package javaforce.voip; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; /** * Handles the server end of a SIP link. */ public class SIPServer extends SIP implements SIPInterface { private int localport; private String localhost; private Hashtable<String, CallDetailsServer> cdlist; private SIPServerInterface iface; private boolean use_qop = false; public boolean init(int localport, SIPServerInterface iface, Transport type) { this.iface = iface; this.localport = localport; cdlist = new Hashtable<String, CallDetailsServer>(); try { JFLog.log("Starting SIP Server on port " + localport); super.init(localport, this, true, type); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log("SIPServer:init() failed : " + e); return false; } return true; } public void uninit() { super.uninit(); } public void enableQOP(boolean state) { use_qop = state; } public CallDetailsServer getCallDetailsServer(String callid) { CallDetailsServer cd = cdlist.get(callid); if (cd == null) { cd = iface.createCallDetailsServer(); cd.sip = this; cd.callid = callid; cd.localhost = localhost; setCallDetailsServer(callid, cd); } return cd; } public void setCallDetailsServer(String callid, CallDetailsServer cd) { if (cd == null) { cdlist.remove(callid); } else { cdlist.put(callid, cd); } } public boolean issue(CallDetailsServer cd, String header, boolean sdp, boolean src) { CallDetails.SideDetails cdsd = (src ? cd.pbxsrc : cd.pbxdst); JFLog.log("callid:" + cd.callid + "\r\nissue command : " + cd.cmd + " from : " + cd.user + " to : " + + ":" + cdsd.port); StringBuffer req = new StringBuffer(); req.append(cd.cmd + " " + cdsd.uri + " SIP/2.0\r\n"); req.append("Via: SIP/2.0/UDP " + cd.localhost + ":" + localport + ";branch=" + cdsd.branch + "\r\n"); req.append("Max-Forwards: 70\r\n"); req.append("Contact: " + + "\r\n"); req.append("To: " + join( + "\r\n"); req.append("From: " + join(cdsd.from) + "\r\n"); req.append("Call-ID: " + cd.callid + "\r\n"); req.append("Cseq: " + cdsd.cseq + " " + cd.cmd + "\r\n"); req.append("Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, OPTIONS\r\n"); req.append("User-Agent: " + useragent + "\r\n"); if (header != null) { req.append(header); } if ((cd.sdp != null) && (sdp)) { req.append("Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"); req.append("Content-Length: " + cd.sdp.length() + "\r\n\r\n"); req.append(cd.sdp); } else { req.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); } if (cdsd.addr == null) { try { cdsd.addr = InetAddress.getByName(; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } return send(cdsd.addr, cdsd.port, req.toString()); } public boolean reply(CallDetailsServer cd, int code, String msg, String header, boolean sdp, boolean src) { CallDetails.SideDetails cdsd = (src ? cd.pbxsrc : cd.pbxdst); JFLog.log("callid:" + cd.callid + "\r\nissue reply : " + code + " to : " + + ":" + cdsd.port); StringBuffer req = new StringBuffer(); req.append("SIP/2.0 " + code + " " + msg + "\r\n"); if (cdsd.vialist != null) { for (int a = 0; a < cdsd.vialist.length; a++) { if (a == 0) { //add received to first via entry (and rport if requested) String via = cdsd.vialist[a]; String f[] = via.split(";"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int b=0;b<f.length;b++) { if (f[b].equals("rport")) { f[b] = "rport=" + cdsd.port; } sb.append(f[b]); sb.append(";"); } sb.append("received=" +; req.append(sb.toString()); req.append("\r\n"); } else { req.append(cdsd.vialist[a]); req.append("\r\n"); } } } if (code < 400) { req.append("Contact: " + + "\r\n"); } req.append("To: " + join( + "\r\n"); req.append("From: " + join(cdsd.from) + "\r\n"); req.append("Call-ID: " + cd.callid + "\r\n"); req.append("Cseq: " + cdsd.cseq + " " + cd.cmd + "\r\n"); req.append("Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, OPTIONS\r\n"); req.append("User-Agent: " + useragent + "\r\n"); if (header != null) { req.append(header); } if ((cd.sdp != null) && (sdp)) { req.append("Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"); req.append("Content-Length: " + cd.sdp.length() + "\r\n\r\n"); req.append(cd.sdp); } else { req.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); } if (cdsd.addr == null) { try { cdsd.addr = InetAddress.getByName(; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } return send(cdsd.addr, cdsd.port, req.toString()); } public String getlocalRTPhost(CallDetails cd) { return cd.localhost; } public boolean register(String user, String pass, String remotehost, int remoteport, int expires, String did, String regcallid) { //NOTE : There is no dst in a register, it's a one-sided call CallDetailsServer cd = getCallDetailsServer(regcallid); cd.user = user; cd.pass = pass; cd.pbxsrc.expires = expires; = new String[]{user, user, remotehost + ":" + remoteport, ":"}; cd.pbxsrc.from = new String[]{user, user, remotehost + ":" + remoteport, ":"}; cd.pbxsrc.from = replacetag(cd.pbxsrc.from, generatetag()); = "<sip:" + did + "@" + cd.localhost + ":" + localport + ">"; cd.pbxsrc.uri = "sip:" + remotehost; // + ";rinstance=" + getrinstance(); cd.callid = regcallid; cd.pbxsrc.branch = getbranch(); cd.pbxsrc.cseq++; cd.cmd = "REGISTER"; = = remotehost; cd.src.port = cd.pbxsrc.port = remoteport; cd.authsent = false; boolean ret = issue(cd, null, false, true); return ret; } //copies "some" fields from src to dest public void clone(CallDetails.SideDetails src, CallDetails.SideDetails dst) { =; dst.port = src.port; =; dst.from = src.from.clone(); dst.uri = src.uri; dst.cseq = src.cseq; dst.branch = src.branch; =; dst.vialist = src.vialist; } public void packet(String msg[], String remoteip, int remoteport) { try { String tmp, req = null, epass; String callid = getHeader("Call-ID:", msg); if (callid == null) callid = getHeader("i:", msg); if (callid == null) { JFLog.log("Bad packet (no Call-ID) from:" + remoteip + ":" + remoteport); return; } CallDetailsServer cd = getCallDetailsServer(callid); if (cd.localhost == null && !msg[0].startsWith("SIP/")) { String f[] = msg[0].split(" "); //REQUEST sip:[ext@]HOST[:port] SIP/2.0 String sip = f[1]; if (sip.startsWith("sip:")) { sip = sip.substring(4); } int idx1 = sip.indexOf("@"); if (idx1 == -1) { idx1 = 0; } else { idx1++; } int idx2 = sip.indexOf(":"); String host; if (idx2 == -1) { host = sip.substring(idx1); } else { host = sip.substring(idx1, idx2); } cd.localhost = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress(); JFLog.log("server address=" + cd.localhost); localhost = cd.localhost; } cd.lastPacket = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean src = false; CallDetails.SideDetails cdsd = null; CallDetails.SideDetails cdpbx = null; //update CallDetailsServer synchronized (cd.lock) { if (( == null) && ( == null)) { //new call leg (assign this side to src) src = true; cdsd = cd.src; cdpbx = cd.pbxsrc; } else { if ( != null && resolve( && cd.src.port == remoteport) { src = true; cdsd = cd.src; cdpbx = cd.pbxsrc; } else if ( != null && resolve( && cd.dst.port == remoteport) { src = false; cdsd = cd.dst; cdpbx = cd.pbxdst; } else { JFLog.log("Ignoring packet from unknown host:" + remoteip + ":" + remoteport); return; //you were not invited to this party } } cdsd.cseq = getcseq(msg); = remoteip; cdsd.port = remoteport; cdsd.branch = getbranch(msg); //get tmp = getHeader("To:", msg); if (tmp == null) { tmp = getHeader("t:", msg); } = split(tmp); //get cd.from tmp = getHeader("From:", msg); if (tmp == null) { tmp = getHeader("f:", msg); } cdsd.from = split(tmp); //extract user from cd.from "display" <sip:user@host>;tag=... cd.user = cdsd.from[1]; //get via list cdsd.vialist = getvialist(msg); //set contact = "<sip:" + cd.user + "@" + cd.localhost + ":" + localport + ">"; //get uri (it must equal the Contact field) cdsd.uri = getHeader("Contact:", msg); if (cdsd.uri == null) { cdsd.uri = getHeader("m:", msg); } if (cdsd.uri != null) { cdsd.uri = cdsd.uri.substring(1, cdsd.uri.length() - 1); //remove < > brackets } cd.cmd = getcseqcmd(msg); int type = getResponseType(msg); if (type != -1) { JFLog.log("callid:" + callid + "\r\nreply=" + type + " from " + remoteip + ":" + remoteport); } else { req = getRequest(msg); JFLog.log("callid:" + callid + "\r\nrequest=" + req + " from " + remoteip + ":" + remoteport); } switch (type) { case -1: clone(cdsd, cdpbx); if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("REGISTER")) { String resln = getHeader("Authorization:", msg); if (resln == null) { //send a 401 cd.nonce = getnonce(); String challenge = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"jpbx\", nonce=\"" + cd.nonce + "\""; if (use_qop) { challenge += ", qop=\"auth\""; } challenge += "\r\n"; reply(cd, 401, "REQ AUTH", challenge, false, src); break; } if (!resln.regionMatches(true, 0, "digest ", 0, 7)) { break; } String tags[] = resln.substring(7).replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("\"", "").split(","); String res = getHeader("response=", tags); String nonce = getHeader("nonce=", tags); if ((nonce == null) || (cd.nonce == null) || (!cd.nonce.equals(nonce))) { //send another 401 cd.nonce = getnonce(); String challenge = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"jpbx\", nonce=\"" + cd.nonce + "\""; if (use_qop) { challenge += ", qop=\"auth\""; } challenge += "\r\n"; reply(cd, 401, "REQ AUTH", challenge, false, src); break; } String test = getResponse(cd.user, iface.getPassword(cd.user), "jpbx", cd.cmd, getHeader("uri=", tags), cd.nonce, getHeader("qop=", tags), getHeader("nc=", tags), getHeader("cnonce=", tags)); cd.nonce = null; //don't allow value to be reused if (!res.equalsIgnoreCase(test)) { reply(cd, 403, "BAD PASSWORD", null, false, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } //REGISTER OK iface.onRegister(cd.user, getexpires(msg), remoteip, remoteport); reply(cd, 200, "OK", null, false, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("INVITE")) { //BUG : What if call is from same extension but from another PBX // this will think the INVITE must auth first // need to check if dest is on this PBX and bypass auth check String pass = iface.getPassword(cd.user); if (pass != null) { //do auth only if has a password String resln = getHeader("Proxy-Authorization:", msg); if ((resln == null) || (cd.nonce == null)) { //send a 407 cd.nonce = getnonce(); String challenge = "Proxy-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"jpbx\", nonce=\"" + cd.nonce + "\"\r\n"; reply(cd, 407, "REQ AUTH", challenge, false, src); break; } if (!resln.regionMatches(true, 0, "digest ", 0, 7)) { break; } String tags[] = resln.substring(7).replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("\"", "").split(","); String res = getHeader("response=", tags); String nonce = getHeader("nonce=", tags); if ((nonce == null) || (!cd.nonce.equals(nonce))) { //send another 407 cd.nonce = getnonce(); String challenge = "Proxy-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"jpbx\", nonce=\"" + cd.nonce + "\"\r\n"; reply(cd, 407, "REQ AUTH", challenge, false, src); break; } String test = getResponse(cd.user, pass, "jpbx", cd.cmd, getHeader("uri=", tags), cd.nonce, null, null, null); cd.nonce = null; //don't allow value to be reused if (!res.equalsIgnoreCase(test)) { reply(cd, 403, "BAD PASSWORD", null, false, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } iface.onRegister(cd.user, 3600, remoteip, remoteport); //BUG - this assumes expires is 3600 //no break } //get dialed # (if INVITE) cd.dialed =[1]; //split cd.from into parts cd.fromname = cdsd.from[0]; cd.fromnumber = cdsd.from[1]; //get SDP details cdsd.sdp = getSDP(msg); JFLog.log("src=" + cdsd.sdp); //get o1/o2 cdsd.o1 = geto(msg, 1); cdsd.o2 = geto(msg, 2); cd.authorized = (pass != null); iface.onInvite(cd, src); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("CANCEL")) { iface.onCancel(cd, src); // setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); //still too soon break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("BYE")) { //BUG : can't delete calldetails yet (memory leak) iface.onBye(cd, src); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("ACK")) { //TODO : ??? break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("REFER")) { iface.onFeature(cd, req, getHeader("Refer-To:", msg), src); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS")) { //send 200 and ignore reply(cd, 200, "OK", null, false, src); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("SUBSCRIBE")) { //send 200 and ignore reply(cd, 200, "OK", null, false, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } if (req.equalsIgnoreCase("SHUTDOWN")) { iface.onFeature(cd, req, remoteip, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } JFLog.log("Unknown command:" + req); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; case 100: iface.onTrying(cd, src); break; case 180: case 183: iface.onRinging(cd, src); break; case 200: if (cd.cmd.equals("INVITE")) { //update tag = replacetag(, getHeader("To:", msg)); = replacetag(, getHeader("t:", msg)); =; cdsd.sdp = getSDP(msg); cdsd.o1 = geto(msg, 1); cdsd.o2 = geto(msg, 2); } else if (cd.cmd.equals("BYE")) { setCallDetailsServer(cd.callid, null); break; } else if (cd.cmd.equals("REGISTER")) { //send ACK and ignore cd.cmd = "ACK"; issue(cd, null, false, src); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } iface.onSuccess(cd, src); break; case 401: if (cd.cmd.equals("REGISTER")) { cd.cmd = "ACK"; issue(cd, null, false, src); cd.cmd = "REGISTER"; if (cd.authsent) { JFLog.log("Server Error : Double 401"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } cd.authstr = getHeader("WWW-Authenticate:", msg); epass = getAuthResponse(cd, cd.user, cd.pass,, cd.cmd, "Authorization:"); if (epass == null) { JFLog.log("err:gen auth failed"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } cdsd.cseq++; cd.authsent = true; issue(cd, epass, false, src); } break; case 407: //BUG : Should the be changed to: // "<sip:" + did + "@" + getlocalhost(null) + ":" + localport + ">"; //like it is in register() above? Because it wouldn't have been in the initial INVITE. if (cd.cmd.equals("INVITE")) { cd.cmd = "ACK"; issue(cd, null, false, src); if (cd.authsent) { JFLog.log("Server Error : Double 407"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } String reg = iface.getTrunkRegister(remoteip); //user : pass @ host / did if (reg == null) { JFLog.log("TRUNK : 407 : no register string for trunk"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } int idx1 = reg.indexOf(":"); int idx2 = reg.indexOf("@"); if ((idx1 == -1) || (idx2 == -1)) { JFLog.log("TRUNK : 407 : invalid register string for trunk"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } String trunk_user = reg.substring(0, idx1); String trunk_pass = reg.substring(idx1 + 1, idx2); cd.authstr = getHeader("Proxy-Authenticate:", msg); epass = getAuthResponse(cd, trunk_user, trunk_pass,, cd.cmd, "Proxy-Authorization:"); if (epass == null) { JFLog.log("err:gen auth failed"); setCallDetailsServer(callid, null); break; } cdsd.cseq++; cd.authsent = true; issue(cd, epass, true, src); } break; default: iface.onError(cd, type, src); if (type == 487) { setCallDetailsServer(cd.callid, null); //call canceled } break; } } //synchronized } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public Enumeration getCalls() { return cdlist.elements(); } }