package org.openedit.entermedia.modules; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.entermedia.links.CatalogTreeRenderer; import org.openedit.entermedia.links.CatalogWebTreeModel; import; import org.openedit.links.Link; import org.openedit.links.LinkTree; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; import com.openedit.util.RequestUtils; import com.openedit.util.ZipUtil; import com.openedit.webui.tree.WebTree; public class CategoryModule extends BaseMediaModule { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CategoryModule.class); private RequestUtils fieldRequestUtils; public RequestUtils getRequestUtils() { return fieldRequestUtils; } public void setRequestUtils(RequestUtils inRequestUtils) { fieldRequestUtils = inRequestUtils; } /** * Installs a {@link WebTree} that shows the catalog tree from a specified * root catalog on down. * * @param inRequest The web page request */ public WebTree getCatalogTree( WebPageRequest inRequest ) throws OpenEditException { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inRequest); if (archive == null ) { return null; } String name = null; if( inRequest.getCurrentAction() != null) { name = inRequest.getCurrentAction().getChildValue("tree-name"); } if( name == null) { name = inRequest.findValue("tree-name"); } String appid = inRequest.findValue("applicationid"); String treeid = inRequest.getRequestParameter("treeid"); if( treeid == null) { treeid = name + "_" + appid + "_" + archive.getCatalogId() + "_" + inRequest.getUserName(); } WebTree webTree = (WebTree) inRequest.getPageValue( treeid ); String reload = inRequest.getRequestParameter("reload"); Object needsreload = inRequest.getSessionValue("reloadcategorytree");//Some other way? if(needsreload != null){ webTree = null; inRequest.removeSessionValue("reloadcategorytree"); } if( Boolean.parseBoolean(reload)) { webTree = null; } if ( webTree == null ) { if( name == null) { return null; }"No Category in Session, creating new " + treeid); String root = inRequest.findValue(name + "root"); if( root == null ) { root = inRequest.findValue("root"); } Category main = archive.getCategoryArchive().getCategory( root ); if ( main == null) { log.error("No such category named " + root); main = archive.getCategoryArchive().getRootCategory(); } CatalogWebTreeModel model = new CatalogWebTreeModel( ); model.setCatalogId(archive.getCatalogId()); model.setRoot(main); SearchFilter filter = archive.getSearchFilterArchive().getSearchFilter(inRequest,false, false,archive.getCatalogId()); model.setSearchFilter(filter); model.setCatalogArchive(archive.getCategoryArchive()); model.setUser(inRequest.getUser()); model.setRequestUtils(getRequestUtils()); webTree = new WebTree(model); webTree.setName(name); webTree.setId(treeid); CatalogTreeRenderer renderer = new CatalogTreeRenderer( webTree ); renderer.setFoldersLinked( true ); String prefix = inRequest.findValue( "url-prefix" ); prefix = inRequest.getPage().getPageSettings().replaceProperty(prefix); renderer.setUrlPrefix(prefix ); String postfix = inRequest.findValue( "url-postfix" ); renderer.setUrlPostfix(postfix ); webTree.setTreeRenderer(renderer); String home = (String) inRequest.getPageValue( "home" ); renderer.setHome(home); String iconHome = (String) inRequest.findValue( "iconhome" ); renderer.setIconHome(iconHome); String allowselections = inRequest.findValue( "allowselections" ); renderer.setAllowSelections(Boolean.parseBoolean(allowselections)); String editable = inRequest.findValue( "editabletree" ); if( editable == null ) { Boolean val = (Boolean)inRequest.getPageValue("caneditcategories"); if( val != null ) { editable = val.toString(); } } renderer.setEditable(Boolean.parseBoolean(editable)); String iconwidth = (String) inRequest.getPageProperty( "iconwidth" ); //must be saved to page path if( iconwidth != null) { renderer.setIconWidth(Integer.parseInt(iconwidth)); } inRequest.putSessionValue(treeid, webTree); inRequest.putPageValue(webTree.getName(), webTree); } else { inRequest.putPageValue(webTree.getName(), webTree); } return webTree; } public void selectNodes(WebPageRequest inReq) { WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); Collection nodes = (Collection)inReq.getPageValue("selectednodes"); if( nodes == null) { //check param data String cats = inReq.getRequestParameter("categories"); if( cats != null) { String[] selected = cats.replace(' ','|').split("\\|"); nodes = new ArrayList(); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { Category found = archive.getCategory(selected[i].trim()); if( found != null) { nodes.add(found); } } } } String clear = inReq.getRequestParameter("clearselection"); if( Boolean.parseBoolean(clear)) { nodes = new ArrayList(); } if( nodes != null ) { tree.getTreeRenderer().selectNodes(nodes); } } public void expandNode(WebPageRequest inReq){ WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("nodeID"); Object target = tree.getModel().getChildById(catid); tree.getTreeRenderer().expandNode(target); } public void collapseNode(WebPageRequest inReq){ WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("nodeID"); Object target = tree.getModel().getChildById(catid); tree.getTreeRenderer().collapseNode(target); } public void reloadTree(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); getMediaArchive(inReq).getCategoryArchive().clearCategories(); if(tree != null){ inReq.removeSessionValue(tree.getId()); } getCatalogTree(inReq); } public void exportAllAssets(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); StringWriter assets = new StringWriter(); //TODO: This is a memory hog archive.getAssetExport().exportAllAssets(archive, assets); ZipOutputStream finalZip = new ZipOutputStream(inReq.getOutputStream()); try { new ZipUtil().addTozip(assets.toString(),"assets.xml" ,finalZip); inReq.getOutputStream().flush(); StringWriter catalogs = new StringWriter(); archive.getAssetExport().exportCatalogsWithAssets(archive, catalogs); new ZipUtil().addTozip(catalogs.toString(),"categories.xml" ,finalZip); finalZip.close(); inReq.setHasRedirected(true); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new OpenEditException(ex); } } public void loadCrumbs(WebPageRequest inReq) throws Exception { Category category = (Category)inReq.getPageValue("category"); if( category == null) { Asset asset = (Asset)inReq.getPageValue("asset"); if( asset != null) { category = asset.getDefaultCategory(); } } if( category != null) { String name = inReq.findValue("linktreename"); if( name != null) { String treename = inReq.findValue("tree-name"); String root = inReq.findValue(treename + "root"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Category toplevel = archive.getCategoryArchive().getCategory(root); LinkTree tree = (LinkTree)inReq.getPageValue(name); if( tree != null) { tree.clearCrumbs(); for (Iterator iterator = category.listAncestorsAndSelf( 0 ).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Category parent = (Category); if( toplevel != null ) { if( !toplevel.hasCatalog(parent.getId()) ) { continue; } } tree.addCrumb( archive.getCatalogHome() + "/categories/" + parent.getId() + ".html",parent.getName()); } tree.setSelectedLink((Link)null); } } } } public void downloadSelected(WebPageRequest inReq) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String path = "/" + archive.getCatalogHome() + "/download/convert/zip/"; // forward to zip generator inReq.redirect(path); } public void listAssetsForUploading( WebPageRequest inReq ) { Searcher searcher = getMediaArchive(inReq).getAssetSearcher(); SearchQuery query = searcher.createSearchQuery(); query.addMatches("importstatus", "uploading"); String user = inReq.getRequestParameter("user"); if( user!= null ) { query.addMatches("owner", user); } HitTracker hits =; inReq.putPageValue("hits", hits); } public void loadHomeCategory(WebPageRequest inReq ) { MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); String catid = "index"; String username = inReq.getUserName(); if( username != null) { catid = "users_" + username; } Category cat = archive.getCategory(catid); inReq.putPageValue("category", cat); } public void removeNode(WebPageRequest inReq) { String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("nodeID"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Category child = archive.getCategory(catid); if( child != null) { archive.getCategoryArchive().deleteCategory(child); } inReq.setRequestParameter("reload", "true"); getCatalogTree(inReq); } public void addNode(WebPageRequest inReq) { String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("nodeID"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Category parent = archive.getCategory(catid); if( parent != null) { String text = inReq.getRequestParameter("addtext"); Category child = archive.getCategoryArchive().createNewCategory(text); if( archive.getCategory(child.getId()) != null ) { //fix duplicate id child.setId(catid + "-" + child.getId()); } parent.addChild(child); archive.getCategoryArchive().cacheCategory(child); archive.getCategoryArchive().saveAll(); } inReq.setRequestParameter("reload", "true"); WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); // if( tree != null) // { // tree.getTreeRenderer().expandNode(parent); // } } public void editNode(WebPageRequest inReq) { String catid = inReq.getRequestParameter("nodeID"); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); Category parent = archive.getCategory(catid); if( parent != null) { String text = inReq.getRequestParameter("edittext"); parent.setName(text); archive.getCategoryArchive().saveAll(); } inReq.setRequestParameter("reload", "true"); getCatalogTree(inReq); } public void loadCategory(WebPageRequest inContext) throws OpenEditException { String catalogid = inContext.findValue("categoryid"); if (catalogid == null) { catalogid = PathUtilities.extractPageName(inContext.getPath()); } if (catalogid != null) { // load up catalog and assets Category catalog = getMediaArchive(inContext).getCategory(catalogid); if (catalog != null) { inContext.putPageValue("category", catalog); } } } public void reBuildTree(WebPageRequest inReq) throws OpenEditException { WebTree tree = getCatalogTree(inReq); MediaArchive archive = getMediaArchive(inReq); archive.getCategoryEditor().reBuildCategories(); reloadTree(inReq); } }