/* * org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.measurement.util.roitable.ROITreeTable * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.measurement.util.roitable; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTreeTable; import org.jdesktop.swingx.treetable.MutableTreeTableNode; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.measurement.util.model.AnnotationField; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.measurement.util.ui.ShapeRenderer; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.roi.model.ROI; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.roi.model.ROIShape; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.roi.model.util.Coord3D; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.graphutils.ShapeType; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.treetable.OMETreeTable; /** * The ROITable is the class extending the JXTreeTable, this shows the * ROI as the parent object and the ROIShapes belonging to the ROI as the * child objects. * * @author Jean-Marie Burel      * <a href="mailto:j.burel@dundee.ac.uk">j.burel@dundee.ac.uk</a> * @author Donald MacDonald      * <a href="mailto:donald@lifesci.dundee.ac.uk">donald@lifesci.dundee.ac.uk</a> * @since OME3.0 */ public class ROITreeTable extends OMETreeTable { /** The root node of the tree. */ private ROITreeNode root; /** Column names of the table. */ private Vector<String> columnNames; /** Collection of column names. */ private List<AnnotationField> fields; /** The map to relate ROI to ROITreeNodes. */ private Map<ROI, ROITreeNode> ROIMap; /** The tree model. */ private ROITreeTableModel model; /** * The constructor for the ROITable, taking the root node and * column names as parameters. * @param model the table model. * @param columnNames the column names. */ public ROITreeTable(ROITreeTableModel model, Vector columnNames, List<AnnotationField> fields) { super(model); this.model = model; this.root = (ROITreeNode) model.getRoot(); this.fields = fields; this.columnNames = columnNames; this.setAutoResizeMode(JXTreeTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); ROIMap = new HashMap<ROI, ROITreeNode>(); for (int i = 0 ; i < model.getColumnCount() ; i++) getColumn(i).setResizable(true); setDefaultRenderer(ShapeType.class, new ShapeRenderer()); setTreeCellRenderer(new ROITreeTableCellRenderer()); } /* TABLE META METHODS: MANIPULATE FIELDS. */ /** * Set the fields of the Table. Each field represents a column in the table * and will represent an annotation in the ROI, ROIShape. * @param newFields see above. */ public void setFields(Vector<String> columnNames, List<AnnotationField> newFields) { fields = newFields; } /* ADD METHODS. */ /** * Add the ROI to the table, placing the ROIShapes in the ROI * to it. This method will create the ROI if it does not exist * already. This method will also collapse all the ROI in the treetable * and expand the ROI of the ROIShape, moving the viewport to * the ROIShape. * @param roi see above. */ public void addROI(ROI roi) { TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> shapeMap = roi.getShapes(); List<ROIShape> shapeList = new ArrayList<ROIShape>(); Iterator<ROIShape> shapeIterator = shapeMap.values().iterator(); while (shapeIterator.hasNext()) shapeList.add(shapeIterator.next()); if (shapeList.size() == 0) return; addROIShapeList(shapeList); } /** * Add the ROIShape to the table, placing it under the ROI the ROIShape * belongs to. This method will create the ROI if it does not exist * already. This method will also collapse all the ROI in the treetable * and expand the ROI of the ROIShape, moving the viewport to * the ROIShape. * @param shape see above. */ public void addROIShape(ROIShape shape) { List<ROIShape> shapeList = new ArrayList<ROIShape>(); shapeList.add(shape); addROIShapeList(shapeList); } /** * Add the ROIShapes in the shapeList to the table, placing it under the * ROI the ROIShape belongs to. This method will create the ROI if it does * not exist already. This method will also collapse all the ROI in the * treetable and expand the ROI of the ROIShape, moving the viewport to * the ROIShape. * @param shapeList see above. */ public void addROIShapeList(List<ROIShape> shapeList) { ROITreeNode parent=null; for (ROIShape shape : shapeList) { parent = findParent(shape.getROI()); if (parent == null) { parent = new ROITreeNode(shape.getROI()); parent.setExpanded(true); ROIMap.put(shape.getROI(), parent); int childCount = root.getChildCount(); root.insert(parent,childCount); } ROITreeNode roiShapeNode = parent.findChild(shape.getCoord3D()); ROITreeNode newNode = new ROITreeNode(shape); newNode.setExpanded(true); if (roiShapeNode != null) { int index = parent.getIndex(roiShapeNode); parent.remove(shape.getCoord3D()); parent.insert(newNode, index); } else parent.insert(newNode, parent.getInsertionPoint(shape.getCoord3D())); } setTreeTableModel(new ROITreeTableModel(root, columnNames, fields)); if (parent != null) expandROIRow(parent); } /* REMOVE METHODS. */ /** * Clear the table. * */ public void clear() { int childCount = root.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0 ; i < childCount ; i++ ) root.remove(0); this.setTreeTableModel(new ROITreeTableModel(root, columnNames, fields)); ROIMap = new HashMap<ROI, ROITreeNode>(); this.invalidate(); this.repaint(); } /** * Remove the ROIShape from the table, and delete the ROI if the * ROIShape was the last ROIShape in the ROI. * @param shape see above. */ public void removeROIShape(ROIShape shape) { ROITreeNode parent = findParent(shape.getROI()); if (parent == null) return; ROITreeNode child = parent.findChild(shape); parent.remove(child); if(parent.getChildCount()==0) root.remove(parent); this.setTreeTableModel( new ROITreeTableModel(root, columnNames, fields)); } /** * Remove the ROI from the table. * @param roi see above. */ public void removeROI(ROI roi) { ROITreeNode ROITreeNode = findParent(roi); root.remove(ROITreeNode); this.setTreeTableModel( new ROITreeTableModel(root, columnNames, fields)); } /* FIND METHODS. */ /** * Find the parent ROITreeNode of the ROI. * @param roi see above. * @return see above. */ public ROITreeNode findParent(ROI roi) { if (ROIMap.containsKey(roi)) return ROIMap.get(roi); return null; } /* GET METHODS. */ /** * Get the ROI Shape at row index. * @param index see above. * @return see above. */ public ROIShape getROIShapeAtRow(int index) { TreePath path = this.getPathForRow(index); if (path == null) return null; ROITreeNode node = (ROITreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node.getUserObject() instanceof ROIShape) return (ROIShape) node.getUserObject(); return null; } /** * Get the ROI at row index. * @param index see above. * @return see above. */ public ROI getROIAtRow(int index) { TreePath path = this.getPathForRow(index); ROITreeNode node = (ROITreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node.getUserObject() instanceof ROI) return (ROI) node.getUserObject(); return null; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the column is hosting a shape. * @return see above */ public boolean isShapeTypeColumn(int column) { TableColumn col = this.getColumn(column); return model.isShapeColumn(col.getModelIndex()); } /* SET METHODS. */ /** * Set the value of the object at row and col to value object, * this will also expand the row of the object set, unless the ROI * of the object is not visible it will then collapse the row. * @param obj see above. * @param row see above. * @param column see above. */ public void setValueAt(Object obj, int row, int column) { ROITreeNode node = (ROITreeNode)getNodeAtRow(row); super.setValueAt(obj, row, column); ROITreeNode expandNode; if (node.getUserObject() instanceof ROI) { ROI roi = (ROI) node.getUserObject(); expandNode = node; if (roi.isVisible()) expandROIRow(expandNode); else collapseROIRow(expandNode); } else { expandNode = (ROITreeNode) node.getParent(); ROIShape roiShape = (ROIShape) node.getUserObject(); if (roiShape.getROI().isVisible()) expandROIRow(expandNode); else collapseROIRow(expandNode); } } /* TREE VIEW METHODS: EXPANSION, COLLAPSE. */ /** * Expand the row of the node * @param node see above. */ public void expandNode(ROITreeNode node) { if (node.getUserObject() instanceof ROI) expandROIRow((ROI)node.getUserObject()); } /** * Expand the row with node parent. * @param parent see above. */ public void expandROIRow(ROITreeNode parent) { int addedNodeIndex = root.getIndex(parent); parent.setExpanded(true); this.expandRow(addedNodeIndex); ROITreeNode node; for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { node = (ROITreeNode) root.getChildAt(i); if (node.isExpanded()) expandPath(node.getPath()); } } /** * Collapse the row with node parent. * @param parent see above. */ public void collapseROIRow(ROITreeNode parent) { int addedNodeIndex = root.getIndex(parent); this.collapseRow(addedNodeIndex); parent.setExpanded(false); ROITreeNode node; for (int i=0; i<root.getChildCount(); i++) { node = (ROITreeNode) root.getChildAt(i); if (node.isExpanded()) expandROIRow((ROITreeNode) node); } } /** * Expand the row with ROI. * @param roi see above. */ public void expandROIRow(ROI roi) { ROITreeNode selectedNode = findParent(roi); this.expandROIRow(selectedNode); // this.scrollCellToVisible(selectedNodeIndex, 0); } /** * Scroll to the selected ROIShape. * @param shape see above. */ public void scrollToROIShape(ROIShape shape) { ROITreeNode parent = findParent(shape.getROI()); if (parent == null) return; expandROIRow(parent); ROITreeNode child = parent.findChild(shape); this.scrollPathToVisible(child.getPath()); } /* MOUSE HANDLING. */ /** * Extending the mouse pressed event to show menu. * @param e mouse event. */ protected void onMousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } /* VIEW UPDATE METHODS. */ /** * Refresh the data in the table. * */ public void refresh() { this.setTreeTableModel(new ROITreeTableModel(root, columnNames, fields)); } /** * The ROIShape has changed it's properties. * @param shape the roiShape which has to be updated. */ public void setROIAttributesChanged(ROIShape shape) { ROITreeNode parent = findParent(shape.getROI()); ROITreeNode child = parent.findChild(shape); model.nodeUpdated(child); } /* SELECTION METHODS. */ /** * Select the ROIShape in the TreeTable and move the view port of the * table to the shape selected. * @param shape */ public void selectROIShape(ROIShape shape) { ROITreeNode parent = findParent(shape.getROI()); if (parent == null) return; expandROIRow(parent); ROITreeNode child = parent.findChild(shape); int row = this.getRowForPath(child.getPath()); this.selectionModel.addSelectionInterval(row, row); } /** * Select the ROI in the TreeTable and move the view port of the * table to the ROI selected. * @param roi */ public void selectROI(ROI roi) { ROITreeNode parent = findParent(roi); if (parent == null) return; expandROIRow(parent); List<MutableTreeTableNode> childList = parent.getChildList(); for (MutableTreeTableNode child : childList) selectROIShape((ROIShape) ((ROITreeNode) child).getUserObject()); } /** * Create a list of all the roi and roishapes selected in the table. * This will only list an roi even if the roi and roishapes are selected. * @return see above. */ public List getSelectedObjects() { int [] selectedRows = this.getSelectedRows(); TreeMap<Long, Object> roiMap = new TreeMap<Long, Object>(); List selectedList = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0 ; i < selectedRows.length ; i++) { Object nodeObject = this.getNodeAtRow( selectedRows[i]).getUserObject(); if(nodeObject instanceof ROI) { ROI roi = (ROI)nodeObject; roiMap.put(roi.getID(), roi); selectedList.add(roi); } } for (int i = 0 ; i < selectedRows.length ; i++) { Object nodeObject = this.getNodeAtRow( selectedRows[i]).getUserObject(); if (nodeObject instanceof ROIShape) { ROIShape roiShape = (ROIShape) nodeObject; if (!roiMap.containsKey(roiShape.getID())) selectedList.add(roiShape); } } return selectedList; } /** * Get the roishapes of the selected objects, this method will split ROI * into their respective ROIshapes. * @return see above. */ public List<ROIShape> getSelectedROIShapes() { int [] selectedRows = this.getSelectedRows(); TreeMap<Long, Object> roiMap = new TreeMap<Long, Object>(); List<ROIShape> selectedList = new ArrayList<ROIShape>(); for(int i = 0 ; i < selectedRows.length ; i++) { Object nodeObject = this.getNodeAtRow( selectedRows[i]).getUserObject(); if (nodeObject instanceof ROI) { ROI roi = (ROI) nodeObject; roiMap.put(roi.getID(), roi); Iterator<ROIShape> shapeIterator = roi.getShapes().values().iterator(); while(shapeIterator.hasNext()) selectedList.add(shapeIterator.next()); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < selectedRows.length ; i++) { Object nodeObject = this.getNodeAtRow( selectedRows[i]).getUserObject(); if (nodeObject instanceof ROIShape) { ROIShape roiShape = (ROIShape)nodeObject; if(!roiMap.containsKey(roiShape.getID())) selectedList.add(roiShape); } } return selectedList; } /* OBJECT ORGANISATION, QUERY METHODS. */ /** * Build the plane map from the selected object list. This builds a map * of all the planes that have objects reside on them. * @param objectList see above. * @return see above. */ public TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> buildPlaneMap(ArrayList objectList) { TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> planeMap = new TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> (new Coord3D()); for (Object node : objectList) { if (node instanceof ROI) { ROI roi = (ROI) node; TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> shapeMap = roi.getShapes(); Iterator i = shapeMap.entrySet().iterator(); Entry entry; Coord3D coord; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = (Entry) i.next(); coord = (Coord3D) entry.getKey(); if (planeMap.containsKey(coord)) return null; planeMap.put(coord, (ROIShape) entry.getValue()); } } else if (node instanceof ROIShape) { ROIShape shape = (ROIShape)node; if(planeMap.containsKey(shape.getCoord3D())) return null; else planeMap.put(shape.getCoord3D(), shape); } } return planeMap; } /** * Get the id of objects in the selected list. * @param selectedObjects * @return see above. */ public List<Long> getIDList(List selectedObjects) { TreeMap<Long,ROI> idMap = new TreeMap<Long, ROI>(); List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Object node : selectedObjects) { ROI roi; if (node instanceof ROI) roi = (ROI)node; else roi = ((ROIShape)node).getROI(); if (!idMap.containsKey(roi.getID())) { idMap.put(roi.getID(), roi); idList.add(roi.getID()); } } return idList; } /** * Are all the roishapes in the shapelist on separate planes. * @param shapeList see above. * @return see above. */ public boolean onSeparatePlanes(ArrayList<ROIShape> shapeList) { TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape> shapeMap = new TreeMap<Coord3D, ROIShape>(new Coord3D()); for (ROIShape shape : shapeList) { if (shapeMap.containsKey(shape.getCoord3D())) return false; else shapeMap.put(shape.getCoord3D(), shape); } return true; } /** * Return true if all the roishapes in the shapelist have the same id. * @param shapeList see above. * @return see above. */ public boolean haveSameID(ArrayList<ROIShape> shapeList) { TreeMap<Long, ROIShape> shapeMap = new TreeMap<Long, ROIShape>(); for (ROIShape shape : shapeList) { if (!shapeMap.containsKey(shape.getID())) { if (shapeMap.size() == 0) shapeMap.put(shape.getID(), shape); else return false; } } return true; } /** * Get the id that the roishapes in the shapelist contain, if they * do not contain the same id return -1; * @param shapeList see above. * @return see above. */ public long getSameID(ArrayList<ROIShape> shapeList) { TreeMap<Long, ROIShape> shapeMap = new TreeMap<Long, ROIShape>(); if (shapeList.size() == 0) return -1; for (ROIShape shape : shapeList) { if (!shapeMap.containsKey(shape.getID())) { if (shapeMap.size() == 0) shapeMap.put(shape.getID(), shape); else return -1; } } return shapeList.get(0).getID(); } /** * Check the list of to make sure the ROIShapes in the list are from the * same ROI and if they are then return true; * @param shapeList see above. * @return see above. */ public boolean shapesInSameROI(ArrayList shapeList) { long id = -1; if (shapeList.size() == 0) return false; boolean first = true; for (Object node : shapeList) { if (node instanceof ROI) return false; else if (node instanceof ROIShape) { ROIShape shape = (ROIShape)node; if (first) { id = shape.getID(); first = false; } if (id != shape.getID()) return false; } } return true; } }