package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ome.api.IQuery; import ome.api.JobHandle; import ome.api.RawFileStore; import ome.api.local.LocalAdmin; import ome.conditions.InternalException; import; import ome.model.IObject; import ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink; import ome.model.meta.Experimenter; import ome.parameters.Parameters; import; import; import; import ome.system.EventContext; import ome.system.Principal; import ome.system.Roles; import ome.system.ServiceFactory; import ome.util.SqlAction; import ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog; import omero.RMap; import omero.RType; import omero.SecurityViolation; import omero.ServerError; import omero.ValidationException; import omero.model.ChecksumAlgorithm; import omero.model.Fileset; import omero.model.Job; import omero.model.OriginalFile; import omero.model.OriginalFileI; import omero.util.IceMapper; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.perf4j.StopWatch; import org.perf4j.slf4j.Slf4JStopWatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import Ice.Current; import; import; import; /** * DAO class for encapsulating operations related to resource access inside the * repository. Methods return types already mapped from Ice. DAO is also used * in the form of a mock in unit tests. * * @author Blazej Pindelski <bpindelski at dundee dot ac dot uk> * @author Colin Blackburn <c.blackburn at dundee dot ac dot uk> * @since 4.5 */ public class RepositoryDaoImpl implements RepositoryDao { private static class Rethrow extends InternalException { private final Throwable t; Rethrow(Throwable t) { super("rethrow!"); this.t = t; } } private static abstract class StatefulWork extends Executor.SimpleWork implements Executor.StatefulWork { private final RawFileBean bean; StatefulWork(RawFileBean bean, Object self, String method, Object...args) { super(self, method, args); this.bean = bean; } public Object getThis() { return bean; } } /** Query to load the original file.*/ private static final String LOAD_ORIGINAL_FILE = "select f from OriginalFile as f left outer join fetch f.hasher where "; /* query to load a user's institution */ private static final String LOAD_USER_INSTITUTION = "SELECT institution FROM " + Experimenter.class.getName() + " WHERE id = :id"; private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RepositoryDaoImpl.class); private final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); protected final Principal principal; protected final Roles roles; protected final Executor executor; protected final Executor statefulExecutor; /** * Primary constructor which takes all final fields. * * @param principal * @param roles * @param executor * @param statefulExecutor */ public RepositoryDaoImpl(Principal principal, Roles roles, Executor executor, Executor statefulExecutor) { this.principal = principal; this.roles = roles; this.executor = executor; this.statefulExecutor = statefulExecutor; } /** * Previous constructor which should no longer be used. Primarily for * simplicity of testing. * * @param principal * @param executor */ public RepositoryDaoImpl(Principal principal, Executor executor) { this(principal, new Roles(), executor, executor.getContext().getBean( "statefulExecutor", Executor.class)); } /** * Loads * @return See above. */ protected RawFileBean unwrapRawFileBean(RawFileStore proxy) { try { return (RawFileBean) ((Advised) proxy).getTargetSource().getTarget(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected SecurityViolation wrapSecurityViolation( ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) throws SecurityViolation { SecurityViolation copy = new SecurityViolation(); IceMapper.fillServerError(copy, sv); throw copy; } public RawFileStore getRawFileStore(final long fileId, final CheckedPath checked, String mode, Ice.Current current) throws SecurityViolation { final RawFileStore proxy = executor.getContext() .getBean("managed-ome.api.RawFileStore", RawFileStore.class); final RawFileBean bean = unwrapRawFileBean(proxy); final FileBuffer buffer = checked.getFileBuffer(mode); try { Map<String, String> fileContext = fileContext(fileId, current); statefulExecutor.execute(fileContext, currentUser(current), new StatefulWork(bean, this, "setFileIdWithBuffer", fileId, checked, mode) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { bean.setFileIdWithBuffer(fileId, buffer); return null; } }); } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) { throw wrapSecurityViolation(sv); } return proxy; } public OriginalFile findRepoFile(final String uuid, final CheckedPath checked, final String mimetype, Ice.Current current) throws omero.ServerError { try { ome.model.core.OriginalFile ofile = (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) executor .execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "findRepoFile", uuid, checked, mimetype) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public ome.model.core.OriginalFile doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return findRepoFile(sf, getSqlAction(), uuid, checked, mimetype); } }); return (OriginalFile) new IceMapper().map(ofile); } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) { throw wrapSecurityViolation(sv); } } public ome.model.core.OriginalFile findRepoFile(ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql, final String uuid, final CheckedPath checked, final String mimetype) { Long id = sql.findRepoFile(uuid, checked.getRelativePath(), checked.getName(), mimetype); if (id == null) { return null; } else { return sf.getQueryService().get( ome.model.core.OriginalFile.class, id); } } public RMap treeList(final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath checked, Current current) throws ServerError { final RMap map = omero.rtypes.rmap(); executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "treeList", repoUuid, checked) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { _treeList(map, repoUuid, checked, sf, getSqlAction()); return null; } }); return map; } /** * Recursive descent for {@link PublicDirectoryI#treeList(String, Current)}. * This should only really be called on directories, but if it's accidentally * called on a non-directory, then we will treat it specially. * * @param rv The {@link RMap} which should be filled for a given level. * @param path * @param __current * @throws ServerError */ private void _treeList(RMap rv, String repoUuid, CheckedPath checked, ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql) { final ome.model.core.OriginalFile file = findRepoFile(sf, sql, repoUuid, checked, null); if (file == null) { if (rv.getValue().size() == 0) { // This is likely the top-level search, and therefore // we can just exit. log.debug("No file found in _treeList: " + checked); } else { // In this case, we've been given data that's now // missing from the DB in the same transaction. // Shouldn't happen. log.warn("No file found in _treeList: " + checked); } return; // EARLY EXIT. } final String name = file.getName(); final String mime = file.getMimetype(); final Long size = file.getSize(); final Long id = file.getId(); final RMap subRv = omero.rtypes.rmap(); final Map<String, RType> subVal = subRv.getValue(); rv.put(name, subRv); subVal.put("id", omero.rtypes.rlong(id)); subVal.put("mimetype", omero.rtypes.rstring(mime)); if (size != null) { subVal.put("size", omero.rtypes.rlong(size)); } if (file.getMimetype() != null && // FIXME: should be set! PublicRepositoryI.DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE.equals(file.getMimetype())) { // Now we recurse List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> subFiles = getOriginalFiles(sf, sql, repoUuid, checked); final RMap subFilesRv = omero.rtypes.rmap(); for (ome.model.core.OriginalFile subFile : subFiles) { CheckedPath child = null; try { child = checked.child(subFile.getName()); if (child == null) { // This should never happen. throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "null child!"); } } catch (omero.ValidationException ve) { // This can only really happen if the database has very odd // information stored. Issuing a warning and then throwing // an exception. log.warn(String.format("Validation exception on %s.child(%s)", checked, subFile.getName()), ve); throw new ome.conditions.ValidationException(ve.getMessage()); } _treeList(subFilesRv, repoUuid, child, sf, sql); } subVal.put("files", subFilesRv); } } public void createOrFixUserDir(final String repoUuid, final List<CheckedPath> checkedPaths, final Session s, final ServiceFactory sf, final SqlAction sql) throws ServerError { final StopWatch outer = new Slf4JStopWatch(); try { for (CheckedPath checked : checkedPaths) { CheckedPath parent; try { parent = checked.parent(); } catch (ValidationException ve) { throw new RuntimeException(ve); } StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); // Look for the dir in all groups ( Long id = sql.findRepoFile(repoUuid, checked.getRelativePath(), checked.getName()); sw.stop("omero.repo.file.find"); ome.model.core.OriginalFile f = null; if (id == null) { // Doesn't exist. Create directory sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); // TODO: this whole method now looks quite similar to _internalRegister f = _internalRegister(repoUuid, Arrays.asList(checked), Arrays.asList(parent), null, PublicRepositoryI.DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE, sf, sql).get(0); sw.stop("omero.repo.file.register"); } else { // Make sure the file is in the user group try { sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); // Now that within one tx, likely cached. f = sf.getQueryService().get( ome.model.core.OriginalFile.class, id); if (f != null) { long groupId = f.getDetails().getGroup().getId(); if (roles.getUserGroupId() == groupId) { // Null f, since it doesn't need to be reset. f = null; } } sw.stop("omero.repo.file.check_group"); } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation e) { // If we aren't allowed to read the file, then likely // it isn't in the user group so we will move it there. f = new ome.model.core.OriginalFile(id, false); } } if (f != null) { sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); ((LocalAdmin) sf.getAdminService()) .internalMoveToCommonSpace(f); sw.stop("omero.repo.file.move_to_common"); } } } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) { throw wrapSecurityViolation(sv); } finally { outer.stop("omero.repo.user_dir"); } } public boolean canUpdate(final omero.model.IObject obj, Ice.Current current) { return (Boolean) executor .execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "canUpdate") { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { try { ome.model.IObject iobj = (ome.model.IObject) new IceMapper().reverse(obj); return sf.getAdminService().canUpdate(iobj); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } }); } public List<Long> filterFilesByRepository(final String repo, List<Long> ids, Ice.Current current) { final List<Long> inRepo = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (final List<Long> idBatch : Iterables.partition(ids, 256)) { inRepo.addAll((Collection<Long>) executor .execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "filterFilesByRepository") { @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Long> doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return getSqlAction().filterFileIdsByRepo(repo, idBatch); } })); } return inRepo; } public OriginalFile getOriginalFile(final long repoId, final Ice.Current current) throws SecurityViolation { try { ome.model.core.OriginalFile oFile = (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) executor .execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "getOriginalFile", repoId) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return sf.getQueryService().findByQuery( LOAD_ORIGINAL_FILE+" = :id", new Parameters().addId(repoId)); } }); return (OriginalFileI) new IceMapper().map(oFile); } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) { throw wrapSecurityViolation(sv); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OriginalFile> getOriginalFiles(final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath checked, final Ice.Current current) throws SecurityViolation { try { List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> oFiles = (List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile>) executor .execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "getOriginalFiles", repoUuid, checked) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return getOriginalFiles(sf, getSqlAction(), repoUuid, checked); } }); return (List<OriginalFile>) new IceMapper().map(oFiles); } catch (ome.conditions.SecurityViolation sv) { throw wrapSecurityViolation(sv); } } protected List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> getOriginalFiles( ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql, final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath checked) { final IQuery q = sf.getQueryService(); final Long id; if (checked.isRoot) { id = q.findByString(ome.model.core.OriginalFile.class, "hash", repoUuid).getId(); if (id == null) { throw new ome.conditions.SecurityViolation( "No repository with UUID: " + repoUuid); } } else { id = sql.findRepoFile(repoUuid, checked.getRelativePath(), checked.getName()); if (id == null) { throw new ome.conditions.SecurityViolation( "No such parent dir: " + checked); } } // Load parent directory to possibly cause // a read sec-vio. // q.get(ome.model.core.OriginalFile.class, id); List<Long> ids = sql.findRepoFiles(repoUuid, checked.getDirname()); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ids)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Parameters p = new Parameters(); p.addIds(ids); return q.findAllByQuery(LOAD_ORIGINAL_FILE+" in (:ids)", p); } public Fileset saveFileset(final String repoUuid, final Fileset _fs, final ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, final List<CheckedPath> paths, final Ice.Current current) throws ServerError { final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); final List<CheckedPath> parents = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(); for (CheckedPath path : paths) { parents.add(path.parent()); } final ome.model.fs.Fileset fs = (ome.model.fs.Fileset) mapper.reverse(_fs); final StopWatch outer = new Slf4JStopWatch(); try { return (Fileset) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork( this, "saveFileset", repoUuid, fs, paths) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { // Pre-save all the jobs. for (int i = 0; i < fs.sizeOfJobLinks(); i++) { FilesetJobLink link = fs.getFilesetJobLink(i); JobHandle jh = sf.createJobHandle(); try { jh.submit(link.child()); link.setChild(jh.getJob()); } finally { jh.close(); } } StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); final int size = paths.size(); List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> ofs = _internalRegister(repoUuid, paths, parents, checksumAlgorithm, null, sf, getSqlAction()); sw.stop("omero.repo.save_fileset.register"); sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CheckedPath checked = paths.get(i); ome.model.core.OriginalFile of = ofs.get(i); fs.getFilesetEntry(i).setOriginalFile(of); } sw.stop("omero.repo.save_fileset.update_fileset_entries"); sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); try { return sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(fs); } finally { sw.stop(""); } }})); } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } finally { outer.stop("omero.repo.save_fileset"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Fileset> loadFilesets(final List<Long> ids, final Ice.Current current) throws ServerError { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<Fileset>(); // EARLY EXIT } final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); try { return (List<Fileset>)<ome.model.fs.Fileset>) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork( this, "loadFilesets", ids) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return sf.getQueryService().findAllByQuery( "select fs from Fileset fs where in (:ids)", new Parameters().addIds(ids)); }})); } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } } public OriginalFile register(final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath checked, final String mimetype, final Ice.Current current) throws ServerError { if (checked.isRoot) { throw new omero.SecurityViolation(null, null, "Can't re-register the repository"); } final CheckedPath parent = checked.parent(); final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); try { final ome.model.core.OriginalFile of = (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork( this, "register", repoUuid, checked, mimetype) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return _internalRegister(repoUuid, Arrays.asList(checked), Arrays.asList(parent), null, mimetype, sf, getSqlAction()).get(0); } }); return (OriginalFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } } /** * Returns original file object is "live" within the Hibernate session. * * @param repoUuid * @param checked * @param mimetype * @param sf * @param sql * @return See above. * @throws ServerError */ public ome.model.core.OriginalFile register(final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath checked, final String mimetype, final ServiceFactory sf, final SqlAction sql) throws ServerError { if (checked.isRoot) { throw new omero.SecurityViolation(null, null, "Can't re-register the repository"); } final CheckedPath parent = checked.parent(); return _internalRegister(repoUuid, Arrays.asList(checked), Arrays.asList(parent), null, mimetype, sf, sql).get(0); } public Job saveJob(final Job job, final Ice.Current current) throws ServerError { if (job == null) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "Job is null!"); } final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); try { final in = ( mapper.reverse(job); final out = ( executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork( this, "saveJob", in) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { JobHandle jh = sf.createJobHandle(); jh.submit(in); return jh.getJob(); } }); return (Job); } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } } public void updateJob(final Job job, final String message, final String status, final Ice.Current current) throws ServerError { if (job == null || job.getId() == null) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "Job is null!"); } final IceMapper mapper = new IceMapper(); try { final in = ( mapper.reverse(job); executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork( this, "updateJob", in, message, status) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { JobHandle jh = sf.createJobHandle(); jh.attach(in.getId()); jh.setStatusAndMessage(status, message); return null; } }); } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } } /* * See api. */ public void makeDirs(final PublicRepositoryI repo, final List<CheckedPath> dirs, final boolean parents, final Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError { try { /* first check for sudo to find real user's event context */ final EventContext effectiveEventContext; final String realSessionUuid = __current.ctx.get(PublicRepositoryI.SUDO_REAL_SESSIONUUID); if (realSessionUuid != null) { final String realGroupName = __current.ctx.get(PublicRepositoryI.SUDO_REAL_GROUP_NAME); final Principal realPrincipal = new Principal(realSessionUuid, realGroupName, null); final Map<String, String> realCtx = new HashMap<String, String>(__current.ctx); realCtx.put(omero.constants.SESSIONUUID.value, realSessionUuid); if (realGroupName == null) { realCtx.remove(omero.constants.GROUP.value); } else { realCtx.put(omero.constants.GROUP.value, realGroupName); } effectiveEventContext = (EventContext) executor.execute(realCtx, realPrincipal, new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "makeDirs", dirs) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return ((LocalAdmin) sf.getAdminService()).getEventContextQuiet(); } }); } else { effectiveEventContext = null; } /* now actually make the directories */ executor.execute(__current.ctx, currentUser(__current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "makeDirs", dirs) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { final ome.system.EventContext eventContext; if (effectiveEventContext == null) { eventContext = ((LocalAdmin) sf.getAdminService()).getEventContextQuiet(); } else { eventContext = effectiveEventContext; /* sudo */ } for (CheckedPath checked : dirs) { try { repo.makeDir(checked, parents, session, sf, getSqlAction(), eventContext); } catch (ServerError se) { throw new Rethrow(se); } } return null; } }); } catch (Rethrow rt) { throw (ServerError) rt.t; } catch (Exception e) { throw (ServerError) mapper.handleException(e, executor.getContext()); } } /** * Internal file registration which must happen within a single tx. All * files in the same directory are loaded in one block. * * @param repoUuid * @param checked * @param checksumAlgorithm * @param mimetype * @param parent * @param sf non-null * @param sql non-null * @return */ private List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> _internalRegister(final String repoUuid, final List<CheckedPath> checked, final List<CheckedPath> parents, ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, final String mimetype, ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql) { final List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> toReturn = new ArrayList<ome.model.core.OriginalFile>(); final ListMultimap<CheckedPath, CheckedPath> levels = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < checked.size(); i++) { levels.put(parents.get(i), checked.get(i)); } for (CheckedPath parent : levels.keySet()) { List<CheckedPath> level = levels.get(parent); List<String> basenames = new ArrayList<String>(checked.size()); for (CheckedPath path: level) { basenames.add(path.getName()); } StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); Map<String, Long> fileIds = sql.findRepoFiles(repoUuid, level.get(0).getRelativePath(), /* all the same */ basenames, null /*mimetypes*/); sw.stop("omero.repo.internal_register.find_repo_files"); List<Long> toLoad = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<CheckedPath> toCreate = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < level.size(); i++) { CheckedPath path = level.get(i); Long fileId = fileIds.get(path.getName()); if (fileId == null) { toCreate.add(path); } else { toLoad.add(fileId); } } if (toCreate.size() > 0) { canWriteParentDirectory(sf, sql, repoUuid, parent); List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> created = createOriginalFile(sf, sql, repoUuid, toCreate, checksumAlgorithm, mimetype); toReturn.addAll(created); } sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); if (toLoad.size() > 0) { List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> loaded = sf.getQueryService().findAllByQuery("select o from OriginalFile o " + "where in (:ids)", new Parameters().addIds(toLoad)); toReturn.addAll(loaded); } sw.stop("omero.repo.internal_register.load"); } return toReturn; } public FsFile getFile(final long id, final Ice.Current current, final String repoUuid) { return (FsFile) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "getFile", id) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { String path = getSqlAction().findRepoFilePath( repoUuid, id); if (path == null) { return null; } return new FsFile(path); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<DeleteLog> findRepoDeleteLogs(final DeleteLog template, Current current) { return (List<DeleteLog>) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "findRepoDeleteLogs", template) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return getSqlAction().findRepoDeleteLogs(template); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<List<DeleteLog>> findRepoDeleteLogs(final List<DeleteLog> templates, Current current) { return (List<List<DeleteLog>>) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "findRepoDeleteLogs", templates) { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { List<List<DeleteLog>> rv = new ArrayList<List<DeleteLog>>(); for (DeleteLog template : templates) { rv.add(getSqlAction().findRepoDeleteLogs(template)); } return rv; } }); } public int deleteRepoDeleteLogs(final DeleteLog template, Current current) { return (Integer) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "deleteRepoDeleteLogs", template) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return getSqlAction().deleteRepoDeleteLogs(template); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Integer> deleteRepoDeleteLogs(final List<DeleteLog> templates, Current current) { return (List<Integer>) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "deleteRepoDeleteLogs", templates) { @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { List<Integer> rv = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (DeleteLog template : templates) { Integer i = getSqlAction().deleteRepoDeleteLogs(template); rv.add(i); } return rv; } }); } public omero.sys.EventContext getEventContext(Ice.Current curr) { EventContext ec = this.currentContext(new Principal(curr.ctx.get( omero.constants.SESSIONUUID.value))); return IceMapper.convert(ec); } protected EventContext currentContext(Principal currentUser) { return (EventContext) executor.execute(currentUser, new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "getEventContext") { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return ((LocalAdmin) sf.getAdminService()).getEventContextQuiet(); } }); } public String getUserInstitution(final long userId, Ice.Current current) { return (String) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.SimpleWork(this, "getUserInstitution") { @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { return getUserInstitution(userId, sf); } }); } public String getUserInstitution(long userId, ServiceFactory sf) { final Parameters parameters = new Parameters().addId(userId); final List<Object[]> results = sf.getQueryService().projection(LOAD_USER_INSTITUTION, parameters); if (results instanceof List && results.get(0) instanceof Object[]) { final Object[] firstResult = (Object[]) results.get(0); if (firstResult.length > 0 && firstResult[0] instanceof String) { return (String) firstResult[0]; } } return null; } // // HELPERS // /** * Primary location for creating original files from a {@link CheckedPath} * instance. This will use access to the actual {@link} * object in order to calculate size, timestamps, etc. * * @param sf * @param sql * @param repoUuid * @param checked * @param checksumAlgorithm * @param mimetype * @return See above. */ protected List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> createOriginalFile( ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql, String repoUuid, List<CheckedPath> checked, ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, String mimetype) { ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm ca = null; if (checksumAlgorithm != null) { ca = new ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm(checksumAlgorithm.getValue().getValue()); } List<ome.model.core.OriginalFile> rv = new ArrayList<ome.model.core.OriginalFile>(); for (CheckedPath path : checked) { ome.model.core.OriginalFile ofile = path.asOriginalFile(mimetype); rv.add(ofile); ofile.setHasher(ca); } StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); IObject[] saved = sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnArray(rv.toArray(new IObject[rv.size()])); sw.stop(""); final List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(saved.length); sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); for (int i = 0; i < saved.length; i++) { final CheckedPath path = checked.get(i); final ome.model.core.OriginalFile ofile = (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) saved[i]; rv.set(i, ofile); ids.add(ofile.getId()); if (PublicRepositoryI.DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE.equals(ofile.getMimetype())) { internalMkdir(path); } } sw.stop("omero.repo.create_original_file.internal_mkdir"); sw = new Slf4JStopWatch(); sql.setFileRepo(ids, repoUuid); sw.stop("omero.repo.create_original_file.set_file_repo"); return rv; } /** * This method should only be used by the register public method in order to * guarantee that the DB is kept in sync with the file system. * @param file the path to ensure exists as a directory * @throws ome.conditions.ResourceError */ protected void internalMkdir(CheckedPath file) { if (file.exists()) { if (file.isRoot || file.isDirectory()) { return; } else { throw new ome.conditions.ResourceError("Cannot mkdir " + file + " because it is already a file"); } } try { if (!file.mkdirs()) { throw new ome.conditions.ResourceError("Cannot mkdir " + file); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString()); // slf4j migration: toString() throw new ome.conditions.ResourceError("Cannot mkdir " + file + ":" + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Throw a {@link ome.conditions.SecurityViolation} if the current * context cannot write to the parent directory. * * @param sf * @param sql * @param repoUuid * @param parent */ protected void canWriteParentDirectory(ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql, final String repoUuid, final CheckedPath parent) { if (parent.isRoot) { // Allow whatever (for the moment) at the top-level return; // EARLY EXIT! } // Now we check whether or not the current user has // write permissions for the *parent* directory. final Long parentId = sql.findRepoFile(repoUuid, parent.getRelativePath(), parent.getName()); if (parentId == null) { throw new ome.conditions.SecurityViolation( "Cannot find parent directory: " + parent); } final ome.model.core.OriginalFile parentObject = new ome.model.core.OriginalFile(parentId, false); long parentObjectOwnerId = -1; long parentObjectGroupId = -1; try { final String query = "SELECT, FROM OriginalFile WHERE id = :id"; final Parameters parameters = new Parameters().addId(parentId); final Object[] results = sf.getQueryService().projection(query, parameters).get(0); parentObjectOwnerId = (Long) results[0]; parentObjectGroupId = (Long) results[1]; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("failed to retrieve owner and group details for original file #" + parentId, e); } if (parentObjectOwnerId != roles.getRootId() || parentObjectGroupId != roles.getUserGroupId()) { final LocalAdmin admin = (LocalAdmin) sf.getAdminService(); if (!admin.canAnnotate(parentObject)) { throw new ome.conditions.SecurityViolation( "No annotate access for parent directory: " + parentId); } } } protected Principal currentUser(Current __current) { final Map<String, String> ctx = __current.ctx; final String session = ctx.get(omero.constants.SESSIONUUID.value); final String group = ctx.get(omero.constants.GROUP.value); return new Principal(session, group, null); } /** * Create a String-String map which can be used as the context for a call * to Executor.execute based on the group of the file object. * @return See above. * @throws SecurityViolation if the file can't be read. */ protected Map<String, String> fileContext(long fileId, Ice.Current current) throws omero.SecurityViolation { // TODO: we should perhaps pass "-1" here regardless of what group is // passed by the client, but that violates the current working of the // API, so using the standard behavior at the moment. final OriginalFile file = getOriginalFile(fileId, current); return groupContext(file.getDetails().getGroup().getId().getValue(), current); } /** * Creates a copy of the {@link Ice.Current#ctx} map and if groupId is * not null, sets the "" key to be a string version of the * id. * * @param groupId * @param current * @return See above. */ protected Map<String, String> groupContext(Long groupId, Ice.Current current) { final Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (current.ctx != null) { context.putAll(current.ctx); } if (groupId != null) { context.put("", Long.toString(groupId)); } return context; } @Override public ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm getChecksumAlgorithm(final String name, Ice.Current current) { return (ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.Work<ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm>() { @Override public String description() { return "get a checksum algorithm by name " + name; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { final String query = "FROM ChecksumAlgorithm WHERE value = :name"; final Parameters params = new Parameters().addString("name", name); final List<Object[]> results = sf.getQueryService().projection(query, params); return (ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm) results.get(0)[0]; } }); } @Override public ome.model.core.OriginalFile getOriginalFileWithHasher(final long id, Ice.Current current) { return (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.Work<ome.model.core.OriginalFile>() { @Override public String description() { return "get an original file #" + id + ", with hasher joined"; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public ome.model.core.OriginalFile doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { final String query = "FROM OriginalFile o LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH o.hasher WHERE = :id"; final Parameters params = new Parameters().addId(id); final List<Object[]> results = sf.getQueryService().projection(query, params); return (ome.model.core.OriginalFile) results.get(0)[0]; } }); } @Override public void saveObject(final IObject object, Ice.Current current) { executor.execute(current.ctx, currentUser(current), new Executor.Work<Object>() { @Override public String description() { return "save the model object " + object; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { sf.getUpdateService().saveObject(object); return null; } }); } }