package; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import static*; /** <code>GLObject</code> consists of vertex points, and polygons (usually triangles). * All polygons share the same orientation (rotation, translation, scale). */ public class GLObject implements Cloneable { public JFArrayFloat vpl; //vertex position list public JFArrayInt vil; //vertex index list public int vpb = -1, vib = -1; //GL Buffers public int type = GL.GL_TRIANGLES; //GL_TRIANGLES or GL_QUADS public ArrayList<GLUVMap> maps = new ArrayList<GLUVMap>(); public boolean visible = true; public boolean needCopyBuffers = true; //animation data public HashMap<Integer, GLTranslate> tl; //move list public HashMap<Integer, GLRotate> rl; //rotation list public HashMap<Integer, GLScale> sl; //scale list public int frameIndex; public GLMatrix m; //current rotation, translation, scale public float color[]; //RGBA (default = 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) public GLVertex org; //origin (default = 0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) public String name; public int parent; //a 3ds file field (not used) public int maxframeCount; public GLObject() { frameIndex = 0; vpl = new JFArrayFloat(); vil = new JFArrayInt(); tl = new HashMap<Integer, GLTranslate>(); rl = new HashMap<Integer, GLRotate>(); sl = new HashMap<Integer, GLScale>(); color = new float[4]; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) color[a] = 1.0f; visible = true; org = new GLVertex(); parent = -1; maxframeCount = 0; m = new GLMatrix(); } public Object clone() { GLObject cln = new GLObject(); cln.vpl = vpl; cln.vil = vil; cln.maps = maps; cln.visible = visible; = tl; cln.rl = rl; = sl; cln.frameIndex = frameIndex; cln.m = (GLMatrix)m.clone(); //super.clone() would use an assignment cln.color = new float[4]; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) cln.color[a] = color[a]; = org; cln.parent = parent; cln.maxframeCount = maxframeCount; cln.type = type; return cln; } public void setVisible(boolean state) {visible = state;} public void addRotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z, GLVertex org) { GLMatrix tmp = new GLMatrix(); //rotates relative to org tmp.setAA(angle, x, y, z); //set rotation tmp.addTranslate(org.x, org.y, org.z); //set translation m.mult4x4(tmp); //add it //now undo translation tmp.setIdentity3x3(); //remove rotation tmp.reverseTranslate(); m.mult4x4(tmp); } public void addTranslate(float x, float y, float z) { m.addTranslate(x,y,z); } public void addScale(float x, float y, float z) { m.addScale(x,y,z); } public void setFrame(int idx) { //0=init state GLRotate _r; GLTranslate _t; GLScale _s; frameIndex = idx; if (idx == 0) { m.setIdentity(); return; } _t = tl.get(idx); if (_t != null) { addTranslate((_t.x - org.x),(_t.y - org.y),(_t.z - org.z)); } _r = rl.get(idx); if (_r != null) { addRotate(_r.angle,_r.x,_r.y,_r.z,org); } _s = sl.get(idx); if (_s != null) { addScale(_s.x, _s.y, _s.z); } } public void nextFrame() { setFrame(frameIndex+1); } public int frameCount() { return maxframeCount; } public void addVertex(float xyz[]) { vpl.append(xyz); } public void addVertex(float xyz[], float uv[]) { vpl.append(xyz); maps.get(0).uvl.append(uv); } public void addVertex(float xyz[], float uv1[], float uv2[]) { vpl.append(xyz); maps.get(0).uvl.append(uv1); maps.get(1).uvl.append(uv2); } public void addVertex(GLVertex v) { vpl.append(v.x); vpl.append(v.y); vpl.append(v.z); GLUVMap map = maps.get(0); map.uvl.append(v.u); map.uvl.append(v.v); } public int getVertexCount() { return vpl.size() / 3; } public void addText(float uv[]) { maps.get(0).addText(uv); } public void addText(float uv[], int map) { maps.get(map).addText(uv); } public void addPoly(int pts[]) { vil.append(pts); } public void copyBuffers() { int ids[] = new int[1]; if (vpb == -1) { glGenBuffers(1, ids); vpb = ids[0]; } glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vpb); glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vpl.size() * 4, vpl.toArray(), GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); for(int a=0;a<maps.size();a++) { maps.get(a).copyBuffers(); } if (vib == -1) { glGenBuffers(1, ids); vib = ids[0]; } glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vib); glBufferData(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vil.size() * 4, vil.toArray(), GL.GL_STREAM_DRAW); needCopyBuffers = false; } public void bindBuffers(GLScene scene) { glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vpb); glVertexAttribPointer(scene.vpa, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, GL.GL_FALSE, 0, 0); for(int m=0;m<maps.size();m++) { maps.get(m).bindBuffers(scene); } glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vib); } public void render(GLScene scene) { if (vpl.size() == 0 || vil.size() == 0) return; //crashes if empty ??? int uvcnt = maps.size(); glUniform1i(scene.uUVMaps, uvcnt); GL.glEnableVertexAttribArray(scene.tca[0]); if (uvcnt > 1) { GL.glEnableVertexAttribArray(scene.tca[1]); } else { GL.glDisableVertexAttribArray(scene.tca[1]); } glDrawElements(type, vil.size(), GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0); } public GLUVMap createUVMap() { GLUVMap map = new GLUVMap(maps.size()); maps.add(map); return map; } public GLUVMap getUVMap(int idx) { return maps.get(idx); } public GLUVMap getUVMap(String name) { for(int a=0;a<maps.size();a++) { GLUVMap map = maps.get(a); if ( return map; } return null; } public int getUVMaps() { return maps.size(); } public void print(GLModel model) { System.out.println("Object:" + name); //print vertex data float vp[] = vpl.toArray(); for(int a=0;a<vp.length;) { System.out.println(String.format("v[%d]=%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f", a/3, vp[a++], vp[a++], vp[a++])); } //print poly data int vi[] = vil.toArray(); for(int a=0;a<vi.length;) { switch (type) { case GL.GL_TRIANGLES: System.out.println(String.format("i[%d]=%d,%d,%d", a/3, vi[a++], vi[a++], vi[a++])); break; case GL.GL_QUADS: System.out.println(String.format("i[%d]=%d,%d,%d,%d", a/4, vi[a++], vi[a++], vi[a++], vi[a++])); break; } } //print uv maps for(int m=0;m<maps.size();m++) { GLUVMap map = maps.get(m); System.out.println("UVMap:" + + ",texture=" + model.textures.get(map.textureIndex)); float uv[] = map.uvl.toArray(); for(int a=0;a<uv.length;) { System.out.println(String.format("uv[%d]=%6.3f,%6.3f", a/2, uv[a++], uv[a++])); } } } }