package javaforce.voip; import*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; /** * Base class for SIP communications. Opens the UDP port and passes any received * packets thru the SIPInterface. * Direct Known subclasses : SIPClient, SIPServer. * RFC 3261 (2543) - SIP * See also: * */ public abstract class SIP { public static class Packet { public byte data[]; public int length; public int port; public String host; } public enum Transport {UDP, TCP, TLS}; private Worker worker; private SIPInterface iface; private boolean active = true; private String rinstance; private String tupleid; private Random r = new Random(); private boolean server; protected SIPTransport transport; protected static String useragent = "JavaForce/" + JF.getVersion(); /** * Opens the transport and sets the SIPInterface callback. */ protected boolean init(int port, SIPInterface iface, boolean server, Transport type) throws Exception { rinstance = null; this.iface = iface; this.server = server; switch (type) { case UDP: transport = new SIPUDPTransport(); break; case TCP: if (server) transport = new SIPTCPTransportServer(); else transport = new SIPTCPTransportClient(); break; case TLS: if (server) transport = new SIPTLSTransportServer(); else transport = new SIPTLSTransportClient(); break; } if (! return false; worker = new Worker(); worker.start(); return true; } /** * Closes the UDP port and frees resources. */ protected void uninit() { if (transport == null) { return; } active = false; transport.close(); try { worker.join(); } catch (Exception e) { } transport = null; worker = null; } /** * Sends a packet out on the UDP port. */ protected boolean send(InetAddress remote, int remoteport, String datastr) { byte data[] = datastr.getBytes(); return transport.send(data, 0, data.length, remote, remoteport); } /** * Splits a To: or From: field in a SIP message into parts. */ public static String[] split(String x) { //x = "display name" <sip:user@host ;... > ;... //return: [0] [1] [2] [flgs1][:][flgs2] if (x == null) { return new String[] {"null", "null", "null"}; } ArrayList<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>(); int i1, i2; String x1, x2; i1 = x.indexOf('<'); if (i1 == -1) { parts.add(""); x1 = x; x2 = ""; } else { if (i1 == 0) { parts.add("Unknown Name"); } else { parts.add(x.substring(0, i1).trim().replaceAll("\"", "")); } i1++; i2 = x.substring(i1).indexOf('>'); if (i2 == -1) { return null; } x1 = x.substring(i1, i1 + i2); x2 = x.substring(i1 + i2 + 1).trim(); } i1 = x1.indexOf(':'); if (i1 == -1) { return null; } x1 = x1.substring(i1 + 1); //remove sip: i1 = x1.indexOf('@'); if (i1 == -1) { parts.add(""); //no user } else { parts.add(x1.substring(0, i1).trim()); //userid x1 = x1.substring(i1 + 1).trim(); } if ((x1.length() > 0) && (x1.charAt(0) == ';')) { x1 = x1.substring(1); } do { i1 = x1.indexOf(';'); if (i1 == -1) { x1 = x1.trim(); if (x1.length() > 0) { parts.add(x1); } break; } parts.add(x1.substring(0, i1).trim()); x1 = x1.substring(i1 + 1).trim(); } while (true); if (parts.size() == 2) { parts.add(""); //no host ??? } parts.add(":"); //this seperates fields outside of <> if ((x2.length() > 0) && (x2.charAt(0) == ';')) { x2 = x2.substring(1); } do { i1 = x2.indexOf(';'); if (i1 == -1) { x2 = x2.trim(); if (x2.length() > 0) { parts.add(x2); } break; } parts.add(x2.substring(0, i1).trim()); x2 = x2.substring(i1 + 1).trim(); } while (true); String ret[] = new String[parts.size()]; for (int a = 0; a < parts.size(); a++) { ret[a] = parts.get(a); } return ret; } /** * Joins a To: or From: field after it was split into parts. */ public static String join(String x[]) { //x = "display name" <sip:user@host ;... > ;... //return: [0] [1] [2] [...][:][...] if (x == null) { return "\"null\"<sip:null@null>"; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (x[0].length() > 0) { buf.append('\"'); buf.append(x[0]); buf.append('\"'); buf.append('<'); } buf.append("sip:"); if (x[1].length() > 0) { buf.append(x[1]); buf.append('@'); } buf.append(x[2]); int i = 3; for (; (i < x.length) && (!x[i].equals(":")); i++) { buf.append(';'); buf.append(x[i]); } i++; //skip ':' seperator if (x[0].length() > 0) buf.append('>'); for (; i < x.length; i++) { buf.append(';'); buf.append(x[i]); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns a flag in a To: From: field. */ public static String getFlag2(String fields[], String flg) { flg += "="; int i; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].equals(":")) { break; } } if (i == fields.length) { return ""; } i++; for (; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].startsWith(flg)) { return fields[i].substring(flg.length()); } } return ""; //do not return null } /** * Sets/adds a flag in a To: From: field. */ public static String[] setFlag2(String fields[], String flg, String value) { flg += "="; boolean seperator = false; for (int i = 3; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!seperator) { if (fields[i].equals(":")) { seperator = true; } continue; } if (fields[i].startsWith(flg)) { fields[i] = flg + value; return fields; } } //need to add an element to fields and append "flg=value" String newfields[] = new String[fields.length + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { newfields[j] = fields[j]; } newfields[fields.length] = flg + value; return newfields; } /** * Returns a random SIP branch id. * TODO : Implement RFC 3261 section (z9hG4bK) */ public String getbranch() { return String.format("z123456-y12345-%x%x-1--d12345-", r.nextInt(), r.nextInt()); } /** Returns branch in first Via line */ protected String getbranch(String msg[]) { String vias[] = getvialist(msg); if (vias == null || vias.length == 0) return null; //Via: SDP/2.0/UDP host:port;branch=...;rport;... String f[] = vias[0].split(";"); for(int a=0;a<f.length;a++) { if (f[a].startsWith("branch=")) { return f[a].substring(7); } } return null; } /** * Determines if a SIP message is on hold. */ protected boolean ishold(String msg[]) { //does msg contain "a=sendonly"? for (int a = 0; a < msg.length; a++) { if (msg[a].equalsIgnoreCase("a=sendonly")) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the Via: list in a SIP message as an array. */ protected String[] getvialist(String msg[]) { ArrayList<String> vialist = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int a = 0; a < msg.length; a++) { String ln = msg[a]; if (ln.regionMatches(true, 0, "Via:", 0, 4)) { vialist.add(ln); continue; } if (ln.regionMatches(true, 0, "v:", 0, 2)) { vialist.add(ln); continue; } } return vialist.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Returns the Record-Route: list in a SIP message as an array. */ protected String[] getroutelist(String msg[]) { ArrayList<String> routelist = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int a = 0; a < msg.length; a++) { String ln = msg[a]; if (ln.regionMatches(true, 0, "Record-Route:", 0, 13)) { routelist.add("Route:" + ln.substring(13)); continue; } } return routelist.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Returns a random generated rinstance id. */ protected String getrinstance() { if (rinstance != null) { return rinstance; } rinstance = String.format("%x%x", r.nextInt(), r.nextInt()); return rinstance; } /** * Returns a random generated tuple id. */ protected String gettupleid() { if (tupleid != null) { return tupleid; } tupleid = String.format("%08x", r.nextInt()); return tupleid; } /** * Returns the URI part of a SIP message. */ protected String geturi(String msg[]) { //cmd uri SIP/2.0\r\n int idx1 = msg[0].indexOf(' '); if (idx1 == -1) { return null; } int idx2 = msg[0].substring(idx1 + 1).indexOf(' '); if (idx2 == -1) { return null; } return msg[0].substring(idx1 + 1).substring(0, idx2); } /** * Returns a random generated tag for the To: or From: parts of a SIP message. * This function is used by replacetag() so it must resemble a To: or From: * field. */ public static String generatetag() { Random r = new Random(); return String.format("null<sip:null@null>;tag=%x%x", r.nextInt(), r.nextInt()); } /** * Replaces the 'tag' field from 'newfield' into 'fields'. */ public static String[] replacetag(String fields[], String newfield) { //x = "display name" <sip:user@host;tag=...>;tag=... // [0] [1] [2] [...] [:][...] if (newfield == null) { return fields; } String newfields[] = split(newfield); int oldtagidx = -1; boolean seperator = false; for (int i = 3; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!seperator) { if (fields[i].equals(":")) { seperator = true; } continue; } if (fields[i].startsWith("tag=")) { oldtagidx = i; break; } } seperator = false; for (int i = 3; i < newfields.length; i++) { if (!seperator) { if (newfields[i].equals(":")) { seperator = true; } continue; } if (newfields[i].startsWith("tag=")) { if (oldtagidx != -1) { fields[oldtagidx] = newfields[i]; return fields; } else { //need to add an element to fields and append newfields[i] String retfields[] = new String[fields.length + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { retfields[j] = fields[j]; } retfields[fields.length] = newfields[i]; return retfields; } } } return fields; } /** * Removes the 'tag' field from 'fields'. */ public static String[] removetag(String fields[]) { boolean seperator = false; for (int i = 3; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!seperator) { if (fields[i].equals(":")) { seperator = true; } continue; } if (fields[i].startsWith("tag=")) { //remove fields[i] String newfields[] = new String[fields.length - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { newfields[j] = fields[j]; } for (int j = i + 1; j < fields.length; j++) { newfields[j - 1] = fields[j]; } return newfields; } } return fields; //no tag found } /** * Returns the 'tag' field from 'fields'. */ public static String gettag(String fields[]) { boolean seperator = false; for (int i = 3; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!seperator) { if (fields[i].equals(":")) { seperator = true; } continue; } if (fields[i].startsWith("tag=")) { return fields[i].substring(4); } } return null; //no tag found } /** * Returns a random callid for a SIP message (a unique id for each call, not * to be confused with caller id). */ public String getcallid() { return String.format("%x%x", r.nextInt(), System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Returns current time in seconds. */ protected long getNow() { return System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } /** * Returns a random nonce variable used in SIP authorization. */ protected String getnonce() { return String.format("%x%x%x%x", r.nextInt(), r.nextInt(), System.currentTimeMillis(), r.nextInt()); } /** * Returns string name of codec based on payload id (except dynamic ids 96-127). */ private static String getCodecName(int id) { switch (id) { case 0: return "PCMU"; case 8: return "PCMA"; case 9: return "G722"; case 26: return "JPEG"; case 18: return "G729"; case 34: return "H263"; } return "?"; } /** * Parses the SDP content. */ public static SDP getSDP(String msg[]) { String type = getHeader("Content-Type:", msg); if (type == null) type = getHeader("c:", msg); //short form if (type == null || type.indexOf("application/sdp") == -1) return null; SDP sdp = new SDP(); SDP.Stream stream = null; int idx; int start = -1; for(int a=0;a<msg.length;a++) { if (msg[a].length() == 0) {start = a+1; break;} } if (start == -1) { JFLog.log("SIP.getSDP() : No SDP found"); return null; } int acnt = 1; int vcnt = 1; for(int a=start;a<msg.length;a++) { String ln = msg[a]; if (ln.startsWith("c=")) { //c=IN IP4 idx = ln.indexOf("IP4 "); if (idx == -1) {JFLog.log("SIP.getSDP() : Unsupported c field:" + ln); continue;} String ip = ln.substring(idx+4); if (stream == null) { sdp.ip = ip; } else { stream.ip = ip; } } else if (ln.startsWith("m=")) { //m=audio <port> RTP/<profile> <codecs> if (stream != null) { if (stream.content == null) { switch (stream.type) { case audio: stream.content = "audio" + (acnt++); break; case video: stream.content = "video" + (vcnt++); break; } } } if (ln.startsWith("m=audio")) { stream = sdp.addStream(; } else if (ln.startsWith("m=video")) { stream = sdp.addStream(; } else { JFLog.log("SIP.getSDP() : Unsupported m field:" + ln); stream = sdp.addStream(SDP.Type.other); continue; } //parse static codecs String f[] = ln.split(" "); String p[] = f[2].split("/"); if (p[1].equals("AVP")) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.AVP; } else if (p[1].equals("AVPF")) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.AVPF; } else if (p[1].equals("SAVP")) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVP; } else if (p[1].equals("SAVPF")) { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.SAVPF; } else { stream.profile = SDP.Profile.UNKNOWN; JFLog.log("SIP.getSDP() : Unsupported profile:" + p[1]); } stream.port = JF.atoi(f[1]); for(int b=3;b<f.length;b++) { int id = JF.atoi(f[b]); if (id < 96) { stream.addCodec(new Codec(getCodecName(id), id)); } } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=")) { if (ln.startsWith("a=rtpmap:")) { //a=rtpmap:<id> <name>/<bitrate> String f[] = ln.substring(9).split(" "); int id = JF.atoi(f[0]); String n[] = f[1].split("/"); if (id >= 96) { stream.addCodec(new Codec(n[0], id)); } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=sendrecv")) { if (stream != null) { stream.mode = SDP.Mode.sendrecv; } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=sendonly")) { if (stream != null) { stream.mode = SDP.Mode.sendonly; } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=recvonly")) { if (stream != null) { stream.mode = SDP.Mode.sendonly; } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=inactive")) { if (stream != null) { stream.mode = SDP.Mode.inactive; } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=content:")) { stream.content = ln.substring(10); } else if (ln.startsWith("a=candidate:")) { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 //a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609535 60225 typ host //a=candidate:1 1 UDP 1692467199 x.x.x.x 60225 typ srflx raddr rport 60225 //a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2128609534 60226 typ host //a=candidate:1 2 UDP 1692467198 x.x.x.x 60226 typ srflx raddr rport 60226 String f[] = ln.substring(12).split(" "); if (stream != null && f.length >= 8 && f[0].equals("0") && f[1].equals("1")) { //override ip stream.ip = f[4]; } } else if (ln.startsWith("a=ice-ufrag:")) { sdp.iceufrag = ln.substring(12); } else if (ln.startsWith("a=ice-pwd:")) { sdp.icepwd = ln.substring(10); } else if (ln.startsWith("a=fingerprint:sha-256 ")) { sdp.fingerprint = ln.substring(22); } else if (ln.startsWith("a=crypto:")) { //SRTP Keys (replaced by DTLS method) //a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:PS1uQCVeeCFCanVmcjkpPywjNWhcYD0mXXtxaVBR|2^20|1:32 // # crypto base64_key_salt life mki stream.keyExchange = SDP.KeyExchange.SDP; String f[] = ln.split(" "); if (!f[2].startsWith("inline:")) { JFLog.log("a=crypto:bad keys(1)"); continue; } String base64 = f[2].substring(7); int pipe = base64.indexOf("|"); if (pipe != -1) { base64 = base64.substring(0, pipe); } byte keys[] = javaforce.Base64.decode(base64.getBytes()); if (keys == null || keys.length != 30) { JFLog.log("a=crypto:bad keys(2)"); continue; } byte key[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(keys, 0, 16); byte salt[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(keys, 16, 16 + 14); stream.addKey(f[1], key, salt); } } } if ((stream != null) && (stream.content == null)) { switch (stream.type) { case audio: stream.content = "audio" + (acnt++); break; case video: stream.content = "video" + (vcnt++); break; } } return sdp; } /** * Determines if codecs[] contains codec. * NOTE:This checks the name field, not the id which could by dynamic. */ public static boolean hasCodec(Codec codecs[], Codec codec) { for (int a = 0; a < codecs.length; a++) { if (codecs[a].name.equals( { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds a codec to a list of codecs. */ public static Codec[] addCodec(Codec codecs[], Codec codec) { Codec newCodecs[] = new Codec[codecs.length + 1]; for (int a = 0; a < codecs.length; a++) { newCodecs[a] = codecs[a]; } newCodecs[codecs.length] = codec; return newCodecs; } /** * Removes a codec from a list of codecs. */ public static Codec[] delCodec(Codec codecs[], Codec codec) { if (!hasCodec(codecs, codec)) { return codecs; } Codec newCodecs[] = new Codec[codecs.length - 1]; int pos = 0; for (int a = 0; a < codecs.length; a++) { if (codecs[a].name.equals( { continue; } newCodecs[pos++] = codecs[a]; } return newCodecs; } /** * Returns a codec from a list of codecs. Comparison is done by name only. The * returned codec 'id' may be different than provided codec. */ public static Codec getCodec(Codec codecs[], Codec codec) { for (int a = 0; a < codecs.length; a++) { if (codecs[a].name.equals( { return codecs[a]; } } return null; } /** * Returns the requested operation of a SIP message. (INVITE, BYE, etc.) */ protected String getRequest(String msg[]) { int idx = msg[0].indexOf(" "); if (idx == -1) { return null; } return msg[0].substring(0, idx); } /** * Returns the response number from a SIP reply message. (100, 200, 401, etc.) */ protected int getResponseType(String msg[]) { if (msg[0].length() < 11) { return -1; //bad msg } if (!msg[0].regionMatches(true, 0, "SIP/2.0 ", 0, 8)) { return -1; //not a response } //SIP/2.0 ### ... return Integer.valueOf(msg[0].substring(8, 11)); } /** * Returns a specific header (field) from a SIP message. */ public static String getHeader(String header, String msg[]) { int sl = header.length(); for (int a = 0; a < msg.length; a++) { String ln = msg[a]; if (ln.length() < sl) { continue; } if (ln.substring(0, sl).equalsIgnoreCase(header)) { return ln.substring(sl).trim().replaceAll("\"", ""); } } return null; } /** * Returns a set of specific headers (fields) from a SIP message. */ public static String[] getHeaders(String header, String msg[]) { ArrayList<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>(); int sl = header.length(); for (int a = 0; a < msg.length; a++) { String ln = msg[a]; if (ln.length() < sl) { continue; } if (ln.substring(0, sl).equalsIgnoreCase(header)) { lst.add(ln.substring(sl).trim().replaceAll("\"", "")); } } return lst.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Returns the cseq of a SIP message. */ protected int getcseq(String msg[]) { String cseqstr = getHeader("CSeq:", msg); if (cseqstr == null) { return -1; } String parts[] = cseqstr.split(" "); return Integer.valueOf(parts[0]); } /** * Returns the command at the end of the cseq header in a SIP message. */ protected String getcseqcmd(String msg[]) { String cseqstr = getHeader("CSeq:", msg); if (cseqstr == null) { return null; } String parts[] = cseqstr.split(" "); if (parts.length < 2) { return null; } return parts[1]; } /** * Generates a response to a SIP authorization challenge. */ protected String getResponse(String user, String pass, String realm, String cmd, String uri, String nonce, String qop, String nc, String cnonce) { MD5 md5 = new MD5(); String H1 = user + ":" + realm + ":" + pass; md5.init(); md5.add(H1.getBytes(), 0, H1.length()); H1 = new String(md5.byte2char(md5.done())); String H2 = cmd + ":" + uri; md5.init(); md5.add(H2.getBytes(), 0, H2.length()); H2 = new String(md5.byte2char(md5.done())); String H3 = H1 + ":" + nonce + ":"; if ((qop != null) && (qop.length() > 0)) { H3 += nc + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":"; } H3 += H2; md5.init(); md5.add(H3.getBytes(), 0, H3.length()); return new String(md5.byte2char(md5.done())); } /** Split an Authenticate line into parts. */ private String[] split(String in, char delimit) { ArrayList<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean inquote = false; char ca[] = in.toCharArray(); int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; for(int a=0;a<ca.length;a++) { char ch = ca[a]; if (ch == delimit && !inquote) { strs.add(in.substring(p1,p2).trim()); p2++; p1 = p2; continue; } else if (ch == '\"') { inquote = !inquote; } p2++; } if (p2 > p1) { strs.add(in.substring(p1, p2).trim()); } /* System.out.println("auth=" + in); for(int a=0;a<strs.size();a++) { System.out.println("str[]=" + strs.get(a)); } */ return strs.toArray(new String[strs.size()]); } /** * Generates a complete header response to a SIP authorization challenge. */ protected String getAuthResponse(CallDetails cd, String user, String pass, String remote, String cmd, String header) { //request = ' Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="value", etc.' String request = cd.authstr; if (!request.regionMatches(true, 0, "Digest ", 0, 7)) { JFLog.log("err:no digest"); return null; } String tags[] = split(request.substring(7), ','); String auth, nonce = null, qop = null, cnonce = null, nc = null,stale = null; String realm = null; auth = getHeader("algorithm=", tags); if (auth != null) { if (!auth.equalsIgnoreCase("MD5")) { JFLog.log("err:only MD5 auth supported"); return null; } //unsupported auth type } realm = getHeader("realm=", tags); nonce = getHeader("nonce=", tags); qop = getHeader("qop=", tags); //auth or auth-int stale = getHeader("stale=", tags); //true|false ??? if (nonce == null) { JFLog.log("err:no nonce"); return null; } //no nonce found if (realm == null) { JFLog.log("err:no realm"); return null; } //no realm found if (qop != null) { String qops[] = qop.split(","); //server could provide multiple options qop = null; for (int a = 0; a < qops.length; a++) { if (qops[a].trim().equals("auth")) { qop = "auth"; break; } } if (qop != null) { //generate cnonce and nc cnonce = getnonce(); if (cd.nonce != null && cd.nonce.equals(nonce)) { cd.nonceCount++; } else { cd.nonceCount = 1; } nc = String.format("%08x", cd.nonceCount); } } cd.nonce = nonce; String response = getResponse(user, pass, realm, cmd, "sip:" + remote, nonce, qop, nc, cnonce); StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); ret.append(header); ret.append(" Digest username=\"" + user + "\", realm=\"" + realm + "\", uri=\"sip:" + remote + "\", nonce=\"" + nonce + "\""); if (cnonce != null) { ret.append(", cnonce=\"" + cnonce + "\""); } //NOTE:Do NOT quote qop or nc if (qop != null) { ret.append(", nc=" + nc); ret.append(", qop=" + qop); } ret.append(", response=\"" + response + "\""); ret.append(", algorithm=MD5\r\n"); return ret.toString(); } /** * Returns the remote RTP host in a SIP/SDP packet. */ protected String getremotertphost(String msg[]) { String c = getHeader("c=", msg); if (c == null) { return null; } int idx = c.indexOf("IP4 "); if (idx == -1) { return null; } return c.substring(idx + 4); } /** * Returns the remote RTP port in a SIP/SDP packet. */ protected int getremotertpport(String msg[]) { // m=audio PORT RTP/AVP ... String m = getHeader("m=audio ", msg); if (m == null) { return -1; } int idx = m.indexOf(' '); if (idx == -1) { return -1; } return Integer.valueOf(m.substring(0, idx)); } /** * Returns the remote Video RTP port in a SIP/SDP packet. */ protected int getremoteVrtpport(String msg[]) { // m=video PORT RTP/AVP ... String m = getHeader("m=video ", msg); if (m == null) { return -1; } int idx = m.indexOf(' '); if (idx == -1) { return -1; } return Integer.valueOf(m.substring(0, idx)); } /** * Returns the 'o' counts in a SIP/SDP packet. idx can be 1 or 2. */ protected long geto(String msg[], int idx) { //o=blah o1 o2 ... String o = getHeader("o=", msg); if (o == null) { return 0; } String os[] = o.split(" "); return Long.valueOf(os[idx]); } /** * Returns "expires" field from SIP headers. */ public int getexpires(String msg[]) { //check Expires field String expires = getHeader("Expires:", msg); if (expires != null) { return JF.atoi(expires); } //check Contact field String contact = getHeader("Contact:", msg); if (contact == null) { contact = getHeader("c:", msg); } if (contact == null) { return -1; } String tags[] = split(contact); expires = getHeader("expires=", tags); if (expires == null) { return -1; } return JF.atoi(expires); } public abstract String getlocalRTPhost(CallDetails cd); /** * Builds SDP packet. (RFC 2327) */ public void buildsdp(CallDetails cd, CallDetails.SideDetails cdsd) { //build SDP content SDP sdp = cdsd.sdp; String ip = sdp.ip; if (ip == null) { ip = getlocalRTPhost(cd); } StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); content.append("v=0\r\n"); content.append("o=- " + cdsd.o1 + " " + cdsd.o2 + " IN IP4 " + cd.localhost + "\r\n"); content.append("s=" + useragent + "\r\n"); content.append("c=IN IP4 " + ip + "\r\n"); content.append("t=0 0\r\n"); if (sdp.iceufrag != null) content.append("a=ice-ufrag:" + sdp.iceufrag + "\r\n"); if (sdp.icepwd != null) content.append("a=ice-pwd:" + sdp.icepwd + "\r\n"); if (sdp.fingerprint != null) content.append("a=fingerprint:sha-256 " + sdp.fingerprint + "\r\n"); for(int a=0;a<sdp.streams.length;a++) { SDP.Stream stream = sdp.streams[a]; if (stream.codecs.length == 0) continue; Codec rfc2833 = getCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_RFC2833); content.append("m=" + stream.getType() + " " + stream.port + " RTP/" + stream.profile); for(int b=0;b<stream.codecs.length;b++) { content.append(" " + stream.codecs[b].id); } if (stream.type == && rfc2833 == null) { rfc2833 = RTP.CODEC_RFC2833; content.append(" " +; } content.append("\r\n"); if (stream.keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.SDP && stream.keys != null) { for(int c=0;c<stream.keys.length;c++) { SDP.Key keys = stream.keys[c]; byte key_salt[] = new byte[16 + 14]; System.arraycopy(keys.key, 0, key_salt, 0, 16); System.arraycopy(keys.salt, 0, key_salt, 16, 14); String keystr = new String(javaforce.Base64.encode(key_salt)); //keys | lifetime | mki:length String ln = keys.crypto + " inline:" + keystr; // + "|2^20"; // + "|1:32"; content.append("a=crypto:" + (c+1) + " "); content.append(ln); content.append("\r\n"); } } if (stream.content != null) { content.append("a=content:" + stream.content + "\r\n"); } content.append("a=" + stream.getMode() + "\r\n"); if (stream.ip != null) { content.append("c=IN IP4 " + stream.ip + "\r\n"); } content.append("a=ptime:20\r\n"); if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G711u)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G711a)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G722)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000\r\n"); //NOTE:It's really 16000 but an error in RFC claims it as 8000 } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_G729a)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000\r\n"); content.append("a=fmtp:18 annexb=no\r\n"); content.append("a=silenceSupp:off - - - -\r\n"); } if (stream.type == { content.append("a=rtpmap:" + + " telephone-event/8000\r\n"); content.append("a=fmtp:" + + " 0-15\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_JPEG)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:26 JPEG/90000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_1998)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:" + getCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_1998).id + " H263-1998/90000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_2000)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:" + getCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H263_2000).id + " H263-2000/90000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H264)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:" + getCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_H264).id + " H264/90000\r\n"); } if (hasCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_VP8)) { content.append("a=rtpmap:" + getCodec(stream.codecs, RTP.CODEC_VP8).id + " VP8/90000\r\n"); } if (stream.keyExchange == SDP.KeyExchange.DTLS) { content.append("a=rtcp-mux"); // } } cd.sdp = content.toString(); } private static HashMap<String, String> dnsCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Resolve hostname to IP address. Keeps a cache to improve performance. */ public static String resolve(String host) { //uses a small DNS cache //TODO : age and delete old entries (SIP servers should always have static IPs so this is not critical) String ip = dnsCache.get(host); if (ip != null) { return ip; } try { ip = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return null; } JFLog.log("dns:" + host + "=" + ip); dnsCache.put(host, ip); return ip; } private final int mtu = 1460; //max size of packet /** * This thread handles reading incoming SIP packets and dispatches them thru * SIPInterface. */ private class Worker extends Thread { public void run() { while (active) { try { byte data[] = new byte[mtu]; Packet pack = new Packet(); = data; if (!transport.receive(pack)) continue; if (pack.length <= 4) { continue; //keep alive } String msg[] = new String(data, 0, pack.length).replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n", -1); if (server) { WorkerPacket wp = new WorkerPacket(msg,, pack.port); wp.start(); } else { iface.packet(msg,, pack.port); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } } } /** * This thread dispatches SIP packets in a separate thread for server mode. */ private class WorkerPacket extends Thread { String x1[]; String x2; int x3; public WorkerPacket(String x1[], String x2, int x3) { this.x1 = x1; this.x2 = x2; this.x3 = x3; } public void run() { iface.packet(x1, x2, x3); } } }