package javaforce.linux; /** * Created : Mar 12, 2012 * * @author pquiring */ import java.util.*; import*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.jni.*; /** * Common functions for Linux administration. */ public class Linux { /** Returns jfLinux ISO version. */ public static String getVersion() { return "15"; } public static enum DistroTypes { Unknown, Ubuntu, Fedora }; public static DistroTypes distro = DistroTypes.Unknown; public static String ubuntuRelease, ubuntuCodename; /** * Detects Linux distribution type. (Support Ubuntu, Fedora currently) */ public static boolean detectDistro() { if (distro != DistroTypes.Unknown) { return true; } try { //Ubuntu : /etc/lsb-release File lsb = new File("/etc/lsb-release"); if (lsb.exists()) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(lsb); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(fis); fis.close(); String id = props.getProperty("DISTRIB_ID"); if (id.equals("Ubuntu")) { distro = DistroTypes.Ubuntu; ubuntuRelease = props.getProperty("DISTRIB_RELEASE"); ubuntuCodename = props.getProperty("DISTRIB_CODENAME"); return true; } } //Fedora : /etc/fedora-release File fedora = new File("/etc/fedora-release"); if (fedora.exists()) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fedora); byte data[] = JF.readAll(fis); fis.close(); String str = new String(data); if (str.indexOf("Fedora") != -1) { distro = DistroTypes.Fedora; return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } return false; } public static boolean ubuntuAddRepo(String ppa) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.removeEnvironmentVariable("TERM"); sp.addEnvironmentVariable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive"); String output = String[] {"sudo", "-E", "add-apt-repository", ppa}, true); if (output == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Creates folder as root */ public static boolean mkdir(String folder) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("mkdir"); cmd.add("-p"); cmd.add(folder); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec mkdir"); return false; } if (output.length() > 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } /** * Copies src to dst as root */ public static boolean copyFile(String src, String dst) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("cp"); cmd.add(src); cmd.add(dst); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec cp"); return false; } if (output.length() > 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } /** * Creates Link to Target as root */ public static boolean createLink(String target, String link) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("ln"); cmd.add("-s"); cmd.add(target); cmd.add(link); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec ln"); return false; } if (output.length() > 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } /** * Deletes file as root */ public static boolean deleteFile(String file) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("rm"); cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add(file); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec ln"); return false; } if (output.length() > 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } /** * Restarts a service */ public static boolean restartService(String name) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("service"); cmd.add(name); cmd.add("restart"); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec service"); return false; } if (sp.getErrorLevel() != 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } /** * Restarts a JF service */ public static boolean restartJFService(String name) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("jservice"); cmd.add(name); cmd.add("restart"); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec jservice"); return false; } if (sp.getErrorLevel() != 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } public static boolean ubuntuUpdate() { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.removeEnvironmentVariable("TERM"); sp.addEnvironmentVariable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive"); String output = String[] {"sudo", "-E", "apt-get", "--yes", "update"}, true); if (output == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Work with Ubuntu packages. */ private static boolean apt(String action, String pkg, String desc) { JFTask task = new JFTask() { public boolean work() { this.setProgress(-1); String action = (String)this.getProperty("action"); String pkg = (String)this.getProperty("pkg"); String desc = (String)this.getProperty("desc"); setLabel((action.equals("install") ? "Installing " : "Removing ") + desc); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.removeEnvironmentVariable("TERM"); sp.addEnvironmentVariable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive"); String output = String[]{"sudo", "-E", "apt-get", "--yes", action, pkg}, true); if (output == null) { setLabel("Failed to exec apt-get"); JFLog.log("Failed to exec apt-get"); return false; } if (output.indexOf("Unable to locate package") != -1) { setLabel("Package not found"); JFLog.log("Package not found"); return false; } setLabel("Complete"); setProgress(100); return true; } }; task.setProperty("action", action); task.setProperty("pkg", pkg); task.setProperty("desc", desc); new ProgressDialog(null, true, task).setVisible(true); return task.getStatus(); } /** * Work with Fedora packages. */ private static boolean yum(String action, String pkg, String desc) { JFTask task = new JFTask() { public boolean work() { this.setProgress(-1); String action = (String)this.getProperty("action"); String pkg = (String)this.getProperty("pkg"); String desc = (String)this.getProperty("desc"); setLabel((action.equals("install") ? "Installing " : "Removing ") + desc); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); sp.removeEnvironmentVariable("TERM"); //prevent config dialogs String output = String[]{"sudo", "-E", "yum", "-y", action, pkg}, false); if (output == null) { setLabel("Failed to exec yum"); JFLog.log("Failed to exec yum"); return false; } setLabel("Complete"); setProgress(100); return true; } }; task.setProperty("action", action); task.setProperty("pkg", pkg); task.setProperty("desc", desc); new ProgressDialog(null, true, task).setVisible(true); return task.getStatus(); } public static boolean installPackage(String pkg, String desc) { detectDistro(); switch (distro) { case Ubuntu: return apt("install", pkg, desc); case Fedora: return yum("install", pkg, desc); } return false; } public static boolean removePackage(String pkg, String desc) { detectDistro(); switch (distro) { case Ubuntu: return apt("autoremove", pkg, desc); case Fedora: return yum("remove", pkg, desc); } return false; } /** * Sets file as executable as root */ public static boolean setExec(String file) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("sudo"); cmd.add("chmod"); cmd.add("+x"); cmd.add(file); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Failed to exec chmod"); return false; } if (output.length() > 0) { JFLog.log("Error:" + output); return false; } return true; } private static String pkgList[][]; /* public static String[][] getPackages() { if (dpkg == null) updateInstalled(); return dpkg; }*/ private static String[][] ubuntu_searchPackages(String regex) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("apt-cache"); cmd.add("search"); cmd.add(regex); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Error:unable to execute apt-cache"); return null; } String lns[] = output.split("\n"); String ret[][] = new String[lns.length][2]; String f[]; for (int a = 0; a < lns.length; a++) { f = lns[a].split(" - "); if (f.length != 2) { continue; } ret[a][0] = f[0]; //package name ret[a][1] = f[1]; //package desc } return ret; } private static String[][] fedora_searchPackages(String regex) { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("yum"); cmd.add("search"); cmd.add(regex); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Error:unable to execute yum"); return null; } String lns[] = output.split("\n"); String ret[][] = new String[lns.length][2]; String f[]; for (int a = 0; a < lns.length; a++) { f = lns[a].split(" : "); if (f.length != 2) { continue; } ret[a][0] = f[0]; //package name ret[a][1] = f[1]; //package desc } return ret; } /** * Searches for available packages (NOTE:There may be nulls in the output) */ public static String[][] searchPackages(String regex) { detectDistro(); switch (distro) { case Ubuntu: return ubuntu_searchPackages(regex); case Fedora: return fedora_searchPackages(regex); } return null; } public static void ubuntu_updateInstalled() { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("dpkg"); cmd.add("-l"); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Error:unable to execute dpkg"); return; } String lns[] = output.split("\n"); pkgList = new String[lns.length - 5][3]; String f[]; for (int a = 5; a < lns.length; a++) { f = lns[a].split(" +", 4); //greedy spaces pkgList[a - 5][0] = f[1]; //package name pkgList[a - 5][1] = f[3]; //package desc pkgList[a - 5][2] = (f[0].charAt(0) == 'i' ? "true" : "false"); //package installed? } } public static void fedora_updateInstalled() { //NOTE:can't use "rpm -qa" because the version # is mangled in the name ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("yum"); cmd.add("list"); cmd.add("installed"); String output =, false); if (output == null) { JFLog.log("Error:unable to execute yum"); return; } String lns[] = output.split("\n"); pkgList = new String[lns.length - 2][3]; for (int a = 2; a < lns.length; a++) { String f[] = lns[a].split(" +"); //greedy spaces if (f.length != 3) { pkgList[a-2][0] = ""; pkgList[a-2][1] = ""; pkgList[a-2][2] = ""; continue; } int idx = f[0].lastIndexOf("."); //strip arch if (idx == -1) { pkgList[a-2][0] = f[0]; //package name } else { pkgList[a-2][0] = f[0].substring(0, idx); //package name } pkgList[a-2][1] = f[1]; //package desc pkgList[a-2][2] = "true"; //package installed? } } public static void updateInstalled() { detectDistro(); switch (distro) { case Ubuntu: ubuntu_updateInstalled(); break; case Fedora: fedora_updateInstalled(); break; } } public static boolean isInstalled(String pkg) { if (pkg == null) { return true; } if (pkgList == null) { updateInstalled(); } for (int a = 0; a < pkgList.length; a++) { if (pkgList[a][0].equals(pkg)) { return pkgList[a][2].equals("true"); } } return false; } public static String getPackageDesc(String pkg) { if (pkg == null) { return ""; } if (pkgList == null) { updateInstalled(); if (pkgList == null) { return ""; } } for (int a = 0; a < pkgList.length; a++) { if (pkgList[a][0].equals(pkg)) { return pkgList[a][1]; } } return ""; } public static boolean isMemberOf(String user, String group) { try { ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); String output = String[]{"groups", user}, false).replaceAll("\n", ""); //output = "user : group1 group2 ..." String groups[] = output.split(" "); for (int a = 2; a < groups.length; a++) { if (groups[a].equals(group)) { return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } private static String expandQuotes(String inString) { while (true) { int i1 = inString.indexOf('\"'); if (i1 == -1) { return inString; } int i2 = inString.indexOf('\"', i1 + 1); if (i2 == -1) { return inString; } inString = inString.substring(0, i1) + inString.substring(i1 + 1, i2).replace(' ', '\u1234') + inString.substring(i2 + 1); } } private static String[] expandBackslash(String inString) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); char inCA[] = inString.toCharArray(); for (int a = 0; a < inCA.length; a++) { if (inCA[a] == '\\') { if (inCA[a + 1] == '\\') { if (inCA[a + 2] == '\\') { if (inCA[a + 3] == '\\') { out.append('\\'); out.append('\\'); a += 3; continue; } } else if (inCA[a + 2] == ' ') { out.append('\u1234'); a += 2; continue; } else { out.append('\\'); a++; continue; } } } out.append(inCA[a]); } String cmd[] = out.toString().split(" "); for (int a = 0; a < cmd.length; a++) { if (cmd[a].indexOf('\u1234') != -1) { cmd[a] = cmd[a].replace('\u1234', ' '); } } return cmd; } /** * Currently only supports %f,%F,%u,%U */ public static String[] expandDesktopExec(String exec, String file) { if (file == null) { file = ""; } file = '\"' + file + '\"'; exec = exec.replaceAll("%f", file); exec = exec.replaceAll("%F", file); exec = exec.replaceAll("%u", file); exec = exec.replaceAll("%U", file); exec = expandQuotes(exec); return expandBackslash(exec); } /** * Currently only supports %f,%F,%u,%U */ public static String[] expandDesktopExec(String exec, String file[]) { String files = ""; if (file != null) { for (int a = 0; a < file.length; a++) { if (a > 0) { files += " "; } files += '\"' + file[a] + '\"'; } } else { file = new String[1]; file[0] = ""; } exec = exec.replaceAll("%f", '\"' + file[0] + '\"'); exec = exec.replaceAll("%F", files); exec = exec.replaceAll("%u", '\"' + file[0] + '\"'); exec = exec.replaceAll("%U", files); exec = expandQuotes(exec); return expandBackslash(exec); } public static boolean executeDesktop(String desktop, String file[]) { try { Properties props = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(desktop); props.load(fis); fis.close(); String exec = props.getProperty("Exec"); String path = props.getProperty("Path"); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = System.getenv("HOME"); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = "/"; } } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); File(path)); String expand[] = expandDesktopExec(exec, file); pb.command(expand); pb.start(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } public static int detectBits() { if (new File("/usr/lib64").exists()) { return 64; } return 32; } /** * Runs a bash script as root */ public static boolean runScript(String lns[]) { try { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("script", ".sh", new File("/tmp")); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); fos.write("#!/bin/bash\n".getBytes()); for (int a = 0; a < lns.length; a++) { fos.write((lns[a] + "\n").getBytes()); } fos.close(); tmpFile.setExecutable(true); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); String output = String[]{"sudo", tmpFile.getAbsolutePath()}, true); tmpFile.delete(); return sp.getErrorLevel() == 0; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } private static final int None = 0; private static final int CurrentTime = 0; private static final int ShiftMask = 1; private static final int True = 1; private static final int False = 0; private static final int KeyPress = 2; private static final int KeyRelease = 3; private static final int CreateNotify = 16; private static final int DestroyNotify = 17; private static final int UnmapNotify = 18; private static final int MapNotify = 19; private static final int ReparentNotify = 21; private static final int ConfigureNotify = 22; private static final int PropertyNotify = 28; private static final int ClientMessage = 33; private static final int KeyPressMask = 1; private static final int KeyReleaseMask = (1 << 1); private static final int StructureNotifyMask = (1 << 17); private static final int SubstructureNotifyMask = (1 << 19); private static final int PropertyChangeMask = (1 << 22); public static boolean init() { return true; } public static long x11_get_id(java.awt.Window w) { return LnxNative.x11_get_id(w); } public static void x11_set_desktop(long xid) { LnxNative.x11_set_desktop(xid); } public static void x11_set_dock(long xid) { LnxNative.x11_set_dock(xid); } public static void x11_set_strut(long xid, int panelHeight, int x, int y, int width, int height) { LnxNative.x11_set_strut(xid, panelHeight,x,y,width,height); } //tray functions public static void x11_set_listener(X11Listener cb) { LnxNative.x11_set_listener(cb); } /** Polls and dispatches tray events. Does not return until x11_tray_stop() is called. */ public static void x11_tray_main(long pid, int screenWidth, int trayPos, int trayHeight) { LnxNative.x11_tray_main(pid, screenWidth, trayPos, trayHeight); } /** Repositions tray icons and the tray window itself. * * @param screenWidth = new screen width (-1 = has not changed) */ public static void x11_tray_reposition(int screenWidth, int trayPos, int trayHeight) { LnxNative.x11_tray_reposition(screenWidth, trayPos, trayHeight); } /** Stops x11_tray_main() */ public static void x11_tray_stop() { LnxNative.x11_tray_stop(); } public static int x11_tray_width() { return LnxNative.x11_tray_width(); } //top-level x11 windows monitor /** Polls and dispatches top-level windows events. Does not return until x11_window_list_stop() is called. */ public static void x11_window_list_main() { LnxNative.x11_window_list_main(); } public static void x11_window_list_stop() { LnxNative.x11_window_list_stop(); //TODO : send a message to ??? to cause main() loop to abort } public static class Window { public long xid; public int pid; public String title; //_NET_WM_NAME public String name; //XFetchName public String res_name, res_class; public String file; //user defined public long org_event_mask; public Window(long xid, int pid, String title, String name, String res_name, String res_class) { this.xid = xid; = pid; this.title = title; = name; this.res_name = res_name; this.res_class = res_class; } } private static ArrayList<Window> currentList = new ArrayList<Window>(); private static Object currentListLock = new Object(); /** Returns list of all top-level windows. * NOTE : x11_window_list_main() must be running. */ public static Window[] x11_get_window_list() { //create a "copy" of currentList synchronized(currentListLock) { return currentList.toArray(new Window[0]); } } //called from native code to add/update a window private static void x11_window_add(long xid, int pid, String title, String name, String res_name, String res_class) { Window window = new Window(xid, pid, title, name, res_name, res_class); synchronized(currentListLock) { int cnt = currentList.size(); for(int a=0;a<cnt;a++) { if (currentList.get(a).xid == xid) { currentList.set(a, window); return; } } currentList.add(window); } } //called from native code to delete a window private static void x11_window_del(long xid) { synchronized(currentListLock) { int cnt = currentList.size(); for(int a=0;a<cnt;a++) { if (currentList.get(a).xid == xid) { currentList.remove(a); return; } } } } public static void x11_minimize_all() { LnxNative.x11_minimize_all(); } public static void x11_raise_window(long xid) { LnxNative.x11_raise_window(xid); } public static void x11_map_window(long xid) { LnxNative.x11_map_window(xid); } public static void x11_unmap_window(long xid) { LnxNative.x11_unmap_window(xid); } //x11 send event functions public static int x11_keysym_to_keycode(char keysym) { return LnxNative.x11_keysym_to_keycode(keysym); } /** Send keyboard event to window with focus. */ public static boolean x11_send_event(int keycode, boolean down) { return LnxNative.x11_send_event(keycode, down); } /** Send keyboard event to specific window. */ public static boolean x11_send_event(long id, int keycode, boolean down) { return LnxNative.x11_send_event(id, keycode, down); } //X11 : RandR support public static class Size { public String size; public boolean active; public boolean preferred; } public static class Port { public String name; public boolean connected; public boolean hasActiveSize; public boolean used; //mapped to Monitor public ArrayList<Size> sizes = new ArrayList<Size>(); } public static class Screen { public int idx; public ArrayList<Port> ports = new ArrayList<Port>(); } public static class Monitor { public String name; public String res = ""; //resolution public int rotate; //NORMAL, RIGHT, LEFT, INVERTED public boolean mirror; //relpos ignored public int relpos; //NONE, LEFT, RIGHT, BELOW, ABOVE, SAME public String relName = ""; //relative to this monitor } public static final int P_NONE = 0; //only primary uses P_NONE public static final int P_LEFT = 1; public static final int P_ABOVE = 2; public static final int P_RIGHT = 3; public static final int P_BELOW = 4; public static final int P_SAME = 5; public static final int R_NORMAL = 0; public static final int R_RIGHT = 1; //CW public static final int R_LEFT = 2; //CCW public static final int R_INVERTED = 3; public static ArrayList<Screen> screens = new ArrayList<Screen>(); /** X11 : RandR : Detects current state. * @param config = current settings (optional) * @return new settings */ public static Monitor[] x11_rr_get_setup(Monitor config[]) { //xrandr output: //-------------- //Screen 0: minimum 1 x 1, current X x Y, maximum 8192 x 8192 //MonitorName [dis]connected XxY+0+0 [rotation] (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm // XxY freq*+ [freq2] (where *=current +=preferred) //-------------- //(where rotation = right, left, inverted) screens.clear(); Screen screen = null; Port port = null; Size size = null; ArrayList<Monitor> newConfig = new ArrayList<Monitor>(); ShellProcess sp = new ShellProcess(); String output = String[] {"xrandr"}, false); String lns[] = output.split("\n"); for(int a=0;a<lns.length;a++) { if (lns[a].length() == 0) continue; if (lns[a].startsWith("Screen ")) { screen = new Screen(); int i1 = lns[a].indexOf(" "); int i2 = lns[a].indexOf(":"); screen.idx = JF.atoi(lns[a].substring(i1+1, i2)); screens.add(screen); continue; } if (lns[a].startsWith(" ")) { //size / rate*+ (*=in use +=preferred) if (port == null) { JFLog.log("Error:XRandR size line without monitor"); continue; } if (!port.connected) continue; //junk info size = new Size(); String f[] = lns[a].trim().split(" +"); //greedy spaces size.size = f[0]; = f[1].indexOf("*") != -1; if ( { port.hasActiveSize = true; } size.preferred = f[1].indexOf("+") != -1 || (f.length > 2 && f[2].equals("+")); port.sizes.add(size); } else { //port port = new Port(); int i1 = lns[a].indexOf(" "); = lns[a].substring(0, i1); port.connected = lns[a].substring(i1+1).startsWith("connected"); screen.ports.add(port); } } if (config == null) config = new Monitor[0]; for(int b=0;b<screens.size();b++) { screen = screens.get(b); for(int c=0;c<screen.ports.size();c++) { port = screen.ports.get(c); if (!port.connected) continue; //ignore disconnected monitors Monitor monitor = new Monitor(); =; for(int a=0;a<config.length;a++) { Monitor other = config[a]; if ( { monitor.res = other.res; monitor.mirror = other.mirror; monitor.relpos = other.relpos; monitor.relName = other.relName; monitor.rotate = other.rotate; break; } } if (monitor.res.length() == 0) { if (port.hasActiveSize) { //use active size for(int s=0;s<port.sizes.size();s++) { size = port.sizes.get(s); if ( { monitor.res = size.size; break; } } } else { //use prefered size for(int s=0;s<port.sizes.size();s++) { size = port.sizes.get(s); if (size.preferred) { monitor.res = size.size; break; } } } if (monitor.res.length() == 0) { //no active or preferred size //use first size listed if (port.sizes.size() > 0) { monitor.res = port.sizes.get(0).size; } else { //no sizes??? JFLog.log("Warning:Monitor " + + " has no sizes, trying 800x600"); monitor.res = "800x600"; //must use something or xrandr options will be corrupt } } } newConfig.add(monitor); } } return x11_rr_arrangeMonitors(newConfig.toArray(new Monitor[0])); } /** Arranges monitors ensuring they all have valid positions. * @return : the same list of monitors */ public static Monitor[] x11_rr_arrangeMonitors(Monitor monitors[]) { for(int m=1;m<monitors.length;m++) { Monitor monitor = monitors[m]; if (monitor.mirror) { monitor.relpos = P_SAME; //ensure mirrored monitor exists and is not a mirror itself String mirrorName = monitor.relName; boolean ok = false; for(int c=0;c<monitors.length;c++) { if (monitors[c].name.equals(mirrorName) && !monitors[c].mirror) { ok = true; break; } } if (ok) continue; //mirror is not valid monitor.relpos = P_NONE; monitor.relName = ""; } if (monitor.relpos != P_NONE && monitor.relpos != P_SAME) { //make sure path exists and is not circular Monitor path = monitor; boolean ok = true; while (ok && path != monitors[0]) { String parent = path.relName; Monitor thisMonitor = path; for(int c=0;c<monitors.length;c++) { if (monitors[c].name.equals(parent)) { path = monitors[c]; break; } } if (thisMonitor == path) { //parent not found ok = false; } if (path == monitor) { //circular ok = false; } } if (ok) continue; } Monitor rightMonitor = null; String relName = monitors[0].name; boolean left = false, right = false, above = false, below = false; for(int c=1;c<monitors.length;c++) { if (!monitors[c].name.equals(relName)) continue; if (monitors[c].relpos == P_LEFT) left = true; else if (monitors[c].relpos == P_RIGHT) {right = true; rightMonitor = monitors[c];} else if (monitors[c].relpos == P_ABOVE) above = true; else if (monitors[c].relpos == P_BELOW) below = true; } monitor.relName = monitors[0].name; if (!right) monitor.relpos = P_RIGHT; else if (!below) monitor.relpos = P_BELOW; else if (!left) monitor.relpos = P_LEFT; else if (!above) monitor.relpos = P_ABOVE; else { //need to make adj to another monitor (just keep moving right) relName =; boolean cont = false; do { cont = false; for(int c=1;c<monitors.length;c++) { if (!monitors[c].relName.equals(relName)) continue; if (monitors[c].relpos == P_RIGHT) { cont = true; rightMonitor = monitors[c]; relName =; break; } } } while (cont); monitor.relName =; monitor.relpos = P_RIGHT; } } return monitors; } /** X11 : RandR : Reconnects disconnected monitors. */ public static void x11_rr_auto() { try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"xrandr", "--auto"}); p.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** X11 : RandR : Applies config. */ public static void x11_rr_set(Monitor config[]) { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("xrandr"); for(int a=0;a<config.length;a++) { cmd.add("--output"); cmd.add(config[a].name); cmd.add("--mode"); cmd.add(config[a].res); cmd.add("--rotate"); switch (config[a].rotate) { case R_NORMAL: cmd.add("normal"); break; case R_LEFT: cmd.add("left"); break; case R_RIGHT: cmd.add("right"); break; case R_INVERTED: cmd.add("inverted"); break; } if (config[a].relpos != P_NONE) { switch (config[a].relpos) { case P_LEFT: cmd.add("--left-of"); break; case P_RIGHT: cmd.add("--right-of"); break; case P_ABOVE: cmd.add("--above"); break; case P_BELOW: cmd.add("--below"); break; case P_SAME: cmd.add("--same-as"); break; } cmd.add(config[a].relName); } } /* for(int a=0;a<cmd.size();a++) { JFLog.log("cmd[]=" + cmd.get(a)); } */ try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toArray(new String[0])); p.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** X11 : RandR : Sets only primary display to res and disable all other (for Logon Screen) * @param res = resolution (ie: 800x600) */ public static void x11_rr_reset(String res) { Monitor config[] = x11_rr_get_setup(null); if (config == null || config.length == 0) return; ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add("xrandr"); cmd.add("--output"); cmd.add(config[0].name); cmd.add("--mode"); cmd.add(res); cmd.add("--rotate"); cmd.add("normal"); for(int a=1;a<config.length;a++) { cmd.add("--output"); cmd.add(config[a].name); cmd.add("--off"); } try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toArray(new String[0])); p.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public static class Config { public Monitor monitor[]; } public static Monitor[] x11_rr_load_user() { Config config = new Config(); try { XML xml = new XML(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(JF.getUserPath() + "/.xrandr.xml");; xml.writeClass(config); fis.close(); return config.monitor; } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { return new Monitor[0]; } catch (Exception e2) { JFLog.log(e2); return new Monitor[0]; } } public static void x11_rr_save_user(Monitor monitor[]) { Config config = new Config(); config.monitor = monitor; try { XML xml = new XML(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(JF.getUserPath() + "/.xrandr.xml"); xml.readClass("display", config); xml.write(fos); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } //PAM functions private static final int PAM_SILENT = 0x8000; private static final int PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON = 2; private static final int PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF = 1; private static String pam_user, pam_pass; private static long pam_responses; public static synchronized boolean authUser(String user, String pass) { return LnxNative.authUser(user, pass); } public static final int SIGKILL = 9; public static final int SIGTERM = 15; public static void kill(int pid, int signal) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"kill", "-" + signal, "" + pid}); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public static void setenv(String name, String value) { LnxNative.setenv(name, value); } /* Test */ public static void main(String args[]) { x11_set_listener(new X11Listener() { public void trayIconAdded(int count) { System.out.println("tragIconAdded:" + count); } public void trayIconRemoved(int count) { System.out.println("tragIconRemoved:" + count); } public void windowsChanged() { System.out.println("windowsChanged"); } }); x11_window_list_main(); } }