package; import javaforce.jni.JFNative; /** OpenGL Window. * * @author pquiring */ public class GLWindow { static { GL.load(); } public static final int MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = 1; public static final int MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = 2; public static final int MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = 3; public static interface KeyEvents { public void keyTyped(char ch); public void keyPressed(int key); public void keyReleased(int key); } public static interface MouseEvents { public void mouseMove(int x,int y); public void mouseDown(int button); public void mouseUp(int button); public void mouseScroll(int x,int y); } public static interface WindowEvents { public void windowResize(int x,int y); public void windowClosing(); } private static native boolean ninit(); public static boolean init() { if (!JFNative.loaded) return false; return ninit(); } private long id; private KeyEvents keys; private MouseEvents mouse; private WindowEvents window; private static final int KEY_TYPED = 1; private static final int KEY_PRESS = 2; private static final int KEY_RELEASE = 3; private static final int MOUSE_MOVE = 4; private static final int MOUSE_DOWN = 5; private static final int MOUSE_UP = 6; private static final int MOUSE_SCROLL = 7; private static final int WIN_RESIZE = 8; private static final int WIN_CLOSING = 9; /** This is called from native code to dispatch events. */ private void dispatchEvent(int type, int v1, int v2) { switch (type) { case KEY_TYPED: if (keys != null) keys.keyTyped((char)v1); break; case KEY_PRESS: if (keys != null) keys.keyPressed((char)v1); break; case KEY_RELEASE: if (keys != null) keys.keyReleased((char)v1); break; case MOUSE_MOVE: if (mouse != null) mouse.mouseMove(v1, v2); break; case MOUSE_DOWN: if (mouse != null) mouse.mouseDown(v1); break; case MOUSE_UP: if (mouse != null) mouse.mouseUp(v1); break; case MOUSE_SCROLL: if (mouse != null) mouse.mouseScroll(v1, v2); break; case WIN_RESIZE: if (window != null) window.windowResize(v1, v2); break; case WIN_CLOSING: if (window != null) window.windowClosing(); break; } } public static final int STYLE_VISIBLE = 1; public static final int STYLE_RESIZABLE = 2; public static final int STYLE_TITLEBAR = 4; public static final int STYLE_FULLSCREEN = 8; private static native long ncreate(int style, String title, int width, int height, GLWindow eventMgr, long shared); public boolean create(int style, String title, int width, int height, GLWindow shared) { id = ncreate(style, title, width, height, this, shared == null ? 0 :; return id != 0; } private static native void ndestroy(long id); /** Show the window. */ public void destroy() { if (id == 0) return; ndestroy(id); id = 0; } private static native void nsetcurrent(long id); /** Set the OpenGL Context current for this window. */ public void setCurrent() { nsetcurrent(id); } private static native void nseticon(long id, String icon, int x, int y); /** Set an icon to the window. * This function is somewhat platform dependant. * Only windows is supported currently. * @param filename = file (.ico for windows) */ public void setIcon(String filename, int x, int y) { nseticon(id, filename, x, y); } public void setKeyListener(KeyEvents keys) { this.keys = keys; } public void setMouseListener(MouseEvents mouse) { this.mouse = mouse; } public void setWindowListener(WindowEvents window) { this.window = window; } /** Polls for events. */ public static native void pollEvents(); private static native void nshow(long id); /** Show the window. */ public void show() { nshow(id); } private static native void nhide(long id); /** Hide the window. */ public void hide() { nhide(id); } private static native void nswap(long id); /** Swaps the OpenGL Buffers. */ public void swap() { nswap(id); } private static native void nhidecursor(long id); /** Hide the cursor. */ public void hideCursor() { nhidecursor(id); } private static native void nshowcursor(long id); /** Show the cursor (default). */ public void showCursor() { nshowcursor(id); } private static native void nlockcursor(long id); /** Hide the cursor and lock to this window. * Use showCursor() to unlock. */ public void lockCursor() { nlockcursor(id); } private static native void ngetpos(long id, int pos[]); /** Get window position. * @return int[0] = x, int[1] = y */ public int[] getPosition() { int ret[] = new int[2]; ngetpos(id, ret); return ret; } private static native void nsetpos(long id, int x, int y); /** set window position. * @return int[0] = x, int[1] = y */ public void setPosition(int x,int y) { nsetpos(id, x, y); } }