package javaforce.service; /** STUN (w/ TURN support) server. * * Created : Dec 24, 2013 * * See RFCs: * - Classic STUN * - STUN * - TURN * - ICE * * Notes: * - Doesn't support CHANGE_REQUEST w/ Different IP * - bind & alloc use the same timer (refresh one, the other is refreshed too) * - limit one channel per client ip/port */ import; import; import; import; import*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import javax.crypto.*; import javax.crypto.spec.*; import javaforce.*; import javaforce.jbus.JBusClient; import javaforce.jbus.JBusServer; public class STUN { private static int defaultLifeTime = 600; public final static String busPack = "net.sf.jfstun"; public static String getConfigFile() { return JF.getConfigPath() + "/jfstun.cfg"; } public static String getLogFile() { return JF.getLogPath() + "/jfstun.log"; } //requests private final static short BINDING_REQUEST = 0x0001; private final static short ALLOCATE_REQUEST = 0x0003; private final static short REFRESH_REQUEST = 0x0004; private final static short BIND_REQUEST = 0x0009; //responses (success) private final static short BINDING_RESPONSE = 0x0101; private final static short ALLOCATE_RESPONSE = 0x0103; private final static short REFRESH_RESPONSE = 0x0104; private final static short BIND_RESPONSE = 0x0109; //responses (failure) private final static short BINDING_FAILED = 0x0111; private final static short ALLOCATE_FAILED = 0x0113; private final static short REFRESH_FAILED = 0x0114; private final static short BIND_FAILED = 0x0119; //attrs private final static short MAPPED_ADDRESS = 0x0001; private final static short CHANGE_REQUEST = 0x0003; private final static short USERNAME = 0x0006; private final static short MESSAGE_INTEGRITY = 0x0008; private final static short ERROR_CODE = 0x0009; private final static short CHANNEL_NUMBER = 0x000c; private final static short LIFETIME = 0x000d; private final static short XOR_PEER_ADDRESS = 0x0012; private final static short REALM = 0x0014; private final static short NONCE = 0x0015; private final static short XOR_RELAY_ADDRESS = 0x0016; private final static short DATA_INDICATION = 0x0017; private final static short EVEN_PORT = 0x0018; private final static short TRANSPORT_TYPE = 0x0019; private final static short XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS = 0x0020; private final static short RESERVATION_TOKEN = 0x0022; private volatile boolean active = true; private volatile boolean done = false; private String user, pass; private DatagramSocket ds, ds2; private final String realm = "javaforce.service.STUN"; private String publicip; private boolean doStart() { try { JFLog.log("Starting STUN/TURN Service on ports 3478 and 3479"); ds = new DatagramSocket(3478); ds2 = new DatagramSocket(3479); new Worker().start(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } /** Starts a STUN/TURN server, loading config from file. */ public boolean start() { JFLog.init(getLogFile(), true); loadConfig(); busClient = new JBusClient(busPack, new JBusMethods()); busClient.setPort(getBusPort()); busClient.start(); return doStart(); } /** Starts a STUN/TURN server with specific config options. */ public boolean start(String user, String pass, int min, int max) { this.user = user; this.pass = pass; this.min = min; this.max = max; = min; return doStart(); } enum Section {None, Global}; private final static String defaultConfig = "[global]\n" + "## remove comments below and change as desired.\n" + "#user=\n" + "#pass=\n" + "#publicip=\n" + "## min/max are the UDP port ranges to use\n" + "#min=10000\n" + "#max=20000\n" ; private void loadConfig() { Section section = Section.None; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getConfigFile())); StringBuilder cfg = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { String ln = br.readLine(); if (ln == null) break; cfg.append(ln); cfg.append("\n"); ln = ln.trim().toLowerCase(); int idx = ln.indexOf('#'); if (idx != -1) ln = ln.substring(0, idx).trim(); if (ln.length() == 0) continue; if (ln.equals("[global]")) { section = Section.Global; continue; } switch (section) { case Global: if (ln.startsWith("user=")) user = ln.substring(5); else if (ln.startsWith("pass=")) pass = ln.substring(5); else if (ln.startsWith("publicip=")) publicip = ln.substring(9); else if (ln.startsWith("min=")) min = JF.atoi(ln.substring(4)); else if (ln.startsWith("max=")) max = JF.atoi(ln.substring(4)); break; } } config = cfg.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //create default config try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getConfigFile()); fos.write(defaultConfig.getBytes()); fos.close(); config = defaultConfig; } catch (Exception e2) { JFLog.log(e2); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public int getLocalPort() { return ds.getLocalPort(); } public String getLocalAddr() { return ds.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); } public void close() { active = false; if (ds != null) { try { ds.close(); ds = null; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } if (ds2 != null) { try { ds2.close(); ds2 = null; } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } while (!done) { JF.sleep(10); } } private byte[] calcKey() { String msg = user + ":" + realm + ":" + pass; MD5 md5 = new MD5(); md5.init(); md5.add(msg.getBytes(), 0, msg.length()); return md5.done(); } private byte[] calcMsgIntegrity(byte data[], int length) { byte key[] = calcKey(); try { SecretKeySpec ks = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA1"); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(ks); return mac.doFinal(Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 0, length)); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return null; } } private class Alloc { String nonce; String ip; InetAddress addr; //same as ip int port; Timer timer; DatagramSocket ds; Object lock = new Object(); long timeout; String id; int relayip, relayport; InetAddress relayaddr; RelayWorker worker; short channel; boolean evenPort; void setTimeout(int secs) { synchronized(lock) { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); } if (ds == null) return; //already freed timer = new Timer(); timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (secs-1) * 1000; timer.schedule(new AllocTask(this), secs * 1000); } } void free() { log("object released"); synchronized(lock) { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } allocs.remove(id); if (worker != null) { = false; worker = null; } if (ds != null) { ds.close(); ds = null; } } } void log(String msg) { JFLog.log(id + ":" + msg); } } private HashMap<String, Alloc> allocs = new HashMap<String, Alloc>(); private Object allocsLock = new Object(); private void relayTurn(String ip, int port, byte data[], ByteBuffer bb) throws Exception { String id = ip + ":" + port; Alloc alloc = getAlloc(id); if (alloc == null) {JFLog.log("Unknown client:" + id); return;} short channel = bb.getShort(0); short length = bb.getShort(2); if (channel != {alloc.log("relayTurn:channel mismatch"); return;} DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(data, 4, length); dp.setAddress(alloc.relayaddr); dp.setPort(alloc.relayport); // alloc.log("relayTurn to:" + alloc.relayaddr.getHostAddress() + ":" + alloc.relayport); alloc.ds.send(dp); } private Alloc getAlloc(String ip, int port, InetAddress addr) { String id = ip + ":" + port; Alloc alloc; synchronized(allocsLock) { alloc = allocs.get(id); if (alloc != null) return alloc; alloc = new Alloc(); alloc.ip = ip; alloc.port = port; = id; alloc.addr = addr; allocs.put(id, alloc); } return alloc; } private Alloc getAlloc(String id) { Alloc alloc; synchronized(allocsLock) { alloc = allocs.get(id); } return alloc; } private char chars[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' ,'9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; private String nonceRandom() { Random r = new Random(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int a=0;a<20;a++) { sb.append(chars[r.nextInt(16)]); } return sb.toString(); } private int min = 10000, max = 20000, next = 10000; public void setPortRange(int min, int max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; = min; } private synchronized int getNextPort() { int port = next++; next++; //odd port to reserve if (next >= max) next = min; return port; } private boolean isClassicStun(long id1) { return ((id1 >>> 32) != 0x2112a442); } private HashMap<String, String> tokens = new HashMap<String, String>(); private int nextToken = 0; private synchronized String allocToken(String id) { String token = String.format("%08x", nextToken++); //token MUST be 8 bytes if (nextToken < 0) nextToken = 0; tokens.put(token, id); return token; } private String getTokenID(String token) { String id = tokens.get(token); tokens.remove(token); return id; } private class Worker extends Thread { public void run() { DatagramPacket dp; byte data[] = new byte[1500]; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); int change_request_flgs; String realm, nonce; int lifetime; InetAddress remoteAddr, localAddr; String remoteip, localip; int remoteip_int, remotePort; int localip_int, localPort; boolean auth, evenPort, username; String resToken; String f[]; Alloc alloc; int relayip, relayport, channel; InetAddress relayaddr; byte ip4[] = new byte[4]; if (publicip != null) { localip = publicip; } else { localAddr = ds.getInetAddress(); if (localAddr != null) { localip = localAddr.getHostAddress(); if (localip.indexOf(":") != -1) localip = ""; //IP6 } else { localip = ""; } } f = localip.split("[.]"); localip_int = 0; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { localip_int <<= 8; localip_int += JF.atoi(f[a]); } localPort = ds.getPort(); while (active) { try { dp = new DatagramPacket(data, 1500); ds.receive(dp); remoteAddr = dp.getAddress(); remoteip = remoteAddr.getHostAddress(); if (remoteip.indexOf(":") != -1) continue; //IP6 f= remoteip.split("[.]"); remoteip_int = 0; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { remoteip_int <<= 8; remoteip_int += JF.atoi(f[a]); } remotePort = dp.getPort(); int packetLength = dp.getLength(); //reset all values change_request_flgs = 0; realm = ""; nonce = ""; lifetime = defaultLifeTime; auth = false; alloc = null; resToken = null; evenPort = false; relayip = -1; relayport = -1; relayaddr = null; username = false; channel = -1; //decode response int offset = 0; short code = bb.getShort(0); if (code >= 0x4000 && code <= 0x7fff) { //it's TURN data relayTurn(remoteip, remotePort, data, bb); continue; } if (code == DATA_INDICATION) { continue; } offset += 2; int lengthOffset = offset; short length = bb.getShort(offset); if (length + 20 != packetLength) { throw new Exception("STUN:bad packet:incorrect length"); } offset += 2; long id1 = bb.getLong(offset); offset += 8; long id2 = bb.getLong(offset); offset += 8; while (offset < packetLength) { short attr = bb.getShort(offset); offset += 2; length = bb.getShort(offset); offset += 2; switch (attr) { case USERNAME: if (user == null) break; username = (new String(data, offset, length).equals(user)); break; case REALM: realm = new String(data, offset, length); break; case NONCE: nonce = new String(data, offset, length); break; case LIFETIME: lifetime = bb.getInt(offset); break; case CHANGE_REQUEST: change_request_flgs = bb.getInt(offset); break; case EVEN_PORT: evenPort = true; break; case CHANNEL_NUMBER: channel = bb.getShort(offset); //0x4000 - 0x7fff if (channel < 0x4000) channel = -1; break; case RESERVATION_TOKEN: resToken = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset + length)); break; case MESSAGE_INTEGRITY: alloc = getAlloc(remoteip, remotePort, remoteAddr); if (nonce == null) {alloc.log("!nonce"); break;} if (realm == null) {alloc.log("!realm"); break;} if (alloc.nonce == null) {alloc.log("!alloc.nonce"); break;} if (!nonce.equals(alloc.nonce)) {alloc.log("nonce mismatch"); break;} if (!username) {alloc.log("!username"); break;} bb.putShort(lengthOffset, (short)(offset)); //patch length byte correct[] = calcMsgIntegrity(data, offset - 4); byte supplied[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset+20); auth = Arrays.equals(correct, supplied); // logKey(correct); // logKey(supplied); break; case XOR_PEER_ADDRESS: relayport = (bb.getShort(offset + 2) ^ bb.getShort(4)) & 0xffff; relayip = (bb.getInt(offset + 4) ^ bb.getInt(4)); ip4[0] = (byte)((relayip & 0xff000000) >>> 24); ip4[1] = (byte)((relayip & 0xff0000) >> 16); ip4[2] = (byte)((relayip & 0xff00) >> 8); ip4[3] = (byte)(relayip & 0xff); relayaddr = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip4); break; } offset += length; if ((length & 0x3) > 0) { offset += 4 - (length & 0x3); //padding } } switch (code) { case BINDING_REQUEST: JFLog.log(remoteip + ":" + remotePort + ":BINDING_REQUEST"); offset = 0; bb.putShort(offset, BINDING_RESPONSE); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)12); //length offset += 2; bb.putLong(offset, id1); offset += 8; bb.putLong(offset, id2); offset += 8; if (isClassicStun(id1)) { bb.putShort(offset, MAPPED_ADDRESS); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)8); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.put(offset, (byte)0); //reserved offset++; bb.put(offset, (byte)1); //IP family offset++; bb.putShort(offset, (short)remotePort); offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, remoteip_int); offset += 4; } else { //use XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS instead bb.putShort(offset, XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)8); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.put(offset, (byte)0); //reserved offset++; bb.put(offset, (byte)1); //IP family offset++; bb.putShort(offset, (short)(remotePort ^ bb.getShort(4))); offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, remoteip_int ^ bb.getInt(4)); offset += 4; } dp = new DatagramPacket(data, offset); dp.setAddress(remoteAddr); dp.setPort(remotePort); if ((change_request_flgs & 0x02) == 0x02) { //different port ds2.send(dp); } else { //same port ds.send(dp); } break; case ALLOCATE_REQUEST: alloc = getAlloc(remoteip, remotePort, remoteAddr); alloc.log("ALLOCATE_REQUEST"); if (!auth) { sendError(alloc, ALLOCATE_FAILED, id1, id2, remoteAddr, remotePort, data, bb); } else { if (resToken != null) { if (evenPort) throw new Exception("EVEN_PORT with RESERVATION_TOKEN"); Alloc evenAlloc = getAlloc(getTokenID(resToken)); if (evenAlloc == null) throw new Exception("Reservation not found"); if (!evenAlloc.evenPort) throw new Exception("Odd Port was not reserved"); alloc.ds = new DatagramSocket(evenAlloc.ds.getLocalPort() + 1); } else { alloc.ds = new DatagramSocket(getNextPort()); } alloc.evenPort = evenPort; offset = 0; bb.putShort(offset, ALLOCATE_RESPONSE); offset += 2; lengthOffset = offset; bb.putShort(offset, (short)0); //length (patch) offset += 2; bb.putLong(offset, id1); offset += 8; bb.putLong(offset, id2); offset += 8; if (evenPort) { String token = allocToken(remoteip + ":" + remotePort); bb.putShort(offset, RESERVATION_TOKEN); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)token.length()); //length of attr offset += 2; System.arraycopy(token.getBytes(), 0, data, offset, token.length()); offset += token.length(); } bb.putShort(offset, XOR_RELAY_ADDRESS); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)8); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.put(offset, (byte)0); //reserved offset++; bb.put(offset, (byte)1); //IP family offset++; bb.putShort(offset, (short)(alloc.ds.getLocalPort() ^ bb.getShort(4))); offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, localip_int ^ bb.getInt(4)); offset += 4; bb.putShort(lengthOffset, (short)(offset - 20)); //length (patch) dp = new DatagramPacket(data, offset); dp.setAddress(remoteAddr); dp.setPort(remotePort); ds.send(dp); alloc.setTimeout(defaultLifeTime); } break; case REFRESH_REQUEST: alloc = getAlloc(remoteip, remotePort, remoteAddr); alloc.log("REFRESH_REQUEST"); if (!auth) { sendError(alloc, REFRESH_FAILED, id1, id2, remoteAddr, remotePort, data, bb); } else { if (lifetime != 0) { alloc.setTimeout(defaultLifeTime); } } offset = 0; bb.putShort(offset, REFRESH_RESPONSE); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)8); //length offset += 2; bb.putLong(offset, id1); offset += 8; bb.putLong(offset, id2); offset += 8; bb.putShort(offset, LIFETIME); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)4); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, lifetime); offset += 4; dp = new DatagramPacket(data, offset); dp.setAddress(remoteAddr); dp.setPort(remotePort); ds.send(dp); if (lifetime == 0); break; case BIND_REQUEST: alloc = getAlloc(remoteip, remotePort, remoteAddr); alloc.log("BIND_REQUEST"); if (!auth || channel == -1) { sendError(alloc, BIND_FAILED, id1, id2, remoteAddr, remotePort, data, bb); } else { synchronized(alloc.lock) { alloc.setTimeout(defaultLifeTime); //refresh all alloc.relayip = relayip; alloc.relayaddr = relayaddr; alloc.relayport = relayport; = (short)channel; if (alloc.worker == null) { alloc.worker = new RelayWorker(alloc); alloc.worker.start(); } } } offset = 0; bb.putShort(offset, BIND_RESPONSE); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)8); //length offset += 2; bb.putLong(offset, id1); offset += 8; bb.putLong(offset, id2); offset += 8; bb.putShort(offset, LIFETIME); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)4); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, defaultLifeTime); offset += 4; dp = new DatagramPacket(data, offset); dp.setAddress(remoteAddr); dp.setPort(remotePort); ds.send(dp); break; default: JFLog.log(remoteip + ":" + remotePort + ":Unknown request:" + code); break; } } catch (Exception e) { if (active) JFLog.log(e); } } done = true; } } private void logKey(byte key[]) { StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); for(int a=0;a<key.length;a++) { int b = ((int)key[a]) & 0xff; if (b < 0x10) log.append("0"); log.append(Integer.toString(b, 16)); } JFLog.log("key=" + log); } private class AllocTask extends TimerTask { Alloc alloc; public AllocTask(Alloc alloc) { this.alloc = alloc; } public void run() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(alloc.lock) { if (alloc.timeout < now) { alloc.log("object expired");; } } } } private void sendError(Alloc alloc, short code, long id1, long id2, InetAddress remoteAddr, int remotePort, byte data[], ByteBuffer bb) throws Exception { int offset, lengthOffset; alloc.nonce = nonceRandom(); offset = 0; bb.putShort(offset, code); offset += 2; lengthOffset = offset; bb.putShort(offset, (short)0); //length (patch) offset += 2; bb.putLong(offset, id1); offset += 8; bb.putLong(offset, id2); offset += 8; bb.putShort(offset, ERROR_CODE); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)4); //length of attr offset += 2; bb.putInt(offset, 0x401); offset += 4; bb.putShort(offset, REALM); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)realm.length()); offset += 2; System.arraycopy(realm.getBytes(), 0, data, offset, realm.length()); offset += realm.length(); if ((offset & 0x3) > 0) { offset += 4 - (offset & 0x3); //padding } bb.putShort(offset, NONCE); offset += 2; bb.putShort(offset, (short)alloc.nonce.length()); offset += 2; System.arraycopy(alloc.nonce.getBytes(), 0, data, offset, alloc.nonce.length()); offset += alloc.nonce.length(); bb.putShort(lengthOffset, (short)(offset - 20)); //length (patch) DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(data, offset); dp.setAddress(remoteAddr); dp.setPort(remotePort); ds.send(dp); } private class RelayWorker extends Thread { Alloc alloc; public volatile boolean active = true; private static final int mtu = 1500 - 20 - 8; //20=IP 8=UDP public RelayWorker(Alloc alloc) { this.alloc = alloc; } public void run() { //read packets from relay socket and send to owner byte data[] = new byte[mtu + 4]; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); bb.putShort(0,; // alloc.log("Starting Worker:SendTo:" + alloc.addr.getHostAddress() + ":" + alloc.port + ",From:" + alloc.ds.getLocalPort() + ",channel=" + Integer.toString(, 16)); while (active) { try { DatagramPacket indp = new DatagramPacket(data, 4, mtu); alloc.ds.receive(indp); int len = indp.getLength(); bb.putShort(2, (short)len); DatagramPacket outdp = new DatagramPacket(data, 0, len + 4); outdp.setAddress(alloc.addr); outdp.setPort(alloc.port); ds.send(outdp); } catch (Exception e) { if (active) JFLog.log(e); } } } } private static JBusServer busServer; private JBusClient busClient; private String config; public class JBusMethods { public void getConfig(String pack) {, "getConfig", busClient.quote(busClient.encodeString(config))); } public void setConfig(String cfg) { //write new file try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getConfigFile()); fos.write(JBusClient.decodeString(cfg).getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } public void restart() { stun.close(); stun = new STUN(); stun.start(); } } public static int getBusPort() { if (JF.isWindows()) { return 33006; } else { return 777; } } public static void main(String args[]) { serviceStart(args); } //Win32 Service private static STUN stun; public static void serviceStart(String args[]) { if (JF.isWindows()) { busServer = new JBusServer(getBusPort()); busServer.start(); while (!busServer.ready) { JF.sleep(10); } } stun = new STUN(); stun.start(); } public static void serviceStop() { JFLog.log("Stopping service"); busServer.close(); stun.close(); } }