package com.jphonelite; import javaforce.*; import*; import javaforce.voip.*; import*; import java.util.*; import android.util.*; import*; import android.content.*; /** Handles all aspects of sound processing (recording, playback, ringing sounds, conference mixing, etc.) */ public class Audio { //sound data private short silence[] = new short[882]; private short silence8[] = new short[160]; private short silence16[] = new short[320]; private short mixed[] = new short[882]; private short recording[] = new short[882]; private short indata8[] = new short[160]; private short indata16[] = new short[320]; private short outdata[] = new short[882]; //read from mic private short ringing[] = new short[882]; private short callWaiting[] = new short[882]; private short data8[] = new short[160]; private short data16[] = new short[320]; private Timer timer; private PhoneLine lines[]; private int line = -1; private boolean inRinging = false, outRinging = false, isRinging = false; private DTMF dtmf = new DTMF(8000); //44100 ??? private volatile boolean is_playing = false; private volatile boolean is_recording = false; private AudioRecord ar; private AudioTrack at; private long atPlay, atBuffer; private int atStream = -1; private boolean mute = false; //unchangeable for now private AudioManager am; private boolean first = true; private WriteThread writeThread; private ReadThread readThread; private javaforce.voip.Wav inWav, outWav; private int speakerDelay = 0; private boolean restartAudioTrack = false; private boolean restartAudioRecord = false; private void showThread(String type) { JFLog.log("thread(" + type + ") = " + Thread.currentThread()); } /** Init sound system. Sound needs access to the lines and the MeterController to send audio levels back to the panel. */ public boolean init(PhoneLine lines[], Context ctx) { uninit(); //Engine.reinit() will recall init() without uninit() first this.lines = lines; JFLog.log("ar.min=" + AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)); JFLog.log("at.min=" + AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)); inWav = new javaforce.voip.Wav(); inWav.load("/sdcard/inringtone.wav"); outWav = new javaforce.voip.Wav(); outWav.load("/sdcard/outringtone.wav"); try { am = (AudioManager)ctx.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); // showThread("init"); timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { process(); } }, 0, 20); initInRinging(440, 480, 2000, 4000, 2000, 4000); //north america initOutRinging(440, 480, 2000, 4000, 2000, 4000); //north america } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log("err:sound init", e); return false; } JFLog.log("Audio.init() ok"); return true; } /** Frees resources. */ public void uninit() { //must stop and release all resources if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } if (ar != null) { if (is_recording) { ar.stop(); is_recording = false; } ar.release(); ar = null; } if (at != null) { if (is_playing) { at.stop(); is_playing = false; } at.release(); at = null; } } /** Changes which line user wants to use. */ public void selectLine(int newline) { line = newline; } /** Writes data to the audio system (output to speakers). */ private void write(short buf[]) { boolean created = false; if ( ( (atStream != AudioManager.STREAM_RING) && (isRinging) ) || ( (atStream == AudioManager.STREAM_RING) && (!isRinging) ) ) { restartAudioTrack = true; } if (restartAudioTrack) { if (at != null) { if (is_playing) { // playing = false; //we are still playing at.stop(); } at.release(); at = null; } restartAudioTrack = false; } if (at == null) { atStream = isRinging ? AudioManager.STREAM_RING : (Settings.current.speakerMode ? AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC : AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL); if (!createAudioTrack()) { at = null; return; } created = true; } if (!created) { atPlay = System.nanoTime() / 1000; long diff = atBuffer - atPlay; if (diff < 0) { JFLog.log("Warning:output buffer underflow"); at.write(silence, 0, 882); atBuffer = atPlay + 20000; } } int len = at.write(buf, 0, 882); if (created) { atPlay = System.nanoTime() / 1000; atBuffer = atPlay + 40000; //+20 for silence write() in createAudioTrack(), +20 for this write(); } else { atBuffer += 20000; } int lvl = 0; for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { if (Math.abs(buf[a]) > lvl) lvl = Math.abs(buf[a]); } if ((Settings.current.speakerMode) && (lvl >= Settings.current.speakerThreshold)) { if (speakerDelay <= 0) { Main._setBackgroundResource(Main.spk, R.drawable.spk_red); } speakerDelay = Settings.current.speakerDelay; } } /** Reads data from the audio system (input from mic). */ private boolean read(short buf[]) { if (restartAudioRecord) { if (ar != null) { if (is_recording) { ar.stop(); } ar.release(); ar = null; } restartAudioRecord = false; } if (ar == null) { for(int a=0;a<10;a++) { createAudioRecord(); if ((ar != null) && (ar.getState() != ar.STATE_UNINITIALIZED)) { break; } if (ar != null) { ar.release(); //release bad AudioRecord ar = null; } } if ((ar == null) || (ar.getState() == ar.STATE_UNINITIALIZED)) { JFLog.log("ERROR: Unable to open MIC"); return false; } ar.startRecording(); } int len =, 0, 882); if (speakerDelay > 0) { speakerDelay -= 20; System.arraycopy(silence, 0, buf, 0, 882); if ((speakerDelay <= 0) && (Settings.current.speakerMode)) { Main._setBackgroundResource(Main.spk, R.drawable.spk_green); } } return true; } /** Flushes output buffers. Should be called at start of a call. */ public void flush() { if (at == null) return; at.flush(); } /** Gets samples from RTPChannel for a line. */ private short[] getSamples(int idx) { RTPChannel channel = lines[idx].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel(); switch (channel.coder.getSampleRate()) { case 8000: if (!channel.getSamples(lines[idx].samples8)) return null; return lines[idx].samples8; case 16000: if (!channel.getSamples(lines[idx].samples16)) return null; return lines[idx].samples16; } return null; } private byte[] encode(Coder coder, short in[], int bufIdx) { byte encoded[] = null; int rate = coder.getSampleRate(); switch (rate) { case 8000: interpolate(data8, in, bufIdx); encoded = coder.encode(data8); break; case 16000: interpolate(data16, in, bufIdx); encoded = coder.encode(data16); break; } return encoded; } private byte[] encodeSilence(Coder coder) { byte encoded[] = null; int rate = coder.getSampleRate(); switch (rate) { case 8000: encoded = coder.encode(silence8); break; case 16000: encoded = coder.encode(silence16); break; } return encoded; } /** Timer event that is triggered every 20ms. Processes playback / recording. */ public synchronized void process() { //20ms timer //do playback long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { //JFLog.log("Audio.process() : " + System.nanoTime() / 1000000); if (first) { android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO); first = false; } int cc = 0; //conf count byte encoded[]; if (!is_playing) { for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if ((lines[a].talking) || (lines[a].ringing)) { is_playing = true; writeThread = new WriteThread(); writeThread.start(); break; } } } else { //JFLog.log("playing:wlist.size()==" + wlist.size()); int pc = 0; //playing count for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if ((lines[a].talking) || (lines[a].ringing)) { pc++; } } if (pc == 0) { // JFLog.log("playing = false"); is_playing = false; at.stop(); at.release(); at = null; } } for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if ((lines[a].talking) && (lines[a].cnf) && (!lines[a].hld)) cc++; } for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if (lines[a].ringing) { if (!outRinging) { startRinging(); outRinging = true; } break; } if (a == 5) { outRinging = false; } } for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if (lines[a].incoming) { if (!inRinging) { if (inWav.isLoaded()) { inWav.reset(); } else { startRinging(); } inRinging = true; } break; } if (a == 5) { inRinging = false; } } if ((cc > 1) && (line != -1) && (lines[line].cnf)) { //conference mode System.arraycopy(silence, 0, mixed, 0, 882); for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if (lines[a].talking) { lines[a].samples = getSamples(a); if ((lines[a].samples != null) && (lines[a].cnf) && (!lines[a].hld)) { mix(mixed, lines[a].samples, 0 + a); } } } if (inRinging) mix(mixed, getCallWaiting()); if (lines[line].dtmf != 'x') { mix(mixed, dtmf.getSamples(lines[line].dtmf)); } isRinging = false; wlistAdd(mixed); } else { //single mode System.arraycopy(silence, 0, mixed, 0, 882); if (line != -1) { if (lines[line].dtmf != 'x') mix(mixed, dtmf.getSamples(lines[line].dtmf), 8); } if ((line != -1) && (lines[line].talking) && (!lines[line].hld)) { RTPChannel channel = lines[line].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel(); int rate = channel.coder.getSampleRate(); switch (rate) { case 8000: //G729, G711 if (channel.getSamples(indata8)) { mix(mixed, indata8, 9); } break; case 16000: //G722 if (channel.getSamples(indata16)) { mix(mixed, indata16, 9); } break; } if (inRinging) mix(mixed, getCallWaiting(), 10); isRinging = false; wlistAdd(mixed); } else { if (inRinging || outRinging) mix(mixed, getRinging()); isRinging = inRinging; if (is_playing) wlistAdd(mixed); } } //JFLog.log("Audio.process(2) : " + System.currentTimeMillis() ); if (!is_playing) { if (is_recording) { is_recording = false; ar.stop(); ar.release(); ar = null; } return; } else { if (!is_recording) { is_recording = true; readThread = new ReadThread(); readThread.start(); } } //do recording if (readThread.buffer.size() < 882) { JFLog.log("Warning : input buffer underflow"); System.arraycopy(silence, 0, outdata, 0, 882); } else { readThread.buffer.get(outdata, 0, 882); if (mute) { System.arraycopy(silence, 0, outdata, 0, 882); } } for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if ((lines[a].talking) && (!lines[a].hld)) { if ((lines[a].cnf) && (cc > 1)) { //conference mode (mix = data + all other cnf lines except this one) System.arraycopy(outdata, 0, mixed, 0, 882); for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++) { if (b == a) continue; if ((lines[b].talking) && (lines[b].cnf) && (!lines[b].hld)) mix(mixed, lines[b].samples); } encoded = encode(lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().coder, mixed, 36 + a); } else { //single mode if (line == a) { encoded = encode(lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().coder, outdata, 42 + a); } else { encoded = encodeSilence(lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().coder); } } if (lines[a].dtmfend) { lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().writeDTMF(lines[a].dtmf, true); lines[a].dtmfend = false; lines[a].dtmf = 'x'; } else if (lines[a].dtmf != 'x') { lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().writeDTMF(lines[a].dtmf, false); lines[a].dtmfcnt--; if (lines[a].dtmfcnt <= 0) { lines[a].dtmfend = true; } } else { lines[a].audioRTP.getDefaultChannel().writeRTP(encoded,0,encoded.length); } } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 20) { JFLog.log("WARNING : Sound.process() took more than 20ms"); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } /** Mixes 'in' samples into 'out' samples. */ public void mix(short out[], short in[]) { for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { out[a] += in[a]; } } /** Starts a generated ringing phone sound. */ private void startRinging() { outRingFreqCount = 0; outRingCycle = 0; outRingCount = 0; outRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; outRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; inRingFreqCount = 0; inRingCycle = 0; inRingCount = 0; inRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; inRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; waitCount = 0; waitCycle = 0; } private final double ringVol = 9000.0; private int outRingFreq1, outRingFreq2; private int outRingFreqCount; private double outRingFreq1Pos, outRingFreq2Pos; private int outRingCycle; private int outRingCount; private int outRingTimes[] = new int[4]; private int inRingFreq1, inRingFreq2; private int inRingFreqCount; private double inRingFreq1Pos, inRingFreq2Pos; private int inRingCycle; private int inRingCount; private int inRingTimes[] = new int[4]; private void initOutRinging(int freq1, int freq2, int o1, int p1, int o2, int p2) { outRingFreq1 = freq1; outRingFreq2 = freq2; outRingTimes[0] = o1; outRingTimes[1] = p1; outRingTimes[2] = o2; outRingTimes[3] = p2; } private void initInRinging(int freq1, int freq2, int o1, int p1, int o2, int p2) { inRingFreq1 = freq1; inRingFreq2 = freq2; inRingTimes[0] = o1; inRingTimes[1] = p1; inRingTimes[2] = o2; inRingTimes[3] = p2; } private static final double pi2 = Math.PI * 2.0; /** Returns next 20ms of a generated ringing phone. */ public short[] getRinging() { if (outRinging && outWav.isLoaded()) { return outWav.getSamples(); } if (inRinging && inWav.isLoaded()) { return inWav.getSamples(); } if (outRinging) { outRingCount += 20; if (outRingCount == outRingTimes[outRingCycle]) { outRingCount = 0; outRingCycle++; if (outRingCycle == 4) outRingCycle = 0; } if (outRingCycle % 2 == 1) { outRingFreqCount = 0; outRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; outRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; return silence; } //freq1 double theta1 = pi2 * outRingFreq1 / 44100.0; for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { ringing[a] = (short) (Math.sin(outRingFreq1Pos) * ringVol); outRingFreq1Pos += theta1; } //freq2 double theta2 = pi2 * outRingFreq2 / 44100.0; for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { ringing[a] += (short) (Math.sin(outRingFreq2Pos) * ringVol); outRingFreq2Pos += theta2; } outRingFreqCount += 882; if (outRingFreqCount == 44100) { outRingFreqCount = 0; outRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; outRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; } return ringing; } if (inRinging) { inRingCount += 20; if (inRingCount == inRingTimes[inRingCycle]) { inRingCount = 0; inRingCycle++; if (inRingCycle == 4) inRingCycle = 0; } if (inRingCycle % 2 == 1) { inRingFreqCount = 0; inRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; inRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; return silence; } //freq1 double theta1 = pi2 * inRingFreq1 / 44100.0; for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { ringing[a] = (short) (Math.sin(inRingFreq1Pos) * ringVol); inRingFreq1Pos += theta1; } //freq2 double theta2 = pi2 * inRingFreq2 / 44100.0; for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { ringing[a] = (short) (Math.sin(inRingFreq2Pos) * ringVol); inRingFreq2Pos += theta2; } inRingFreqCount += 882; if (inRingFreqCount == 44100) { inRingFreqCount = 0; inRingFreq1Pos = 0.0; inRingFreq2Pos = 0.0; } return ringing; } return silence; //does not happen } private int waitCount; private double waitPos; private static final double waitTheta = pi2 * 440.0 / 44100.0; private int waitCycle; /** Returns next 20ms of a generated call waiting sound (beep beep). */ public short[] getCallWaiting() { //440 (2 bursts for 0.3 seconds) //2on 2off 2on 200off[4sec] waitCycle++; if (waitCycle == 206) waitCycle = 0; if ((waitCycle > 6) || (waitCycle == 2) || (waitCycle == 3)) { waitCount = 0; waitPos = 0.0; return silence; } //440 for (int a = 0; a < 882; a++) { callWaiting[a] = (short) (Math.sin(waitPos) * ringVol); waitPos += waitTheta; } waitCount += 882; if (waitCount == 44100) { waitCount = 0; waitPos = 0.0; } return callWaiting; } public void restartSound() { // JFLog.log("Audio.restartSound():speakerMode=" + Settings.current.speakerMode); // am.setSpeakerphoneOn(Settings.current.speakerMode); //doesn't work??? (I use STREAM_MUSIC instead - another ugly hack) // am.setMicrophoneMute(false); //not supported // am.setWiredHeadsetOn(Settings.current.use_earpiece); //deprecated??? // am.setBluetoothScoOn(false); //not supported restartAudioTrack = true; } private boolean createAudioTrack() { JFLog.log("atStream = " + atStream); try { at = new AudioTrack(atStream, 44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, 16 * 1024, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log("err:createAudioTrack failed:", e); return false; } //fill the buffer a little to avoid jitter at.write(silence, 0, 882); return true; } private boolean createAudioRecord() { try { ar = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, 44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, 16 * 1024); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log("err:createAudioRecord failed:", e); return false; } return true; } private class ReadThread extends Thread { public AudioBuffer buffer = new AudioBuffer(44100, 1, 2); //freq, chs, seconds public void run() { short sams[]; android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO); sams = new short[882]; try { while (is_recording) { if (read(sams)) { buffer.add(sams,0,882); } } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } } } private synchronized void wlistAdd(short buf[]) { writeThread.buffer.add(buf,0,buf.length); synchronized(writeThread.lock) { writeThread.lock.notify(); } } private class WriteThread extends Thread { private volatile boolean active = true; private volatile boolean done = false; public AudioBuffer buffer = new AudioBuffer(44100, 1, 2); //freq, chs, seconds public final Object lock = new Object(); public void run() { short buf[] = new short[882]; try { while (active) { synchronized(lock) { if (buffer.size() < 882) { try { lock.wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (buffer.size() < 882) continue; } buffer.get(buf, 0, 882); write(buf); } } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); } done = true; } public void cancel() { active = false; while (!done) { synchronized(lock) { lock.notify(); } JF.sleep(10); } } } /** These samples hold the last sample of a buffer used to interpolate the next * block of samples. */ private short lastSamples[] = new short[48]; /** Mixes 'in' samples into 'out' samples. * Uses linear interpolation if out.length != in.length * * bufIdx : array index into lastSamples to store last sample used in interpolation * */ public void mix(short out[], short in[], int bufIdx) { int outLength = out.length; int inLength = in.length; if (outLength == inLength) { //no interpolation for (int a = 0; a < outLength; a++) { out[a] += in[a]; } } else { //linear interpolation //there is a one sample delay due to interpolation float d = ((float)inLength) / ((float)outLength); float p1 = 1.0f; float p2 = 0.0f; short s1 = lastSamples[bufIdx]; short s2 = in[0]; int inIdx = 1; int outIdx = 0; while (true) { out[outIdx++] += (s1 * p1 + s2 * p2); if (outIdx == outLength) break; p1 -= d; p2 += d; while (p1 < 0.0f) { s1 = s2; s2 = in[inIdx++]; p1 += 1.0f; p2 -= 1.0f; } } lastSamples[bufIdx] = s2; } } /** Interpolate 'in' onto 'out' (does not mix) */ public void interpolate(short out[], short in[], int bufIdx) { int outLength = out.length; int inLength = in.length; if (outLength == inLength) { //no interpolation for (int a = 0; a < outLength; a++) { out[a] = in[a]; } } else { //linear interpolation //there is a one sample delay due to interpolation float d = ((float)inLength) / ((float)outLength); float p1 = 1.0f; float p2 = 0.0f; short s1 = lastSamples[bufIdx]; short s2 = in[0]; int inIdx = 1; int outIdx = 0; while (true) { out[outIdx++] = (short)(s1 * p1 + s2 * p2); if (outIdx == outLength) break; p1 -= d; p2 += d; while (p1 < 0.0f) { s1 = s2; s2 = in[inIdx++]; p1 += 1.0f; p2 -= 1.0f; } } lastSamples[bufIdx] = s2; } } }