package javaforce.webui; import java.lang.reflect.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; /** * XML is a TreeModel data model that encapsules a complete XML file.<br> Each * XML tag (element) is treated as a node in the tree. Once read() it can be * viewed and edited with a JTree. Then you can write() it back to a file. XML * will monitor changes made and update nodes as needed. The read() functions * include a callback interface so you can further tweak the layout of the XML * tree.<br> Typical XML Tag:<br> <name [attributes...]> content | * children </name><br> Singleton XML Tag: (no children)<br> <name * [attributes...] /><br> Caveats:<br> Only leaf nodes can contain actual * data (content) (in other words @XmlMixed is not supported).<br> * Mixed tags are read, but when written the * content is lost.<br> There must be only one root tag.<br> Support for the * standard XML header is provided (see header).<br> readClass() and * writeClass() support : int, short, byte, float, double, boolean, String, * Color and Custom Classes.<br> Arrays of any of these.<br> All classes and * fields MUST be public. static and transient members are skipped. No special * annotations are required. */ public class XML implements TreeModelListener { private TreeModel treemodel; private boolean useContentForName = false; private boolean useNameAttributeForName = false; private boolean useUniqueNames = true; private boolean fireEvents = true; private boolean ignoreEvents = false; private class XMLTagPart { private String content; private String attrs; public XMLTagPart() { content = ""; attrs = ""; } } /** * XMLEvent is an interface for a callback handler used during XML loading. */ public interface XMLEvent { public void XMLTagAdded(XMLTag tag); public void XMLTagRenamed(XMLTag tag); }; /** * XMLAttr is one attribute that is listed in each XML tag. */ public class XMLAttr { public String name, value; public XMLAttr() { name = ""; value = ""; } }; /** * XMLTag is one node in the tree that represents one XML element or 'tag'. * * @param name the XML tag name * @param attrs an ArrayList of XMLAttr * @param uname the unique name of the tag. Usually equals name unless another * child with the same parent has the same name. JTree uses uname to display * the tags. * @param content the data within the tags head/tail * @param isLeaf set to force JTree to view node as a leaf * @param isNotLeaf set to force JTree to view node that is expandable (even * if it has no children) * @param isReadOnly ignores edits from JTree * @param useContentForName causes JTree to use content for display */ public class XMLTag extends TreeNode { public String name = ""; public ArrayList<XMLAttr> attrs; public String uname = ""; //unique name (usually same as name) public String content = ""; /** * Tag is a singleton - no content - ie: <tag attrs.../> */ public boolean isSingle = false; public boolean isNotLeaf = false; public boolean isLeaf = false; public boolean isReadOnly = false; public boolean useContentForName = false; /** * Constructs a new XMLTag */ public XMLTag() { attrs = new ArrayList<XMLAttr>(); } /** * Returns the unique name of the tag. */ public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Returns the parent of the tag. This method just overrides the default * method but returns XMLTag. */ public XMLTag getParent() { if (this == treemodel.getRoot()) { return null; //in case setRoot() moved the root up } return (XMLTag) super.getParent(); } /** * Returns true if the node is a leaf. This method just overrides the * default method and allows better leaf control. */ public boolean isLeaf() { if (isNotLeaf) { return false; } if (isLeaf) { return true; } return (getChildCount() == 0); } /** * Returns a unique name for this node. */ public String getName() { if (useContentForName) { return content; } if (useNameAttributeForName) { String argName = getArg("name"); if (argName != null) { return argName; } } if (useUniqueNames) { return uname; } else { return name; } } /** * Sets the name for this node. */ public void setName(String newName) { //check if name="..." is in attrs, else use name (and update uname) XMLAttr attr; boolean ok = false; for (Iterator i = attrs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { attr = (XMLAttr); if ("name")) { attr.value = newName; ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { name = newName; } setuname(this); } /** * Returns the child tag at index. This method just overrides the default * method but returns XMLTag. */ public XMLTag getChildAt(int index) { return (XMLTag) super.getChildAt(index); } /** * Returns value of argument. */ public String getArg(String name) { for (int a = 0; a < attrs.size(); a++) { if (attrs.get(a).name.equals(name)) { return attrs.get(a).value; } } return null; } /** * Sets argument to value. */ public void setArg(String name, String value) { for (int a = 0; a < attrs.size(); a++) { if (attrs.get(a).name.equals(name)) { attrs.get(a).value = value; return; } } XMLAttr attr = new XMLAttr(); = name; attr.value = value; attrs.add(attr); } /** * Returns the content of this node. */ public String getContent() { return content; } /** * Sets content. */ public void setContent(String newContent) { content = newContent; } }; /** * The header tag.<br> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> */ public XMLTag header = new XMLTag(); /** * The root tag. */ public XMLTag root = new XMLTag(); /** * Constructs a new XML object. */ public XML() { treemodel = new TreeModel(root); treemodel.addTreeModelListener(this); treemodel.setRoot(root); } /** * Returns the TreeModel that can be passed to WebUI Tree constructor. */ public TreeModel getTreeModel() { return treemodel; } private final int XML_OPEN = 1; private final int XML_DATA = 2; private final int XML_CLOSE = 3; private final int XML_SINGLE = 4; private int type; private int line, pos; private byte buf[]; private XMLTagPart readtag() { boolean quote = false, isAttrs = false; char ch; XMLTagPart tag = new XMLTagPart(); type = XML_DATA; while (pos < buf.length) { ch = (char) buf[pos++]; if (ch == '\n') line++; switch (type) { case XML_OPEN: case XML_CLOSE: case XML_SINGLE: if (ch == '\"') { quote = !quote; } if (!quote) { if (ch == '/') { if (tag.content.length() == 0) { type = XML_CLOSE; } else { type = XML_SINGLE; } continue; } if (ch == '>') { break; } } if ((ch == ' ') && (!isAttrs)) { isAttrs = true; } if (isAttrs) { tag.attrs += ch; } else { tag.content += ch; } continue; case XML_DATA: if ((ch == '<') && (!quote)) { if (tag.content.length() > 0) { pos--; break; } type = XML_OPEN; continue; } if (ch == '\"') { if (quote) { quote = false; } else { quote = true; } } tag.content += ch; continue; } break; } if (tag.content.length() == 0) { return null; //EOF } if (type == XML_DATA) { tag.content = decodeSafe(tag.content); } return tag; } private void string2attrs(XMLTag tag, String attrs) { //search for name="value" char ca[] = attrs.toCharArray(); XMLAttr attr; String name, value; int length = attrs.length(); int ep; tag.attrs.clear(); for (int a = 0; a < length; a++) { if (ca[a] == ' ') { continue; //skip spaces } ep = attrs.indexOf('=', a); if (ep == -1) { return; } name = ""; for (int b = a; b < ep; b++) { name += ca[b]; } a = ep + 1; value = ""; if (ca[a] == '\"') { a++; ep = attrs.indexOf('\"', a); if (ep == -1) { return; } for (int b = a; b < ep; b++) { value += ca[b]; } a = ep + 1; } else if (ca[a] == '\'') { a++; ep = attrs.indexOf('\'', a); if (ep == -1) { return; } for (int b = a; b < ep; b++) { value += ca[b]; } a = ep + 1; } else { ep = attrs.indexOf(' ', a); if (ep == -1) { ep = length - 1; } if (ep <= a) { return; } for (int b = a; b < ep; b++) { value += ca[b]; } a = ep + 1; } attr = new XMLAttr(); = name; attr.value = value; tag.attrs.add(attr); } } private void setuname(XMLTag tag) { XMLTag parent = tag.getParent(); String uname =; XMLAttr attr; for (Iterator i = tag.attrs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { attr = (XMLAttr); if ("name")) { uname = attr.value; break; } } String orguname = uname; if (parent == null) { tag.uname = uname; changedTag(tag); return; } boolean ok; int idx = 1; int size = parent.getChildCount(); while (true) { ok = true; for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { XMLTag child = (XMLTag) parent.getChildAt(a); if (child == tag) { continue; } if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(uname)) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { break; } uname = orguname + idx; idx++; } tag.uname = uname; changedTag(tag); } /** * Reads the entire tree from a XML file from filename. No call handler is * used. * * @param filename name of file to load XML data from */ public boolean read(String filename) { return read(filename, null); } /** * Reads the entire tree from a XML file from filename. * * @param filename name of file to load XML data from * @param event callback handler to process each loaded XML tag */ public boolean read(String filename, XMLEvent event) { FileInputStream fis; boolean ret; try { fis = new FileInputStream(filename); ret = read(fis, event); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } return ret; } /** * Reads the entire tree from a XML file from the InputStream. No callback * handler is used. * * @param in InputStream to load XML data from */ public boolean read(InputStream in) { return read(in, null); } /** * Reads the entire tree from a XML file from the InputStream. * * @param in InputStream to load XML data from * @param event callback handler to process each loaded XML tag */ public boolean read(InputStream is, XMLEvent event) { this.event = event; try { buf = JF.readAll(is); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } deleteAll(); type = XML_DATA; XMLTagPart tagpart; XMLTag tag = null, newtag; boolean bRoot = false; boolean bHeader = false; line = 1; while (true) { tagpart = readtag(); if (tagpart == null) { break; } switch (type) { case XML_OPEN: if (tagpart.content.startsWith("?xml")) { if (bHeader) { JFLog.log("XML:Multiple headers found"); return false; } //already read the XML header = tagpart.content; header.uname =; string2attrs(header, tagpart.attrs); if (event != null) { event.XMLTagAdded(header); } break; } if (tagpart.content.startsWith("!--")) { //ignore comments break; } //no break case XML_SINGLE: if (tag == null) { //root tag if (bRoot) { JFLog.log("XML:Multiple root tags found"); return false; } //already found a root tag bRoot = true; = tagpart.content; root.uname =; string2attrs(root, tagpart.attrs); if (event != null) { event.XMLTagAdded(root); } changedTag(root); tag = root; } else { newtag = new XMLTag(); = tagpart.content; string2attrs(newtag, tagpart.attrs); addTag(tag, newtag); if (type == XML_SINGLE) { newtag.isSingle = true; } else { tag = newtag; } } break; case XML_CLOSE: if (tag == null) { JFLog.log("XML:tag closed but never opened:line=" + line); return false; } //bad xml file if (!tagpart.content.equalsIgnoreCase( { JFLog.log("XML:tag closed doesn't match" + + ":tag.close=" + tagpart.content + ":line=" + line ); return false; } //unmatched closing tag tag = (XMLTag) tag.getParent(); break; case XML_DATA: if (tag == null) { continue; //could happen after header and before root tag } tag.content += tagpart.content; break; } } buf = null; if (tag != null) { JFLog.log("XML:tag left open"); return false; } //tag left open return true; } private String attrs2string(XMLTag tag) { XMLAttr attr; int size = tag.attrs.size(); String str = "", tmp; for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { attr = tag.attrs.get(a); tmp = " " + + "=\"" + attr.value + "\""; str += tmp; } return str; } private void writestr(OutputStream out, String str) { try { out.write(str.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { } } private int indent; private void writetag(OutputStream out, XMLTag tag) { String tmp; tmp = ""; for (int a = 0; a < indent; a++) { tmp += ' '; } writestr(out, tmp); int size = tag.getChildCount(); String attrs; if (size > 0) { //write open tag w/ attrs + content attrs = attrs2string(tag); tmp = "<" + + attrs + ">\n"; writestr(out, tmp); indent += 2; //write children for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { writetag(out, (XMLTag) tag.getChildAt(a)); } //write close tag indent -= 2; tmp = ""; for (int a = 0; a < indent; a++) { tmp += ' '; } writestr(out, tmp); tmp = "</" + + ">\n"; writestr(out, tmp); } else { attrs = attrs2string(tag); if (tag.isSingle) { tmp = "<" + + attrs + "/>\n"; } else { tmp = "<" + + attrs + ">" + encodeSafe(tag.content) + "</" + + ">\n"; } writestr(out, tmp); } } /** * Writes the entire tree as a XML file to the filename. */ public boolean write(String filename) { FileOutputStream fos; boolean ret; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); ret = write(fos); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } return ret; } /** * Writes the entire tree as a XML file to the OutputStream. */ public boolean write(OutputStream os) { BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os); String tmp, attrs; if ( == 0) { return false; } if ( > 0) { attrs = attrs2string(header); tmp = "<" + + attrs + ">\n"; writestr(bos, tmp); } //write root header attrs = attrs2string(root); tmp = "<" + + attrs + ">\n"; writestr(bos, tmp); int size = root.getChildCount(); indent = 2; for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { writetag(bos, (XMLTag) root.getChildAt(a)); } //write root tail tmp = "</" + + ">\n"; writestr(bos, tmp); try { bos.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { } //must flush or it's lost return true; } private void clearTag(XMLTag tag) { = ""; tag.attrs = new ArrayList<XMLAttr>(); tag.uname = ""; tag.content = ""; } /** * Deletes the entire tree and resets the root and header tags. */ public void deleteAll() { deleteTag(root); clearTag(header); changedTag(header); clearTag(root); changedTag(root); } /** * Deletes a node from the parent. Also deletes all it's children. */ public boolean deleteTag(XMLTag tag) { //remove children first while (tag.getChildCount() > 0) { deleteTag((XMLTag) tag.getChildAt(0)); } //now remove itself from parent if (tag.getParent() == null) { return true; //can not delete root/header tag itself } treemodel.removeNodeFromParent(tag); return true; } private XMLEvent event = null; /** * Creates an empty node that can be inserted into the tree using addTag(). */ public XMLTag createTag() { return new XMLTag(); //must call addTag() to add to the tree } /** * Adds the node to the targetParent. */ public XMLTag addTag(XMLTag targetParent, XMLTag tag) { treemodel.insertNodeInto(tag, targetParent, targetParent.getChildCount()); setuname(tag); if (event != null) { event.XMLTagAdded(tag); } return tag; } /** * Adds node with the name, attrs and content specified. If another node * already exists with the same name the new node's unique name will differ. */ public XMLTag addTag(XMLTag targetParent, String name, String attrs, String content) { XMLTag newtag = new XMLTag(); = name; newtag.content = content; string2attrs(newtag, attrs); return addTag(targetParent, newtag); } /** * Adds (a non-existing) or sets (an existing) node with the name, attrs and * content specified. */ public XMLTag addSetTag(XMLTag targetParent, String name, String attrs, String content) { XMLTag child; int len = targetParent.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < len; a++) { child = targetParent.getChildAt(a); if ( { setTag(child, name, attrs, content); return child; } } return addTag(targetParent, name, attrs, content); } /** * Notify the treemodel that you changed a node. */ public void changedTag(XMLTag tag) { if (!fireEvents) return; ignoreEvents = true; treemodel.nodeChanged(tag); ignoreEvents = false; } /** * Sets the name, attrs and contents of the true root node. */ public void setRoot(String name, String attrs, String content) { = name; root.uname = name; string2attrs(root, attrs); root.content = content; changedTag(root); } /** * Returns the unique name of a node. */ public String getName(XMLTag tag) { return tag.getName(); } /** * Sets the name of a node. It's unique name may differ when shown in a tree. */ public void setName(XMLTag tag, String newName) { tag.setName(newName); } /** * Returns a node based on the TreePath path; */ public XMLTag getTag(TreePath path) { return getTag(path.getPath()); } /** * Returns a node based on the objs[] path. Relative to virtual root tag. (see * setRoot()) */ public XMLTag getTag(Object objs[]) { XMLTag tag = (XMLTag) treemodel.getRoot(), child; String name; if (objs == null || objs.length == 0) { return null; } name = tag.getName(); if (!name.equals(objs[0].toString())) { return null; } int idx = 1; boolean ok; int cnt; while (idx < objs.length) { ok = false; cnt = tag.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { child = (XMLTag) tag.getChildAt(i); name = child.getName(); if (name.equals(objs[idx].toString())) { ok = true; idx++; tag = child; break; } } if (!ok) { return null; //next path element not found } } return tag; } /** * Sets the name, attrs and content for an existing node. */ public void setTag(XMLTag tag, String name, String attrs, String content) { = name; string2attrs(tag, attrs); tag.content = content; if (tag.getParent() != null) { setuname(tag); } else { tag.uname = name; changedTag(tag); } if (event != null) { event.XMLTagAdded(tag); } } /** * Sets the root node for the tree. This doesn't effect the true root node. * This is usefull in hiding parts of a XML file from view when viewed in a * JTree. */ public void setRoot(XMLTag newRoot) { treemodel.setRoot(newRoot); } /** * Forces getName() to return the tags content instead of the actual name. * * @param state */ public void setUseContentForName(boolean state) { useContentForName = state; } /** * Forces getName() to return the tags content instead of the actual name. */ public boolean getUseContentForName() { return useContentForName; } /** * Forces getName() to return the tags attribute 'name' (if available) * * @param state */ public void setUseAttributeNameForName(boolean state) { useNameAttributeForName = state; } /** * Forces getName() to return the tags content instead of the actual name. */ public boolean getUseAttributeNameForName() { return useNameAttributeForName; } /** * Forces getName() to return unique names. * * @param state */ public void setUseUniqueNames(boolean state) { useUniqueNames = state; } /** * Forces getName() to return the tags content instead of the actual name. */ public boolean getUseUniqueNames() { return useUniqueNames; } /** * Writes all children of tag to object. */ public void writeClass(XMLTag tag, Object obj) { Class<?> c = obj.getClass(); Class<?> fc, fcc; Field f; int childCnt = tag.getChildCount(); XMLTag child; Object i, array[], newArray[]; String name, typeString; for (int a = 0; a < childCnt; a++) { try { child = tag.getChildAt(a); int childChildcnt = child.getChildCount(); name = child.getName(); f = c.getField(name); if (f == null) { JFLog.log("XML:field not found:" + name); continue; } if (childChildcnt > 0) { fc = f.getType(); if (fc.isArray()) { fcc = fc.getComponentType(); i = fcc.newInstance(); writeClass(child, i); array = (Object[]) f.get(obj); if ((array == null) || (array.length == 0)) { newArray = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(fcc, 1); newArray[0] = i; } else { newArray = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length + 1); newArray[array.length] = i; } f.set(obj, newArray); } else { Object childObject = fc.newInstance(); writeClass(child, childObject); f.set(obj, childObject); } } else { typeString = f.toGenericString(); if (typeString.indexOf(" int ") != -1) { f.setInt(obj, Integer.valueOf(child.content)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" short ") != -1) { f.setShort(obj, (short) JF.atoi(child.content)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" byte ") != -1) { f.setByte(obj, (byte) JF.atoi(child.content)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" float ") != -1) { f.setFloat(obj, Float.valueOf(child.content)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" double ") != -1) { f.setDouble(obj, Double.valueOf(child.content)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" boolean ") != -1) { f.setBoolean(obj, child.content.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.lang.String ") != -1) { f.set(obj, child.content); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" javaforce.webui.Color ") != -1) { f.set(obj, new Color(JF.atox(child.content))); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" int[] ") != -1) { int array2[] = (int[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new int[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = Integer.valueOf(child.content); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" short[] ") != -1) { short array2[] = (short[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new short[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = Short.valueOf(child.content); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" byte[] ") != -1) { byte array2[] = (byte[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new byte[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = Byte.valueOf(child.content); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" float[] ") != -1) { float array2[] = (float[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new float[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = Float.valueOf(child.content); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" double[] ") != -1) { double array2[] = (double[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new double[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = Double.valueOf(child.content); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" boolean[] ") != -1) { boolean array2[] = (boolean[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new boolean[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = child.content.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.lang.String[] ") != -1) { String array2[] = (String[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new String[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = child.content; f.set(obj, array2); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.awt.Color[] ") != -1) { Color array2[] = (Color[]) f.get(obj); int idx; if (array2 == null) { idx = 0; array2 = new Color[1]; } else { idx = array2.length; array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array2, array2.length + 1); } array2[idx] = new Color(JF.atox(child.content)); f.set(obj, array2); } else { name = child.getName(); f = c.getField(name); fc = f.getType(); Object childObject = fc.newInstance(); writeClass(child, childObject); f.set(obj, childObject); } } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } } /** * Writes entire XML tree to object. */ public void writeClass(Object obj) { writeClass(root, obj); } /** * Reads all fields from an object and places into tag. */ public void readClass(XMLTag tag, Object obj) { Class<?> c = obj.getClass(), fc; Field fs[]; String name, typeString; try { fs = c.getFields(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return; } int fieldcnt = fs.length; boolean isArray; Object array[]; for (int a = 0; a < fieldcnt; a++) { try { if (fs[a].get(obj) == null) { continue; } fc = fs[a].getType(); isArray = fc.isArray(); name = fs[a].getName(); if (isArray) { typeString = fs[a].toGenericString(); if (typeString.indexOf(" static ") != -1) { continue; //ignore static fields } if (typeString.indexOf(" transient ") != -1) { continue; //ignore transient fields } array = (Object[]) fs[a].get(obj); if (typeString.indexOf(" int[] ") != -1) { Integer array2[] = (Integer[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + array2[b].intValue()); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" short[] ") != -1) { Short array2[] = (Short[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + array2[b].shortValue()); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" byte[] ") != -1) { Byte array2[] = (Byte[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + array2[b].byteValue()); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" boolean[] ") != -1) { Boolean array2[] = (Boolean[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", array2[b].booleanValue() ? "true" : "false"); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" float[] ") != -1) { Float array2[] = (Float[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + array2[b].floatValue()); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" double[] ") != -1) { Double array2[] = (Double[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + array2[b].doubleValue()); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.lang.String[] ") != -1) { String array2[] = (String[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", array2[b]); } } else if (typeString.indexOf(" javaforce.webui.Color[] ") != -1) { Color array2[] = (Color[]) array; for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { addTag(tag, name, "", Integer.toHexString(array2[b].getRGB()).substring(2)); } } else { //go deeper into object for (int b = 0; b < array.length; b++) { readClass(addTag(tag, name, "", ""), array[b]); } } } else { typeString = fs[a].toGenericString(); if (typeString.indexOf(" static ") != -1) { continue; //ignore static fields } if (typeString.indexOf(" transient ") != -1) { continue; //ignore transient fields } if (typeString.indexOf(" int ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + fs[a].getInt(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" short ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + fs[a].getShort(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" byte ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + fs[a].getByte(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" boolean ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", fs[a].getBoolean(obj) ? "true" : "false"); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" float ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + fs[a].getFloat(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" double ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", "" + fs[a].getDouble(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.lang.String ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", (String) fs[a].get(obj)); } else if (typeString.indexOf(" java.awt.Color ") != -1) { addTag(tag, name, "", Integer.toHexString(((Color) fs[a].get(obj)).getRGB()).substring(2)); } else { //go deeper into object readClass(addTag(tag, name, "", ""), fs[a].get(obj)); } } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } } /** * Reads entire XML tree from object (deletes entire tree first).<br> * * @param rootName = name to assign to root tag. */ public void readClass(String rootName, Object obj) { this.deleteAll(); root.setName(rootName); readClass(root, obj); } public void setEventListener(XMLEvent event) { this.event = event; } private String encodeSafe(String in) { return in.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"); //order matters here } private String decodeSafe(String in) { return in.replaceAll(">", ">").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll("&", "&"); } //interface TreeModelListener public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { if (ignoreEvents) return; XMLTag parent = (XMLTag) (e.getTreePath().getLastPathComponent()); int indices[] = e.getChildIndices(); if (indices == null || indices.length == 0) { return; } /* * If the event lists children, then the changed * node is the child of the node we've already * gotten. Otherwise, the changed node and the * specified node are the same. */ int index = indices[0]; XMLTag tag = (XMLTag) (parent.getChildAt(index)); if (tag.isReadOnly) { return; } if (tag.getUserObject() == null) { return; } fireEvents = false; //prevent inf loop (setName will call changedTag which calls treemodel.nodeChanged) tag.setName(tag.getUserObject().toString()); fireEvents = true; if (event != null) { event.XMLTagRenamed(tag); } } public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) { } public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) { } public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { } };