package; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LightningStrike; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AcrobaticsManager extends SkillManager { private int fallTries = 0; Location lastFallLocation; public AcrobaticsManager(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer) { super(mcMMOPlayer, SkillType.ACROBATICS); } public boolean canRoll() { return !exploitPrevention() && Permissions.secondaryAbilityEnabled(getPlayer(), SecondaryAbility.ROLL); } public boolean canDodge(Entity damager) { if (Permissions.secondaryAbilityEnabled(getPlayer(), SecondaryAbility.DODGE)) { if (damager instanceof LightningStrike && Acrobatics.dodgeLightningDisabled) { return false; } return skill.shouldProcess(damager); } return false; } /** * Handle the damage reduction and XP gain from the Dodge ability * * @param damage The amount of damage initially dealt by the event * @return the modified event damage if the ability was successful, the original event damage otherwise */ public double dodgeCheck(double damage) { double modifiedDamage = Acrobatics.calculateModifiedDodgeDamage(damage, Acrobatics.dodgeDamageModifier); Player player = getPlayer(); if (!isFatal(modifiedDamage) && SkillUtils.activationSuccessful(SecondaryAbility.DODGE, player, getSkillLevel(), activationChance)) { ParticleEffectUtils.playDodgeEffect(player); if (mcMMOPlayer.useChatNotifications()) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Acrobatics.Combat.Proc")); } // Why do we check respawn cooldown here? if (SkillUtils.cooldownExpired(mcMMOPlayer.getRespawnATS(), Misc.PLAYER_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS)) { applyXpGain((float) (damage * Acrobatics.dodgeXpModifier), XPGainReason.PVP); } return modifiedDamage; } return damage; } /** * Handle the damage reduction and XP gain from the Roll ability * * @param damage The amount of damage initially dealt by the event * @return the modified event damage if the ability was successful, the original event damage otherwise */ public double rollCheck(double damage) { Player player = getPlayer(); if (player.isSneaking() && Permissions.secondaryAbilityEnabled(player, SecondaryAbility.GRACEFUL_ROLL)) { return gracefulRollCheck(damage); } double modifiedDamage = Acrobatics.calculateModifiedRollDamage(damage, Acrobatics.rollThreshold); if (!isFatal(modifiedDamage) && SkillUtils.activationSuccessful(SecondaryAbility.ROLL, player, getSkillLevel(), activationChance)) { player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Acrobatics.Roll.Text")); applyXpGain(calculateRollXP(damage, true), XPGainReason.PVE); return modifiedDamage; } else if (!isFatal(damage)) { applyXpGain(calculateRollXP(damage, false), XPGainReason.PVE); } lastFallLocation = player.getLocation(); return damage; } /** * Handle the damage reduction and XP gain from the Graceful Roll ability * * @param damage The amount of damage initially dealt by the event * @return the modified event damage if the ability was successful, the original event damage otherwise */ private double gracefulRollCheck(double damage) { double modifiedDamage = Acrobatics.calculateModifiedRollDamage(damage, Acrobatics.gracefulRollThreshold); if (!isFatal(modifiedDamage) && SkillUtils.activationSuccessful(SecondaryAbility.GRACEFUL_ROLL, getPlayer(), getSkillLevel(), activationChance)) { getPlayer().sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Acrobatics.Ability.Proc")); applyXpGain(calculateRollXP(damage, true), XPGainReason.PVE); return modifiedDamage; } else if (!isFatal(damage)) { applyXpGain(calculateRollXP(damage, false), XPGainReason.PVE); } return damage; } /** * Check if the player is "farming" Acrobatics XP using * exploits in the game. * * @return true if exploits are detected, false otherwise */ public boolean exploitPrevention() { if (!Config.getInstance().getAcrobaticsPreventAFK()) { return false; } Player player = getPlayer(); if (player.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.ENDER_PEARL || player.isInsideVehicle()) { return true; } Location fallLocation = player.getLocation(); boolean sameLocation = (lastFallLocation != null && Misc.isNear(lastFallLocation, fallLocation, 2)); fallTries = sameLocation ? fallTries + 1 : Math.max(fallTries - 1, 0); lastFallLocation = fallLocation; return fallTries > Config.getInstance().getAcrobaticsAFKMaxTries(); } private boolean isFatal(double damage) { return getPlayer().getHealth() - damage <= 0; } private float calculateRollXP(double damage, boolean isRoll) { ItemStack boots = getPlayer().getInventory().getBoots(); float xp = (float) (damage * (isRoll ? Acrobatics.rollXpModifier : Acrobatics.fallXpModifier)); if (boots != null && boots.containsEnchantment(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL)) { xp *= Acrobatics.featherFallXPModifier; } return xp; } }