/* *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import info.clearthought.layout.TableLayout; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.CommonsLangUtils; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.EditorUtil; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ViewerSorter; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.env.data.model.ParamData; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.env.data.model.ScriptObject; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.IconManager; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.NumericalTextField; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.TitlePanel; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.UIUtilities; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.omeeditpane.OMEWikiComponent; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.tdialog.TinyDialog; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import omero.gateway.model.DataObject; /** * Dialog to run the selected script. The UI is created on the fly. * * @author Jean-Marie Burel      * <a href="mailto:j.burel@dundee.ac.uk">j.burel@dundee.ac.uk</a> * @author Donald MacDonald      * <a href="mailto:donald@lifesci.dundee.ac.uk">donald@lifesci.dundee.ac.uk</a> * @version 3.0 * @since 3.0-Beta4 */ public class ScriptingDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener, DocumentListener, PropertyChangeListener { /** Message indicating that script can only run on objects.*/ public static final String WARNING = "This script can only run on data from the same group.\n" + "Please perform a separate run of the script for each group,\n" + "selecting only data from a single group to run the script on each time."; /** Bound property indicating to run the script. */ public static final String RUN_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = "runSelectedScript"; /** Bound property indicating to download the script. */ public static final String DOWNLOAD_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = "downloadSelectedScript"; /** Bound property indicating to view the script. */ public static final String VIEW_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = "viewSelectedScript"; /** Bound property indicating to close the dialog. */ public static final String CLOSE_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = "closeScript"; /** The background of the description. */ static final Color BG_COLOR = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; /** * The size of the invisible components used to separate buttons * horizontally. */ private static final Dimension H_SPACER_SIZE = new Dimension(5, 10); /** Title of the dialog. */ private static final String TITLE = "Run Script"; /** The text displayed in the header. */ private static final String TEXT = "Set the parameters of the " + "selected script."; /** The text displayed in the header. */ private static final String TEXT_END = EditorUtil.MANDATORY_SYMBOL + " indicates the required parameter."; /** Indicates to close the dialog. */ private static final int CANCEL = 0; /** Indicates to run the script. */ private static final int APPLY = 1; /** Indicates to download the script. */ private static final int DOWNLOAD = 2; /** Indicates to view the script. */ private static final int VIEW = 3; /** Close the dialog. */ private JButton cancelButton; /** Run the script. */ private JButton applyButton; /** Menu offering the ability to download or view the script. */ private JButton menuButton; /** The object to handle. */ private ScriptObject script; /** The components to display. */ private Map<String, ScriptComponent> components; /** The components to display. */ private Map<String, ScriptComponent> componentsAll; /** Used to sort collections. */ private ViewerSorter sorter; /** The menu offering various options to manipulate the script. */ private JPopupMenu optionMenu; /** The objects of reference.*/ private List<DataObject> refObjects; /** The component displaying the data types.*/ private JComboBox dataTypes; /** The component related to the identifier.*/ private IdentifierParamPane identifier; /** Flag indicating if the binary data are available.*/ private boolean binaryAvailable; /** * Map which holds additional reference objects per parameter name for * pre-setting the dialog */ private ListMultimap<String, DataObject> additionalObjects; /** Populates the changes of data types.*/ private void handleDataTypeChanges() { if (identifier == null || dataTypes == null) return; Object o = dataTypes.getSelectedItem(); Class<?> c = script.convertDataType(o.toString()); if (c != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(refObjects)) { DataObject object = refObjects.get(0); if (object.getClass().equals(c)) identifier.setValues(refObjects); else identifier.setValues(null); } } /** Sets the type according to the selected objects.*/ private void setSelectedDataType() { if (identifier == null || dataTypes == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(refObjects)) return; DataObject object = refObjects.get(0); Class<?> klass = object.getClass(); Class<?> c; int selected = dataTypes.getSelectedIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < dataTypes.getItemCount(); i++) { c = script.convertDataType(dataTypes.getItemAt(i).toString()); if (klass.equals(c)) { selected = i; break; } } dataTypes.setSelectedIndex(selected); } /** * Creates the option menu. * * @return See above. */ private JPopupMenu createOptionMenu() { if (optionMenu != null) return optionMenu; optionMenu = new JPopupMenu(); optionMenu.add(createButton("Download", DOWNLOAD)); optionMenu.add(createButton("View", VIEW)); return optionMenu; } /** * Creates a button. * * @param text The text of the button. * @param actionID The action command id. * @return See above. */ private JButton createButton(String text, int actionID) { JButton b = new JButton(text); b.setActionCommand(""+actionID); b.addActionListener(this); b.setOpaque(false); UIUtilities.unifiedButtonLookAndFeel(b); return b; } /** Closes the dialog. */ private void close() { setVisible(false); firePropertyChange(CLOSE_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true)); } /** * Displays information of the identifier. * * @param location Indicates where to display the component. */ private void displayIdentifierInformation(Point location) { JLabel l = new JLabel(IdentifierParamPane.INFO_TEXT); TinyDialog d = new TinyDialog((Frame) getOwner(), l, TinyDialog.CLOSE_ONLY); d.pack(); d.setLocation(location); d.setVisible(true); } /** * Sets the enabled flag of the {@link #applyButton} to <code>true</code> * if the script can run i.e. all required fields are filled, to * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private void canRunScript() { Iterator<Entry<String, ScriptComponent>> i = components.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<String, ScriptComponent> entry; ScriptComponent c; int required = 0; int valueSet = 0; Object value; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); c = entry.getValue(); if (c.isRequired()) { required++; value = c.getValue(); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof String) { if (CommonsLangUtils.isNotBlank((String) value)) valueSet++; } else if (value instanceof List) { List<Object> l = (List<Object>) value; if (l.size() > 0) valueSet++; } else if (value instanceof Map) { Map<Object, Object> m = (Map<Object, Object>) value; if (m.size() > 0) valueSet++; } else valueSet++; } } } applyButton.setEnabled(required == valueSet); if (!binaryAvailable) applyButton.setEnabled(false); } /** Collects the data and fires a property.*/ private void runScript() { Entry<String, ScriptComponent> entry; ScriptComponent c; Iterator<Entry<String, ScriptComponent>> i = componentsAll.entrySet().iterator(); Map<String, ParamData> inputs = script.getInputs(); ParamData param; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); c = entry.getValue(); param = inputs.get(entry.getKey()); param.setValueToPass(c.getValue()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(refObjects)) { DataObject node = refObjects.get(0); script.setGroupID(node.getGroupId()); } firePropertyChange(RUN_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, null, script); close(); } /** * Creates a component displaying the various options. * * @param values The values to display. * @param defValue The default value. * @return See above. */ private JComboBox createValuesBox(List<Object> values, Object defValue) { if (values == null) return null; Object[] v = new Object[values.size()]; Iterator<Object> i = values.iterator(); int j = 0; int index = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { v[j] = i.next(); if (v[j].equals(defValue)) { index = j; } j++; } JComboBox box = new JComboBox(v); box.setSelectedIndex(index); return box; } /** Initializes the components. */ private void initComponents() { sorter = new ViewerSorter(); cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); cancelButton.setToolTipText("Close the dialog."); cancelButton.setActionCommand(""+CANCEL); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); applyButton = new JButton("Run Script"); applyButton.setToolTipText("Run the selected script."); applyButton.setActionCommand(""+APPLY); applyButton.addActionListener(this); IconManager icons = IconManager.getInstance(); menuButton = new JButton(icons.getIcon(IconManager.FILTER_MENU)); menuButton.setText("Script"); menuButton.setHorizontalTextPosition(JButton.LEFT); menuButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { Object src = e.getSource(); if (src instanceof Component) { Point p = e.getPoint(); createOptionMenu().show((Component) src, p.x, p.y); } } }); components = new LinkedHashMap<String, ScriptComponent>(); componentsAll = new LinkedHashMap<String, ScriptComponent>(); Map<String, ParamData> types = script.getInputs(); if (types == null) return; List <ScriptComponent> results = new ArrayList<ScriptComponent>(); Entry<String, ParamData> entry; ParamData param; JComponent comp; ScriptComponent c; String name; Class<?> type; Object defValue ; Iterator<Entry<String, ParamData>> i = types.entrySet().iterator(); List<Object> values; Number n; String details = ""; String text = ""; String grouping; String parent; Map<String, List<ScriptComponent>> childrenMap = new HashMap<String, List<ScriptComponent>>(); List<ScriptComponent> l; int length; boolean columnsSet; while (i.hasNext()) { text = ""; columnsSet = false; comp = null; entry = i.next(); param = entry.getValue(); name = entry.getKey(); type = param.getPrototype(); values = param.getValues(); defValue = param.getDefaultValue(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values)) { comp = createValuesBox(values, defValue); } if (Long.class.equals(type) || Integer.class.equals(type) || Float.class.equals(type) || Double.class.equals(type)) { if (comp == null) { if (script.isIdentifier(name)) { comp = new NumericalTextField(); ((NumericalTextField) comp).setNumberType(type); ((NumericalTextField) comp).setNegativeAccepted(false); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(refObjects)) { //support of image type DataObject object = refObjects.get(0); if (script.isSupportedType(object)){ defValue = object.getId(); } } } else { comp = new NumericalTextField(); ((NumericalTextField) comp).setNumberType(type); n = param.getMinValue(); if (n != null) { if (Long.class.equals(type)) { text += "Min: "+n.longValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMinimum( n.longValue()); } else if (Integer.class.equals(type)) { text += "Min: "+n.intValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMinimum( n.intValue()); } else if (Double.class.equals(type)) { text += "Min: "+n.doubleValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMinimum( n.doubleValue()); } else if (Float.class.equals(type)) { text += "Min: "+n.floatValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMinimum( n.floatValue()); } } else { ((NumericalTextField) comp).setNegativeAccepted(true); } n = param.getMaxValue(); if (n != null) { if (Long.class.equals(type)) { text += "Max: "+n.longValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMaximum( n.longValue()); } else if (Integer.class.equals(type)) { text += "Max: "+n.intValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMaximum( n.intValue()); } else if (Double.class.equals(type)) { text += "Max: "+n.doubleValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMaximum( n.doubleValue()); } else if (Float.class.equals(type)) { text += "Max: "+n.floatValue()+" "; ((NumericalTextField) comp).setMaximum( n.floatValue()); } } } if (defValue != null) ((NumericalTextField) comp).setText(""+defValue); } } else if (String.class.equals(type)) { if (comp == null) { comp = new JTextField(); if (defValue != null) { length = defValue.toString().length(); String s = defValue.toString().trim(); ((JTextField) comp).setColumns(length); ((JTextField) comp).setText(s); columnsSet = s.length() > 0; } } } else if (Boolean.class.equals(type)) { if (comp == null) { comp = new JCheckBox(); if (defValue != null) ((JCheckBox) comp).setSelected((Boolean) defValue); } } else if (Map.class.equals(type)) { if (comp == null) comp = new ComplexParamPane(param.getKeyType(), param.getValueType()); else comp = new ComplexParamPane(param.getKeyType(), (JComboBox) comp); } else if (List.class.equals(type)) { if (script.isIdentifier(name)) { identifier = new IdentifierParamPane(Long.class); identifier.setValues(refObjects); identifier.addDocumentListener(this); comp = identifier; } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(param.getKeyType())) { // a list of longs is usually another field holding ids; IdentifierParamPane id2 = new IdentifierParamPane(Long.class); // check if there are default values for this parameter in the additionalObjects map if(additionalObjects!=null) { List<DataObject> objs = additionalObjects.get(name); id2.setValues(objs); } comp = id2; } else { if (comp == null) comp = new ComplexParamPane(param.getKeyType()); else comp = new ComplexParamPane((JComboBox) comp); } } if (comp != null) { if (comp instanceof JTextField) { if (!columnsSet) ((JTextField) comp).setColumns(ScriptComponent.COLUMNS); ((JTextField) comp).getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); } if (comp instanceof ComplexParamPane) comp.addPropertyChangeListener(this); comp.setToolTipText(param.getDescription()); c = new ScriptComponent(comp, name); if (text.trim().length() > 0) c.setUnit(text); if (!(comp instanceof JComboBox || comp instanceof JCheckBox)) c.setRequired(!param.isOptional()); if (details != null && details.trim().length() > 0) c.setInfo(details); if (comp instanceof JComboBox && script.isDataType(name)) { dataTypes = (JComboBox) comp; dataTypes.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleDataTypeChanges(); } }); } grouping = param.getGrouping(); parent = param.getParent(); c.setParentIndex(parent); if (parent.length() > 0) { l = childrenMap.get(parent); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList<ScriptComponent>(); childrenMap.put(parent, l); } l.add(c); } if (grouping.length() > 0) { c.setGrouping(grouping); c.setNameLabel(grouping); } else { c.setNameLabel(name); } if (c.hasChildren() || parent.length() == 0) { results.add(c); } componentsAll.put(c.getParameterName(), c); } } ScriptComponent key; Iterator<ScriptComponent> k = results.iterator(); while (k.hasNext()) { key = k.next(); grouping = key.getGrouping(); l = childrenMap.get(grouping); childrenMap.remove(grouping); if (l != null) key.setChildren(sorter.sort(l)); } if (childrenMap != null && childrenMap.size() > 0) { Iterator<String> j = childrenMap.keySet().iterator(); ScriptComponent sc; while (j.hasNext()) { parent = j.next(); sc = new ScriptComponent(); sc.setGrouping(parent); sc.setNameLabel(parent); if (CommonsLangUtils.isBlank(sc.getName())) { sc.setParameterName(parent); } sc.setChildren(sorter.sort(childrenMap.get(parent))); results.add(sc); } } List<ScriptComponent> sortedKeys = sorter.sort(results); k = sortedKeys.iterator(); while (k.hasNext()) { key = k.next(); components.put(key.getParameterName(), key); } setSelectedDataType(); if (identifier != null) identifier.addPropertyChangeListener(this); canRunScript(); } /** * Builds the panel hosting the components. * * @return See above. */ private JPanel buildControlPanel() { JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel(); controlPanel.setBorder(null); controlPanel.add(cancelButton); controlPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(H_SPACER_SIZE)); controlPanel.add(applyButton); controlPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(H_SPACER_SIZE)); JPanel bar = new JPanel(); bar.setLayout(new BoxLayout(bar, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); bar.add(controlPanel); bar.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10)); JPanel all = new JPanel(); all.setLayout(new BoxLayout(all, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); all.add(UIUtilities.buildComponentPanel(menuButton)); all.add(UIUtilities.buildComponentPanelRight(bar)); return all; } /** * Returns the component displaying the description of the script. * * @return See above. */ private JComponent buildDescriptionPane() { String description = script.getDescription(); if (CommonsLangUtils.isBlank(description)) return null; OMEWikiComponent area = new OMEWikiComponent(false); area.setEnabled(false); area.setText(description); JPanel content = new JPanel(); content.setLayout(new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JLabel label = UIUtilities.setTextFont(script.getName()); Font f = label.getFont(); label.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle(), f.getSize()+2)); content.add(UIUtilities.buildComponentPanel(label)); content.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5)); JPanel p = UIUtilities.buildComponentPanel(area); p.setBackground(BG_COLOR); area.setBackground(BG_COLOR); content.add(p); return content; } /** * Builds and lays out the details of the script e.g. * authors, contact, version. * * @return See above. */ private JPanel buildScriptDetails() { String[] authors = script.getAuthors(); String contact = script.getContact(); String version = script.getVersion(); if (authors == null && contact == null && version == null) return null; JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setBackground(BG_COLOR); double[] columns = {TableLayout.PREFERRED, 5, TableLayout.FILL}; TableLayout layout = new TableLayout(); layout.setColumn(columns); p.setLayout(layout); int row = 0; JLabel l; if (authors != null && authors.length > 0) { l = UIUtilities.setTextFont("Authors:"); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int n = authors.length-1; for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { buffer.append(authors[i]); if (i < n) buffer.append(", "); } layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(l, "0,"+row); l = new JLabel(); l.setText(buffer.toString()); p.add(l, "2,"+row); row++; } if (CommonsLangUtils.isNotBlank(contact)) { l = UIUtilities.setTextFont("Contact:"); layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(l, "0,"+row); l = new JLabel(); l.setText(contact); p.add(l, "2,"+row); row++; } if (CommonsLangUtils.isNotBlank(version)) { l = UIUtilities.setTextFont("Version:"); layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(l, "0,"+row); l = new JLabel(); l.setText(version); p.add(l, "2,"+row); } if (p.getComponentCount() == 0) return null; return p; } /** * Builds the component displaying the parameters. * * @return See above. */ private JPanel buildBody() { JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); double[] columns = {TableLayout.PREFERRED, 5, TableLayout.FILL}; TableLayout layout = new TableLayout(); layout.setColumn(columns); p.setLayout(layout); int row = 0; JComponent area = buildDescriptionPane(); JComponent authorsPane = buildScriptDetails(); if (area != null) { layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(area, "0,"+row+", 2, "+row); row++; } if (authorsPane != null) { layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(authorsPane, "0,"+row+", 2, "+row); row++; } layout.insertRow(row, 5); row++; Entry<String, ScriptComponent> entry; Iterator<Entry<String, ScriptComponent>> i = components.entrySet().iterator(); ScriptComponent comp; int required = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); comp = entry.getValue(); layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); comp.buildUI(); if (comp.isRequired()) required++; p.add(comp, "0,"+row+", 2, "+row); row++; layout.insertRow(row, 2); row++; } if (required > 0) { JLabel label = new JLabel(TEXT_END); Font font = label.getFont(); label.setFont(font.deriveFont(font.getStyle(), font.getSize()-2)); label.setForeground(UIUtilities.REQUIRED_FIELDS_COLOR); layout.insertRow(row, TableLayout.PREFERRED); p.add(UIUtilities.buildComponentPanel(label), "0,"+row+",2, "+row); } JPanel controls = new JPanel(); controls.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); controls.add(new JScrollPane(p), BorderLayout.CENTER); controls.add(buildControlPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); return controls; } /** Builds and lays out the UI. */ private void buildGUI() { String text = TEXT; TitlePanel tp = new TitlePanel(TITLE, text, script.getIconLarge()); Container c = getContentPane(); c.removeAll(); c.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); c.add(tp, BorderLayout.NORTH); c.add(buildBody(), BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param parent The parent of the frame. * @param script The script to run. Mustn't be <code>null</code>. * @param refObjects The objects of reference. * @param binaryAvailable Flag indicating if binary data are available. */ public ScriptingDialog(JFrame parent, ScriptObject script, List<DataObject> refObjects, boolean binaryAvailable) { this(parent, script, refObjects, null, binaryAvailable); } /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param parent The parent of the frame. * @param script The script to run. Mustn't be <code>null</code>. * @param refObjects The objects of reference. * @param additionalObjects Additional reference objects per input parameter name * @param binaryAvailable Flag indicating if binary data are available. */ public ScriptingDialog(JFrame parent, ScriptObject script, List<DataObject> refObjects, ListMultimap<String, DataObject> additionalObjects, boolean binaryAvailable) { super(parent); this.binaryAvailable = binaryAvailable; reset(script, refObjects, additionalObjects); } /** * Resets the value. * * @param script The script to run. Mustn't be <code>null</code>. * @param refObjects The objects of reference. */ public void reset(ScriptObject script, List<DataObject> refObjects) { reset(script, refObjects, null); } /** * Resets the value. * * @param script The script to run. Mustn't be <code>null</code>. * @param refObjects The objects of reference. * @param additionalObjects Additional reference objects per input parameter name */ public void reset(ScriptObject script, List<DataObject> refObjects, ListMultimap<String, DataObject> additionalObjects) { if (script == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No script specified"); this.script = script; this.refObjects = refObjects; this.additionalObjects = additionalObjects; initComponents(); buildGUI(); pack(); } /** * Closes or runs the scripts. * @see ActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int index = Integer.parseInt(e.getActionCommand()); switch (index) { case CANCEL: close(); break; case APPLY: runScript(); break; case DOWNLOAD: firePropertyChange(DOWNLOAD_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, null, script); break; case VIEW: firePropertyChange(VIEW_SELECTED_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, null, script); } } /** * Checks if the user can run the script. * @see PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String name = evt.getPropertyName(); if (RowPane.MODIFIED_CONTENT_PROPERTY.equals(name)) canRunScript(); else if (IdentifierParamPane.DISPLAY_INFO_PROPERTY.equals(name)) { displayIdentifierInformation((Point) evt.getNewValue()); } } /** * Allows the user to run or not the script. * @see DocumentListener#insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { canRunScript(); } /** * Allows the user to run or not the script. * @see DocumentListener#removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { canRunScript(); } /** * Required by the {@link DocumentListener} I/F but no-operation * implementation in our case. * @see DocumentListener#changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) */ public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {} }