/* * $Id$ * * Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt */ package ome.services.blitz; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Wrapper around a call to 'glacier2router' to permit Java control over the * process. * * @author Josh Moore, josh at glencoesoftware.com * @since 3.0-Beta3 */ public class Router { private final static String LOCALHOST = ""; private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("OMERO.router"); Process p = null; private final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); { map.put("Glacier2.InstanceName", "OMERO.Glacier2"); setClientEndpoints(LOCALHOST, 4064); setSessionManager(LOCALHOST, 9999); setPermissionsVerifier(LOCALHOST, 9999); setTimeout(600); } public void allowAdministration() { map.put("Glacier2.Admin.Endpoints", "tcp -p 4064 -h"); } public void setClientEndpoints(String host, int port) { map.put("Glacier2.Client.Endpoints", "tcp -p " + port + " -h " + host); } public void setServerEndpoints(String host, int port) { map.put("Glacier2.Server.Endpoints", "tcp -h " + host + " -p " + port); } public void setSessionManager(String host, int port) { map.put("Glacier2.SessionManager", "BlitzManager:tcp -h " + host + " -p " + port); } public void setPermissionsVerifier(String host, int port) { map.put("Glacier2.PermissionsVerifier", "BlitzVerifier:tcp -h " + host + " -p " + port); } public void setTimeout(int timeout) { map.put("Glacier2.SessionTimeout", "" + timeout); } public int start() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(getBashPath()); list.add("--daemon"); for (String string : map.keySet()) { list.add("--" + string + "=" + map.get(string)); } log.info(list.toString()); // slf4j migration: toString() ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(list.toArray(new String[list .size()])); try { p = pb.start(); p.waitFor(); return p.exitValue(); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Failed to start", e); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } String getBashPath() { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-l", "-c", "which glacier2router"); String path; try { Process p = pb.start(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); int c; while ((c = is.read()) != -1) { sb.append((char) c); } path = sb.toString().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return path; } }