package org.hl7.fhir.instance.utils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.client.FeedFormat; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.client.IFHIRClient; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.client.ResourceFormat; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.Bundle; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ConceptMap; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.Conformance; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.DataElement; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ElementDefinition.TypeRefComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.OperationOutcome; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.Parameters; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.Questionnaire; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.Resource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.SearchParameter; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.StructureDefinition; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ValueSet; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ValueSet.ConceptDefinitionComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ValueSet.ConceptSetComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.ValueSet.ValueSetExpansionComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.terminologies.ITerminologyServices; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.terminologies.ValueSetExpander.ValueSetExpansionOutcome; /* * private static Map<String, StructureDefinition> loadProfiles() throws Exception { HashMap<String, StructureDefinition> result = new HashMap<String, StructureDefinition>(); Bundle feed = new XmlParser().parseGeneral(new FileInputStream(PROFILES)).getFeed(); for (AtomEntry<? extends Resource> e : feed.getEntryList()) { if (e.getReference() instanceof StructureDefinition) { result.put(e.getId(), (StructureDefinition) e.getReference()); } } return result; } private static final String TEST_PROFILE = "C:\\work\\org.hl7.fhir\\build\\publish\\namespace.profile.xml"; private static final String PROFILES = "C:\\work\\org.hl7.fhir\\build\\publish\\profiles-resources.xml"; igtodo - things to add: - version - list of resource names */ public class WorkerContext implements NameResolver { private ITerminologyServices terminologyServices = new NullTerminologyServices(); private IFHIRClient client = new NullClient(); private Map<String, ValueSet> codeSystems = new HashMap<String, ValueSet>(); private Map<String, DataElement> dataElements = new HashMap<String, DataElement>(); private Map<String, ValueSet> valueSets = new HashMap<String, ValueSet>(); private Map<String, ConceptMap> maps = new HashMap<String, ConceptMap>(); private Map<String, StructureDefinition> profiles = new HashMap<String, StructureDefinition>(); private Map<String, SearchParameter> searchParameters = new HashMap<String, SearchParameter>(); private Map<String, StructureDefinition> extensionDefinitions = new HashMap<String, StructureDefinition>(); private String version; private List<String> resourceNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, Questionnaire> questionnaires = new HashMap<String, Questionnaire>(); public WorkerContext() { super(); } public WorkerContext(ITerminologyServices conceptLocator, IFHIRClient client, Map<String, ValueSet> codeSystems, Map<String, ValueSet> valueSets, Map<String, ConceptMap> maps, Map<String, StructureDefinition> profiles) { super(); if (conceptLocator != null) this.terminologyServices = conceptLocator; if (client != null) this.client = client; if (codeSystems != null) this.codeSystems = codeSystems; if (valueSets != null) this.valueSets = valueSets; if (maps != null) this.maps = maps; if (profiles != null) this.profiles = profiles; } public ITerminologyServices getTerminologyServices() { return terminologyServices; } public boolean hasClient() { return !(client == null || client instanceof NullClient); } public IFHIRClient getClient() { return client; } public Map<String, ValueSet> getCodeSystems() { return codeSystems; } public Map<String, DataElement> getDataElements() { return dataElements; } public Map<String, ValueSet> getValueSets() { return valueSets; } public Map<String, ConceptMap> getMaps() { return maps; } public StructureDefinition getProfile(String theId) { return profiles.get(theId); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getProfile(String)} instead */ @Deprecated public Map<String, StructureDefinition> getProfiles() { return profiles; } public Map<String, StructureDefinition> getExtensionDefinitions() { return extensionDefinitions; } public Map<String, Questionnaire> getQuestionnaires() { return questionnaires; } public WorkerContext setTerminologyServices(ITerminologyServices terminologyServices) { this.terminologyServices = terminologyServices; return this; } public WorkerContext clone(IFHIRClient altClient) { WorkerContext res = new WorkerContext(terminologyServices, null, codeSystems, valueSets, maps, profiles); res.extensionDefinitions.putAll(extensionDefinitions); res.version = version; res.client = altClient; return res; } public void seeExtensionDefinition(String url, StructureDefinition ed) throws Exception { if (extensionDefinitions.get(ed.getUrl()) != null) throw new Exception("duplicate extension definition: " + ed.getUrl()); extensionDefinitions.put(ed.getId(), ed); extensionDefinitions.put(url, ed); extensionDefinitions.put(ed.getUrl(), ed); } public void seeQuestionnaire(String url, Questionnaire theQuestionnaire) throws Exception { if (questionnaires.get(theQuestionnaire.getId()) != null) throw new Exception("duplicate extension definition: "+theQuestionnaire.getId()); questionnaires.put(theQuestionnaire.getId(), theQuestionnaire); questionnaires.put(url, theQuestionnaire); } public void seeValueSet(String url, ValueSet vs) throws Exception { if (valueSets.containsKey(vs.getUrl())) throw new Exception("Duplicate Profile "+vs.getUrl()); valueSets.put(vs.getId(), vs); valueSets.put(url, vs); valueSets.put(vs.getUrl(), vs); if (vs.hasCodeSystem()) { codeSystems.put(vs.getCodeSystem().getSystem().toString(), vs); } } public void seeProfile(String url, StructureDefinition p) { if (profiles.containsKey(p.getUrl())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate Profile "+p.getUrl()); profiles.put(p.getId(), p); profiles.put(url, p); profiles.put(p.getUrl(), p); } public class NullClient implements IFHIRClient { @Override public VersionInfo getVersions() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public IFHIRClient initialize(String baseServiceUrl) throws URISyntaxException { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public void initialize(String baseServiceUrl, int recordCount) throws URISyntaxException { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public void setPreferredResourceFormat(ResourceFormat resourceFormat) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public String getPreferredResourceFormat() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public void setPreferredFeedFormat(FeedFormat feedFormat) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public String getPreferredFeedFormat() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public int getMaximumRecordCount() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public void setMaximumRecordCount(int recordCount) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Conformance getConformanceStatement() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Conformance getConformanceStatement(boolean useOptionsVerb) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> T read(Class<T> resource, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> T vread(Class<T> resource, String id, String versionid) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> T update(Class<T> resourceClass, T resource, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> boolean delete(Class<T> resourceClass, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> OperationOutcome create(Class<T> resourceClass, T resource) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Calendar lastUpdate, Class<T> resourceClass, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Date lastUpdate, Class<T> resourceClass, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Class<T> resource, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Calendar lastUpdate, Class<T> resourceClass) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Date lastUpdate, Class<T> resourceClass) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Class<T> resourceClass) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Calendar lastUpdate) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history(Date lastUpdate) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle history() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> OperationOutcome validate(Class<T> resourceClass, T resource, String id) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle search(Class<T> resourceClass, Map<String, String> params) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Bundle searchPost(Class<T> resourceClass, T resource, Map<String, String> params) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Bundle transaction(Bundle batch) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Bundle fetchFeed(String url) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public ValueSet expandValueset(ValueSet source) throws Exception { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public <T extends Resource> Parameters operateType(Class<T> resourceClass, String name, Parameters params) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Conformance getConformanceStatementQuick() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public Conformance getConformanceStatementQuick(boolean useOptionsVerb) { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } @Override public String getAddress() { throw new Error("call to NullClient"); } } public StructureDefinition getExtensionStructure(StructureDefinition context, String url) throws Exception { if (url.startsWith("#")) { throw new Error("Contained extensions not done yet"); } else { if (url.contains("#")) url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("#")); StructureDefinition res = extensionDefinitions.get(url); if (res == null) res = profiles.get(url); if (res == null) return null; if (res.getSnapshot() == null || res.getSnapshot().getElement().isEmpty()) throw new Exception("no snapshot on extension for url " + url); return res; } } public class NullTerminologyServices implements ITerminologyServices { @Override public boolean supportsSystem(String system) { return false; } @Override public ConceptDefinitionComponent getCodeDefinition(String system, String code) { throw new Error("call to NullTerminologyServices"); } @Override public ValidationResult validateCode(String system, String code, String display) { throw new Error("call to NullTerminologyServices"); } @Override public ValueSetExpansionComponent expandVS(ConceptSetComponent inc) throws Exception { throw new Error("call to NullTerminologyServices"); } @Override public boolean checkVS(ConceptSetComponent vsi, String system, String code) { throw new Error("call to NullTerminologyServices"); } @Override public boolean verifiesSystem(String system) { return false; } @Override public ValueSetExpansionOutcome expand(ValueSet vs) { throw new Error("call to NullTerminologyServices"); } } public String getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } @Override public boolean isResource(String name) { if (resourceNames.contains(name)) return true; StructureDefinition sd = profiles.get("" + name); return sd != null && (sd.getBase().endsWith("Resource") || sd.getBase().endsWith("DomainResource")); } public List<String> getResourceNames() { return resourceNames; } public StructureDefinition getTypeStructure(TypeRefComponent type) { if (type.hasProfile()) return profiles.get(type.getProfile().get(0).getValue()); else return profiles.get(type.getCode()); } public Map<String, SearchParameter> getSearchParameters() { return searchParameters; } }