package org.openedit.entermedia.util; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.openedit.Data; import; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; public class HtmlUtil { public static final int DEFAULT_HTML_LENGTH = 256; public void trimHtml(WebPageRequest inRequest){ String maxlength = inRequest.findValue("maxlength"); int length = DEFAULT_HTML_LENGTH; if (maxlength != null && !maxlength.isEmpty()){ try{ length = Integer.parseInt(maxlength); }catch (Exception e){}//not handled } String htmlfields = inRequest.findValue("htmlfields"); if (htmlfields == null){ return; } Data item = (Data) inRequest.getPageValue("item"); if (item == null){ item = (Data) inRequest.getPageValue("data"); } if (item == null){ return; } String [] fields = htmlfields.split(","); for(String field:fields){ if (item.get(field)==null || item.get(field).isEmpty()){ continue; } String html = null; try{ // html = getShortenedHTML(item.get(field),length); html = truncateHTML(item.get(field),length); }catch (Exception e){} if (html == null){ continue; } inRequest.putPageValue("trimmed", html); break; } } protected String getShortenedHTML(String inHTML, int inMaxLength) throws Exception{ StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>(); int contentCount = 0; int lastStart = -1; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^'\">])*>"); String input = inHTML;//.replace("\n", "").trim(); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); while (matcher.find()){ String tag =; String htmlContent = null; if (lastStart > 0 && lastStart < matcher.start()){ String substring = input.substring(lastStart, matcher.start()).trim(); if (!substring.isEmpty()){ if ( (contentCount + substring.length()) < inMaxLength){ contentCount += substring.length(); htmlContent = substring; } else {//figure out best place to break up content int delta = (inMaxLength - contentCount); String [] tokens = substring.split("\\s"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String token:tokens){ buf.append(token); if (buf.toString().length() > delta){ if (token.endsWith(".")){ buf.append(".."); } else { buf.append("..."); } break; } else { buf.append(" "); } } contentCount += buf.toString().length(); htmlContent = buf.toString(); } } } lastStart = matcher.end(); if (tag.endsWith("/>")){// solo tag like <br/> if (htmlContent!=null){//reassemble in correct order content.append(htmlContent); content.append(tag); if (contentCount > inMaxLength){ break; } } } else if (tag.startsWith("</")){// end tag String endtag = tag.replace("</", "").replace(">", ""); if (!stack.isEmpty() && endtag.equals(stack.peek())){ stack.pop(); } if (htmlContent!=null){//reassemble in correct order content.append(htmlContent); content.append(tag); if (contentCount > inMaxLength){ break; } } } else {//start tag String starttag = tag.replace("<", "").replace(">", ""); stack.push(starttag); content.append(tag);//reassemble in correct order if (htmlContent!=null){ content.append(htmlContent); if (contentCount > inMaxLength){ break; } } } } while(!stack.isEmpty()){ content.append("</").append(stack.pop()).append(">"); } if (content.toString().isEmpty()){ content.append(inHTML);//input did not have any tags, return as whole } return content.toString(); } public String truncateHTML(Data inData, String inField, int inLength){ return truncateHTML(inData.get(inField),inLength); } public String truncateHTML(String text, int length) { // if the plain text is shorter than the maximum length, return the whole text if(text == null || text.length()== 0){ return null; } if (text.replaceAll("<.*?>", "").length() <= length) { return text; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean trimmed = false; /* * This pattern creates tokens, where each line starts with the tag. * For example, "One, <b>Two</b>, Three" produces the following: * One, * <b>Two * </b>, Three */ Pattern tagPattern = Pattern.compile("(<.+?>)?([^<>]*)"); /* * Checks for an empty tag, for example img, br, etc. */ Pattern emptyTagPattern = Pattern.compile("^<\\s*(img|br|input|hr|area|base|basefont|col|frame|isindex|link|meta|param).*>$"); /* * Modified the pattern to also include H1-H6 tags * Checks for closing tags, allowing leading and ending space inside the brackets */ Pattern closingTagPattern = Pattern.compile("^<\\s*/\\s*([a-zA-Z]+[1-6]?)\\s*>$"); /* * Modified the pattern to also include H1-H6 tags * Checks for opening tags, allowing leading and ending space inside the brackets */ Pattern openingTagPattern = Pattern.compile("^<\\s*([a-zA-Z]+[1-6]?).*?>$"); /* * Find   > ... */ Pattern entityPattern = Pattern.compile("(&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};)"); // splits all html-tags to scanable lines Matcher tagMatcher = tagPattern.matcher(text); int numTags = tagMatcher.groupCount(); int totalLength = 3; List<String> openTags = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean proposingChop = false; while (tagMatcher.find()) { String tagText =; String plainText =; if (proposingChop && tagText != null && tagText.length() != 0 && plainText != null && plainText.length() != 0) { trimmed = true; break; } // if there is any html-tag in this line, handle it and add it (uncounted) to the output if (tagText != null && tagText.length() > 0) { boolean foundMatch = false; // if it's an "empty element" with or without xhtml-conform closing slash Matcher matcher = emptyTagPattern.matcher(tagText); if (matcher.find()) { foundMatch = true; // do nothing } // closing tag? if (!foundMatch) { matcher = closingTagPattern.matcher(tagText); if (matcher.find()) { foundMatch = true; // delete tag from openTags list String tagName =; openTags.remove(tagName.toLowerCase()); } } // opening tag? if (!foundMatch) { matcher = openingTagPattern.matcher(tagText); if (matcher.find()) { // add tag to the beginning of openTags list String tagName =; openTags.add(0, tagName.toLowerCase()); } } // add html-tag to result result.append(tagText); } // calculate the length of the plain text part of the line; handle entities (e.g.  ) as one character int contentLength = plainText.replaceAll("&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};", " ").length(); if (totalLength + contentLength > length) { // the number of characters which are left int numCharsRemaining = length - totalLength; int entitiesLength = 0; Matcher entityMatcher = entityPattern.matcher(plainText); while (entityMatcher.find()) { String entity =; if (numCharsRemaining > 0) { numCharsRemaining--; entitiesLength += entity.length(); } else { // no more characters left break; } } // keep us from chopping words in half int proposedChopPosition = numCharsRemaining + entitiesLength; int endOfWordPosition = plainText.indexOf(" ", proposedChopPosition-1); if (endOfWordPosition == -1) { endOfWordPosition = plainText.length(); } int endOfWordOffset = endOfWordPosition - proposedChopPosition; if (endOfWordOffset > 6) { // chop the word if it's extra long endOfWordOffset = 0; } proposedChopPosition = numCharsRemaining + entitiesLength + endOfWordOffset; if (plainText.length() >= proposedChopPosition) { result.append(plainText.substring(0, proposedChopPosition)); proposingChop = true; if (proposedChopPosition < plainText.length()) { trimmed = true; break; // maximum length is reached, so get off the loop } } else { result.append(plainText); } } else { result.append(plainText); totalLength += contentLength; } // if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop if(totalLength >= length) { trimmed = true; break; } } if (trimmed) { appendSuffix(result); } for (String openTag : openTags) { result.append("</" + openTag + ">"); } return result.toString(); } protected void appendSuffix(StringBuilder buf){ if (buf.toString().endsWith("...")){ //no op } else if (buf.toString().endsWith("..")){ buf.append("."); } else if (buf.toString().endsWith(".")){ buf.append(".."); } else { buf.append("..."); } } public String truncateHTMLtoPlainText(String inHTML, int inMaxLength){ String html = truncateHTML(inHTML,inMaxLength); if(html != null){ return html.replaceAll("<.*?>", ""); } else{ return null; } } public void stripHTML(String inHTML, StringBuilder buf){ buf.append(inHTML.replaceAll("<.*?>", "")); } public String toHTML(String inText) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String [] lines = inText.split("\n"); boolean isList = false; for(String line:lines) { buf.append("<p>").append(line).append("</p>"); } return buf.toString(); } public ArrayList<String> generateKeywords(String inCatalogId, Data inData, ArrayList<String> inFields) throws Exception{ HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>(); for(String field:inFields){ String value = inData.get(field); if (value == null || value.isEmpty()){ continue; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); stripHTML(value,buf); ArrayList<String> keywords = getAllKeywords(inCatalogId, buf.toString()); for(String keyword:keywords){ map.put(keyword, keyword); } } Iterator<String> itr = map.keySet().iterator(); ArrayList<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>(); while (itr.hasNext()){ String key =; keywords.add(key); } return keywords; } protected ArrayList<String> getAllKeywords(String inCatalogId, String inValue) throws Exception{ ArrayList<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>(); Analyzer analyzer = null; TokenStream stream = null; try{ analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_40); /*new FullTextAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_40);*/ /*new EnglishAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_40); */ stream = analyzer.tokenStream(null, new StringReader(inValue)); stream.reset(); while (stream.incrementToken()) { String str = stream.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class).toString().trim(); if (str.isEmpty() || str.matches(".*\\d.*") || isStopWord(inCatalogId,str) ){ continue; } keywords.add(str.trim()); } } finally { try{ if (stream!=null) stream.close(); }catch (Exception e){}//not handled try{ if (analyzer!=null) analyzer.close(); }catch (Exception e){}//not handled } return keywords; } protected boolean isStopWord(String inCatalogId, String inWord){ if (inWord.matches(".*\\d.*")){ return true; } // Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(inCatalogId, "stopword"); // SearchQuery query = searcher.createSearchQuery(); // query.addMatches("name",inWord); // HitTracker hits =; // return hits.size() > 0; return false; } /*protected Set<String> getStopWords(String inCatalogId) throws Exception{ Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); Searcher searcher = getSearcherManager().getSearcher(inCatalogId, "stopword"); HitTracker hits = searcher.getAllHits(); Iterator<?> itr = hits.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ String name = ((Data); set.add(name); } return set; }*/ }