package server; /** * Created : Mar 6, 2017 * * @author pquiring */ import*; import*; import javaforce.*; import*; public class Session { public void start(Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { window = new Window(); readThread = new ReadThread(); readThread.start(); } }); } private Socket socket; private MediaDecoder decoder; //ffmpeg decoder private long frameCount; private long audioCount; private final Object countLock = new Object(); private boolean playing, eof; private Window window; private Thread playThread; private ReadThread readThread; private int frame; private static boolean inuse = false; private static Object lock = new Object(); private AudioBuffer audio_buffer; private VideoBuffer video_buffer; final int audio_bufsiz = 1024; final int chs = 2; //currently all formats are converted to stereo float fps; int width, height; int new_width, new_height; boolean resizeVideo; Object sizeLock = new Object(); //buffer size in seconds //too small can cause problems //too large causes resizes to take a long time to take effect //the problem is that some video files are not interlaced very well final int buffer_seconds = 4; final int pre_buffer_seconds = 2; public class ReadThread extends Thread implements MediaIO { private InputStream is; int m_in; //input data int m_out[] = new int[4]; //output data public void run() { if (inuse) { try {socket.close();} catch (Exception e) {} JFLog.log("Connection denied : Projector in use!"); return; } else { inuse = true; JFLog.log("Connection from:" + socket.getRemoteSocketAddress()); } frameCount = 0; audioCount = 0; audio_buffer = new AudioBuffer(44100, chs, buffer_seconds); video_buffer = null; width = -1; height = -1; resizeVideo = false; eof = false; try { is = socket.getInputStream(); decoder = new MediaDecoder(); if (decoder == null) throw new Exception("Unable to allocate decoder"); if (!decoder.start(this, -1, -1, chs, 44100, false)) throw new Exception("Unable to start decoder"); long mediaLength = decoder.getDuration(); JFLog.log("Duration=" + mediaLength); fps = decoder.getFrameRate(); JFLog.log("FPS=" + fps); width = window.getWidth(); height = window.getHeight(); JFLog.log("size=" + width + "x" + height); decoder.resize(width, height); video_buffer = new VideoBuffer(width, height, buffer_seconds * (int)fps); playThread = new PlayAudioVideoThread(); playThread.start(); JFLog.log("Video Bit Rate=" + decoder.getVideoBitRate()); JFLog.log("Audio Bit Rate=" + decoder.getAudioBitRate()); // int avBitRate = decoder.getVideoBitRate() + decoder.getAudioBitRate(); // if (avBitRate == 0) avBitRate = 64000; playing = true; while (playing) { if (resizeVideo) { synchronized(sizeLock) { width = new_width; height = new_height; decoder.resize(width, height); resizeVideo = false; } } switch ( { case MediaCoder.AUDIO_FRAME: //audio packet read short audio[] = decoder.getAudio(); audio_buffer.add(audio, 0, audio.length); synchronized(lock) { lock.notify(); } break; case MediaCoder.VIDEO_FRAME: //video packet read int video[] = decoder.getVideo(); JFImage img = video_buffer.getNewFrame(); if (img != null) { if ((img.getWidth() != width) || (img.getHeight() != height)) { img.setSize(width, height); } img.putPixels(video, 0, 0, width, height, 0); video_buffer.freeNewFrame(); } else { JFLog.log("Warning : VideoBuffer overflow"); } synchronized(lock) { lock.notify(); } break; case MediaCoder.END_FRAME: eof = true; playing = false; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } try { playThread.join(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } playThread = null; audio_buffer = null; video_buffer = null; if (window != null) { window.dispose(); window = null; } decoder = null; inuse = false; } public int read(MediaCoder coder, byte data[]) { int read = 0; try { read =, 0, data.length); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); playing = false; return read; } if (read == -1) { playing = false; read = 0; } return read; } public int write(MediaCoder coder, byte data[]) { return 0; } public long seek(MediaCoder coder, long pos, int how) { switch (how) { case MediaCoder.SEEK_SET: return pos; case MediaCoder.SEEK_CUR: return pos; case MediaCoder.SEEK_END: return pos; } return 0; } } public class PlayAudioVideoThread extends Thread { public void run() { AudioOutput output = new AudioOutput(); output.start(chs, 44100, 16, audio_bufsiz * 2 /*bytes*/, "<default>"); short samples[] = new short[audio_bufsiz]; for(int a=0;a<2;a++) output.write(samples); //prime audio output while (playing) { synchronized(lock) { try {lock.wait();} catch (Exception e) {} } while (audio_buffer.size() >= audio_bufsiz) { audio_buffer.get(samples, 0, audio_bufsiz); output.write(samples); synchronized(countLock) { audioCount += audio_bufsiz; }; } while (video_buffer.size() > 0) { JFImage img = video_buffer.getNextFrame(); synchronized(countLock) { frameCount++; } if (img != null) { String txt = "Frame:" + frame++ + ":" + video_buffer.size(); img.getGraphics().drawBytes(txt.getBytes(), 0, txt.length(), 0, 25); window.setImage(img); video_buffer.freeNextFrame(); } } } output.stop(); } } public class PlayAudioOnlyThread extends Thread { public void run() { AudioOutput output = new AudioOutput(); output.start(chs, 44100, 16, audio_bufsiz * 2 /*bytes*/, "<default>"); short samples[] = new short[audio_bufsiz]; for(int a=0;a<2;a++) output.write(samples); //prime output while (playing) { synchronized(lock) { try {lock.wait();} catch (Exception e) {} } while (audio_buffer.size() >= audio_bufsiz) { audio_buffer.get(samples, 0, audio_bufsiz); output.write(samples); synchronized(countLock) { audioCount += audio_bufsiz; }; } } output.stop(); } } }