package; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import static*; /** GLScene is a primitive 3D framework. * Holds all loaded 3D meshes and related resources. */ public class GLScene { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private boolean needinittex = true; ArrayList<GLModel> ml; HashMap<String, GLTexture> tl; //texture list HashMap<String, GLModel> mtl; //model templates list private ArrayList<Integer> freeglidlist; GLTexture blankTexture; public GLScene() { freeglidlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); reset(); texturePath = ""; blankTexture = new GLTexture(0); blankTexture.set(new int[] {-1},1,1); //white pixel } public boolean inited = false; public String texturePath; public int fragShader, vertexShader, program; public int vpa; //attribs public int tca[] = new int[2]; public int uUVMaps; public int mpu, mmu, mvu; //uniform matrix'es (perspective, model, view) //code public void init(String vertex, String fragment) { //must give size of render window glFrontFace(GL.GL_CCW); //3DS uses GL_CCW glEnable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); //don't draw back sides glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL.GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0); vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL.GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, new String[] {vertex}, null); glCompileShader(vertexShader); JFLog.log("vertex log=" + glGetShaderInfoLog(vertexShader)); fragShader = glCreateShader(GL.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(fragShader, 1, new String[] {fragment}, null); glCompileShader(fragShader); JFLog.log("fragment log=" + glGetShaderInfoLog(fragShader)); program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(program, vertexShader); glAttachShader(program, fragShader); glLinkProgram(program); JFLog.log("program log=" + glGetProgramInfoLog(program)); glUseProgram(program); vpa = glGetAttribLocation(program, "aVertexPosition"); glEnableVertexAttribArray(vpa); tca[0] = glGetAttribLocation(program, "aTextureCoord1"); glEnableVertexAttribArray(tca[0]); int uSampler1 = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uSampler1"); glUniform1i(uSampler1, 0); tca[1] = glGetAttribLocation(program, "aTextureCoord2"); glEnableVertexAttribArray(tca[1]); int uSampler2 = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uSampler2"); glUniform1i(uSampler2, 1); mpu = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uPMatrix"); mmu = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uMMatrix"); mvu = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uVMatrix"); uUVMaps = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uUVMaps"); // JFLog.log("attribs=" + vpa + "," + tca[0] + "," + tca[1]); // JFLog.log("uniforms=" + mpu + "," + mmu + "," + mvu + "," + uUVMaps + "," + uSampler1 + "," /*+ uSampler2*/); initTextures(); inited = true; } public void reset() { if (tl != null) releaseTextures(); ml = new ArrayList<GLModel>(); tl = new HashMap<String, GLTexture>(); mtl = new HashMap<String, GLModel>(); } private void releaseTextures() { Set keyset = tl.keySet(); Iterator iter = keyset.iterator(); String texidx; GLTexture tex; while (iter.hasNext()) { texidx = (String); tex = tl.get(texidx); if (tex.glid != -1) { releaseTexture(tex.glid); tex.glid = -1; } } } private void releaseTexture(int glid) { freeglidlist.add(glid); } //load textures from disk to general-purpose memory public boolean loadTextures() { //scan thru object list and load them all boolean ret = true; GLObject obj; GLModel mod; int modCnt = ml.size(); for(int a=0;a<modCnt;a++) { mod = ml.get(a); int objCnt = mod.ol.size(); for(int b=0;b<objCnt;b++) { obj = mod.ol.get(b); int mapCnt = obj.maps.size(); for(int m=0;m<mapCnt;m++) { GLUVMap map = obj.maps.get(m); if (map.texloaded) continue; if (loadTexture(mod.getTexture(map.textureIndex), map.idx)) { map.texloaded = true; } else { ret = false; } } } } return ret; } private boolean loadTexture(String fn, int idx) { if (fn == null) return false; GLTexture tex; tex = tl.get(fn); if (tex != null) { tex.refcnt++; return true; } needinittex = true; tex = new GLTexture(idx); = fn; if (!tex.load(fn)) { JFLog.log("Error:Failed to load texture:" + fn); return false; } tex.refcnt = 1; tl.put(fn, tex); return true; } //directly load a texture public boolean setTexture(String fn, int px[], int w, int h, int idx) { GLTexture tex = tl.get(fn); if (tex == null) { tex = new GLTexture(idx); tl.put(fn, tex); } else { tex.loaded = false; } tex.set(px, w, h); needinittex = true; return false; } //load textures into video memory (texture objects) boolean initTextures() { if (!needinittex) { return true; } //setup blankTexture if (blankTexture.glid == -1) initTexture(blankTexture); //first uninit any that have been deleted if (freeglidlist.size() > 0) uninitTextures(); //scan thru object list and load them all Set keyset = tl.keySet(); Iterator iter = keyset.iterator(); String texidx; while (iter.hasNext()) { texidx = (String); if (!initTexture(tl.get(texidx))) return false; } needinittex = false; return true; } private boolean initTexture(GLTexture tex) { return tex.load(); } private boolean uninitTextures() { while (freeglidlist.size() > 0) { uninitTexture(freeglidlist.get(0)); freeglidlist.remove(0); } return true; } private boolean uninitTexture(int glid) { int id[] = new int[1]; id[0] = glid; glDeleteTextures(1, id); return true; } public void releaseUnusedTextures() { Set keyset = tl.keySet(); Iterator iter = keyset.iterator(); String texidx; while (iter.hasNext()) { texidx = (String); if (tl.get(texidx).refcnt == 0) releaseTexture(tl.get(texidx).glid); } } /** Release a cloned model @ index. */ public void releaseModel(int idx) { GLModel mod; GLObject obj; mod = ml.get(idx); int size = mod.ol.size(); for(int a=0;a<size;a++) { obj = mod.ol.get(a); for(int m=0;m<obj.maps.size();m++) { GLUVMap map = obj.maps.get(m); tl.get(mod.getTexture(map.textureIndex)).refcnt--; } } ml.remove(idx); } public int modelCount() { return ml.size(); } public boolean addModel(GLModel mod) { return addModel(mod, 0); } //places Model at start of list public boolean addModel(GLModel mod, int idx) { if (mod == null) return false; ml.add(idx, mod); return true;} //place Models with transparent textures last public int indexOfModel(GLModel mod) { return ml.indexOf(mod); } public void removeModel(int idx) { ml.remove(idx); } public void removeModel(GLModel mod) { ml.remove(mod); } public void nextFrame(int objidx) { ml.get(objidx).nextFrame(); } public void setFrame(int objidx, int frame) { ml.get(objidx).setFrame(frame); } public void modelTranslate(int idx, float x, float y, float z) { ml.get(idx).translate(x,y,z); } public void modelRotate(int idx, float angle, float x, float y, float z) { ml.get(idx).rotate(angle,x,y,z); } public void modelScale(int idx, float x, float y, float z) { ml.get(idx).scale(x,y,z); } /** Loads a .3DS file into the template array. * Use addModel() to add a clone into the render scene. */ public GLModel load3DS(String fn) { GLModel mod; mod = mtl.get(fn); if (mod != null) { mod.refcnt++; return mod; } GL_3DS loader = new GL_3DS(); mod = loader.load(fn); if (mod == null) return null; mtl.put(fn, mod); mod.refcnt = 1; mod = (GLModel)mod.clone(); return mod; } /** Loads a .blend file into the template array. * Use addModel() to add a clone into the render scene. */ public GLModel loadBlend(String fn) { GLModel mod; mod = mtl.get(fn); if (mod != null) { mod.refcnt++; return mod; } GL_BLEND loader = new GL_BLEND(); mod = loader.load(fn); if (mod == null) return null; mtl.put(fn, mod); mod.refcnt = 1; mod = (GLModel)mod.clone(); return mod; } /** Loads a .JF3D file into the template array. * Use addModel() to add a clone into the render scene. */ public GLModel loadJF3D(String fn) { GLModel mod; mod = mtl.get(fn); if (mod != null) { mod.refcnt++; return mod; } GL_JF3D loader = new GL_JF3D(); mod = loader.load(fn); if (mod == null) return null; mtl.put(fn, mod); mod.refcnt = 1; mod = (GLModel)mod.clone(); return mod; } /** Clones a pre-loaded model. * Use addModel() to add into the render scene. */ public GLModel cloneModel(String fn) { GLModel mod = mtl.get(fn); if (mod == null) return null; mod.refcnt++; return (GLModel)mod.clone(); } public void unloadModel(GLModel mod) { mod.refcnt--; } //this will release all unused models public void releaseModel() { Set keyset = mtl.keySet(); Iterator iter = keyset.iterator(); String idx; GLModel mod; while (iter.hasNext()) { idx = (String); mod = mtl.get(idx); if (mod.refcnt == 0) { mtl.remove(idx); } } } }