package; /** NI DAQ mx * * Requires NI Drivers loaded (nicaiu.dll) * Free download from * * Use NI MAX or SignalExpress to determine device names. * Examples device names: * AnalogInput : cDAQ9188-189E9F4Mod6/ai0 * DigitalInput : cDAQ9188-189E9F4Mod8/port0/line0 * DigitalInput(s) : cDAQ9188-189E9F4Mod8/port0/line0:7 * CounterInput : cDAQ9188-189E9F4Mod1/ctr0/pfi0 * * @author pquiring */ import javaforce.BE; import javaforce.jni.*; import javaforce.controls.*; public class DAQmx { static { JFNative.load(); //ensure native library is loaded if (JFNative.loaded) { loaded = daqInit(); } else { loaded = false; } } public static boolean loaded; public static boolean load() {return loaded;} //ensure native library is loaded private static native boolean daqInit(); public static native long createTask(); public static native boolean createChannelAnalog(long task, String dev, double rate, long samples, double min, double max); public static native boolean createChannelDigital(long task, String dev, double rate, long samples); public static native boolean createChannelCounter(long task, String dev, double rate, long samples, double min, double max, String term, double measureTime, int divisor); public static native boolean startTask(long task); public static native int readTaskAnalog(long task, int numchs, double data[]); public static native int readTaskBinary(long task, int numchs, int data[]); public static native int readTaskDigital(long task, int numchs, int data[]); public static native int readTaskCounter(long task, int numchs, double freq[]); public static native boolean stopTask(long task); public static native boolean clearTask(long task); public static native void printError(); //prints any errors to stdout //DAQ instance private long handle; private enum types {AI,DI,CI}; private types type; private int chs = 1; public boolean connect(String url) { //url = device/port //device = cDAQ9188-189E9F4Mod1 //port = ai0 or port0/line0[:7] or ctr0/pfi0 int idx = url.indexOf('/'); String device = url.substring(0, idx); String port = url.substring(idx+1); int samples = (int)Controller.rate; if (samples == 0) samples = 1; samples = 1; if (port.startsWith("ai")) { //analog input (voltage) type = types.AI; handle = createTask(); if (!createChannelAnalog(handle, url, Controller.rate, samples, -10, 10)) return false; if (startTask(handle)) return true; printError(); return false; } else if (port.startsWith("port")) { //digital input type = types.DI; handle = createTask(); if (!createChannelDigital(handle, url, Controller.rate, samples)) return false; // device/portx/liney:z int li = url.lastIndexOf("/"); if (li != -1) { String ln = url.substring(li+1+4); String yz[] = ln.split(":"); if (yz.length == 2) { int y = Integer.valueOf(yz[0]); int z = Integer.valueOf(yz[1]); chs = z - y + 1; } } if (startTask(handle)) return true; printError(); return false; } else if (port.startsWith("ctr")) { //counter (freq) input type = types.CI; handle = createTask(); //device = DEVICE/ctr0/pfi0 String p[] = url.split("/"); device = p[0] + "/" + p[1]; port = "/" + p[0] + "/" + p[2]; if (!createChannelCounter(handle, device, 20000000.0, samples, 2.0, 1000.0, port, 1.0 / Controller.rate, 4)) return false; if (startTask(handle)) return true; printError(); return false; } System.out.println("Unsupported DAQmx host:" + url); return false; } public void finalize() { close(); } public void close() { if (handle != 0) { stopTask(handle); clearTask(handle); handle = 0; } } public byte[] read() { int read = 0; byte out[] = null; switch (type) { case AI: { double data[] = new double[chs]; read = readTaskAnalog(handle, 1, data); out = new byte[chs * 8]; //copy data -> out int pos = 0; for(int a=0;a<chs;a++) { BE.setuint64(out, pos, Double.doubleToLongBits(data[a])); pos += 8; } break; } case DI: { int data[] = new int[chs]; read = readTaskDigital(handle, chs, data); out = new byte[chs]; //copy data -> out int pos = 0; for(int a=0;a<chs;a++) { out[pos++] |= (byte)(data[a]); if (pos == chs) pos = 0; } break; } case CI: { double data[] = new double[chs]; read = readTaskCounter(handle, 1, data); out = new byte[chs * 8]; int pos = 0; for(int a=0;a<chs;a++) { BE.setuint64(out, pos, Double.doubleToLongBits(data[a])); pos += 8; } break; } } if (read != chs) { printError(); } return out; } }