenEditException("Unable to load searcher for assetvotes."); } SearchQuery q = searcher.createSearchQuery(); q.setHitsName("voteshits"); q.addMatches("assetid", asset.getId()); HitTracker hits = searcher.cachedSearch(inReq, q); String username = inReq.getUserName(); if ( username != null) { for (Object hit : hits) { if (username.equals( hits.getValue(hit, "username") ) ) { inReq.putPageValue("alreadyvoted", Boolean.TRUE); break; } } } int count = asset.getInt("assetvotes"); if( count != hits.size()) { asset.setProperty("assetvotes", String.valueOf( hits.size()) ); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); archive.fireMediaEvent("asset/assetsave", inReq.getUser(), asset); } } public void deleteAssetVote(WebPageRequest ex) { Asset asset = getAsset(ex); User user = ex.getUser(); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(ex); removeVote(asset, archive, user); } public void removeVote(Asset asset, MediaArchive archive, User user) { Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(archive.getCatalogId(), "assetvotes"); Data row = (Data)searcher.searchById(user.getUserName() + "_" + asset.getId()); if( row != null) { searcher.delete(row, user); } } public void voteForAsset(WebPageRequest ex) throws Exception { /* #set($searcher = $searcherManager.getSearcher($catalogid, "assetvotes")) #set($dateformat = $searcher.getDetail("time").getDateFormat()) #set($date = $dateformat.format($today)) #set($alreadyVoted = $uservote) $context.putPageValue("votetoremove", $uservote) */ MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(ex); Asset asset = getAsset(ex); voteForAsset(asset, archive, ex.getUser()); } public void voteForAsset(Asset asset, MediaArchive archive, User inUser) { Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(archive.getCatalogId(), "assetvotes"); // DateFormat dateformat = searcher.getDetail("time").getDateFormat(); if( asset.getId().contains("multiedit:") ) { throw new OpenEditException("Can't edit"); } Data row = searcher.createNewData(); String username = inUser.getUserName(); row.setId(username + "_" + asset.getId()); String date = DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().formatForStorage(new Date()); row.setProperty("time", date); row.setProperty("assetid", asset.getId()); row.setProperty("username", inUser.getUserName()); row.setSourcePath(asset.getSourcePath()); searcher.saveData(row,inUser); archive.fireMediaEvent("asset/userlikes", inUser, asset); //archive.getAssetSearcher().updateIndex(asset); //get the rank updated } public void saveAssetData(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { Asset asset = getAsset(inReq); getMediaArchive(inReq).saveAsset(asset, inReq.getUser()); } public void markAssetsDeleted(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { String[] sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameters("sourcepath"); if( sourcepath != null) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); List assets = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sourcepath.length; i++) { Asset asset = archive.getAssetBySourcePath(sourcepath[i]); if( asset != null) { asset.setProperty("editstatus","7"); assets.add(asset); } } String deleterecord = inReq.getRequestParameter("deleterecord"); if( Boolean.parseBoolean(deleterecord)) { archive.saveAssets(assets, inReq.getUser()); for (Iterator iterator = assets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Asset asset = (Asset); archive.getAssetSearcher().delete(asset, inReq.getUser()); } } else { archive.saveAssets(assets, inReq.getUser()); } inReq.putPageValue("deletedlist",assets); } } public Data createMultiEditDataFromSelections(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { String hitssessionid = inReq.getRequestParameter("hitssessionid");//expects session id if( hitssessionid == null) { return null; } if( hitssessionid.startsWith("selected") ) { hitssessionid = hitssessionid.substring("selected".length()); } //Make a new search based on everyone being selected HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) inReq.getSessionValue(hitssessionid); //this could be out of date if we saved already. Just grab the selection and let the composite refresh each data row if( hits == null) { log.error("Could not find " + hitssessionid); return null; } //Now always reload the selected nodes and only pass in those nodes to multi-edit MediaArchive store = getMediaArchive(inReq); // //lost selections? // HitTracker old = hits; // hits = store.getAssetSearcher().getAllHits(inReq); // hits.loadPreviousSelections(old); // if( !hits.hasSelections() ) { log.error("No assets selected " + hitssessionid); return null; } // CompositeAsset composite = new CompositeAsset(); // for (Iterator iterator = hits.getSelectedHits().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) // { // Object target = (Object); // Asset p = null; // if( target instanceof Asset) // { // p = (Asset)target; // } // else // { // String id = hits.getValue(target, "id"); // p = store.getAsset(id); // } // if( p != null) // { // composite.addData(p); // } // } // HitTracker freshhits = store.getAssetSearcher().cachedSearch(inReq,hits.getSearchQuery()); //freshhits.setSelections(hits.getSelections()); //TODO: What if the order changes? //HitTracker selected = freshhits.getSelectedHitracker(); String assetid = "multiedit:"+hitssessionid; inReq.removeSessionValue(assetid); Asset composite = store.getAsset(assetid,inReq); inReq.setRequestParameter("assetid",assetid); inReq.putPageValue("data", composite); inReq.putPageValue("asset", composite); inReq.putSessionValue(composite.getId(), composite); return composite; } public void originalModified( WebPageRequest inRequest ) throws Exception { String[] assetids = inRequest.getRequestParameters("assetids"); MediaArchive mediaArchive = getMediaArchive(inRequest); PresetCreator presets = new PresetCreator(); Searcher tasksearcher = mediaArchive.getSearcher("conversiontask"); int missing = 0; for (int i = 0; i < assetids.length; i++) { Asset asset = mediaArchive.getAsset(assetids[i]); if( asset == null ) { log.error("Missing asset " + assetids[i]); continue; } mediaArchive.removeGeneratedImages(asset); missing = missing + presets.createMissingOnImport(mediaArchive, tasksearcher, asset); } if( missing > 0 ) { mediaArchive.fireSharedMediaEvent("conversions/runconversions"); } } public Asset loadAssetFromSelection(WebPageRequest inReq) { Object found = inReq.getPageValue("asset"); if( found instanceof Asset) { return (Asset)found; } Asset asset = null; String hitssessionid = inReq.getRequestParameter("hitssessionid");//expects session id if( hitssessionid != null) { HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) inReq.getSessionValue(hitssessionid); if( hits != null && hits.hasSelections()) { String assetid = inReq.getRequestParameter("assetid"); if( assetid != null && assetid.startsWith("multiedit:") ) { asset = (Asset)inReq.getSessionValue(assetid); } else if( assetid == null ) { String id = hits.getFirstSelected(); asset = getMediaArchive(inReq).getAsset(id); } if( asset != null ) { inReq.putPageValue("asset", asset); } } } if( asset == null ) { return getAsset(inReq); } return asset; } public void handleUploads(WebPageRequest inReq) { FileUpload command = new FileUpload(); command.setPageManager(getPageManager()); UploadRequest properties = command.parseArguments(inReq); if(properties == null){ properties = (UploadRequest) inReq.getPageValue("properties"); } if (properties == null) { return; } MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); if (properties.getFirstItem() == null) { properties = (UploadRequest) inReq.getPageValue("properties"); if(properties == null || properties.getFirstItem() == null){ return; } } for (Iterator iterator = properties.getUploadItems().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { FileUploadItem item = (FileUploadItem); String name = item.getFieldName(); if(item.getName().length() == 0){ continue; } String[] splits = name.split("\\."); String detailid = splits[1]; String sourcepath = inReq.getRequestParameter(detailid + ".sourcepath"); if(sourcepath == null){ sourcepath = archive.getCatalogSettingValue("projectassetupload"); //${division.uploadpath}/${user.userName}/${formateddate} } String[] fields = inReq.getRequestParameters("field"); Map vals = new HashMap(); vals.putAll(inReq.getPageMap()); String prefix =""; if( fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { String val = inReq.getRequestParameter(prefix + fields[i]+ ".value"); if( val != null) { vals.put(fields[i],val); } } } String id = inReq.getRequestParameter("id"); if(id != null){ vals.put("id",id); } vals.put("filename", item.getName()); Replacer replacer = new Replacer(); replacer.setSearcherManager(archive.getSearcherManager()); replacer.setCatalogId(archive.getCatalogId()); replacer.setAlwaysReplace(true); sourcepath = replacer.replace(sourcepath, vals); //sourcepath = sourcepath + "/" + item.getName(); String path = "/WEB-INF/data/" + archive.getCatalogId() + "/originals/" + sourcepath + "/" + item.getName(); sourcepath = sourcepath.replace("//", "/"); //in case of missing data Asset current = archive.getAssetBySourcePath("sourcepath"); if(current == null){ current = archive.createAsset(sourcepath); } current.setProperty("owner", inReq.getUser().getId()); properties.saveFileAs(item, path, inReq.getUser()); current.setPrimaryFile(item.getName()); archive.removeGeneratedImages(current); archive.saveAsset(current, null); inReq.setRequestParameter(detailid + ".value", current.getId()); archive.fireMediaEvent("importing/assetuploaded",inReq.getUser(),current); } } }