package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand; import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType; import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class AlchemyPotionBrewer { public static boolean isValidBrew(Player player, ItemStack[] contents) { if (!isValidIngredient(player, contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT])) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (contents[i] == null || contents[i].getType() != Material.POTION) { continue; } if (getChildPotion(PotionConfig.getInstance().getPotion(contents[i].getDurability()), contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT]) != null) { return true; } } return false; } private static AlchemyPotion getChildPotion(AlchemyPotion potion, ItemStack ingredient) { if (potion != null && potion.getChildDataValue(ingredient) != -1) { return PotionConfig.getInstance().getPotion(potion.getChildDataValue(ingredient)); } return null; } public static boolean isEmpty(ItemStack item) { return item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR || item.getAmount() == 0; } private static boolean removeIngredient(BrewerInventory inventory, Player player) { ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone(); if (isEmpty(ingredient) || !isValidIngredient(player, ingredient)) { return false; } else if (ingredient.getAmount() <= 1) { inventory.setIngredient(null); return true; } else { ingredient.setAmount(ingredient.getAmount() - 1); inventory.setIngredient(ingredient); return true; } } public static boolean isValidIngredient(Player player, ItemStack item) { if (isEmpty(item)) { return false; } for (ItemStack ingredient : getValidIngredients(player)) { if (item.isSimilar(ingredient)) { return true; } } return false; } private static List<ItemStack> getValidIngredients(Player player) { return PotionConfig.getInstance().getIngredients((player == null || !Permissions.secondaryAbilityEnabled(player, SecondaryAbility.CONCOCTIONS)) ? 1 : UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().getTier()); } public static void finishBrewing(BlockState brewingStand, Player player, boolean forced) { if (!(brewingStand instanceof BrewingStand)) { return; } BrewerInventory inventory = ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getInventory(); ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone(); if (!removeIngredient(inventory, player)) { return; } List<AlchemyPotion> inputList = new ArrayList<AlchemyPotion>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i); if (isEmpty(item) || item.getType() == Material.GLASS_BOTTLE || !PotionConfig.getInstance().isValidPotion(item)) { continue; } AlchemyPotion input = PotionConfig.getInstance().getPotion(item.getDurability()); AlchemyPotion output = PotionConfig.getInstance().getPotion(input.getChildDataValue(ingredient)); inputList.add(input); if (output != null) { inventory.setItem(i, output.toItemStack(item.getAmount()).clone()); } } FakeBrewEvent event = new FakeBrewEvent(brewingStand.getBlock(), inventory); mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled() || inputList.isEmpty()) { return; } for (AlchemyPotion input : inputList) { AlchemyPotion output = PotionConfig.getInstance().getPotion(input.getChildDataValue(ingredient)); if (output != null && player != null) { PotionStage potionStage = PotionStage.getPotionStage(input, output); if (UserManager.hasPlayerDataKey(player)) { UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().handlePotionBrewSuccesses(potionStage, 1); } } } if (!forced) { scheduleUpdate(inventory); } } public static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot, ClickType click) { boolean success = false; if (click.isLeftClick()) { success = transferItems(view, fromSlot); } else if (click.isRightClick()) { success = transferOneItem(view, fromSlot); } return success; } private static boolean transferOneItem(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) { ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone(); ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone(); if (isEmpty(from)) { return false; } boolean emptyTo = isEmpty(to); int fromAmount = from.getAmount(); if (!emptyTo && fromAmount >= from.getType().getMaxStackSize()) { return false; } else if (emptyTo || from.isSimilar(to)) { if (emptyTo) { to = from.clone(); to.setAmount(1); } else { to.setAmount(to.getAmount() + 1); } from.setAmount(fromAmount - 1); view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to); view.setItem(fromSlot, from); return true; } return false; } /** * Transfer items between two ItemStacks, returning the leftover status */ private static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) { ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone(); ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone(); if (isEmpty(from)) { return false; } else if (isEmpty(to)) { view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, from); view.setItem(fromSlot, null); return true; } else if (from.isSimilar(to)) { int fromAmount = from.getAmount(); int toAmount = to.getAmount(); int maxSize = to.getType().getMaxStackSize(); if (fromAmount + toAmount > maxSize) { int left = fromAmount + toAmount - maxSize; to.setAmount(maxSize); view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to); from.setAmount(left); view.setItem(fromSlot, from); return true; } to.setAmount(fromAmount + toAmount); view.setItem(fromSlot, null); view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to); return true; } return false; } public static void scheduleCheck(Player player, BrewingStand brewingStand) { new AlchemyBrewCheckTask(player, brewingStand).runTask(mcMMO.p); } public static void scheduleUpdate(Inventory inventory) { for (HumanEntity humanEntity : inventory.getViewers()) { if (humanEntity instanceof Player) { new PlayerUpdateInventoryTask((Player) humanEntity).runTask(mcMMO.p); } } } }