package org.openedit.entermedia.edit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.entermedia.Asset; import org.openedit.entermedia.Category; import org.openedit.entermedia.CategoryArchive; import org.openedit.entermedia.MediaArchive; import org.openedit.repository.ContentItem; import org.openedit.repository.RepositoryException; import org.openedit.repository.filesystem.StringItem; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.OpenEditRuntimeException; import; import; public class CategoryEditor { protected MediaArchive fieldMediaArchive; protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected Category fieldCurrentCategory; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CategoryEditor.class); public Category getCategory(String inCategoryId) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { return getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().getCategory(inCategoryId); } public void moveCategoryUp(Category inCategory) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { log.debug("Moving category up: " + inCategory.getName()); Category parent = inCategory.getParentCategory(); List children = (List)parent.getChildren(); Category prev = null; for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Category child = (Category); if (child == inCategory) { if (prev != null) { int childIndex = children.indexOf(child); children.set(childIndex - 1, child); children.set(childIndex, prev);"Category '" + inCategory.getId() + "' moved up"); } break; } prev = child; } parent.setChildren(children); saveCategory(parent); } public void moveCategoryDown(Category ininCategory) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Category parent = ininCategory.getParentCategory(); List children = (List)parent.getChildren(); for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Category child = (Category); if (child == ininCategory) { if (iter.hasNext()) { int childIndex = children.indexOf(child); children.set(childIndex, (Category); children.set(childIndex + 1, child); } break; } } parent.setChildren(children); saveCategory(parent); } public void moveCategoryBefore (Category inCategory, Category inBeforeCategory) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Category parent = inCategory.getParentCategory(); if (inBeforeCategory == null || inBeforeCategory.getParentCategory() != parent || inCategory == inBeforeCategory) return; List list = parent.getChildren(); int toIndex = list.indexOf(inBeforeCategory); if (list.indexOf(inCategory) < toIndex) { while (list.indexOf(inCategory) < toIndex) moveCategoryDown(inCategory); } else { while (list.indexOf(inCategory) > toIndex) moveCategoryUp(inCategory); } parent.setChildren(list); } public void sortCategory (Category inCategory) { inCategory.sortChildren(false); } /** * Adds a new category to the catalog. * @param inId the new category's ID. * @param inName the new category's name. * @return the new category object. */ public Category addNewCategory(String inId, String inName) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Category newCat = new Category(); newCat.setId(inId); newCat.setName(inName); if (getCurrentCategory() != null) { getCurrentCategory().addChild(newCat); } else if (getRootCategory() != null) { getRootCategory().addChild(newCat); } else { getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().setRootCategory(newCat); } getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().cacheCategory(newCat); return newCat; } public void saveCategory(Category inCategory) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { if ( inCategory.getParentCategory() == null && getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().getRootCategory().getId() != inCategory.getId()) { getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().getRootCategory().addChild(inCategory); getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().cacheCategory(inCategory); } try { Page desc = getPageManager().getPage(getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() + "/categories/" + inCategory.getId() + ".html"); if ( !desc.exists() ) { StringItem item = new StringItem(desc.getPath(), " ",desc.getCharacterEncoding() ); desc.setContentItem(item); getPageManager().putPage(desc); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw new OpenEditRuntimeException(ex); } getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().saveCategory(inCategory); } /** * Deletes a category from the catalog. * @param inCategory the category to be deleted. */ public void deleteCategory(Category inCategory) throws OpenEditException { List assets = getMediaArchive().getAssetsInCategory(inCategory); for (Iterator iter = assets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Asset element = (Asset); element.removeCategory(inCategory); } getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().deleteCategory(inCategory); getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assets); } public Category getRootCategory() throws OpenEditRuntimeException { return getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().getRootCategory(); } public void clearCategories() throws OpenEditRuntimeException { getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().clearCategories(); } public void reloadCategories() throws OpenEditRuntimeException { if (getCurrentCategory() != null) { String id = getCurrentCategory().getId(); getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().reloadCategories(); Category catalog = getCategory(id); if ( catalog == null) { catalog = getRootCategory(); } setCurrentCategory(catalog); } else { getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().reloadCategories(); } } public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager inPageManager) { fieldPageManager = inPageManager; } public void changeCategoryId(Category inCategory, String inId) throws OpenEditException { inId = inId.replace('(', '-'); inId = inId.replace(')', '-'); inId = inId.replace(' ', '-'); List assets = getMediaArchive().getAssetsInCategory(inCategory); PageManager pageManager = getPageManager(); // reload = true; Page oldPage = pageManager.getPage(getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() +"/categories/" + inCategory.getId() + ".html"); Page newPage = pageManager.getPage(getMediaArchive().getCatalogHome() +"/categories/" + inId + ".html"); if (oldPage.exists() && !newPage.exists()) { try { pageManager.movePage(oldPage, newPage); } catch ( RepositoryException re ) { throw new OpenEditException( re ); } } if (assets != null) { for (Iterator iter = assets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Asset element = (Asset); //element is an existing asset element.removeCategory(inCategory); //add the new asset (with the new id) to the new catalog } } inCategory.setId( inId ); saveCategory( inCategory ); if (assets != null) { for (Iterator iter = assets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Asset element = (Asset); //element is an existing asset element.addCategory(inCategory); //add the new asset (with the new id) to the new catalog } getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assets); //save all the assets that need to be } } public void removeAssetFromCategory(Category inCategory, String[] inAssetIds) throws OpenEditException { if ( inCategory == null ) { throw new OpenEditException("No category found "); } List assetsToSave = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < inAssetIds.length; i++) { Asset asset = getMediaArchive().getAsset( inAssetIds[i] ); if ( asset != null ) { asset.removeCategory(inCategory); assetsToSave.add(asset); } } getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assetsToSave); } public void addAssetsToCategory(String[] inAssetIds, String inPrefix, String inSuffix, Category inCategory) throws OpenEditException { List assetsToSave = new ArrayList(); if (inCategory != null) { List assets = null; if ( inAssetIds == null) { //copy all of them assets = getMediaArchive().getAssetsInCategory(getCurrentCategory()); } else { assets = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < inAssetIds.length; i++) { Asset element = getMediaArchive().getAsset(inAssetIds[i]); assets.add(element); } } for (Iterator iter = assets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Asset element = (Asset); Asset asset = element; if (inPrefix != null || inSuffix != null) { if ( inPrefix == null) inPrefix = ""; if ( inSuffix == null) inSuffix = ""; asset = getMediaArchive().getAssetEditor().copyAsset(element, inPrefix + element.getId() + inSuffix); } if (asset != null) { asset.addCategory(inCategory); assetsToSave.add(asset); } } getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assetsToSave); } } public void moveAssetsToCategory(String[] inAssetid, Category inCategory1, Category inCategory2) throws OpenEditRuntimeException { List assetsToSave = new ArrayList(); if (inCategory1 != null && inCategory2 != null && inCategory1 != inCategory2) { for (int i = 0; i < inAssetid.length; i++) { Asset asset = getMediaArchive().getAsset(inAssetid[i]); if (asset != null) { asset.removeCategory(inCategory1); asset.addCategory(inCategory2); assetsToSave.add(asset); } } getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assetsToSave); } } public MediaArchive getMediaArchive() { return fieldMediaArchive; } public void setMediaArchive(MediaArchive inMediaArchive) { fieldMediaArchive = inMediaArchive; } public Category getCurrentCategory() { return fieldCurrentCategory; } public void setCurrentCategory(Category currentCategory) { fieldCurrentCategory = currentCategory; } public void reBuildCategories() throws OpenEditRuntimeException { Page totrash = getPageManager().getPage("/WEB-INF/data/" + getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() + "/categories.xml" ); getPageManager().removePage(totrash); String datadir = "/WEB-INF/data/" + getMediaArchive().getCatalogId() + "/originals/"; getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().clearCategories(); Category root = getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().createNewCategory("Index"); getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive().setRootCategory(root); reBuildCategories(getMediaArchive().getCategoryArchive(), root, datadir,datadir); } private void reBuildCategories(CategoryArchive inCategoryArchive, Category inParent, String inStartingFrom, String inFolder ) { List children = getPageManager().getChildrenPaths(inFolder); List assets = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String path = (String); ContentItem item = getPageManager().getRepository().get(path); String source = path.substring(inStartingFrom.length()); Asset existing = getMediaArchive().getAssetBySourcePath(source); if( existing == null && item.isFolder() ) { Category cat = inCategoryArchive.createCategoryTree(source); reBuildCategories(inCategoryArchive,cat, inStartingFrom,path); } else if(existing != null ) { if( existing.getCategories().size() == 1 ) { Category found = (Category)existing.getCategories().get(0); if( found.getId().equals(inParent.getId() ) ) { continue; } } existing.clearCategories(); existing.addCategory(inParent); assets.add(existing); } } getMediaArchive().saveAssets(assets); } }