package org.openedit.entermedia; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.entermedia.creator.ConvertInstructions; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.util.FileUtils; import com.openedit.util.OutputFiller; public class ZipGroup { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ZipGroup.class); protected User fieldUser; protected MediaArchive fieldMediaArchive; OutputFiller filler = new OutputFiller(); public MediaArchive getMediaArchive() { return fieldMediaArchive; } public void setMediaArchive(MediaArchive inMediaArchive) { fieldMediaArchive = inMediaArchive; } protected void writeFileToZip(ZipOutputStream inZipOutputStream, String inName, File inFile) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(inName); entry.setSize(inFile.length()); entry.setTime(inFile.lastModified()); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inFile); inZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(entry); try { filler.fill(fis, inZipOutputStream); } finally { fis.close(); } inZipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); } } protected void writeStringToZip(ZipOutputStream inZipOutputStream, String inText, String inFileName) { try { byte[] bytes = inText.getBytes("UTF-8"); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(inFileName); entry.setSize(bytes.length); inZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(entry); inZipOutputStream.write(bytes); inZipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex); } } protected String buildMissingDocumentsText(List<Asset> inMissingDocumentItems) { StringBuffer missingAssetsStr = new StringBuffer("Original documents for the following could not be retrieved:\n\n"); for (Asset asset: inMissingDocumentItems) { missingAssetsStr.append(" - "); missingAssetsStr.append(asset.getName()); missingAssetsStr.append(" ("); Page path = getMediaArchive().getOriginalDocument(asset); if (path == null) { missingAssetsStr.append("no file name specified"); } else { missingAssetsStr.append(path.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); } missingAssetsStr.append(")\n"); } return missingAssetsStr.toString(); } public void zipItems(Map<Asset, ConvertInstructions> inAssets, OutputStream inStream) throws OpenEditException { List<Asset> missing = new ArrayList<Asset>(); List<Asset> okAssets = new ArrayList<Asset>(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(inStream); zos.setLevel(1); // for speed since these are jpegs try { for (Asset asset: inAssets.keySet()) { Page documentFile = getMediaArchive().getOriginalDocument(asset); if (documentFile == null || !documentFile.exists()) { if (documentFile != null) {"Image missing:" + documentFile.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); } missing.add(asset); } else { try { File source = null; File temp = null; ConvertInstructions instructions = inAssets.get(asset); if (getMediaArchive().canConvert(asset, instructions.getOutputExtension(), getUser())) { ContentItem converted = getMediaArchive().getCreatorManager().createOutput(instructions).getContentItem(); source = new File(converted.getAbsolutePath()); String extension = ""; if (instructions.getOutputExtension() != null) { extension = "." + instructions.getOutputExtension(); } temp = new File(source.getParentFile(), asset.getSaveAsName() + extension); } else { source = new File(documentFile.getContentItem().getAbsolutePath()); temp = new File(source.getParentFile(), asset.getSaveAsName()); } if (!source.equals(temp)) //What is this for? { new FileUtils().copyFiles(source, temp); writeFileToZip(zos, temp.getName(), temp); new FileUtils().deleteAll(temp); } else { writeFileToZip(zos, source.getName(), source); } okAssets.add(asset); } catch (Exception ex) { missing.add(asset); log.error("Error downloading",ex); continue; } } } if (!missing.isEmpty()) { String missingAssets = buildMissingDocumentsText(missing); writeStringToZip(zos, missingAssets, "missing.txt"); // EmailErrorHandler handler = getEnterMedia().getEmailErrorHandler(); // if( handler != null ) // { // handler.sendNotification("Missing File Report", missingAssets); // } for (Asset asset: missing) { getMediaArchive().logDownload(asset.getSourcePath(), "missing", getUser()); } } for (Asset asset: okAssets) { getMediaArchive().logDownload(asset.getSourcePath(), "success", getUser()); } } finally { try { FileUtils.safeClose(zos); // This will fail if there was any } catch (Exception ex2) { // nothing } } } public User getUser() { return fieldUser; } public void setUser(User user) { fieldUser = user; } public void zipAttachments(Asset inAsset, OutputStream inStream) throws OpenEditException { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(inStream); zos.setLevel(1); // for speed since these are jpegs try { String documentFile = getMediaArchive().getOriginalFileManager().getDataAssetsPath(inAsset.getSourcePath()); File input = new File( documentFile ); if (!input.exists()) { writeStringToZip(zos, "Attachments missing " + documentFile , "missing.txt"); } else { writeFolder(zos, input, input); } } finally { try { FileUtils.safeClose(zos); // This will fail if there was any } catch (Exception ex2) { // nothing } } } protected void writeFolder(ZipOutputStream inZos, File inRoot, File inFile) { if( inFile.isDirectory() ) { //get the children File[] children = inFile.listFiles(); if( children != null ) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { writeFolder(inZos, inRoot, children[i]); } } } else { String fileName = inFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(inRoot.getAbsolutePath().length()); fileName = fileName.replace("\\", "/"); writeFileToZip(inZos,fileName, inFile); } } }