package; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR - Core Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterAnd; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException; import; import; public class DateRangeParam implements IQueryParameterAnd<DateParam> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private DateParam myLowerBound; private DateParam myUpperBound; /** * Basic constructor. Values must be supplied by calling {@link #setLowerBound(DateParam)} and * {@link #setUpperBound(DateParam)} */ public DateRangeParam() { super(); } /** * Constructor which takes two Dates representing the lower and upper bounds of the range (inclusive on both ends) * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public DateRangeParam(Date theLowerBound, Date theUpperBound) { setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theLowerBound, theUpperBound); } /** * Sets the range from a single date param. If theDateParam has no qualifier, treats it as the lower and upper bound * (e.g. 2011-01-02 would match any time on that day). If theDateParam has a qualifier, treats it as either the lower * or upper bound, with no opposite bound. */ public DateRangeParam(DateParam theDateParam) { if (theDateParam == null) { throw new NullPointerException("theDateParam can not be null"); } if (theDateParam.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("theDateParam can not be empty"); } if (theDateParam.getPrefix() == null) { setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theDateParam.getValueAsString(), theDateParam.getValueAsString()); } else { switch (theDateParam.getPrefix()) { case EQUAL: setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theDateParam.getValueAsString(), theDateParam.getValueAsString()); break; case STARTS_AFTER: case GREATERTHAN: case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: myLowerBound = theDateParam; myUpperBound = null; break; case ENDS_BEFORE: case LESSTHAN: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: myLowerBound = null; myUpperBound = theDateParam; break; default: // Should not happen throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid comparator for date range parameter:" + theDateParam.getPrefix() + ". This is a bug."); } } validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } /** * Constructor which takes two Dates representing the lower and upper bounds of the range (inclusive on both ends) * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public DateRangeParam(DateParam theLowerBound, DateParam theUpperBound) { setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theLowerBound, theUpperBound); } /** * Constructor which takes two Dates representing the lower and upper bounds of the range (inclusive on both ends) * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public DateRangeParam(IPrimitiveType<Date> theLowerBound, IPrimitiveType<Date> theUpperBound) { setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theLowerBound, theUpperBound); } /** * Constructor which takes two strings representing the lower and upper bounds of the range (inclusive on both ends) * * @param theLowerBound * An unqualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Either theLowerBound or theUpperBound may both be populated, or * one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * An unqualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Either theLowerBound or theUpperBound may both be populated, or * one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public DateRangeParam(String theLowerBound, String theUpperBound) { setRangeFromDatesInclusive(theLowerBound, theUpperBound); } private void addParam(DateParam theParsed) throws InvalidRequestException { if (theParsed.getPrefix() == null || theParsed.getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL) { if (myLowerBound != null || myUpperBound != null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Can not have multiple date range parameters for the same param without a qualifier"); } myLowerBound = new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL, theParsed.getValueAsString()); myUpperBound = new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL, theParsed.getValueAsString()); } else { switch (theParsed.getPrefix()) { case GREATERTHAN: case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: if (myLowerBound != null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Can not have multiple date range parameters for the same param that specify a lower bound"); } myLowerBound = theParsed; break; case LESSTHAN: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: if (myUpperBound != null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Can not have multiple date range parameters for the same param that specify an upper bound"); } myUpperBound = theParsed; break; default: throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown comparator: " + theParsed.getPrefix()); } } } public DateParam getLowerBound() { return myLowerBound; } public Date getLowerBoundAsInstant() { if (myLowerBound == null) { return null; } Date retVal = myLowerBound.getValue(); if (myLowerBound.getPrefix() != null) { switch (myLowerBound.getPrefix()) { case GREATERTHAN: case STARTS_AFTER: retVal = myLowerBound.getPrecision().add(retVal, 1); break; case EQUAL: case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: break; case LESSTHAN: case APPROXIMATE: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: case ENDS_BEFORE: case NOT_EQUAL: throw new IllegalStateException("Unvalid lower bound comparator: " + myLowerBound.getPrefix()); } } return retVal; } public DateParam getUpperBound() { return myUpperBound; } public Date getUpperBoundAsInstant() { if (myUpperBound == null) { return null; } Date retVal = myUpperBound.getValue(); if (myUpperBound.getPrefix() != null) { switch (myUpperBound.getPrefix()) { case LESSTHAN: case ENDS_BEFORE: retVal = new Date(retVal.getTime() - 1L); break; case EQUAL: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: retVal = myUpperBound.getPrecision().add(retVal, 1); retVal = new Date(retVal.getTime() - 1L); break; case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: case GREATERTHAN: case APPROXIMATE: case NOT_EQUAL: case STARTS_AFTER: throw new IllegalStateException("Unvalid upper bound comparator: " + myUpperBound.getPrefix()); } } return retVal; } @Override public List<DateParam> getValuesAsQueryTokens() { ArrayList<DateParam> retVal = new ArrayList<DateParam>(); if (myLowerBound != null && !myLowerBound.isEmpty()) { retVal.add((myLowerBound)); } if (myUpperBound != null && !myUpperBound.isEmpty()) { retVal.add((myUpperBound)); } return retVal; } private boolean haveLowerBound() { return myLowerBound != null && myLowerBound.isEmpty() == false; } private boolean haveUpperBound() { return myUpperBound != null && myUpperBound.isEmpty() == false; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (getLowerBoundAsInstant() == null) && (getUpperBoundAsInstant() == null); } public void setLowerBound(DateParam theLowerBound) { myLowerBound = theLowerBound; validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } /** * Sets the range from a pair of dates, inclusive on both ends * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public void setRangeFromDatesInclusive(Date theLowerBound, Date theUpperBound) { myLowerBound = theLowerBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS, theLowerBound) : null; myUpperBound = theUpperBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS, theUpperBound) : null; validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } /** * Sets the range from a pair of dates, inclusive on both ends * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public void setRangeFromDatesInclusive(DateParam theLowerBound, DateParam theUpperBound) { myLowerBound = theLowerBound; myUpperBound = theUpperBound; validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } /** * Sets the range from a pair of dates, inclusive on both ends. Note that if * theLowerBound is after theUpperBound, thie method will automatically reverse * the order of the arguments in order to create an inclusive range. * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public void setRangeFromDatesInclusive(IPrimitiveType<Date> theLowerBound, IPrimitiveType<Date> theUpperBound) { IPrimitiveType<Date> lowerBound = theLowerBound; IPrimitiveType<Date> upperBound = theUpperBound; if (lowerBound != null && lowerBound.getValue() != null && upperBound != null && upperBound.getValue() != null) { if (lowerBound.getValue().after(upperBound.getValue())) { IPrimitiveType<Date> temp = lowerBound; lowerBound = upperBound; upperBound = temp; } } myLowerBound = lowerBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS, lowerBound) : null; myUpperBound = upperBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS, upperBound) : null; validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } /** * Sets the range from a pair of dates, inclusive on both ends * * @param theLowerBound * A qualified date param representing the lower date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. * @param theUpperBound * A qualified date param representing the upper date bound (optionally may include time), e.g. * "2011-02-22" or "2011-02-22T13:12:00Z". Will be treated inclusively. Either theLowerBound or * theUpperBound may both be populated, or one may be null, but it is not valid for both to be null. */ public void setRangeFromDatesInclusive(String theLowerBound, String theUpperBound) { myLowerBound = theLowerBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS, theLowerBound) : null; myUpperBound = theUpperBound != null ? new DateParam(ParamPrefixEnum.LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS, theUpperBound) : null; //FIXME potential null access on theLowerBound if (isNotBlank(theLowerBound) && isNotBlank(theUpperBound) && theLowerBound.equals(theUpperBound)) { myLowerBound.setPrefix(ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL); myUpperBound.setPrefix(ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL); } validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } public void setUpperBound(DateParam theUpperBound) { myUpperBound = theUpperBound; validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid(); } @Override public void setValuesAsQueryTokens(FhirContext theContext, String theParamName, List<QualifiedParamList> theParameters) throws InvalidRequestException { boolean haveHadUnqualifiedParameter = false; for (QualifiedParamList paramList : theParameters) { if (paramList.size() == 0) { continue; } if (paramList.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException("DateRange parameter does not suppport OR queries"); } String param = paramList.get(0); /* * Since ' ' is escaped as '+' we'll be nice to anyone might have accidentally not * escaped theirs */ param = param.replace(' ', '+'); DateParam parsed = new DateParam(); parsed.setValueAsQueryToken(theContext, theParamName, paramList.getQualifier(), param); addParam(parsed); if (parsed.getPrefix() == null) { if (haveHadUnqualifiedParameter) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Multiple date parameters with the same name and no qualifier (>, <, etc.) is not supported"); } haveHadUnqualifiedParameter = true; } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); b.append("["); if (haveLowerBound()) { if (myLowerBound.getPrefix() != null) { b.append(myLowerBound.getPrefix().getValue()); } b.append(myLowerBound.getValueAsString()); } if (haveUpperBound()) { if (haveLowerBound()) { b.append(" "); } if (myUpperBound.getPrefix() != null) { b.append(myUpperBound.getPrefix().getValue()); } b.append(myUpperBound.getValueAsString()); } else { if (!haveLowerBound()) { b.append("empty"); } } b.append("]"); return b.toString(); } private void validateAndThrowDataFormatExceptionIfInvalid() { boolean haveLowerBound = haveLowerBound(); boolean haveUpperBound = haveUpperBound(); if (haveLowerBound && haveUpperBound) { if (myLowerBound.getValue().getTime() > myUpperBound.getValue().getTime()) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("Lower bound of "); b.append(myLowerBound.getValueAsString()); b.append(" is after upper bound of "); b.append(myUpperBound.getValueAsString()); throw new DataFormatException(b.toString()); } } if (haveLowerBound) { if (myLowerBound.getPrefix() == null) { myLowerBound.setPrefix(ParamPrefixEnum.GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS); } switch (myLowerBound.getPrefix()) { case GREATERTHAN: case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: default: break; case LESSTHAN: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: throw new DataFormatException("Lower bound comparator must be > or >=, can not be " + myLowerBound.getPrefix().getValue()); } } if (haveUpperBound) { if (myUpperBound.getPrefix() == null) { myUpperBound.setPrefix(ParamPrefixEnum.LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS); } switch (myUpperBound.getPrefix()) { case LESSTHAN: case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: default: break; case GREATERTHAN: case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: throw new DataFormatException("Upper bound comparator must be < or <=, can not be " + myUpperBound.getPrefix().getValue()); } } } }