/* $Id$ * * Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt */ package ome.services.blitz.test.fixtures; import java.io.File; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache; import ome.api.IAdmin; import ome.api.IQuery; import ome.api.IUpdate; import ome.api.RawPixelsStore; import ome.model.meta.Experimenter; import ome.model.meta.Node; import ome.model.meta.Session; import ome.services.blitz.Entry; import ome.services.blitz.Router; import ome.services.sessions.SessionContext; import ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl; import ome.services.sessions.state.CacheFactory; import ome.services.sessions.stats.NullSessionStats; import ome.system.OmeroContext; import ome.system.Roles; import ome.tools.spring.ManagedServiceFactory; import omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine; import omero.api.ServiceFactoryPrx; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.MockObjectTestCase; import org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils; /** * Note: Using the {@link Router} wrapper class can cause processes to be * orphaned on the OS. */ public class BlitzServerFixture extends MockObjectTestCase { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlitzServerFixture.class); private final Map<String, Object> STUBS = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private final Map<String, Mock> MOCKS = new HashMap<String, Mock>(); protected Session session; protected SessionContext sc; protected Ehcache cache; // Name used to look up the test context. protected static String DEFAULT = "OMERO.blitz.test"; protected String name; protected Thread t; protected Entry m; protected Router r; protected omero.client ice; protected OmeroContext ctx; int sessionTimeout; int serviceTimeout; // Keys for the mocks that are known to be needed final static String adm = "internal-ome.api.IAdmin", qu = "internal-ome.api.IQuery", up = "internal-ome.api.IUpdate", ss = "securitySystem", re = "managed-omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine", px = "internal-ome.api.RawPixelsStore", ms = "methodSecurity", sm = "sessionManager"; public BlitzServerFixture() { this(DEFAULT, 30, 10); } public BlitzServerFixture(int sessionTimeout, int serviceTimeout) { this(DEFAULT, sessionTimeout, serviceTimeout); } public BlitzServerFixture(String contextName) { this(contextName, 30, 10); } /** It is important to have the timeouts set before context creation */ public BlitzServerFixture(String contextName, int sessionTimeout, int serviceTimeout) { this.name = contextName; this.serviceTimeout = serviceTimeout; this.sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout; // Set property before the OmeroContext is created try { File ice_config = ResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:manual.config"); System.setProperty("ICE_CONFIG", ice_config.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.setProperty("omero.blitz.cache.timeToIdle", "" + serviceTimeout); ctx = OmeroContext.getInstance(name); ctx.close(); startServer(); ManagedServiceFactory stubs = new ManagedServiceFactory(); stubs.setApplicationContext(ctx); MockServiceFactory mocks = new MockServiceFactory(); mocks.setApplicationContext(ctx); Mock mock; Object stub; mock = mocks.getMockByClass(IAdmin.class); stub = stubs.getAdminService(); addMock(adm, mock, stub); mock = mocks.getMockByClass(IQuery.class); stub = stubs.getQueryService(); addMock(qu, mock, stub); mock = mocks.getMockByClass(IUpdate.class); stub = stubs.getUpdateService(); addMock(up, mock, stub); mock = mocks.getMockByClass(RenderingEngine.class); stub = stubs.createRenderingEngine(); addMock(re, mock, stub); mock = mocks.getMockByClass(RawPixelsStore.class); stub = stubs.createRawPixelsStore(); addMock(px, mock, stub); mock = (Mock) ctx.getBean("methodMock"); stub = ctx.getBean("methodSecurity"); addMock(ms, mock, stub); mock = (Mock) ctx.getBean("securityMock"); stub = ctx.getBean("securitySystem"); addMock(ss, mock, stub); mock = (Mock) ctx.getBean("sessionsMock"); stub = ctx.getBean("sessionManager"); addMock(sm, mock, stub); } private void startServer() { m = new Entry(name); throw new RuntimeException("All classes relying on this fixture\n" +"need to be converted to using the in-memory glacier!"); /* t = new Thread(m); r = new Router(); r.setTimeout(sessionTimeout); r.allowAdministration(); m.setRouter(r); t.start(); assertTrue("Startup must succeed", m.waitForStartup()); log .warn("\n" + "============================================================\n" + "Use ONLY Ctrl-C or 'q' in the console to cancel this process\n" + "============================================================"); */ } public void prepareLogin() { session = new Session(new Node(0L, false), "uuid", new Experimenter(0L, false), new Long(0), new Long(0), null, "Test"); sc = new SessionContextImpl(session, Collections.singletonList(1L), Collections.singletonList(1L), Collections .singletonList("user"), new NullSessionStats(), null); CacheFactory factory = new CacheFactory(); factory.setBeanName("blitz.fixture"); factory.setOverflowToDisk(false); cache = factory.createCache(); getMock(sm).expects(once()).method("executePasswordCheck").will( returnValue(true)); getMock(sm).expects(once()).method("create").will(returnValue(session)); getMock(sm).expects(once()).method("inMemoryCache").will( returnValue(cache)); getMock(adm).expects(once()).method("checkPassword").will( returnValue(true)); getMock(ss).expects(once()).method("getSecurityRoles").will( returnValue(new Roles())); } public ServiceFactoryPrx createSession() throws Exception { prepareLogin(); Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("omero.client.Endpoints", "tcp -p 10000"); p.setProperty("omero.user", "user"); p.setProperty("omero.pass", "pass"); p.setProperty("Ice.Default.Router", "OMERO.Glacier2/router:tcp -p 4064 -h"); p.setProperty("Ice.ImplicitContext", "Shared"); ice = new omero.client(p); ServiceFactoryPrx session = ice.createSession(null, null); return session; } public void methodCall() throws Exception { getMock(sm).expects(once()).method("getEventContext").will( returnValue(sc)); getMock(ms).expects(once()).method("isActive").will(returnValue(true)); getMock(ms).expects(once()).method("checkMethod"); getMock(ss).expects(once()).method("login"); getMock(ss).expects(once()).method("logout").will(returnValue(0)); getMock(re).expects(once()).method("close"); } public void destroySession() throws Exception { ice.closeSession(); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { super.tearDown(); } finally { /* m.setStop(); try { Thread.sleep(2L); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // ok } m.shutdown(); */ } } public OmeroContext getContext() { return ctx; } // MOCK MANAGEMENT private void addMock(String name, Mock mock, Object proxy) { if (MOCKS.containsKey(name)) { throw new RuntimeException(name + " already exists."); } MOCKS.put(name, mock); STUBS.put(name, proxy); } public Mock getMock(String name) { return MOCKS.get(name); } public Object getStub(String name) { return STUBS.get(name); } public Mock getAdmin() { return MOCKS.get(adm); } public Mock getQuery() { return MOCKS.get(qu); } public Mock getUpdate() { return MOCKS.get(up); } public Mock getSecSystem() { return MOCKS.get(ss); } public Mock getRndEngine() { return MOCKS.get(re); } public Mock getPixelsStore() { return MOCKS.get(px); } public Mock getMethodSecurity() { return MOCKS.get(ms); } public Mock getSessionManager() { return MOCKS.get(sm); } } class MockServiceFactory extends ManagedServiceFactory { @Override protected String getPrefix() { return "mock:"; } public Mock getMockByClass(Class klass) { return (Mock) ctx.getBean(getPrefix() + klass.getName()); } }