/** jNetwork Manager * * Created : May 3, 2012 * * I've decided to replace NetworkManager with my own implementation. * NetworkManager is a well developed system but interfacing with it from Java is difficult. * */ import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.jbus.*; public class Server { private boolean startup; private String wapList = ""; private Timer wapTimer; public VPNConnection pendingVPN; public WAPConnection pendingWAP; public static Server This; public JBusClient jbusClient; public ArrayList<VPNConnection> vpnConnections = new ArrayList<VPNConnection>(); public ArrayList<WAPConnection> wapConnections = new ArrayList<WAPConnection>(); public ArrayList<Interface> interfaceList = new ArrayList<Interface>(); //active interfaces public ArrayList<DHCPClient> dhcpClients = new ArrayList<DHCPClient>(); //for active interfaces private static final boolean bluez3 = false; //no longer available public static void main(String args[]) { //this is currently not used : unless jnetworkmgr becomes a seperate package JFLog.init("/var/log/jnetworkmgr.log", true); new Server().start(); } public void start() { try { This = this; startup = true; jbusClient = new JBusClient("org.jflinux.jnetworkmgr", new JBusMethods()); jbusClient.start(); loadConfig(); Interface iface = getInterface("static"); //psuedo-interface for static values iface.domain_name = config.domain; iface.domain_name_servers = config.dns1 + " " + config.dns2 + " " + config.dns3; doDNS(iface); listIFs(); for(int a=0;a<interfaceList.size();a++) { startIF(interfaceList.get(a).dev); } createWAPTimer(); new NetLinkMonitor().start(); startup = false; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } private void updateLink(Interface iface) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("/sys/class/net/" + iface.dev + "/carrier"); char carrier = (char)fis.read(); fis.close(); iface.link = (carrier == '1'); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } private void listIFs() { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); String ifconfig = sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", "-a"}, false); String lns[] = ifconfig.split("\n"); String iwconfig = sp.run(new String[] {"iwconfig"}, false); String wlns[] = iwconfig.split("\n"); for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { if (!lns[a].startsWith(" ")) { int idx = lns[a].indexOf(" "); if (idx == -1) continue; String dev = lns[a].substring(0, idx); idx = dev.indexOf(":"); //fedora has a ':' after name if (idx != -1) { dev = dev.substring(0, idx); } if (dev.equals("lo")) continue; Interface iface = getInterface(dev); for(int w=0;w<wlns.length;w++) { if (wlns[w].startsWith(dev)) { if (wlns[w].indexOf("ESSID") != -1) { iface.wireless = true; } break; } } interfaceList.add(iface); JFLog.log("interface:" + iface.dev + ":wireless=" + iface.wireless); } } } public static class Config { public Interface iface[]; public String dns1, dns2, dns3; public String hostname, domain; } private Config config; private String configFolder = "/etc/jconfig.d/"; private String configFile = "network.xml"; private Interface highestRoute = null; //interface with highest priority private Interface highestDNS = null; //interface with highest priority private void loadConfig() { defaultConfig(); try { XML xml = new XML(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(configFolder + configFile); xml.read(fis); xml.writeClass(config); fis.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { defaultConfig(); } catch (Exception e2) { JFLog.log(e2); defaultConfig(); } } private void defaultConfig() { config = new Config(); config.iface = new Interface[0]; config.hostname = "localhost"; config.domain = "localdomain"; config.dns1 = ""; config.dns2 = ""; config.dns3 = ""; } public void updateInterface(Interface iface) { //update config options Interface update = null; for(int a=0;a<config.iface.length;a++) { Interface i = config.iface[a]; if (i.dev.equals(iface.dev)) { update = i; break; } } if (update == null) return; iface.dhcp4 = update.dhcp4; iface.dhcp6 = update.dhcp6; iface.disableIP6 = update.disableIP6; iface.ip4 = update.ip4; iface.mask4 = update.mask4; iface.gateway4 = update.gateway4; iface.ip6 = update.ip6; iface.gateway6 = update.gateway6; } public Interface getInterface(String dev) { Interface iface; loadConfig(); //redo in case of changes //try interfaceList first for(int a=0;a<interfaceList.size();a++) { iface = interfaceList.get(a); if (iface.dev.equals(dev)) { updateInterface(iface); return iface; } } //try config next for(int a=0;a<config.iface.length;a++) { iface = config.iface[a]; if (iface.dev.equals(dev)) { return iface; } } //return a new empty instance of Interface iface = new Interface(); iface.dev = dev; return iface; } public static String mask(String ipstr, String maskstr) { try { InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(ipstr); byte ip4[] = ip.getAddress(); InetAddress mask = InetAddress.getByName(maskstr); byte mask4[] = mask.getAddress(); for(int a=0;a<ip4.length;a++) { ip4[a] &= mask4[a]; } InetAddress ret = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip4); return ret.getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } return null; } private void startIF(String dev) { JFLog.log("jnetworkmgr:Starting:" + dev); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); String output = sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", dev, "up"}, true); if (sp.getErrorLevel() != 0) { JFLog.log("jnetworkmgr:Failed to start interface:" + dev + ":Output=" + output); return; } Interface iface = getInterface(dev); iface.active = true; updateLink(iface); if (!iface.wireless) { //do not setup wireless interfaces now setupInterface(iface); } } public void setupInterface(Interface iface) { //ensure interface link is active if (!iface.link) { JFLog.log("Warning:jnetworkmgr:setting up interface but link is down:" + iface.dev); } ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); if (iface.dhcp4) { DHCPClient client = new DHCPClient(iface, true); client.start(); dhcpClients.add(client); } else { //set static IP4 sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", iface.dev, iface.ip4, "netmask", iface.mask4}, true); iface.routers = iface.gateway4; iface.domain_name = config.domain; iface.domain_name_servers = config.dns1 + " " + config.dns2 + " " + config.dns3; doRouting(iface); doDNS(iface); if (pendingWAP != null && iface.pack != null) { This.jbusClient.call(iface.pack, "wapSuccess", ""); pendingWAP = null; iface.pack = null; } } if (iface.dhcp6) { DHCPClient client = new DHCPClient(iface, false); client.start(); dhcpClients.add(client); } else { if (!iface.disableIP6) { //set static IP6 sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", iface.dev, "add", iface.ip6 + "/64"}, true); //TODO : IP6??? // doRouting6(iface); // doDNS6(iface); } } iface.setup = true; } private void stopIF(String dev) { JFLog.log("jnetworkmgr:Stoping:" + dev); Interface iface = getInterface(dev); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", dev, ""}, true); //remove IP first String output = sp.run(new String[] {"ifconfig", dev, "down"}, true); if (sp.getErrorLevel() != 0) { JFLog.log("jnetworkmgr:Failed to stop interface:" + dev + ":Output=" + output); } tearDownInterface(dev); iface.active = false; } public void tearDownInterface(String dev) { Interface iface = getInterface(dev); for(int a=0;a<dhcpClients.size();) { if (dhcpClients.get(a).getDevice().equals(dev)) { dhcpClients.get(a).close(); dhcpClients.remove(a); } else { a++; } } undoRouting(iface, true); undoDNS(iface, true); //remove from priority chain if (iface.higherRoute != null) { iface.higherRoute.lowerRoute = iface.lowerRoute; } if (iface.lowerRoute != null) { iface.lowerRoute.higherRoute = iface.higherRoute; } if (iface.higherDNS != null) { iface.higherDNS.lowerDNS = iface.lowerDNS; } if (iface.lowerDNS != null) { iface.lowerDNS.higherDNS = iface.higherDNS; } iface.setup = false; } private boolean isIFactive(String dev) { for(int a=0;a<interfaceList.size();a++) { Interface iface = interfaceList.get(a); if (iface.dev.equals(dev)) { return iface.active; } } return false; } public static void dhcpSuccess(Interface iface) { if (Server.This.pendingWAP != null && iface.pack != null) { This.jbusClient.call(iface.pack, "wapSuccess", ""); Server.This.pendingWAP = null; iface.pack = null; } } private void exec(String args[]) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args); } catch (Exception e) {JFLog.log(e);} } /** Configures routing table */ public void doRouting(Interface iface) { if (highestRoute == null) { highestRoute = iface; } else { if (iface.higherRoute != null) { //is not the highest route return; } if ((iface.lowerRoute == null) && (highestRoute != iface)) { highestRoute.higherRoute = iface; iface.lowerRoute = highestRoute; highestRoute = iface; } } String routers[] = iface.routers.split(" "); exec(new String[] {"route", "add", "-net", "", "gw", routers[0]}); if (iface.static_routes != null) { String staticRoutes[] = iface.static_routes.split(" "); //TODO : do static routes??? } } /** Configures /etc/resolv.conf */ public void doDNS(Interface iface) { // JFLog.log("doDNS:" + iface.dev + ":highest=" + (highestDNS == null ? "null" : highestDNS.dev) + ":lowerDNS=" + (iface.lowerDNS == null ? "null" : iface.lowerDNS.dev)); if (highestDNS == null) { highestDNS = iface; } else { if (iface.higherDNS != null) { JFLog.log("doDNS:Not highest DNS"); return; } if ((iface.lowerDNS == null) && (highestDNS != iface)) { highestDNS.higherDNS = iface; iface.lowerDNS = highestDNS; highestDNS = iface; } } // JFLog.log("Applying DNS:" + iface.dev + ":" + iface.domain_name_servers); try { String dns[] = iface.domain_name_servers.split(" "); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/etc/resolv.conf"); fos.write(("domain " + iface.domain_name + "\n").getBytes()); fos.write(("search " + iface.domain_name + "\n").getBytes()); for(int a=0;a<dns.length;a++) { if (dns[a].length() == 0) continue; fos.write(("nameserver " + dns[a] + "\n").getBytes()); } fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** Unconfigure routing table */ private void undoRouting(Interface iface, boolean useLower) { if (highestRoute != iface) return; String routers[] = iface.routers.split(" "); exec(new String[] {"route", "del", "-net", ""}); // String staticRoutes[] = iface.static_routes.split(" "); //TODO : undo static routes??? //find next interface with lower priority and switch to it's routing if (useLower) { if (iface.lowerRoute != null) { //remove this from chain - never go back up after lowering iface.lowerRoute.higherRoute = null; highestRoute = iface.lowerRoute; doRouting(iface.lowerRoute); } } } private void removeDNS() { //no interface available try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/etc/resolv.conf"); fos.write("#no interface currently available".getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** Unconfigure /etc/resolv.conf */ public void undoDNS(Interface iface, boolean useLower) { // JFLog.log("undoDNS:" + iface.dev + ":highest=" + (highestDNS == null ? "null" : highestDNS.dev) + ":lowerDNS=" + (iface.lowerDNS == null ? "null" : iface.lowerDNS.dev)); if (highestDNS != iface) return; if (useLower) { if (iface.lowerDNS != null) { //remove this from chain - never go back up after lowering iface.lowerDNS.higherDNS = null; highestDNS = iface.lowerDNS; doDNS(iface.lowerDNS); } else { removeDNS(); } } else { // removeDNS(); //not needed since this change is temporary } } private void processScript(String argString) { String args[] = argString.split(","); String reason = null, ifaceName = null, medium = null; String new_ip_address = null, new_subnet_mask = null, new_domain_name = null, new_domain_name_servers = null, new_routers = null, new_static_routes = null; String old_ip_address = null, old_subnet_mask = null, old_domain_name = null, old_domain_name_servers = null, old_routers = null, old_static_routes = null; for(int a=0;a<args.length;a++) { if (args[a].startsWith("reason=")) {reason = args[a].substring(7); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("interface=")) {ifaceName = args[a].substring(10); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("medium=")) {medium = args[a].substring(7); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_ip_address=")) {new_ip_address = args[a].substring(15); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_subnet_mask=")) {new_subnet_mask = args[a].substring(16); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_domain_name=")) {new_domain_name = args[a].substring(16); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_domain_name_servers=")) {new_domain_name_servers = args[a].substring(24); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_routers=")) {new_routers = args[a].substring(12); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("new_static_routes=")) {new_static_routes = args[a].substring(18); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_ip_address=")) {old_ip_address = args[a].substring(15); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_subnet_mask=")) {old_subnet_mask = args[a].substring(16); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_domain_name=")) {old_domain_name = args[a].substring(16); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_domain_name_servers=")) {old_domain_name_servers = args[a].substring(24); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_routers=")) {old_routers = args[a].substring(12); continue;} if (args[a].startsWith("old_static_routes=")) {old_static_routes = args[a].substring(18); continue;} } JFLog.log("jnetworkmgr.script:" + reason + " on " + ifaceName); Interface iface = getInterface(ifaceName); if (reason.equals("MEDIUM")) { //ifconfig $interface medium $medium exec(new String[] {"ifconfig", ifaceName, "medium", medium}); return; } if (reason.equals("EXPIRE") || reason.equals("FAIL")) { undoRouting(iface, true); undoDNS(iface, true); reason = "PREINIT"; } if (reason.equals("PREINIT")) { //ifconfig $interface exec(new String[] {"ifconfig", ifaceName, ""}); //ifconfig $interface broadcast exec(new String[] {"ifconfig", ifaceName, "broadcast"}); return; } if (reason.equals("REBIND")) { //if IP has changed clear ARP table if (!old_ip_address.equals(new_ip_address)) { exec(new String[] {"ip", "neigh", "flush", "dev", ifaceName}); } reason = "RENEW"; } if (reason.equals("RENEW")) { //delete anything that has changed new_ -> old_ if ((!old_routers.equals(new_routers) && (old_routers.length() > 0)) || ((!old_static_routes.equals(new_static_routes)) && (old_static_routes.length() > 0))) { undoRouting(iface, false); } if (!old_domain_name_servers.equals(new_domain_name_servers)) { undoDNS(iface, false); } reason = "BOUND"; } if (reason.equals("BOUND") || reason.equals("REBOOT")) { //ifconfig $interface $new_ip_address exec(new String[] {"ifconfig", ifaceName, new_ip_address}); iface.ip4 = new_ip_address; //ifconfig $interface netmask $new_subnet_mask exec(new String[] {"ifconfig", ifaceName, new_subnet_mask}); iface.mask4 = new_subnet_mask; iface.domain_name = new_domain_name; iface.domain_name_servers = new_domain_name_servers; iface.routers = new_routers; iface.static_routes = new_static_routes; doRouting(iface); doDNS(iface); return; } //ignored : STOP, RELEASE, NBI, TIMEOUT } private void getWAPList() { String newWapList = ""; ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); for(int a=0;a<interfaceList.size();a++) { Interface iface = interfaceList.get(a); if (!iface.wireless) continue; String output = sp.run(new String[] {"iwlist", iface.dev, "scan"}, false); if (output == null) output = ""; output = output.replaceAll("\n", "|"); output = output.replaceAll("\"", "\'"); String wapScan = output; newWapList += genWAPList(iface.dev, wapScan); } wapList = newWapList; jbusClient.call("org.jflinux.jfsystemmgr", "broadcastWAPList", quote(wapList)); } private String genWAPList(String dev, String wapScan) { int cnt = 0; String list = ""; String lns[] = wapScan.split("[|]"); String wap = null, encType = "?"; for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { String ln = lns[a].trim(); if (ln.startsWith("Cell ")) { if (wap != null) { list += wap; if (isWAPactive(wap)) list += " *"; list += "|" + encType + "|"; cnt++; } wap = null; encType = "OPEN"; continue; } if (ln.startsWith("ESSID:")) { wap = ln.substring(7,ln.length() - 1); //remove quotes if (wap.length() == 0) { wap = null; encType = null; continue; } continue; } if (ln.startsWith("Encryption key:")) { //comes before ESSID in list String value = ln.substring(15); if (value.equals("on")) { encType = "WEP"; //unless WPA is found later down } continue; } if (ln.endsWith("WPA Version 1")) { encType = "WPA"; continue; } if (ln.endsWith("WPA2 Version 1")) { encType = "WPA"; continue; } } if (wap != null) { list += wap; if (isWAPactive(wap)) list += " *"; list += "|" + encType + "|"; cnt++; } return dev + "|" + cnt + "|" + list; } private boolean checkWireless() { for(int a=0;a<interfaceList.size();a++) { if (interfaceList.get(a).wireless) return true; } return false; } private void createWAPTimer() { wapTimer = new java.util.Timer(); wapTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { //update wireless list if not connected to any every minute if ((wapConnections.isEmpty()) && checkWireless()) getWAPList(); } }, 0, 60 * 1000); } public static class VPN { public String name; public String host; public String caps; //windows = pre-defined, else: pap, mschap, etc. public String capsOpts; //flags public String routes; //comma list public String routeOpts; //flags public String user, pass, domain; public String domainsearch; } public static class VPNConfig { public VPN vpn[]; } private VPNConfig vpnConfig; private String vpnConfigFile = "/etc/jconfig.d/vpn.xml"; private synchronized void loadVPNConfig() { defaultVPNConfig(); try { XML xml = new XML(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(vpnConfigFile); xml.read(fis); xml.writeClass(vpnConfig); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { defaultVPNConfig(); } catch (Exception e2) { JFLog.log(e2); defaultVPNConfig(); } } private void defaultVPNConfig() { vpnConfig = new VPNConfig(); vpnConfig.vpn = new VPN[0]; } private boolean isVPNactive(String name) { for(int a=0;a<vpnConnections.size();a++) { if (vpnConnections.get(a).name.equals(name)) return true; } return false; } private boolean isWAPactive(String ssid) { for(int a=0;a<wapConnections.size();a++) { if (wapConnections.get(a).ssid.equals(ssid)) return true; } return false; } private static String quote(String str) { return "\"" + str + "\""; } private String bluetoothctlPrompt = ".*\\p{Punct}bluetooth\\p{Punct}.*\\p{Punct}"; //ESC[0;49m[bluetooth]ESC[0m# public class JBusMethods { public void notifyUp(String dev) { if (startup) return; //TODO : start dhcp client ??? } public void notifyDown(String dev) { if (startup) return; //TODO : stop dhcp client ??? } public void script(String args) { processScript(args); } public void ifUp(String dev) { JFLog.log("ifUp:" + dev); if (isIFactive(dev)) {JFLog.log("already up"); return;} startIF(dev); } public void ifDown(String dev) { JFLog.log("ifDown:" + dev); if (!isIFactive(dev)) {JFLog.log("already down"); return;} stopIF(dev); } public void connectVPN(String pack, String id, String host, String user, String pass, String domain, String caps, String capsOpts, String routes, String routeOpts, String domainsearch) { VPNConnection conn = new VPNConnection(); conn.id = id; conn.pack = pack; conn.host = host; conn.user = user; conn.pass = pass; conn.domain = domain; conn.caps = caps; conn.capsOpts = capsOpts; conn.routes = routes; conn.routeOpts = routeOpts; conn.domainsearch = domainsearch; vpnConnections.add(conn); conn.start(); } public void disconnectVPN(String id) { for(int a=0;a<vpnConnections.size();a++) { if (vpnConnections.get(a).id.equals(id)) { vpnConnections.get(a).close(); vpnConnections.remove(a); return; } } } public void getWAPList(String pack) { jbusClient.call(pack, "setWAPList", quote(wapList)); } public void connectWAP(String pack, String dev, String ssid, String encType, String key) { if (pendingWAP != null) return; WAPConnection wap = new WAPConnection(); wap.init(pack,dev,ssid,encType,key); pendingWAP = wap; wap.start(); wapConnections.add(wap); } public void disconnectWAP(String pack, String dev) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.run(new String[] {"iwconfig", dev, "essid", "any"}, false); tearDownInterface(dev); //stop dhcp clients (if any) //stop wpa_supplicant if used for(int a=0;a<wapConnections.size();) { if (wapConnections.get(a).dev.equals(dev)) { wapConnections.get(a).close(); wapConnections.remove(a); } else { a++; } } } public void cancelWAP() { if (pendingWAP == null) return; pendingWAP.close(); pendingWAP = null; } public void getBTdevices(String pack) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); // ShellProcess.log = true; // ShellProcess.logPrompt = true; String list = ""; if (bluez3) { sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "show\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "exit\n", false); String output = sp.run(new String[] {"bluetoothctl"}, false); JFLog.log("output=" + output); String lns[] = output.split("\n"); for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { if (lns[a].startsWith("Controller")) { if (list.length() > 0) list += "|"; list += lns[a].substring(11, 11+17); } else if (lns[a].indexOf("Powered") != -1) { if (list.length() > 0) list += "|"; list += lns[a].indexOf("yes") != -1 ? "UP" : "DOWN"; } } } else { String output = sp.run(new String[] {"hciconfig"}, false); String lns[] = output.split("\n"); for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { if (lns[a].startsWith(" ")) { if (lns[a].trim().startsWith("UP")) { if (list.length() > 0) list += "|"; list += "UP"; } if (lns[a].trim().startsWith("DOWN")) { if (list.length() > 0) list += "|"; list += "DOWN"; } } else { String dev = lns[a]; int idx = dev.indexOf(" "); if (idx != -1) dev = dev.substring(0, idx); idx = dev.indexOf(":"); if (idx != -1) dev = dev.substring(0, idx); if (list.length() > 0) list += "|"; list += dev; } } } jbusClient.call(pack, "setBTdevices", quote(list)); } //enable bluetook controlling device public void enableBTdevice(String pack, String cmac) { final ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); if (bluez3) { sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "select " + cmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "power on\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "exit\n", false); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { sp.getOutputStream().write(("exit\n").getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }, 5 * 1000, 1000); String output = sp.run(new String[] {"bluetoothctl"}, false); //JFLog.log("enableBTdevice.output=" + output); timer.cancel(); if (output.indexOf("succeeded") != -1) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } else { String output = sp.run(new String[] {"hciconfig", cmac/*dev*/, "up"}, false); if (sp.getErrorLevel() == 0) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } } //disable bluetook controlling device public void disableBTdevice(String pack, String cmac) { final ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); if (bluez3) { sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "select " + cmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "power off\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "exit\n", false); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { sp.getOutputStream().write(("exit\n").getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }, 5 * 1000, 1000); String output = sp.run(new String[] {"bluetoothctl"}, false); timer.cancel(); if (output.indexOf("succeeded") != -1) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } else { String output = sp.run(new String[] {"hciconfig", cmac/*dev*/, "down"}, false); if (sp.getErrorLevel() == 0) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } } //connect to end device thru controller public synchronized void connectBT(String pack, String cmac, final String mmac) { final ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); if (bluez3) { //use bluetoothctl sp.addListener(new ShellProcessListenerAdapter() { String output = ""; boolean scanComplete = false; boolean connectComplete = false; public void shellProcessOutput(String string) { if (!connectComplete && output.indexOf("Pairing successful") != -1 && output.indexOf("Connection successful") != -1) { sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "exit\n", false); connectComplete = true; //need to wake up ShellProcess to make it process prompt/response again try { sp.getOutputStream().write("version\n".getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} return; } if (scanComplete) return; output += string; if (output.indexOf(mmac) != -1) { sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "trust " + mmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "pairable on\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "pair " + mmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "connect " + mmac + "\n", false); scanComplete = true; //need to wake up ShellProcess to make it process prompt/response again try { sp.getOutputStream().write("version\n".getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } }); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "select " + cmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "scan on\n", false); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { sp.getOutputStream().write(("exit\n").getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }, 10 * 1000, 1000); String output = sp.run(new String [] {"bluetoothctl"}, false); timer.cancel(); //JFLog.log("connectBT.output=" + output); if (output.indexOf("Connection successful") != -1) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } else { //use hcitool (not working yet) [use to use hidd --connect but removed in bluez5.x) String output = sp.run(new String[] {"hcitool", "cc", mmac}, false); if (sp.getErrorLevel() == 0) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } } //disconnect from end device thru controller public void disconnectBT(String pack, String cmac, String mmac) { final ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); if (true) { //use bluetoothctl sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "select " + cmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "remove " + mmac + "\n", false); sp.addRegexResponse(bluetoothctlPrompt, "exit\n", false); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { sp.getOutputStream().write(("exit\n").getBytes()); sp.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }, 5 * 1000, 1000); String output = sp.run(new String [] {"bluetoothctl"}, false); timer.cancel(); //TODO : check output jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { String output = sp.run(new String[] {"hcitool", "dc", mmac}, false); if (sp.getErrorLevel() == 0) { jbusClient.call(pack, "btSuccess", ""); } else { jbusClient.call(pack, "btFailed", ""); } } } public void getVPNList(String pack) { String vpnList = ""; loadVPNConfig(); for(int a=0;a<vpnConfig.vpn.length;a++) { String name = vpnConfig.vpn[a].name; if (isVPNactive(name)) name += " *"; vpnList += name + "|"; } jbusClient.call(pack, "setVPNList", quote(vpnList)); } public void connectVPN(String pack, String name) { for(int a=0;a<vpnConfig.vpn.length;a++) { if (vpnConfig.vpn[a].name.equals(name)) { if (isVPNactive(name)) { disconnectVPN(name); } else { VPN vpn = vpnConfig.vpn[a]; VPNConnection conn = new VPNConnection(); conn.name = name; conn.id = "" + Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()); conn.pack = pack; conn.host = vpn.host; conn.user = vpn.user; conn.pass = vpn.pass; conn.domain = vpn.domain; conn.caps = vpn.caps; conn.capsOpts = vpn.capsOpts; conn.routes = vpn.routes; conn.routeOpts = vpn.routeOpts; conn.domainsearch = vpn.domainsearch; vpnConnections.add(conn); conn.start(); } break; } } } public void cancelVPN() { if (pendingVPN == null) return; pendingVPN.close(); pendingVPN = null; } public void closeAllVPN() { while (vpnConnections.size() > 0) { disconnectVPN(vpnConnections.get(0).name); } } } }